Download Cell Parts Analogy - NylandBiology2012-2013

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Cell Parts Analogy
The grocery store
The Cell Membrane
The cell membrane and the walls of the grocery store
building are the same thing. They are the same
because they both surround an area.
The Nucleus controls the area ( cell) so does the an office in a
grocery store .
The tile floor and the cytoplasm are the same . The
cytoplasm surrounds the cell . In the grocery store we
walk on the tile floor.
endoplasmic reticulum
The cashier sells to people to have money . The
endoplasmic reticulum modifies things like a cashier
giving back change.
The grocery store and the cell makes their own brand .
For the grocery store it is the manufacturing plant that
makes their own brand and in the cell it is the ribosomes
where things are made.
The nucleolus helps the nucleus , the boss assistant does the
same job , it helps the boss.
The cell takes it’s energy form the mitochondria and the
grocery store takes it energy and electricity from the
Golgi Body
The grocery store get’s delivered at the shipping dock . It is
where they receive their supplies and food. In the cell the Golgi
Body is where it sends the information .
The vacuole is where the enzymes are stored and in a
grocery store the food and supplies are stored in the
storage area.