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Intro to SQL Management
Please Be Sure!!
Make sure that your access is read only. If it
isn’t, you have the potential to change data
within your database.
There is NO undo button!!
Accessing Your Database
Opening Management Studio
Connecting to database
– Database -> Folders ->Tables ->Columns
Changing User Settings
• Updating font sizes
Changing User Settings
• Displaying line numbers if they aren’t
Changing User Settings
• Turning on IntelliSense
– As you begin your query, IntelliSense will provide you with a dropdown
list of options that are similar to what you’ve begun to type. This is
similar to how Autofill works in Excel.
Changing User Settings
• Updating query run times.
– Can shorten the amount of time it takes for your query to
come back if the table contains a large data set.
Important Buttons
• New Query
• Execute
• Stopping a Query
Basic Selections
• Select * From [Table];
• This will select all columns from the named table
• Select [Column]
, [Column]
, [Column]
From [Table];
• This will select the listed columns from the named table
• Note: Columns with spaces, dashes or other special characters
in their name must be enclosed in a brackets due to naming
conventions of SQL Server. Otherwise the brackets are optional.
Select using “where”
• Select * From [Table] where [Column] <operator> ‘text string’;
• This will select all columns of data from the named table if the named
column data matches the operator and text string you entered
(ex: [Company] = ‘Sample Company’)
• Operators
= (Equals)
<> (Not equal)
< (Less than)
> (Greater than)
<= (Less than or equal to)
>= (Greater than or equal to)
Aggregate Functions
• Sum ( [Column] )
• Will add every value in the particular column
• Count ( [Column] )
• Will give the total number of fields that are not null. If you
want to count the number of rows use count *
• Max ( [Column] )
• Min ( [Column] )
• Avg ( [Column] )
• These will give you the max, min, or average of the data.
Using Group by
• When using the aggregate functions in a select
statement, all fields that are not being aggregated
must be included in a group by clause.
• Select
, <aggregate function> [Column2]
From [Table]
Group by [Column1];
If you are selecting multiple tables you
should be using a “join” statement in order to
limit the amount of time a query takes to run.
Intro Joins
• Joins
– Link two tables together on a named column that both tables
• Inner Join
– Returns the data set of records in the first table that have a
related record in the second table.
Intro Joins
• Left Outer Join
– Returns the entire dataset of the first table. If there is a
not a related record in the second table it returns “NULL”
More Info
• If you are looking for further instruction,
please follow the link below to some
videos that may be of assistance