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Stars and Stellar Evolution
Unit 6: Astronomy
What are stars?
Stars = spheres of very hot gas
 Nearest star to Earth is the sun
 Constellations = group of stars named
for a mythological characters
 88
Characteristics of Stars
Star color and
Color can give us a
clue to star’s
 Very hot (above
30,000 K) = blue
 Cooler = red
 In-between (50006000 K) = yellow
Characteristics of Stars
Binary stars and stellar
Binary star = stars that
orbit each other (Pair)
Because of gravity
50% of all stars
Can calculate mass of
Equal mass --> center
of mass halfway
between stars
 Size of orbits known -->
masses can be
Distances to Stars
Light-year = distance
light travels in a year
(9.5 trillion kilometers)
Parallax = slight shifting
in the apparent position
of a nearby star due to
the orbital motion of the
(comparisons) --> angle
Nearest = largest angles;
distant = too small to
Only a few thousand
stars are known
How bright is that star?
Brightness =
 Apparent magnitude
= a star’s brightness
as it appears from
How big it is
How hot it is
How far away it is
Larger number =
How bright is that star?
Absolute magnitude = how bright a star
actually is
 Magnitude
of star if I was a distance of
32.6 light-years
 Ex: Sun = apparent magnitude: -26.7,
absolute magnitude: 5
 More negative = brighter, more positive =
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
H-R diagram shows the
relationship between
the absolute magnitude
and temperature of
Can also help us infer
distance, life span mass
Stars are plotted
according to their
temperature and
absolute magnitude
Interpret stellar
Birth, age, death
H-R diagram
Bright stars are near
the top and dimmer
stars are near the
 About 90% are
Hottest = brightest
Coolest = dimmest
H-R diagram
Brightness of mainsequence stars are
related to mass
Hottest blue stars are 50
times more massive than
the sun
Coolest red stars and
only 1/10 as massive
Main-sequence stars
appear in decreasing
Hotter, more massive
blue stars --> cooler,
less massive red stars
H-R diagram
Red giants
Above and to right of
main-sequence stars
Size --> compare
them with stars of
known size that have
same temperature
Supergiants =
Ex: Betelgeuse
H-R diagram
White dwarfs
Lower-central part
Fainter than mainsequence stars of
same temperature
Variable Stars
Stars might fluctuate
in brightness
Cepheid variables =
brighter and fainter in
regular pattern
Nova = sudden
brightening of a star
Outer layer ejected at
high speed
Returns to original
Binary systems
How does the H-R diagram
predict stellar evolution?
Illustrate changes
that take place in a
star in its lifetime
 Position on H-R
Represents color
and absolute
magnitude at various
stages of evolution
Stellar Evolution
How stars are born, age and die
 Study stars of different ages
Life of a Star
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Star Birth
Born in nebula =
dark, cool,
interstellar clouds of
gas and dust
Milky Way = 92%
hydrogen, 7% helium
Dense --> contracts -> gravity squeezes
particles toward
center --> energy
converted into heat
Protostar Stage
Protostar = a developing star not yet hot
enough to engage in nuclear fusion
 Contraction
continues --> collapse causes
the core to heat much more intensely than
the outer layer
When is a star born?
 Core
of protostar reaches about 10 million
K --> nuclear fusion of hydrogen starts
Balanced Forces
Hydrogen fusion
Gases increase motion -> increase in outward
gas pressure
Outward pressure from
fusion balances inward
force of gravity
Becomes main-sequence
star (stable)
Main-sequence stage
Balanced between forces of gravity (trying to
squeeze into smaller space) and gas
pressure (trying to expand it)
 Hydrogen fusion for few billion years
Hot, massive blue stars deplete fuel in only few
million years
Least massive main sequence remain stable for
hundreds of billions of years
Yellow star (sun) = 10 billion years
90% of life as main-sequence star
Runs out of hydrogen fuel in core --> dies
Red Giant Stage
Zone of hydrogen fusion moves outward -->
helium core
All hydrogen in core is used up (no fusion in core)
--> still taking place in outer shell
Not enough pressure to support itself against force of
gravity --> core contracts
Core gets hotter --> hydrogen fusion in outer shell
increases --> expands outer layer --> giant body
Surface cools --> red
Core keeps heating up and converts helium to carbon to
produce energy
Burnout and Death of Stars
Low-mass stars
 1/2
mass of sun
 Consume fuel slowly --> main sequence for
up to 100 billion years
 Consume all their hydrogen --> collapse
into white dwarfs
 Eventually ends up as a black dwarf
Burnout and Death of Stars
Medium-mass stars
 Similar
to sun
 Turn into red giants --> once fuel is gone,
collapse as white dwarfs --> eventually
black dwarf
Burnout and Death of Stars
Burnout and Death of Stars
Massive stars
Shorter life spans
End lives in supernovas
= becomes 1 million
times brighter (rare)
Consumes most of its
fuel -> gas pressure does
not balance gravitational
pull --> collapses -->
huge implosion --> shock
wave moves out and
destroys the star (outer
shell blasted into space)
Formation and Destruction of
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Stellar Remnants
All stars collapse into one of the three: white
dwarf, neutron star, or black hole
 White dwarf = remains of low-mass and
medium-mass stars
Extremely small with high densities
Surface becomes very hot
Last stage of white dwarf = black dwarf (small,
cold body)
Smallest = most massive
No energy --> becomes cooler and dimmer
Collapse of larger stars
Largest = least massive
Collapse of less massive stars
Stellar Remnants
Neutron star =
smaller and more
massive than white
Remnants of
Composed entirely of
Stellar Remnants
Supernovae = outer
layer of star is
ejected --> collapse
into hot neutron star
Pulsar = emits short
bursts of radio
Remains of
Stellar Remnants
Black hole = a massive
star that has collapsed
to such a small volume
that its gravity prevents
the escape of
Cannot be seen
Evidence of matter being
rapidly swept into an
Where did the elements of the
universe come from?
After the universe became cool enough for
atoms to form, they began to clump together
into clouds of gas
First stars made up of mostly hydrogen with a
small amount of helium
Heavier elements like iron and silicon not yet made
inside stars
More and more stars formed, became mainsequence, grew old, and died
More and more matter was fused into heavier elements
and expelled back into interstellar space by supernovas
and dying red giant stars
Eventually our sun and its planets formed from this
interstellar gas and dust
TLC Elementary School: The Moon and
Beyond. Discovery Channel School.
 Science Investigations: Earth Science:
Investigating Astronomy. Discovery
Channel School. 2004. unitedstreaming.