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Mycenaeans(Greece Mainland): 1,900-1,100 BCE
Ancient Greece: 750-300 BCE
Government = Monarchy -high walls on top of huge hills.
Polytheistic = Buried in tombs called tholos on high mountains.
Motives = Valued war & conquering others
Helen of Sparta / Troy
was said to have been the catalyst for The Trojan War.
Helen of Queen Creek
Why is there a need for the story of Helen?
Is it based on truth?
From who’s perspective?
What human theme is it revealing?
Pre-Ancient Greece
Mt. Olympus
Minoan (Crete)
City States prospered because of the amount of ports they
Had. Each city state developed differently and exported their own
product for profit such as wine, pottery, and olive oil. Due to the
environment and the inability to grow essential sustainable food
products, each city states had to import products such as
Grains, fish, timber and metal from the west. In order to produce
cheap product most city states used slaves brought in from the
Black Sea region. Each city state governed themselves as a separate
Entity. The only string that tied them all together was that they would
need to raise an army in case the “empire” was attacked
Some city states chose to rule by the people some chose to rule by
the few or oligarchy.
By 750 BCE a revival of Greek City States Emerged.
Byzantium *
…But by 1100 BCE war with each other and a series of bad
earthquakes sent the empire spiraling downward. For the next 350
years Greek Civilization lived in their own Dark Ages.
Phoenicians: 1,100-330 BCE
& the Odyssey
S - Solomon = Wisdom
H - Hercules = Strength
A - Atlas = Stamina
Z - Zeus = Power
A - Achilles = Courage
M - Mercury = Speed
Greek Independent Polis
“By the people” or
Rule of the many
A few powerful rulers
…With the enlightenment of free thinking, and a blending of various trading
partners, the people of Greece became very powerful.
GREEK POLIS (city-states)
Like “Metropolis”
When iron became more abundant and replaced expensive bronze weapons,
more steel weapons were in the hands of the Greek people or hoplites
This fearsome formation of the
military was known as a phalanx.
Allowed the people to assemble
and gave in to their ideas and
Demands of the people.
After having to put down a rebellion
of the Helots (the working class), Spartan
Rulers decided to have a military state.
“Highly Self Disciplined”
gained city-state status in 730 BCE
-Men enter the military at age 20
& lived in the barracks until they
are 30.
- They stayed in the military
until they were 60.
-government was an oligarchy
headed by two kings, who led
the army. A group of 5 men
known as the Ephors were
elected each year and
responsible for the education of
the youth.
-28 male citizens over 60 made
up the council who only voted
w/ no debate.
-They did not fear death.
-Spartan woman stayed at home.
Freedom to travel throughout
Greece, and had more power
than other women in Greece.
-They had to remain fit and raise
healthy children.
-No one could travel outside to foreign are
as and foreigners were not allowed in.
- They were discouraged from studying
literature, philosophy, history and art.
Gained city state status in 700 BCE
A reformed minded aristocrat
named Solon (594 BCE) was given
sole power of the oligarchy because
of the serious economic problems
arising in Athens and civil war seemed
Likely. Solon canceled all debts, but didn’t
want to force the rich to give land to the poor,
so he was overthrown by people that did
Otherwise known as tyranny.
It wasn’t until 510 BCE when Cleisthenes,
backed by many Athenians gained control.
He ordered an assembly of 500 members
to make up an Athenian council, comprised
of all men to represent the people.
The assembly passed laws which were to
benefit the people.
Laws typically prohibited woman as well
as slaves from voting, or traveling or working
outside of the home or owning land.
Mycenaeans (2000 BCE)
Phoenicians (1100 BCE),
Greeks (600 BCE)
Assyrian hostel takeover of Babylon
The Assyrian strategy for conquest depended heavily on psychological warfare.
They would first send their "cup-bearers” the representatives of the king to try and
persuade a city to surrender without a fight. If this failed, the Assyrian army would
then surround the city and shout at the defenders, trying to convince them that
resistance was useless. Woe to the people who still refused to capitulate, for if forced
to fight, the Assyrians would then bring out their giant wheeled siege towers and
enormous armored battering rams to breach the city walls.
In 721 BCE, the Assyrian army captured the Israelite
capital at Samaria and carried
away the citizens of the northern kingdom into
The virtual destruction of Israel left the southern
kingdom, Judah,
o fend for itself in the whirlwind of warring Near
Eastern kingdoms.
At the time of Samaria's fall, there existed two kings in
Judah —
Ahaz and his son Hezekiah — who ruled as co-regents.
Judah existed as a vassal to Assyria during this time and
was forced to pay an annual tribute to the powerful
empire.In 715 BCE, following the death of Ahaz,
Hezekiah became the sole regent of Judah and initiated
widespreadreligious changes, including the breaking of
religious idols. He re-captured Philistine-occupied lands
in the Negev desert,
formed alliances with Ashkelon and Egypt, and made a
stand against Assyria by refusing to pay tribute. In
response, Sennacherib attacked Judah, laying siege on
Column I
“Sennacherib, the great king, the mighty king, king of the
universe, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the
earth); the wise ruler (lit. shepherd, "pastor"), favorite of the
great gods, guardian of the right, lover of justice; who lends
support, who comes to the aid of the needy, who turns (his
thoughts) to pious deeds; perfect hero, mighty man; first
among all princes, the powerful one who consumes the
insubmissive, who strikes the wicked with the thunderbolt;
the god Assur, the great mountain, an unrivaled kingship has
entrusted to me, and above all those who dwell in palaces,
has made powerful my weapons; from the upper sea of the
setting sun to the lower sea of the rising sun, all humankind
(the black-headed race) he has brought in submission at my
feet and mighty kings feared my warfare –”
Column 4
“I slew the governors and nobles who had committed sin (that is, rebelled),
and hung their bodies on stakes around the city. The citizens who sinned and
treated (Assyria) lightly, I counted as spoil. Padi, their king, I brought out of
Jerusalem, set him on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him my
kingly tribute. As for Hezekiah, the Jew, who did not submit to my yoke, 46
of his strong, walled cities, as well as the small cities in their neighborhood,
which were without number,-by levelling with battering-rams and by
bringing up siege-engines, by attacking and storming on foot, by mines,
tunnels and breaches, I besieged and took (those cities). 200,150 people,
great and small, male and female, horses, mules, asses, camels, cattle and
sheep, without number, I brought away from them and counted as spoil.
Himself, like a caged bird I shut up in Jerusalem his royal city.”
First Library
King Ashurbanipal’s Palace in Ninevah 700 BCE
Assyrian Empire 700 BCE - 612 BCE
The Assyrians Take
over the Babylonians
Nebuchadnezzar 612 BCE
“Nebuchadnezzar treacherously massacred the king.
He then carried away into captivity 5,000 Judeans and
7,000 from the other tribes, including all the nobles and
scholars of the city. “
Although The Babylonians reclaim their land from the Assyrians,
their glory did not last long, The Persians captured Babylon
in 539 BCE, when Cyrus was welcomed into Babylonian cities.
Recaptured the
great city.
Cyrus the Great (532 BCE)
Cambyses (son of Cyrus)
Darius (followed Cambyses)- set up satrap
Political Structure of the Persian Empire
Ruled by a King
- 20 satrapies (provinces) ruled by the satraps (governors)
- Each satrap reported back to the king
- anyone could live within the empire as long as you paid
taxes to the empire
- Cyrus (559 - 530 BCE) AKA “Cyrus the Great” to the Jews
- His treatment of Babylonia showed a great deal of
restraint and wisdom. He demonstrated compassion
in his conquest and organization of his empire. He was
- Darius (521 - 486 BCE) AKA “Grandson of Cyrus”
Advanced Technology
-Well maintained roads
- which provided food, shelter and fresh horses along
the way
- The Royal Road (from Lydia to Susa)
- used for trade and travel
- Zoroastrianism (Monotheistic) Holy Book = Zend Avesta
Zoroaster born in 660 BC revered as a prophet of
Ahuramazda (creator of all things, the wise lord, supreme
God). He did not go unopposed, the evil spirit Ahrima
opposed him. Ahuramazda gave humans the freedom to
choses between right and wrong. The good person will
Chose the right way.
Persian Empire 539 BCE -520 BCE
Warm Up
So, Which is more successful?
Sparta or Athens?
Please place your Test Analysis
stapled to your answer sheet on the
back blue table.
Herodotus Histories
PericlesProtected the Athenians.
Classical Greece
Socrates (470 – 399 BCE) -
Socratic Method
A style of teaching which uses a
question-and-answer method in order to reach a deeper
Plato (428 – 347BCE)– Wrote the Republic
outlined a perfectly governed society (not a
democracy- (“mob rule”)
3 groups – farmers, artisans, warriors
Aristotle – Questioned the natural world
He invented a way to argue according to rules
of logic based on the natural world.
He had a student who was a prince named
Band of Philosophers
Directions: From the quotes provided please select the one that bests suits the Greek philosophers
( Socrates, Aristotle, Plato), then explain why that philosopher said this.
“There is only one good; knowledge and one evil, ignorance.”
“The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about
the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers
of his own assertions.”
“He who studies how things originated and came
into being…..will achieve the clearest view of them.”
Classical Greek
Wrote the play Osteria about how evil deeds breeds evil.
At the end logic overcomes evils.
Wrote Oedipus Rex. A story how a man tries to
control his own destiny but fails.
- Wrote stories about war realistically
Thucydides – Was a historian that was
actually a general who fought in both
the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars.
Alexander “The Great?”
346 BCE – Aristotle invited to Macedonia as a tutor for Alexander
340 BCE – Allies of Sparta and Macedonia meet Phillip and help invades the Bosporus Straight
338 BCE – Alexandra is an ambassador to Sparta
337 BCE – Macedonians and Greek Polis’ form the Hellenic League
336 BCE – Assassination of Phillip and Alexander is the new king of Macedonia (He is 20 yrs old)
335 BCE – Alexander “deals” with Thrace, Illyria and Thebe’s Revolts
333 BCE – Alexander and troops advance South
July of 332 BCE – The Fall of Tyre (6,000 people are slaughtered)
331 BCE – Alexander renames a city after himself in Egypt
330 BCE – The sacking of Persopolis, goes after Darius II, but find him dead
329 BCE – Troops pass over the Hindu Kush Mountains – the invasion of India begins
325 BCE – Revolt of the Bactria (3,000 people die)
324 BCE – Raid of Cyrus Tomb and Palace
323 BCE – Harapalus of Crete (friend of Alexander) is assassinated
May 30, 323 BCE – Alexander goes to a dinner party and falls ill that evening
June 9, 10, or 11 BCE – Alexander dies of fever in Mesopotamia
Alexander of Macedonia Conquest 331 - 300 BCE
Aristarchus: Believed that the sun
was the center of the universe.
Eratosthenes: calculated the circumference
of the earth using mathematic
Archimedes: water displacements & gravity, the lever