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Study Strategies
Find what works for you
Free time – the time for you to indulge in recreation. All of
your responsibilities have been met.
• Dead time – spots in the day when you are not engaged in
a responsibility, yet not in position to indulge in recreation.
This is when we are tempted to kill time. (ex. On the bus,
at the grocery store with mom, during commercials, before
Don’t Waste Time
• Killing Time = Wasting Time
• Use dead time to chip away at your responsibilities, it
will earn you more Free time later.
Plan a set time period of time everyday for you to study.
(make it a top priority, don’t move your study time to do
other things)
• Study in the same place everyday. (avoid places with
Set yourself up for Success
• Plan ahead so you don’t have to stop studying. Don’t
go looking for distractions. (have your snack ready,
have pencil and paper, have you book and notes).
• Don’t set yourself up for failure (no texting, phone
calls, IM, TV, etc). Music is ok (if you can tune it out).
Try instrumentals.
1st Memorize the Vocabulary
Flash Cards
Study Partner Sheet
Play Memory
Say the words out loud
Study of life
Memorizing Cont’d
Have someone quiz you
Create Analogies and Metaphors for the words
Use Mnemonic Devices (ex. ROY G BIV)
This is the toughest stage
Ex. Learning the words of a foreign language
Leaf = Solar Panel
Find Relationships Between the Words
• Categorize the words
• Make a concept map
• Compare/Contrast
the words
• Use them in context
in daily speech.
• Ex. Learning to use
foreign words in sentences.
Connect the Words to large Concepts
• Write a practice essay about a large concept (like
“proteins”) and use the vocabulary in the essay.
• Discuss and debate the importance, usages, and
future of the large concepts to yourselves and our
society with peers.
Connect to Concepts Con’t
• Decide how the concept is relevant to you.
• Ponder!
• Figure out how the concept make you money or work
in an invention.
• Ex. Learning when to use newly learned foreign
phrases and sentences in real life.
Express Your Understanding of the
Write a song, poem, or story about the concepts.
Do a skit about the concept
Teach a parent about the concept.
Make a video or power point about the concept.
Ex. Expressing your thoughts and feelings in a foreign
language in a way others can understand.