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ASTR 1101-001
Spring 2008
Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor
247 Nicholson Hall
[Slides from Lecture04]
Assignment: “Construct” Scale Model of
the Solar System
• Sun is a basketball.
• Place basketball in front of Mike the Tiger’s habitat.
• Walk to Earth’s distance, turn around and take a picture
of the basketball (sun).
• Walk to Jupiter’s distance, take picture of sun.
• Walk to Neptune’s distance, take picture of sun.
• Assemble all images, along with explanations, into a
PDF document.
• How far away is our nearest neighbor basketball?
Due via e-mail ([email protected]): By 11:30 am, 25 January (Friday)
You may work in a group containing no more than 5 individuals from this class.
What about the Dime?
NOTE: A dime held 1 meter from your eye subtends an angle of 1°.
Information on Planets
[Drawn principally from Appendices 1, 2 & 3]
Rotation Period
(solar days)
243 (R)
0.718 (R)
Orbital (sidereal)
(solar days)
Inclination of
equator to orbit
“Moon’s” orbital
(solar days)
Two satellites:
0.319 & 1.263
Thirty-nine satellites!
No satellites 
No satellites 
More Details on …
Earth’s rotation
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
Tilt of Earth’s spin axis
Moon’s orbit around the Earth
… as viewed by an extraterrestrial !
Earth’s rotation
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “day”.
• Period (of rotation) = 24 hours
= (24 hours)x(60 min/hr)x(60s/min) =86,400 s
• Astronomers refer to this 24 hour period as a mean solar
day (§2-7), implying that this time period is measured
with respect to the Sun’s position on the sky.
• A sidereal day (period of rotation measured with respect
to the stars – see Box 2-2) is slightly shorter; it is shorter
by approximately 4 minutes.
• The number of sidereal days in a year is precisely one
more than the number of mean solar days in a year!
Earth’s rotation
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “day”.
• Period (of rotation) = 24 hours
= (24 hours)x(60 min/hr)x(60s/min) =86,400 s
• Astronomers refer to this 24 hour period as a mean solar
day (§2-7), implying that this time period is measured
with respect to the Sun’s position on the sky.
• A sidereal day (period of rotation measured with respect
to the stars – see Box 2-2) is slightly shorter; it is shorter
by approximately 4 minutes.
• The number of sidereal days in a year is precisely one
more than the number of mean solar days in a year!
Earth’s rotation
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “day”.
• Period (of rotation) = 24 hours
= (24 hours)x(60 min/hr)x(60s/min) =86,400 s
• Astronomers refer to this 24 hour period as a mean solar
day (§2-7), implying that this time period is measured
with respect to the Sun’s position on the sky.
• A sidereal day (period of rotation measured with respect
to the stars – see Box 2-2) is slightly shorter; it is shorter
by approximately 4 minutes.
• The number of sidereal days in a year is precisely one
more than the number of mean solar days in a year!
Earth’s rotation
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “day”.
• Period (of rotation) = 24 hours
= (24 hours)x(60 min/hr)x(60s/min) =86,400 s
• Astronomers refer to this 24 hour period as a mean solar
day (§2-7), implying that this time period is measured
with respect to the Sun’s position on the sky.
• A sidereal day (period of rotation measured with respect
to the stars – see Box 2-2) is slightly shorter; it is shorter
by approximately 4 minutes.
• The number of sidereal days in a year is precisely one
more than the number of mean solar days in a year!
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “year”.
• Period (of orbit) = 3.155815 x 107 s = 365.2564 mean solar
days (§2-8).
• Orbit defines a geometric plane that is referred to as the
ecliptic plane (§2-5).
• Earth’s orbit is not exactly circular; geometrically, it is an
ellipse whose eccentricity is e = 0.017 (Appendix 1).
• Because its orbit is and ellipse rather than a perfect
circle, the Earth is slightly farther from the Sun in July
than it is in January (Fig. 2-22). But this relatively small
distance variation is not responsible for Earth’s seasons.
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “year”.
• Period (of orbit) = 3.155815 x 107 s = 365.2564 mean solar
days (§2-8).
• Orbit defines a geometric plane that is referred to as the
ecliptic plane (§2-5).
• Earth’s orbit is not exactly circular; geometrically, it is an
ellipse whose eccentricity is e = 0.017 (Appendix 1).
• Because its orbit is and ellipse rather than a perfect
circle, the Earth is slightly farther from the Sun in July
than it is in January (Fig. 2-22). But this relatively small
distance variation is not responsible for Earth’s seasons.
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “year”.
• Period (of orbit) = 3.155815 x 107 s = 365.2564 mean solar
days (§2-8).
• Orbit defines a geometric plane that is referred to as the
ecliptic plane (§2-5).
• Earth’s orbit is not exactly circular; geometrically, it is an
ellipse whose eccentricity is e = 0.017 (Appendix 1).
• Because its orbit is and ellipse rather than a perfect
circle, the Earth is slightly farther from the Sun in July
than it is in January (Fig. 2-22). But this relatively small
distance variation is not responsible for Earth’s seasons.
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
• Responsible for our familiar calendar “year”.
• Period (of orbit) = 3.155815 x 107 s = 365.2564 mean solar
days (§2-8).
• Orbit defines a geometric plane that is referred to as the
ecliptic plane (§2-5).
• Earth’s orbit is not exactly circular; geometrically, it is an
ellipse whose eccentricity is e = 0.017 (Appendix 1).
• Because its orbit is and ellipse rather than a perfect
circle, the Earth is slightly farther from the Sun in July
than it is in January (Fig. 2-22). But this relatively small
distance variation is not responsible for Earth’s seasons.
Tilt of Earth’s spin axis
• Responsible for Earth’s seasons (§2-5)
• Tilt of 23½° measured with respect to an axis that is
exactly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.
• Spin axis points to a fixed location on the “celestial
sphere” (§2-4); this also corresponds very closely to the
position of the north star (Polaris) on the sky.
• This “fixed location” is not actually permanently fixed;
over a period of 25,800 years, precession of the Earth’s
spin axis (§2-5) causes the “true north” location to slowly
trace out a circle in the sky whose angular radius is
Tilt of Earth’s spin axis
• Responsible for Earth’s seasons (§2-5)
• Tilt of 23½° measured with respect to an axis that is
exactly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.
• Spin axis points to a fixed location on the “celestial
sphere” (§2-4); this also corresponds very closely to the
position of the north star (Polaris) on the sky.
• This “fixed location” is not actually permanently fixed;
over a period of 25,800 years, precession of the Earth’s
spin axis (§2-5) causes the “true north” location to slowly
trace out a circle in the sky whose angular radius is
Tilt of Earth’s spin axis
• Responsible for Earth’s seasons (§2-5)
• Tilt of 23½° measured with respect to an axis that is
exactly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane.
• Spin axis points to a fixed location on the “celestial
sphere” (§2-4); this also corresponds very closely to the
position of the north star (Polaris) on the sky.
• This “fixed location” is not actually permanently fixed;
over a period of 25,800 years, precession of the Earth’s
spin axis (§2-5) causes the “true north” location to slowly
trace out a circle in the sky whose angular radius is
Moon’s orbit around the Earth
• Responsible for our familiar calendar month.
• Period (of orbit) = 2.36 x 106 s = 27.32 days (Appendix 3).
• Moon’s orbital plane does not coincide with the ecliptic
plane; it is inclined by approximately 8° to the ecliptic
• Much more about the Moon’s orbit in Chapter 3!
More Details on …
Earth’s rotation
Earth’s orbit around the Sun
Tilt of Earth’s spin axis
Moon’s orbit around the Earth
… as viewed by humans (and other
animals) living on Earth.
Rotation of Earth
• Imagine that the Sun and the Moon are
completely dark so that all we see in the
sky (24 hours per “day”) are stars.
• What would “star trails” look like as viewed
from various locations on Earth?
• Example #1: You live on the North Pole
• Example #2: You live on the Equator
• Example #3: You live at other latitudes.
Star Trails …
… looking west!
Rotation of Earth
• Now turn on the Sun, but VERY faintly.
• In a single day, what does the Sun’s “star trail”
look like? In other words, what is the Sun’s
trajectory across the sky in a single day?
• ANSWER: Sun appears to be in the same
direction in the sky as some star (it has a very
specific “celestial sphere coordinate location”)
and its trajectory across the sky will be identical
to that particular star’s “star trail.”
Rotation of Earth
• Now turn on the Sun, but VERY faintly.
• In a single day, what does the Sun’s “star trail”
look like? In other words, what is the Sun’s
trajectory across the sky in a single day?
• ANSWER: Sun appears to be in the same
direction in the sky as some star (it has a very
specific “celestial sphere coordinate location”)
and its trajectory across the sky will be identical
to that particular star’s “star trail.”
… looking west!
… looking west!
… looking west!
… looking west!
July 19; taken at 69º north latitude in northeast Alaska.
Seasons …