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27. Why was Athens unpopular during the
years leading up to the Peloponnesian War?
Please include at least two pieces of specific
information for full credit. (3 points)
• As Athens came to dominate the Delian League and turn the it
into the Athenian Empire, Athens began to treat other members
like subjects (it began to bully other members).
• Athens gained the most power/money/land, and the other citystates became jealous.
• Specific Information (at least 2 examples needed for full credit)
* Other city-states had to ask Athens for permission
to sail or trade.
* Criminal cases were brought to Athens for trial
27. Why was Athens unpopular during the
years leading up to the Peloponnesian War?
Please include at least two pieces of specific
information for full credit. (3 points)
• Specific Information (continued)
* Athenian coins replaced other Greek money.
* Athenian soldiers interfered in the politics of other
Greek city-states.
* Athens took money that belonged to the Delian
League and used it to beautify the acropolis.
* Pericles built the Long Walls with money from the
Delian League.
* Once a city-state became a Delian League
member, Athens would not allow it to leave.
* Athens attacked a Spartan ally (Corinth)
28. What were the two main sides of the
Peloponnesian War? (1 point)
The Delian League and The Peloponnesian League
29. When Athens failed in its invasion of a
certain city in Sicily, it proved to be a major
turning point in the Peloponnesian War.
What is the name of the city? (1 point)
30. Why was Hellespont (405 BCE) an
important battle of the Peloponnesian War?
(2 points)
When the Peloponnesian League (Sparta)
defeated the Delian League (Athens) at the
Hellespont Straits, the Delian League was cut off
from its food supply.
31. How did the results of the
Peloponnesian War make the Hellenistic
Period possible? (3 points)
The Peloponnesian War weakened all of Greece,
leaving it in a vulnerable position. Philip II of
Macedonia took advantage of the situation and
conquered Greece. When Alexander the Great
took over from Philip, he conquered much more
territory and spread Greek culture wherever he
went (that’s the beginning of the Hellenistic Period).
32. Give two convincing reasons why
Alexander III should be considered “the
Great.” (2 points)
Answers will vary but they need to be
convincing (which means they have to be
somewhat specific).
33. Any good definition of democracy
includes 2 important principles. What are
they? (2 points)
• All members of the society have equal access to
• All members of the society possess universally
recognized freedoms and liberties (that the
government cannot take away).