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for JDBC, iPlanet, and
Delimited Text
Jason Elsberry
Software Engineer
Novell, Inc.
[email protected]
Steve Trottier
Software Engineer
Novell, Inc.
[email protected]
Vision…one Net
A world where networks of all types—corporate and public,
intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as
one Net and securely connect employees, customers,
suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries
To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net
business solutions that enable people, processes, and
systems to work together and our customers to profit from
the opportunities of a networked world
What Do these Drivers Have
in Common?
• They are all multi-purpose
 Directories
(LDAP Driver)
 Databases (JDBC Driver)
 Text Files (Delimited Text Driver)
• Creative use of style sheets allows drivers
to be flexible
DirXML™ Overview
• DirXML allows data synchronization between
Novell eDirectory™ and other applications,
directories and databases
• Novell eDirectory acts as the data “hub”
• Data can flow from an application into eDirectory
(publisher channel) or from eDirectory into an
application (subscriber channel)
DirXML Overview
• Two main types of DirXML configuration
 DirXML
• DirXML rules are optional
• DirXML rules define or modify the driver behavior
style sheets
XSLT is a standard way of modifying source XML documents
Any DirXML rule can be replaced by an XSLT style sheet
XSLT style sheets can be more flexible than DirXML rules
XSLT is usually more difficult to learn than DirXML rules
DirXML Overview
• Other elements of DirXML configuration
 Sample
driver configuration (import files)
 DirXML objects
Driver set objects
Driver objects
Subscriber channel objects
Publisher channel objects
DirXML Driver for LDAP
• Supported LDAP servers
 Netscape
Directory Server 4.12
 iPlanet Directory Server 5.0
 IBM SecureWay Directory
 Critical Path InJoin Server
 Others are untested, but may work
• Requires standard LDAPv3 compliance
• Publisher channel requires LDAP change log
LDAP Sample Configuration
• Supports bi-directional data synchronization
• New entries are synchronized in a flat fashion
 When
an entry is added anywhere on the LDAP server,
it gets synchronized to a single specified container in
 When an entry is added anywhere in eDirectory, it
gets synchronized to a single specified container in
the LDAP server
LDAP Sample Configuration
• Specific rules to match the default
Netscape/iPlanet behavior
 User
objects added to eDirectory get named with
 User objects added to the LDAP server get named
with “uid”
Changing the Sample Configuration
• If we wanted a mirrored subtree structure
 Change
placement rule
 Make sure everything we want to synchronize
is in the filter and the schema map
DirXML Driver for Delimited Text
• Rather than interacting directly with any
application, the Delimited Text driver operates
on text files stored on the local file system
• Publisher channel processes input files
• Subscriber channel creates output files
DirXML Driver for Delimited Text
• Sample configuration supports
 Comma-separated
value files (CSV)
 DirXML formatted XML files (XDS)
• Other file types require customized style sheets
 Input
files must represent an entry (user) either with
a single line of data, or as XML
 Style sheets convert single-line data input, or XML
input, to a <record> and <field> XML structure
DirXML Driver for Delimited Text
<record name=‘Joe Brown’>
<field name=‘First Name’>Joe</field>
<field name=‘Last Name’>Brown</field>
<field name=‘Title’>Engineer</field>
<field name=‘Department’>IS</field>
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Supported Databases
 Oracle
8i, 9i
 IBM DB2 Universal Database (UDB) 7.x
 Microsoft SQL Server 7.x/2000
 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.x
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Minimum Database Requirements
 Support
SQL grammar used by the driver
• SQL92 entry level?
 JDBC-accessible
• Third-party JDBC driver
• Third-party ODBC driver via Sun’s JDBC-ODBC Bridge
 Support
• A schema is a logical grouping of database objects owned
by a particular database user
• Example
– Microsoft Access does not support schemas
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Supported Data Types
1.0 data types (java.sql.Types)
• time, date, timestamp
• char, varchar, long varchar
• binary, varbinary, long varbinary
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• 1.5 Features
 Embedded
• Allows for virtual database triggers
• Allows for native SQL queries
• Facilitates user account management
 Extended
Set of Compatibility Parameters
• Further generalize the driver
• Allows for use with more databases and third-party
JDBC/ODBC drivers
<add class-name=“EMP”>
<add-attr name=“LNAME”>
<jdbc:sql>UPDATE EMP SET FNAME = ‘Jason’</jdbc:sql>
<add class-name=“EMP” jdbc:transaction-id=“0”>
<add-attr name=“LNAME”>
<jdbc:statement jdbc:type=“manual” jdbc:transaction-id=“0”>
<jdbc:sql>UPDATE EMP SET FNAME = ‘Jason’</jdbc:sql>
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Embedded SQL
 Previously,
the driver only synchronized data using
Data Manipulation (DML) statements
 Embedded
SQL support allows the driver to execute
Data Definition (DDL) statements as a side effect of
data synchronization
<add class-name=“EMP”>
<add-attr name=“LNAME”>
<xsl:text>CREATE USER JELSBERRY </xsl:text>
<xsl:text>IDENTIFIED BY NOVELL</xsl:text>
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Compatibility Parameters
 Further
generalize the driver
• Nine new driver parameters
• One new subscriber parameter
• One new publication parameter
 Compatibility
parameters are optional
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Driver Compatibility Parameters
 Reuse
 Use manual transactions?
 Use single connection?
 Default transaction isolation level
 Retrieve minimal metadata?
 Use qualified table names?
 Handle statement results?
 Connection initialization string
 Connection tester class
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Reuse Statements?
 If
set to “no”, the driver reallocates
java.sql.Statement objects for each operation
 If set to “yes” (default), java.sql.Statement objects
are allocated the first time they are used and reused
for each subsequent operation
 Example
• Microsoft’s JDBC Driver for SQL Server 2000 does not allow
multiple java.sql.PreparedStatement objects to be
allocated when a manual transaction is in progress
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Retrieve Minimal Metadata?
 If
set to “no” (default), the driver calls required
and optional metadata methods
 If set to “yes,” the driver only calls required
metadata methods
 Example
• The Progress JDBC driver does not support the optional
metadata method
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Handle Statement Results?
 If
set to “no,” the driver will not handle results
generated from the Statement.execute() method
 If set to “yes” (default), the driver will handle results
generated from the Statement.execute() method
 Example
• Microsoft’s ODBC driver does not support retrieval of result
sets from this method via Sun’s JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
• IBM’s JDBC driver for DB2 UDB requires that statement results
be handed before output parameters are
from a stored procedure
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Connection Initialization String
 Allows
users to define statements to execute at
connection time
 Example
• In order to facilitate user account management on Sybase,
the driver’s login account must be granted system
administrator rights
• Making the driver a sys admin, however, forces it to login to
the “master” database instead of the database specified in
the driver’s authentication parameters
• This parameter can be used to change database contexts at
connection time
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Connection Tester Class
 There
is no method defined in the JDBC interface
to determine connection state
• The java.sql.Connection.isClosed() method generally
returns true only if you’ve explicitly called the close()
 This
parameter allows users to define a databasespecific class to determine connection state
 Example
• The Microsoft SQL Server connection tester class
MSSQLConnectionTester executes the statement
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Subscriber Compatibility Parameters
 Key
Generation Timing
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Key Generation Timing
 When
should the driver attempt to retrieve primary
key values with <add> events? Before or after rows
are inserted into a table?
 Possible values
• Before (default)
• After
 Example
• For Oracle, values are available before insertion via sequence
objects; for Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase ASE,
primary key values are generally available after insertion
through identity columns
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Publisher Compatibility Parameters
 Allow
DirXML Driver for JDBC
• Allow Loopback?
 If
set to “no” (default), the publisher will only process
events caused by a database user other than itself
 If set to “yes,” the publisher will process events
caused by any database user
 Example
• In order to facilitate user account management on Sybase, the driver’s
database login account has to be granted system administrator rights
• Making the driver a sys admin, however, changes the driver’s identity
to “dbo”
• Because the driver’s identity is no longer unique, the publisher is unable
to determine whether an event was caused by the subscriber or another
database user with sys admin rights