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rt and music were critical aspects of
medieval religious life and, towards the end of
the Middle Ages, secular life as well. Singing
without instrumental accompaniment was an
essential part of church services. Monks and
priests chanted the divine offices and the mass
daily. Some churches had instruments such as
organs and bells. Two people were required to
play this stringed instrument--one to turn the
crank and the other to play the keys.
Medieval drama grew out of the church
service, beginning in about the eleventh
century. Some of the topics were from the Old
Testament (Noah and the flood, Jonah and the
whale, Daniel in the lion's den) and others were
stories about the birth and death of Christ.
These dramas were performed with costumes
and musical instruments and at first took place
directly outside the church. Later they were
staged in marketplaces, where they were
produced by local guilds.
Art and Music of the Middle Ages
Click the picture to see artwork and music from the Middle
The first system of learning music
was developed in the 11th
century by Guido d’Arezzo
(Father Guido). He assigned each
note a name and designed the
system of placing the notes on
horizontal lines to notate pitches.
This is now known as the staff.
The Guidonian hand is another of his
inventions, it is a system of
assigning each part of the hand a
certain note by pointing to a part
of his hand. A group of singers
would know which note was pointed
out and sing the matching note.
Plainsong or chants
(monophonic melodies
performed in unison with
free rhythm and
unaccompanied) were also
called Gregorian Chants –
named after Pope Gregory
A system of writing down
reminders of chant melodies
was probably devised by
monks around 800 to aid in
unifying the church service
throughout the empire.
The idea spread that the
chant used in Rome came
directly from Pope Gregory,
He is the patron saint of
musicians, singers,
students, and teachers.
Music of the Middle Ages in the Church
Click the picture to see a short scene of music in the church.
Middle Ages or Medieval Era
Plainsong or chant
Pope Gregory
Gregorian Chants
The Renaissance
What is the Renaissance?
The Renaissance (which also
means “re-birth”) was a time of
great exploration in science,
music, art, literature and
civilization discoveries.
A major change in the
Christian religion occurred at
this time. Various Christian
groups left the Catholic church
and formed some of the
present-day Protestant
Although the Church
began to lose its influence
in the lives of the people,
music was still sacred.
Secular music also
flourished during this
The center of musical
activity gradually began to
shift from the churches to
castles and towns.
Music that was written for the church
was still the most composed, secular
music was becoming more common. In
comparison with medieval music,
Renaissance harmony (two or more
melody lines singing at the same time)
also known as polyphony, was more
free and more expressive.
Masses and motets were the main
forms of spiritual vocal polyphony.
Secular vocal forms included
madrigals (mostly accompanied by the
lute or a small orchestra). The main
instrumental works were short
polyphonies or music for dancing.
The canzona (a song or composition
that is light and fast moving) is a
typical example of the popular type of
Palestrina was one such composer
along with: William Byrd, Orlando
Gibbons, and Andrea and Giovanni
The Renaissance was a period of great creative and intellectual
activity, during which artists broke away from the restrictions of
Midieval artists. The same can be said for musicians!
Leonardo da Vinci
Sandro Botticelli
Queen Isabella commissions
Columbus to sail for America
Shakespeare a
playwright from
England wrote
2 plays which
became famous
operas: Hamlet
and Romeo &
invents the
printing press
The Impact of the Printing Press
The composers of the
Renaissance, unlike the
medieval composers
emphasized individuality
and they were recognized
more often during their
lifetimes.. The technology
of the printing press
permitted a much wider
distribution of their works
and enabled a larger
public to the study music.
Music Outside the Church
Outside the church,
traveling musicians
called minstrels sang
songs about life and
love in the language of
their people.
Their songs were often
accompanied by
instruments such as the
lute (a type of guitar),
recorder or hand drum.
Polyphonic Notation
In polyphonic notation, many voices can share a staff:
Printing Press
Church or spiritual music
Secular music
Palestrina & Gabrielli
Motets, madrigals
Renaissance polyphony
Minstrels; language of their songs; and
• Instruments of the minstrels
• Shakespeare
• Columbus