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Planet name?
The planet name is
Origin of name: King of
the Roman gods .
Discovered: Known
since antiquity.
What number is the planet
from the Sun?
The fifth planet from the
sun fences.
What is the distance
from the Earth?
Jupiter is 390,682,810
miles (628,743,036 km)
from Earth.
What is the closest planet?
How far away is that?
534 million km (332 million
What makes up the atmosphere?
Jupiter is basically one big
atmosphere - as far as we know,
there is no real surface to the
planet. Because it is too small
to be a star, no processes of
fusion exist to change its
composition as has occurred in
the sun. Many astronomers
believe that Jupiter's
composition reflects the initial
composition of the solar nebula.
•H2: 89.8±2.0%
•He: 10.2±2.0%
•CH4: 0.3±0.1%
•NH3: 0.026±0.004%
•HD: 0.0028±0.001%
•C2H6: 0.00058±0.00015%
•H2O: 0.0004% (varies with
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Besides this, aerosols of
ammonia ice, water ice, and
ammonia hydrosulfide exist in
the atmosphere.
The temperature at 1 bar is
approximately 165 K, and at 0.1
bar it is 112 K. The density at
1 bar is 160 g/m3. Below 30°
latitude, wind speeds range up
to 150 m/s, and above that only
40 m/s. The scale height of the
Jovian atmosphere is about 27
What makes up the surface?
Surface: The surface of Jupiter
is composed of hydrogen, helium,
sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen.
The main gaseous component is
hydrogen: almost 90%.
Core: Jupiter's interior is made
up of hydrogen, helium, iron,
rock, and ice.
What is it mass?
Jupiter mass (MJ or MJUP), is the
unit of mass equal to the total
mass of the planet Jupiter
kg, 317.83 Earth mass;1 Earth
mass equals 0.00315 Jupiter
masses). Jupiter mass is used to
describe masses of the gas
giants, such as the outer
planets and extrasolar planets.
It is also used in describing
Jupiter have 63 moons confirmed,
their names are:
Io (JI)
Europa (JII)
Ganymede (JIII)
Callisto (JIV)
Metia (JXVI, S/1979 J3
Adrastea (JXV, S/1979 J1)
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Amalthea (JV)
Thebe (JXIV, S/1979 J2)
Themisto (JXVIII, S/1975 J1)
Himalia (JVI)
Lysithea (JX
Elara (JVII)
Euporie (JXXXIV, S/2001 J10)
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Euanthe (JXXXIII, S/2001, J7)
Harpalyke (JXXII, S/2000 J5)
Praxidike (JXXVII, S/2000 J7)
Orthosie (JXXXV, S/2001, J9)
Iocaste (JXXIV, S/2000 J3)
Ananke (JXII)
Hermippe (JXXX, S/2001 J3)
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Thyone (JXXIX, S/2001 J2)
Arche (JXLIII, S/2002 J1)
Pasithee (JXXXVIII, S/2001 J6)
Kale (JXXXVII, S/2001 J8)
Chaldene (JXXI, S/2000 J10)
Isonoe (JXXVI, S/2000 J6)
Eurydome (JXXXII, S/2001 J4)
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Erinome (JXXV, S/2000 J4)
Taygete (JXX, S/2000 J9)
Carme (JXI)
Kalyke (JXXIII, S/2000 J2)
Aitne (JXXXI, S/2001 J11)
Pasiphaë (JVIII)
Megaclite (JXIX, S/2000 J8)
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Sponde (JXXXVI, S/2001 J5
Sinope (JIX)
Callirrhoe (JXVII, S/1999 J1)
Autonoe (JXXVIII, S/2001 J1)
Eukelade (XLVII, S/2003 J1)
Helike (XLV, S/2003 J6)
Aoede (XLI, S/2003 J7)
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Hegemone (JXXXIX, S/2003 J8)
Kallichore (XLIV, S/2003 J11)
Cyllene (XLVIII, S/2003 J21)
Karpo (XLVI, S/2003 J20)
Mneme (JXL, S/2003 J21)
Thelxinoe (XLII, S/2003 J22)
What is its orbital period?
Earth overtakes Jupiter every
398.9 days as it orbits the Sun,
a duration called the synodic
period. As it does so, Jupiter
appears to undergo retrograde
motion with respect to the
background stars. That is, for a
period Jupiter seems to move
backward in the night sky,
performing a looping motion.
Jupiter's 12-year orbital period
corresponds to the dozen
astrological signs of the
zodiac, and may have been the
historical origin of the signs.
That is, each time Jupiter
reaches opposition it has
advanced eastward by about 30°,
the width of a zodiac sign.
Because the orbit of Jupiter is
outside the Earth's, the phase
angle of Jupiter as viewed from
That is, the planet always
appears nearly fully illuminated
when viewed through Earth-based
telescopes. It was only during
spacecraft missions to Jupiter
that crescent views of the
planet were obtained.
What is the rotation period?
0.4135344 days (deep interior)
0.41007 days (equatorial)
0.41369942 days (high latitude)
The Myth of Jupiter and Io
Io was a river goddess. Jupiter
fell in love with the beautiful
maiden, and one day, as she
rested on the banks of the
River, he changed his shape into
that of a cloud, and embraced
her. He whispered words of love
to her, and then planted an
immortal kiss upon her upturned
cheek. Now Jupiter's wife, the
goddess Juno, was suspicious
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Made by:
Rodrigo Ochoa Mayagoitia and
Esteban Alcaraz Tejeda