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IBM Information Management
Informix User Forum 2006
Auditing With IDS
Jonathan Leffler
STSM, IDS Security Architect
[email protected]
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
 Overview of External Requirements
Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
Access Control
Encryption – Where and Why
 Features in IDS Meeting External Requirements
Encrypted communications
Column-level Encryption
Non-IDS tools
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI – Payment Card Industry
 CISP – Cardholder Information Security Program
 PCI Data Security Standard
– Version 1.1 (September 2006)
– Version 1.0 (January 2005)
• Not valid after 31st December 2006 for new validations
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI – Payment Card Industry
 12 requirements in 6 groups
Build and Maintain a Secure Network
Protect Cardholder Data
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
Implement Strong Access Control Measures
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
Maintain an Information Security Policy
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI Data Security Standard – Requirements
 Build and Maintain a Secure Network
– 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect data
– 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and
other security parameters
 Protect Cardholder Data
– 3: Protect stored data
– 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data and sensitive
information across public networks
 Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
– 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus software
– 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI Data Security Standard – Requirements
 Implement Strong Access Control Measures
– 7: Restrict access to data by business need-to-know
– 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
– 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data
 Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
– 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and
cardholder data
– 11: Regularly test security systems and processes.
 Maintain an Information Security Policy
– 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI Data Security Standard
 Many more details for each of these 12 requirements
– 17 page PDF document (with 2 appendices)
 For example, requirement 3 has 6 sub-sections
And 16 sub-sub-sections
§3.1 Minimal information storage and retention
§3.2 Do not store sensitive information after authentication
§3.3 Mask account numbers when displayed
§3.4 Render sensitive data unreadable when stored
§3.5 Protect encryption keys against disclosure and misuse
§3.6 Fully document and implement key management procedures
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
PCI – Payment Card Industry
 Is your DBA a Spy?
 User tricks, Security ‘Treats’
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
 Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor
Protection Act of 2002
– Also known as Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
– Commonly called SOX or SarBox
– See (amongst many others)
• NB: I am not a lawyer!
 The most critical sections for IT are:
– 302: Control (internal controls)
– 404: Evaluation (governance, measurement, records)
– 409: Disclosure (reporting, certification)
 Plus the corresponding SEC rules and regulations
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
 CEO, CFO must certify that they:
– Are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls.
– Have designed the internal controls so material information is
made known to them by others in the organization.
 Internal controls are accounting terms (SEC rules):
– A process designed to provide reasonable assurance about the
reliability of financial reporting.
• Maintenance of records that accurately reflect transactions
• Transactions are properly recorded and authorized to permit
preparation of statements in line with the GAAP
• Prevention or timely detection of unauthorized activity
– That would materially affect the financial statements
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
 COSO (Treadway Commission) defines accounting rules
Control Environment
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
Information and Communication
 COBIT defines software rules related to:
Planning and Organization
Acquisition and Implementation
Delivery and Support
Monitoring and Evaluation
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
 Routine Re-evaluation of Internal Controls
– CEO and CFO must evaluate the effectiveness of controls
• Within 90 days prior to any report
– Present conclusions about the effectiveness of internal controls
• In the report
– The company must annually assess the effectiveness too
 Disclosure of any material problems found
– All significant deficiencies in design or operation of internal
– Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
employees who have a role in running the internal controls
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Access Control Requirements
 Access to the DBMS is a major part of compliance
– It is far from the only issue
 Only authorized users should be able to do anything
– And even they should have minimum permissions
 Do not grant RESOURCE or DBA to PUBLIC
– Don’t even grant CONNECT to PUBLIC usually
 Grant SELECT to PUBLIC on non-sensitive tables
– Don’t even grant that on sensitive tables
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Access Control Requirements
 Exploit roles to control permissions
Create a separate role for each class of user
Grant that role the necessary permissions for the job
Assign the permitted users the role
Write the application to set the correct role
 Note that this form of role-based security is imperfect
– It is a form of ‘security by obscurity’
– If the user is assigned the role
• The user can use DB-Access to set the role
• And then modify the tables using the role’s permissions
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Encryption of Data
 Some data must not be stored in the database
– PCI says the CVV number cannot be stored after authentication
 Other data must be stored encrypted
– Typically, the credit card number and the social security number
 If an old database uses SSN as a key for joins
– Redesign your database with an arbitrary number for the joins
• Use a SERIAL column (employee number)
 Data encryption slows things down
– It is a necessary evil
• Do not use it unless it is necessary
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Auditing Requirements
 You need to be confident that you can track changes
– Who changed what structurally
• Only a very few staff can make schema changes
 Sometimes you need to track who sees data
– Identity theft takes a copy of information
• It does not alter the information
 Database auditing can track DBAs too
 Database auditing is not sufficient
– You need controls over backups etc
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Test Database Requirements
 Developers need test databases
 Companies must keep customer information safe
 Developers cannot work on copies of production data
– When that data contains sensitive information
 There are companies with tools to transform data
– Take in valid data and randomize it
– While retaining referential integrity
 The key point is to be sure that everyone is aware:
– Developers may not work on live data!
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Features in IDS to Address External Requirements
 IDS has features to help address these requirements:
– Auditing
– Encrypted Communications
– Column-level Encryption
 Other vendors can help
– Vormetric
– Protegrity
 Future directions too
– Fine-Grained Auditing
– Label-Based Access Control
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Basic Auditing
 IDS 7 and later has ON-Audit and ON-ShowAudit
– ON-Audit controls what is audited
– ON-Audit also controls how the audit results are recorded
– ON-ShowAudit shows what auditable events occurred
 Can be controlled by separate roles
– DBSSO: Database Security Officer
• Controls who is audited
• Controls which events are audited
– AAO: Audit Analysis Officer
• Controls whether auditing is in use or not
• Analyzes audit logs
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Overview of Auditing in IDS
 Most operations can be audited.
– All auditable operations have a 4-letter mnemonic.
– SELECT ROW = RDRW – generates voluminous output!
 Audit masks dictate which operations are monitored.
Different masks for different people.
Global masks – default, require, exclude.
Template masks
User masks.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Overview of Auditing in IDS
 Audit logging can use operating system audit facilities.
– Only available on some Unix platforms.
– Requires server running as root.
 Audit logging can use Informix audit facilities.
– Available on all platforms.
– Available when running the server as informix.
– Generally the better choice.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Roles: DBSSO versus AAO
 DBSSO controls what is audited.
– Which users are audited.
– Which operations are audited for each user.
– Uses ON-Audit command.
• Setting auditing masks.
 AAO controls whether auditing is active or not.
– Uses ON-Audit command.
 AAO monitors the results of auditing.
– Uses ON-ShowAudit command.
 DBSA runs the server.
– Should not subvert the auditing set up by DBSSO and AAO.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Using ON-Audit as DBSSO
 Define which events are audited for specific users.
 Various aids:
_default – events audited if no other list specified for a user.
_required – events always audited, even if not listed.
_excluded – events always excluded, even if listed.
_templates – lists of events defined by the DBSSO.
 Basic usages:
gandalf -r _guest -e –CRDB
_default -e +UPAM,DRAM
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Audit Masks
 Set the _require mask to the Informix recommended events:
– onaudit -a -u _require –e +OPDB,GRDB,RVDB,GRTB,RVTB
– onaudit –m –u _require –e +CRRL,STRL,STSA,STOM
– onaudit –m –u _require –e +GRRL,RVRL,GRFR,RVFR
 Add the main DDL operations:
 Add the utilities:
– onaudit –m –u _require –e +ONAU,ONBR,ONCH,ONIN
– onaudit –m –u _require –e +ONLG,ONLO,ONMN,ONMO,ONPA
– onaudit –m –u _require –e +ONPL,ONSP,ONST,ONTP,ONUL
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Audit Masks
 The high-intensity audit events are candidates for
_exclude mask:
ACTB – Access table
INRW – Insert row
UPRW – Update row
DLRW – Delete row
RDRW – Read row
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Using ON-Audit as AAO
 Defines whether auditing occurs, and auditing behaviour.
 Auditing mode
– 0 – Auditing is turned off.
– 1,3,5,7
• Increasingly complete auditing of users, including DBSSO and DBSA.
• Using server-managed auditing.
• Add 1 on Unix to have operating system managed auditing.
 Auditing error action
– When an audit message cannot be written
• 0 continue
• 1 suspend server until audit message can be written
• 3 halt server because audit message cannot be written
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Using ON-Audit as AAO
 Auditing directory
– Default is /tmp – which is awful and should never be used.
– Make sure that the directory is:
• Owned by user informix
• Belongs to the AAO group
• No public access (no write access) – 770 permissions.
 Audit file size
– How big audit files get before switching to a new one.
 Basic usages:
– onaudit –c
– onaudit –l mode –e errmode –p path –s size
– onaudit -n
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Audit Information Stored in SysMaster
 The sysadtinfo table reflects the configuration in adtcfg.
– One row of data.
– Five columns.
 The sysaudit table contains encoded audit masks.
– Bit-encoded numeric values spread across two sets of four
• One set for failed operations.
• One set for successful operations.
• But there’s no documented way to set these differently.
 Access to these tables is restricted.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Contents of Audit Log Files
 All audit records have a common structure:
– 7 pipe-separated fields
– Last field contains variable colon-separated fields
 Common preamble is:
• To distinguish IDS (OnLine) records from other systems
– Timestamp to milliseconds (USEOSTIME=1)
– Host name
– Session ID
– IDS server name
– User name
– ONLN|2006-11-10 00:08:22.829|anubis|9556|anubis_17|jleffler
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Contents of Audit Log Files
 Last field contains:
– Error code
– Operation mnemonic
– Auxilliary information for operation
• Varies by mnemonic
table name
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:OPDB:stores:0: 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:STSN
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:ACTB:stores:informix:sysprocedures:16
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:RDRW:stores:16:1049029:2310
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:RDRW:stores:16:1049029:2561
 …
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:RDRW:stores:16:1049029:2566
 9305|anubis_17|jleffler|0:RDRW:stores:16:1049029:2817
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Contents of Audit Log Files – Example Errors
 -239:CRAM:_exclude
 -26008:CRPT:stores:select decrypt_char(v, 'XXXXXXX') from t;
 -8301:CRSQ:stores:0:jleffler:s9:0: -511:ALIX:stores:17:informix:procbody:1
 -212:CRIX:stores:1990:c1:jleffler:1:dbspace_16
 -19803:GRRL:stores:root
 -218:DRSN:stores:0:-:dbd_ix_public01
 -9628:DRTY:stores: - :dbd_ix_distofi8
 -350:CRIX:new_stores:108:idxmsgs_frfr:jleffler:1:rootdbs
 -1:ONSP:-c -d nfs_disk -p /nfs/anubis_17.nfs_disk.c0 -s 10240 -o 0
 -705:DRSP:stores:1237:-:^Ly☼~T
 -661:EXSP:stores:1242
 -1:ONTP:-s -L 0
Fixed bug
 -388:CRSP:stores:0:username:exitfail
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Example Trace
 sqlcmd –d stores –e ‘update elements set
atomic_number = atomic_number + 0’
– 0:OPDB:stores:0:– 0:STSN
– 0:ACTB:stores:jleffler:elements:101
– 0:RDRW:stores:101:1049066:257
– 0:UPRW:stores:101:1049066:257:1049066:257
– 0:RDRW:stores:101:1049066:258
– 0:UPRW:stores:101:1049066:258:1049066:258
 Even for small tables, output is voluminous
– And tedious
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Audit Log File Management
 Use a different audit log directory for each server
– Based on server name or number
– E.g. $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/anubis_17
 Backup and compress logs
– Compression ratio 25:1 possible
– Into sub-sub-directory:
• $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/anubis_17/backup
• $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/anubis_17/00000-00999
• $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/anubis_17/01000-01999
 Leave empty files to avoid reuse
– Otherwise, IDS reuses log files when restarting
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Weirdnesses Associated with Auditing
 All servers use same adtcfg file
– Hard to have different servers auditing to different directories
 Changes to audit configuration written to private adtcfg
– adtcfg.NN for server NN
– But file is not used at start-up!
 Servers should keep track of last audit log file used
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Using ON-ShowAudit
 ON-ShowAudit command selects data from audit logs.
 On Unix, you specify where to pull the audit data from:
– The operating system managed audit log, or
– The database server managed audit log.
 You can specify which user to select the information for:
– Default – all users.
 You can specify which database server to select the
information for:
– Default – all servers.
 It shows you all the data for all users and all servers
– Using the information indicated by the adtcfg file.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Managing Auditing
 Beware of the non-technical requirements!
– Publish security policies documenting that actions are audited.
– Document that activities may be recorded and analyzed.
 Auditing is pointless unless you analyze the logs.
– It reduces the performance of the system
• How much depends on what you audit.
– You need two sorts of analysis
• Post-incident forensic analysis
– Something went wrong; who, what, when, how?
• Routine usage pattern tracking
– Fred’s on a hiking vacation in the Sierras
– Why was he logged in at 03:00 on Sunday morning?
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Forensic Auditing
 More typically, audit logs are used forensically.
– To analyze, after the event, who did it, and when.
 Since it may be a while before stolen data is noticed,
– It is important to keep (compressed) audit logs.
– And to monitor all the relevant events.
 Note that you can audit every row that is read.
– But the volume of data will be enormous.
 Although you may know the user ID that did it,
– It is hard to prove that the bona fide owner of that user ID did it.
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Encrypted Communications for IDS
 Available in IDS 9.40 and later
 Encrypts communications between client and server
– Using standard encryption techniques to establish session keys
 Also used for distributed database access – I-Star
 ER (Enterprise Replication) can be encrypted
– Often replicating over WAN
 With effect from Cheetah
– HDR (Heterogeneous Data Replication) will support encryption
– Previously assumed HDR only over LAN
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Encrypted Communications
 Applications communicate with IDS unencrypted
This is safe enough for local connections
Shared memory – usually OK – just about
IPC Streams or equivalent – OK
Loopback connection – OK (does not hit network)
 This may be safe enough on intranet
– But it may allow too many people to snoop
– Consider all PCs as potential problems
– Do not expose your IDS server on the internet!
 See session 1716 Encrypted Communications in IDS 10
– From IBM Information on Demand 2006 conference
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Column-Level Encryption
 Available in IDS 10
 Permits encryption of data in selected fields in tables
– But requires schema changes
– And modifications to applications
• Unless you use INSTEAD OF triggers on views
 Uses AES 128-bit encryption
– Or Triple-DES
 See session M08 Column-Level Encryption in IDS
– From IDUG North America 2006
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Vormetric CoreGuard – Disk Encryption
 Available 2007Q2 for IDS and DB2
 Works with any version of IDS
– Works with dbspaces in cooked files
– Access controlled by PEM
• Privacy Enforcement Module
– Linked into operating system kernel
• Mediates all access to disk
• Decrypts or encrypts data for authorized uses
 Encryption is transparent to IDS
– IDS only sees unencrypted data
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Policy Enforcement Modules
Software Policy Enforcement Modules (PEM)
 File Encryption / Access Control
 Host Protection
 Control System Administrators
Authenticated Users
Gigabit Ethernet
File System
Volume Manager
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
CoreGuard Security Servers
 Central Point of
 Rules-Based Policy
 FIPS Validated
 Separation of Duties
 High Availability
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Label-Based Access Control
 Major feature in Cheetah release
 Parallel to, and based upon, DB2 Viper implementation
 Complex structure
– But achieves complex result
– Defines things like ‘top secret’, ‘secret’ etc.
– Uses one or more security label components
– Specifies one set of values for a security policy
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Label-Based Access Control
 Users are granted certain labels for each policy
– This controls which rows they can read and write
– Other rows are simply not shown to the unprivileged user
 Users can be granted exemptions to policy
– But this should happen rarely
– And under extreme supervision
 New database role – DBSECADM
– Responsible for LBAC administration
– Creating security policies and assigning labels
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Fine-Grained Auditing
 Existing auditing facilities do not record SQL statements
– Cheetah can log all SQL statements
• Originally for performance analysis
• Extended for auditing too
 Fine-grained auditing to provide selective recording
Some databases
Some users
Some statements – probably
Some tables – probably
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
External Auditing of IDS
 Guardium
– Monitors Informix SQL traffic on the network
– Can be used to detect unauthorized activity
 Princeton Softech
 sudo + sudosh
– Controls over who has access to user informix
– Logs all activity
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Other Possible Future Features
 Server-managed table- or column-level encryption
– IDS consciously in charge of encryption
– Leads to key management issues
• Key management is where encryption usually breaks down
 Encrypted back-ups
– Shipping back-ups off-site unencrypted leads to embarrassment
– Key management is the crucial issue
• As ever with encryption
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM Information Management – Informix Database Engineering
Informix User Forum 2006 | Auditing With IDS
© 2006 IBM Corporation