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Quiz CH 8 solution
1. An extrasolar planet is
a. a planet that orbits our sun that we have not yet discovered.
b. one not needed for the formation of our solar system which is kept in a special area just in case.
c. a planet found orbiting around a star other than the sun.
d. another name for an asteroid.
e. a planet extra close to our sun.
2. A main difference between asteroids and comets is that asteroids are mostly made of rock and comets are
mostly made of
a. Metals
b. Carbon compounds
c. Ice
d. Water vapor
e. Astronomers don’t know what they’re made of
3. Protoplanets
a. Grew in size primarily by accretion
b. Grew in size primarily by condensation
c. Are still visible today as terrestrial planets
d. Grew in size by collecting particles in the solar wind
e. Grew in size by the collision and coalescing of planetesimals
4. Accretion is
a. The adding of an material to an object an atom or molecule at a time
b. The adding of material to an object by collection of solid particles
c. Release of gas from rocks as they heated
d. The largest of the Galilean satellites
e. Caused by bombardment of the solar wind
5. How is radioactive dating used to determine the age of an object?
a. Both the amounts of radioactive and decay material are measured. Using these with the radioactive materia
b. The amount of radioactive material is measured. Using this with the radioactive material’s half-life, the age
c. The amount of decay material is measured. Using this with the radioactive material’s half-life, the age can b
d. The amount of heat generated by radioactive dating is measured to determine age.
6. Name a Jovian planet. Jupiter or Saturn or Uranus or Neptune
7. There are a number of gaps in Saturn’s rings. These rings are caused by
a. shepherd moons
b. spacecraft that have been sent to Saturn swept these areas clean.
c. there are no gaps, these areas are made of darker material and therefore don’t reflect
light and can’t be seen
8. The ____ of a planet is the region around the planet where the magnetic field is able to deflect
the solar wind and other charged particles?
a. aurora
b. magnetosphere
c. hydrosphere
d. corona
9. The Roche limit is the
a. distance from the sun within which a planet can not retain an atmosphere.
b. minimum mass of an object in the solar system that would be classified as a planet.
c. maximum separation distance between the sun and a given planet.
d. distance from Earth at which we loose radio communication with a satellite.
e. distance from a planet within which a planet can not hold itself together.