Download SQL Database use for DREDGEPACK

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SQL Database use for DREDGEPACK®
By Jerry Knisley
Recently I wrote a device driver while I was on a hopper dredge. The purpose of the driver is
to store the USACE DQM required information in a SQL database. Currently the data is
stored in a backup file in the project on all US hopper dredges. The required information for
the DQM specification is stored in a table in the database. You are required to supply the
name of the DB in the setup dialog for the driver.
FIGURE 1. Configuring the DredgeDB Driver
If the database does not exist, the driver creates the new database file on the first record.
After that the records are stored at a timed interval. The reason for choosing the database
format is that an SQL database can be used with many client software and this will allowyou
to create your own reporting outputs. As a client, I use SQLite Browser, which is a free utility
on the Internet.
FIGURE 2. Sample Database in the SQ Lite Browser
Over the next year I will be adding formats for other dredge types. Adding the bucket files and
eventually the cutter suction positions and information will allow any dredge to use this driver.
One of the main concerns was space. The hopper version will record an estimated 750
Mbytes over the course of a month in continuous use. While this is a large amount of data, it
is easily manageable with the size of hard drives today.
Once the driver is recording data, the next step is to make reports that can be quickly and
efficiently used in the dredging industry.
May / 2015