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Ensuring Quality Support by
Measuring Quality of
Mike Myers
Director – Help Desk Operations
Robin Rea
Process Services Project Manager
CompuCom Systems
Who Is CompuCom?
 CompuCom provides outsourcing and systems
integration solutions that enable Fortune 1000
and high-growth companies to simplify the
selection, integration and cost-effective
management of IT and infrastructure for business
 CompuCom’s award-winning Enterprise Help
Desk (EHD) provides help desk services to over
60 companies
 Two centers, (Dallas & Phoenix), with over 300
agents and support personnel.
What Are Our Help Desk Quality
 Aspect Call Monitoring
 Problem Management System Ticket Quality
Review (also referenced as scrubbing)
 Knowledge Base Integrity (Primus)
 Client Satisfaction “Hot Sheets”
 Agent / Supervisor Incentive And Performance
Package (AIP / SIP)
Why Have a Quality Review process?
The Enterprise Help Desk understands the
importance of quality responses to our
customers in order to ensure:
 Consistency
 Continuous Improvement
 Customer Perception (Satisfaction)
 Performance Management
 Data Integrity
Call Monitoring
 Monitor 2 Agents Per Day Per Team
 Minimum Of 3 Calls Per Agent Per Month
 Monitoring Results Are Logged And Tracked in
 Provide Feedback And Coaching
Call Monitoring
 Supervisor Or Team Lead Listens (Monitors) Aspect Call
 Agents Performance Is Tracked And Verified Via The Quality
Assessment Database As Call Progresses
 After Call Is Completed, The Call Reviewer Checks Quality
Of Problem Management System Ticket And Enters Results
Into The Database
Call Monitoring
Analysis and Feedback:
 Generate Database Report On Agent Performance
 Provide Agent With Call Feedback And Coaching
 Update Agent Monthly Performance Report With
Call Data
 Record Results in Quarterly Agent Incentive
Program Database
Call Monitoring
 Access Platform
 Provides Historical Data
 Various Reports:
By Individual
By Team
By Management Unit
By Customer
Ticket Quality Review
(Problem Management System)
100% Review Of Each Ticket
Review By Next Business Day
Results Logged And Tracked In Database
Provide Feedback And Coaching
Generally Performed By Supervisor, Team Lead Or
Floor Advocate
Ticket Quality Review
 Run Problem Management System (PMS) Report For
Previous Day’s Tickets
 Enter Each Ticket Error Found Into The Ticket Quality
Review (Scrubbing) Database
 Database E-Mails Error Records To Agent For Correction
 Agent Corrects Errors in PMS by Next Business Day
 Ticket Reviewer Checks For Error Correction And Updates
Ticket Quality Review Database
Ticket Quality Review
Analysis and Feedback
 Generate Database Report On Agent Performance
(Total Number and Types of Errors)
 Provide Agent With Ticket Feedback And Coaching
 Update Agent Monthly Performance Report With Call
 Record Results In Quarterly Agent Incentive Program
Ticket Quality Review
 Access Platform
 Provides Historical Data
 Various Reports:
By Agent
By Team
By Specific Ticket
By Customer
By Date Range
By Multiple Error Statistics
Overall Error Percentage Report
Knowledge Base (KB) Integrity
 Knowledge Management Team:
Knowledge Management DBM
Knowledge Management Champions (KC Team)
 “Best Of The Best” In Authoring, Usage, And Understanding
 Used for multiple tasks
 Mentoring (Operations Focused)
 Expert Quality Control (Customer Focused)
 Testing And Evaluation (New Versions/Content; Standard
Knowledge Management Quality Control Agents (QC Team)
 Technical Accuracy
 Uniqueness
 Grammar/ Spelling
 Other Content Standards
Knowledge Base Integrity
 Content Standard Is Essential!
Defines Usage, Workflow, Properties,
Grammar, Syntax, Definitions, Acronyms, etc
Dynamic Document That Is Revised Regularly
 New Knowledge Base Solution Flow
Agent Creates A New Solution
QC Agent Reviews Solution Accuracy
KC Agent Approves Solution So It Can Be Published For
Use By All, Specific Customer Use, Or Internal Use Only
 QC’s, KC’s and Agents Knowledge Base
Performance Is Tracked in The AIP Program For
Setting Of Specific Goals
Customer Satisfaction Hot Sheets
 Goal: 4.3 Overall Score On a 1 – 5 scale
 Follow-up Criteria:
Less Than A 3.0 Score On Any Individual Question
Request For Follow-up By The End User
Respond Within 2 Business Days OF Hot Sheet Receipt
 Flow:
Hot Sheet Received From 3rd Party Surveyor By The Help Desk
Hot Sheet Is Logged Into The Hot Sheet Database And Supervisor
Performs The Follow-up Activity
 Feedback:
Agent Coaching
Monthly Report To Client Contact
AIP Input
Agent Incentive/Performance Program
 A Means To Measure, Record and Ensure Accountability:
Annual Goals
Department Goals
Team Goals
Agent Goals
 AIP Structure:
Initiative: Special Projects:
 Frequency Of Formal Feedback
Monthly Performance
Quarterly Incentive
Focal Point (Annual) Review
Keys T0 Success
 Align Metrics With The Business Goals And
 You Must Consistently Inspect What You Expect”
 Customer Satisfaction, Image And Perception Are
The Best Measures Of Performance