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IE 423 – Design of Decision
Support Systems
development –
Relationships and
Important Events
0 days to St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
2 days to deadline for DSS Analysis
4 days to Spring Break
Remember that we split our House
Survey data into two relations (tables)
…so now we need to create a table for
the rest of the data
Don’t forget that each record must have
a unique house identifier
…and what we will use this for?
New tables for Neighbor08
New tables for Neighbor08
Make a relationship between these two
How do you do this?
What kind of relationship is this?
Then, we are also interested in who lives in
these houses…
…so create another table for people
You will need –
HouseID –to tell which house they live in
DOB (what data type?)
CellPhone (use an input mask)
Make a relationship between what two
How do you do this?
What kind of relationship is this?
Referential Integrity – what does
it really mean?
When we have a one-to-many relationship, we might
call the table on the one side the parent table,…
And the table on the many side the child table
And for any given relationship, we can call the
primary/foreign key pair in the related tables linking
Referential Integrity – all foreign key values
in a child table must come from (match)
primary key values in the parent table
Referential Integrity – what does
it really mean?
Referential Integrity – Five Rules
The Linking field in the parent table must be a primary key
or must be indexed with unique value entries
Linking fields must be of the same data type, exception
autonumber and number (with length=ReplicationID)
When you enforces Referential Integrity no existing records
in the tables can violate referential integrity
With Referential Integrity enforced, no record can be
deleted where its key value matches a value use in foreign
key in the child table
With Referential Integrity enforced, we cannot change
values of the linking field in the parent table there is a
corresponding value in the linking field of the child table
Referential Integrity – what does
it really mean?
Referential Integrity – what does
it really mean?
So, how do we do these things?
Access helps
Cascading Deletes
 If you delete the record in the parent table that contains
the Primary key value, access will automatically delete
matching records in the child table
 Think about this
Cascading Deletes
 If you change a primary key value in the parent table,
Access will automatically change the corresponding
foreign key values in all records in child table
Suppose you need to create a course
registration system for college courses (or
workshops, etc.)
What are the objects that you need to work
Students, Courses, ???
So, you have a table of students
You have table of courses
How do you relate these two tables?
Does this present any problems?
Solution – create two one-to-many
…but to do this you are missing
something –
***Open College.mdb
Build a registration system
Enroll students in courses
Any student can be in one or more courses
Any course can have one or more (or zero)
Build a Registrations table
In general terms this is sometimes
called a linking table
Define the relationships between
Students & Registrations
Courses & Registrations
Register students for courses
You’ve built tables,…
You’ve added data…
So, how do you use this data
Queries (at least that’s one answer)
Queries retrieve and, maybe, manipulate data
in your database
Several kinds of queries
Select Query – retrieves data from tables
 Simple Query – from a single table
 Complex Query – from multiple tables
Parameter Query – dynamic input of criteria
Crosstab Queries – statistical aggregation of data
Several kinds of queries (…continued)
Action Queries – operate on data in a table
or multiple tables
 Delete Queries – delete records based on
selection criteria
 Update Queries – modify field values based on
selection criteria
 Append Query – appends records from other
tables to existing table
Select Queries
Single table query
Select Queries
Single table query
Similar to defining a table, …
…except query field come from other table fields
(or other queries)
To build a query you need
 To create column (fields)
 Pick the table from which to pull the field (no really an
issue in a simple query
 Sort or not
 Show field or not
 Define Select criteria
Select Queries
Fields and tables drag and drop
Sort – left to right order – if checked
Show – do you want to see it?
 Logical test for record selection
Criteria in multiple columns – “AND”ed
Logical OR – add criteria to more rows
Select Queries
Build a simple query to
Select all Senior Industrial Engineering
Select all Seniors and Juniors
Select all Senior I.E. student and all Juniors
Select Queries
Build a simple query to
Select all Senior Industrial Engineering
Select all Seniors and Juniors
Select all Senior I.E. student and all Juniors
Select Queries
Complex Queries
 Similar to simple queries, except…
 Add more tables to the design grid
 Tables need relationships
 …may be already defined,…
 …or you can design them in the query design
Select Queries
Complex Queries
 Connecting multiple tables in a query is called a
join operation
 Two major kinds of joins
 Results include records from both source
tables only if records match, otherwise not
included Inner Join
 Include a selected record from one table
(regardless of whether it has a match in the
other table) and records from the other table
that match records in the first table Outer
Select Queries
Complex Queries
 OK, so what is a left outer join vs. a right outer