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SQL Server™ Security:
Best Practices
Gert E.R. Drapers
Software Architect
Customer Advisory Team
SQL Server Development
The World has Changed…
SQL Server Security Threats
Securing SQL Server
Multi-tier Security Scenarios
Best Practices
Increasing Threat…
A decade ago, databases were:
Physically secure
Housed in central data centers – not distributed
External access mediated through clerks, purchasing managers,
Security issues rarely reported
Now increasingly DB’s externally accessible:
Suppliers directly connected
Customers directly connected
Customers & partners directly sharing data
Data is most valuable resource in application stack
Value increases with greater integration & aggregation
Opportunities for data theft, modification, or destruction
DB security a growing problem:
101 DB alerts since January 2001--
Two database issues on SANS/FBI top 20 list
Incidents Reported
CERT / CC incident statistics 1988 through 2002
Incident: single security issue grouping together all
impacts of that issue
Issues: disruption, DOS, loss of data, misuse, damage,
loss of confidentiality
The World has Changed…
SQL Server Security Threats
Securing SQL Server
Multi-tier Security Scenarios
Best Practices
Common Security Issues
Ownership Chains
Dynamic T-SQL inside stored procedures
Changing Object Owner
Should everything be owned by dbo?
SQL injection
Ownership Chaining
If calling object and caller object have
same owner; permissions check skipped
on called object
Can be used to hide underlying schema
through views and/or stored procedures
Leverage ownership chaining to manage
Ownership Chaining…
create table user1.t1 (c1 int not null)
create proc user2.proc1 as
select * from user1.t1 return
If user3 has execute permissions on
user2.proc1, (s)he still need select permissions
on user1.t1 Execute permissions
Select permissions
checked for User3
checked for User3
Execute permissions
checked for User3
NO permisssions
checked for User3
Dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL inside stored procedures runs in
the security context of the executor of the proc,
not in the owner of the stored proc
This is a security feature to protect you!
create proc myproc @p1 nvarchar(500) as
exec (@p1) return 0
Malicious user:
exec myproc “sp_addlogin ‘joe’ exec
sp_addsrvrolemember ‘joe’,’sysadmin’ ”
And you’re sysadmin… 
Changing Object Owner
If you drop a user you must first drop /
reassign all their objects
Use sp_changeobjectowner
Don’t directly update the system tables
Not supported!
SQL Server development team is working
on a better long-term fix for the next
DBO Own Everything?
No, the issue here is to avoid ownership
No need at all to have everything owned
by dbo
But it does simplify name resolution
Names resolved as your username, then
dbo to find objects
Only sysadmins can execute by default
Runs as the service account or as the
proxy account
Best practices:
Don’t grant unnecessarily
Don’t run the service as an administrator
Never run on a domain controller and grant
permissions to xp_cmdshell
Use wrapper Stored Procedure
SQL Injection
Class of attack where attacker can insert
or manipulate queries created by the
application which are send to backend
Why does SQL injection work?
Application accepts arbitrary user input
Trusting the user to provide well-formed data
Connections are made in context of higher
privileged account
Why It’s Wrong (1 Of 2)
Good Guy
Name: 1001
SELECT HasShipped
FROM detail
WHERE ID=‘1001'
Not so Good Guy
Name: 1001' or 1=1 -SELECT HasShipped
FROM detail
WHERE ID=‘1001' or 1=1 -- '
Why It’s Wrong (2 Of 2)
Really Bad Guy
Name: 1001’ drop table orders -SELECT HasShipped
FROM detail
WHERE ID= ‘1001' drop table orders -- '
Downright Evil Guy
Name: 1001’ xp_cmdshell(‘fdisk.exe’) -SELECT HasShipped
FROM detail
WHERE ID= 'b' xp_cmdshell(‘fdisk.exe’) -- '
SQL Injection – C#
string Status = "No";
string sqlstring ="";
try {
SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(
@"data source=localhost;" +
"user id=sa;password=password;");
sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped" +
" FROM detail WHERE ID='" + Id + "'";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql);
if ((int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() != 0)
Status = "Yes";
} catch (SqlException se) {
Status = sqlstring + " failed\n\r";
foreach (SqlError e in se.Errors) {
Status += e.Message + "\n\r";
} catch (Exception e) {
Status = e.ToString();
Pseudo Remedies
Quoting the Input
Escaping character input does not protect
you from SQL injection attacks
Use Stored Procedures
When called as a literal it is still a risk
Dynamic SQL can be exploited
Never connect as sysadmin
Least privilege principle
Building secure SQL statements
Input validation: check of valid input; rest is bad.
Don’t check for bad input, you will always miss a case
Use stored procedure to hide application logic
Use parameterized input, not string concatenation
Multi layered input checking: application, stored
procedure, database schema
No direct access to base tables
The World has Changed…
SQL Server Security Threats
Securing SQL Server
Multi-tier Security Scenarios
Best Practices
Secure Installation
Physical security
Protect all related systems, media, backups, etc.
Never place RDBMS unprotected on public net
Nor on private net
Firewall protected
S/W mediating database access
Install on NTFS file system
This allows securing the files appropriately
Do not install on a Domain Controller
Use low privilege service account
Do not use LocalSystem, Local (machine) or Domain
Prevents compromised database to be used to bootstrap access
to rest of enterprise
Latest code is most secure code
Apply latest service packs and security patches!
Configuration Options
Authentication Mode
Use Integrated Security (Windows Authentication)
More Secure Protocols (Kerberos and NTLM)
Kerberos allows for delegation
Allows for password policy enforcements
Typically does not require app storing passwords
If using Mixed mode (Standard SQL Authentication)
Always use SSL to encrypt at least the login packets
Use strong passwords
Never use blank passwords!
Login Auditing
At a minimum audit failed login attempts!
Disallow ad hoc queries
Choose static ports for named instances
Avoid opening UDP1434 at firewall
Secure Operation
Understand the security model, see:
Security White Paper for SQL 2000
Security White Paper for SQL 7.0
Security section of SQL Server 2000 Operations Guide
Only configure and run needed features
Replication, Agent, SQL Mail etc.
xp_cmdshell usage
Do not change default permissions
If required, never set proxy account to administrator
Smallest possible admin groups
Don’t place all enterprise/machine administrators in one group
Changing service accounts
Use Enterprise Manager
KB article Q283811
Disallow direct catalog updates
Secure Operation
Media security including backups
Assume damage possible and have aggressive backup policy
Test disaster recovery system
Turn on appropriate level of auditing
Track critical user actions at a minimum
Example: sysadmin actions, server role membership changes, password
changes, login related activity, etc.
Keep overhead minimum
Encryption options
Protect sensitive data over the wire
Use SSL, IPSEC, VPN etc.
File level encryption
Prevents illicit copying of database files
SQL supports Encrypted File System (EFS)
Third party:
Security Diagnostics
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Graphical & command line tool
Performs local & remote scans
Scans for missing weaknesses in:
Windows, IIS and SQL server
Enables customers to verify the security of the current configuration
of their systems
Built in association with Shavlik systems
Example SQL Server checks:
Blank SA passwords, file and Registry permissions, number of
sysadmins, exposure of xp_cmdshell to non sysadmins, etc.
MBSA version 1.1 supports multiple instances
Security Diagnostics…
Scan for/Remove accounts with NULL passwords
Remove old unused logins
Scan for objects with permissions granted to public
Verify login-user mapping
Interesting in attach/detach scenarios
sp_change_users_login with report option
Enumerate membership in privileged roles
Ensure membership to trusted individuals only
Ensure start-up procedures are safe and trusted
Verify file and registry key permissions
Ensure passwords not present in install files
Run killpwd utility
The World has Changed…
SQL Server Security Threats
Securing SQL Server
Multi-tier Security Scenarios
Best Practices
Multi-Tier Security Scenarios
Three possible options
Flowing original caller to database
Single Windows context to database
Single connection to database using standard
SQL Server authentication
Consider IIS, to ASP.NET talking to SQL
Flowing Caller Context
All machines need to be on single or trusted
Active directory required
Kerberos and delegation need to be enabled
Impersonation must be enabled in ASP.NET
The service needs to be trusted for delegation
All security enforced in SQL server
Full audit-ability of all user actions
Not always feasible in extranet/internet scenarios
Connection pooling is limited
Original callers cannot share connections
Single Context (Windows)
Run ASP.NET as low privileged account
End users authenticate at app level
DB trusts app to authenticate users
Connection to DB made in context of ASP.NET account
Recommend low privileged domain account
Alternatively, local windows account on SQL server box with same
username and password
Useful if connection made across non-trusted domain
Account has only necessary run time permissions in SQL
Is not a high privileged account; not a sysadmin
No storage of credentials needed
No need to pass credentials over the wire to SQL
Running as low privileged account, minimizes potential damage from
Connection pooling possible as single account is used
Single SQL Context
End users authenticate at app level
DB trusts app to authenticate users
Connection to DB using standard SQL login and password
Use Low privileged login account
Use Strong passwords
Leverage SSL to protect authentication over the wire
Secure Credentials in middle tier using data protection APIs
Encrypted using service’s credentials
Only same service account can decrypt
Credentials storage required
Standard SQL auth weaker than windows auth
Works across firewalls and non trusted domains
Connection pooling possible
The World has Changed…
SQL Server Security Threats
Securing SQL Server
Multi-tier Security Scenarios
Best Practices
SQL Server Best Practices
Don’t run SQL Server service under Administrator or
LocalSystem account
Remove BUILTIN\Administrators from sysadmins
If you must use Mixed mode
Use strong passwords
Never use a blank password
Leverage SSL
Apply the latest security patches
Turn on appropriate level of auditing and tracing
Constantly monitor logs for security related alerts
Do not overload sysadmin role
Application Best Practices
Use low privileged accounts
Only capable of actions needed to run application
Use different account for administration
Use Windows authentication rather than SQL Server
Easier to secure, leverages Windows security policies
No password storage required
If using SQL authentication, use SSL
Turn on Encryption for sensitive data
Use roles for permissions and ownership
Ease of management
Objects owned by roles, need not be dropped/renamed when user
Do not grant permissions to public
Don’t return “too detailed” error messages to users
Can reveal information to attackers in multi phase attacks
SQL Injection Best Practices
Do not trust the user’s input!
Be strict about what represents valid input and reject
everything else
Regular expressions are your friend!
Any client-side access and validity checks are performed
on the server also
Do not use string concatenation for creating
SQL statements
Use parameterized queries to build queries
Do not divulge too much information/detail to the attacker
(information disclosure)
Connect to the database server using a low-privileged
No connections to SQL Server as sa or sysadmin role member
SP3 Security Changes
Requiring non blank SA passwords on upgrade
Option to by-pass if really required
Non blank strong SA password highly recommended
Password required for autofix option
No creation of logins with NULL pwds
Changing database ownership
Only sysadmins can
Restriction to prevent cross DB escalation of privilege
Cross DB Ownership Chaining
Off by default; option to turn on at instance level
Per database knob as well
Marking system objects
On sysadmin can mark objects as system objects
Writing Secure Code v2 MS Press
Threat Profiling Microsoft SQL Server
Cracking SQL Server Passwords
Advanced SQL Injection
(more) Advanced SQL Injection
SQL Injection FAQ
SQLSecurity Checklist
Lockdown Script Project
Tools (SQLPing, etc.)
Manipulating Microsoft SQL Server Using SQL Injection
Introduction to Database and Application Worms
You are always at risk and vulnerable
Do not trust the user’s input
Principle of least privilege
“Closed by default”
Actively & regularly look for irregularities
Stay up-to-update & informed!
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