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ICT Staff Development presents:
Microsoft Office
Access 2007 Training
Build a database VI: Create reports
for a new Access database
Course contents
• Overview: Help others understand your data
• Lesson: Reports, the easy way
The lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of
test questions.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Overview: Help others understand your data
Previous courses in this series showed
you how to plan and build tables and
relationships, and how to create
queries and forms. Now it’s time to
give your data meaning and put it to
use in a report.
Why reports? Because they present
complex data in a way that others can
understand quickly and easily.
This course explains the basics of
reports, and shows you how to create
several different types.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Course goals
• Create tabular reports.
• Group the data in a report.
• Create stacked reports.
• Use Layout view and Design view to change a report.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Reports, the easy way
Reports, the easy way
Your boss likes what
you’ve done with the
asset-tracking database,
but she needs to present
some information at a
meeting, soon.
It’s time to build reports.
Reports are the end product of your database. They
combine the raw facts in your database with enough
information to give those facts meaning, and they
present the results visually.
Reports are also the best way to format and print your
data, and they’re a good way to summarize data.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Reports, the easy way
In Access, a report is
made up of sections,
as shown in the
Header sections can appear at the top of a report, or in
the case of Page Header sections, at the top of each
page in the report.
If you want to group the data in a report, you’ll see a
Group Header. The section will list the fields on which
you group your data.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Reports, the easy way
In Access, a report is
made up of sections,
as shown in the
The Detail section is the body of your report, the data
your users need to see. All reports must have a detail
Footer sections can appear in several places. For
example, you can create group footers that display
sums, counts, or averages for a group of data.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Start with a design
So how do you make
your asset data
meaningful and easy
to understand?
With a design.
Start by deciding on the data you need to include in the
report, and then on the sections you want in the report.
For example, all reports need a detail section, but do
you need a header? How about grouping?
From there, you decide on a layout.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Start with a design
Access provides
several basic layouts,
shown here, but you
can arrange your data
in almost any way you
Tabular layouts resemble spreadsheets. Use them when
you need to present your data in a simple list format.
Stacked layouts resemble the forms you fill out at a bank
or when you buy something online. Use a stacked layout
when your report contains too many fields to display in
tabular form.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Start with a design
Access provides
several basic layouts,
shown here, but you
can arrange your data
in almost any way you
Mixed layouts use elements from tabular and stacked
Justified layouts use the full width of your report page
and display information as compactly as possible. You
use this layout when you need to display a large number
of fields.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a tabular report with the Report tool
The Report tool is the
easiest way to create
a report.
Like the Form tool that you saw in the previous course,
the Report tool automatically creates a report that is
bound, or connected, to a single data source, either a
table or query.
All you have to do is select the table or query and click a
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a tabular report with the Report tool
The picture shows
how the process
In the Navigation Pane, select the table or query that you
want to use as the data source for the report.
Click the Create tab, and in the Reports group, click
Report. Access creates a report that includes all the
fields in your data source.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a tabular report with the Report tool
The picture shows
how the process
The report opens in Layout view, which gives you a
chance to change it.
While you work, you can switch to Report view at any
time to view your changes.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Group and sort data
One of the more
powerful things you
can do in a report is
group and sort your
For example, if you want to know which supplier
provided a given set of computers, then grouping your
assets by supplier can give you that information quickly
and easily.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Group and sort data
You can group tabular
or stacked reports, as
shown here.
Open your report in Layout view. On the Format tab, in
the Grouping & Totals group, click Group & Sort. The
Group, Sort and Total pane appears below your report.
Click Add a group, and then select the field by which
you want to group your data. Access groups your data to
reflect your choice.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Group and sort data
You can group tabular
or stacked reports, as
shown here.
If you want to sort your data, click Add a sort, select a
field, and again Layout view shows you your changes.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Add sums to your report
In addition to grouping
and sorting, you can
add subtotals, grand
totals, and other
calculations to your
For example, you can calculate how much you spent on
a given model of desk or office chair.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Add sums to your report
The picture shows the
With your report still open in Layout view, click a
grouping level, and then click More.
Locate the totaled field and click the arrow next to it.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Add sums to your report
The picture shows the
Use the Totals dialog box to select the field you want to
calculate, the type of calculation you want to use, such
as a sum or average, and to set options such as
subtotals and grand totals.
When you finish, your report displays the calculations.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a report from scratch
If you don’t like the
results you get with
the Report tool, you
can use Layout view
to build a report
manually, a process
that gives you more
You drag fields from a list, arrange them to your liking,
and group them.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a report from scratch
The picture shows the
process in more detail.
On the Create tab, in the Reports group, click Blank
Report. Access creates a blank report and displays the
Field List task pane.
In the Field List task pane, open the table you want to
use as a data source, then drag fields to the report.
Access automatically uses the tabular layout.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a report from scratch
The picture shows the
process in more detail.
If you want to use a different layout, highlight the fields in
the report by pressing SHIFT and clicking each field
header, and then...
On the Arrange tab, in the Control Layout group, click
Stacked. Access rearranges the fields.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Create a report with the Report Wizard
The Report Wizard is
a fast way to create a
report with a large
number of fields and a
complex layout.
The picture shows the
Click the Create tab, and in the Reports group, click
Report Wizard.
Complete the wizard. As part of that, you select a data
source, and then ...
… the fields you want to use, grouping options, a style,
and more.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Ways to change a report
You can use Layout
view or Design view to
change a report.
Layout view works best when you need to change the look
and feel of a report. For example, you can rearrange fields,
change their sizes, or apply a pre-made style.
In contrast, Design view gives you control over every facet
of your report. For example, you can add text boxes that
display the date and time that you ran a report.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Ways to change a report
The picture how to get
started in each view.
To open a report in Layout view, go to the Navigation
Pane, right-click the report, and click Layout View.
Use the commands in the Format, Arrange, or Page
Setup tabs. For example, on the Format tab, in the
AutoFormat group, click a style to apply it to the report.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Ways to change a report
The picture how to get
started in each view.
Follow the same steps to open a report in Design view.
Once you’re there, you can insert a number of controls,
such as check boxes or date and time controls.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Suggestions for practice
1. Create a report by using the Report tool.
2. Group and sort the report.
3. Add subtotals and grand totals to the report.
4. Use Design view to label your totals.
5. Create a report from scratch.
6. Use the Report Wizard.
Online practice (requires Access 2007)
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 1
All reports must contain which of the following? (Pick one
1. A title section.
2. A date/time section.
3. A detail section.
4. A footnote section.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 1: Answer
A detail section.
Otherwise, they’re meaningless.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 2
You can add controls to a report when working in Design
view. (Pick one answer.)
1. True.
2. False.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 2: Answer
You can add dates and times, logos, check boxes, and more.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 3
What’s the really important thing to remember when
designing reports? (Pick one answer.)
1. They must be clear and easy to understand.
2. They must contain a date and time.
3. They must group data in some way.
4. They must use all the available report sections.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Test question 3: Answer
They must be clear and easy to understand.
You can include as few or as many elements as you need to make the
information clear.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database
Quick Reference Card
For a summary of the tasks covered in this course, view the
Quick Reference Card.
Build a database VI: Create reports for
a new Access database