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Shreveport Veterinary Internal Medicine
Admitting and Discharging Patients Protocol
We want all of our clients to understand what to expect when they bring their pet to us. The
following information is divided into admitting, procedures, and discharging patients and
explains what to expect during each part of the visit. Each visit is different based on special
circumstances, but we hope this helps explain the referral process and initial visit.
 You will fill out paperwork about you and your pet and we will enter it into the computer.
You can fill out this paperwork ahead of time at
 The technician will take you and your pet to an exam room and take vital signs and
record any medications your pet is taking.
 Dr. Treadwell will examine your pet and decide what procedures need to be performed.
 We will then provide you with an estimate of costs and a medical consent form to allow
us to perform the recommended procedures.
 You will need to leave your pet with us for the afternoon. We will schedule a time for
you to pick up your pet.
 You may be asked to leave a deposit of half of the estimate of costs.
 We may also discuss transfer to the Animal Emergency Clinic on Line Avenue. The
need for overnight care will be discussed on a case by case basis.
 We perform all of our procedures in the afternoon (unless it is an emergency).
 If Dr. Treadwell determines an additional procedure needs to be performed during the
afternoon you will be contacted before we proceed. You can opt to allow Dr. Treadwell
to use her discretion and do all tests or treatments necessary.
 If we are performing an ultrasound we will need to shave your pet in the area receiving
the ultrasound. IV catheters, sedation, and anesthesia are needed for some procedures.
 We will use sedation when necessary. (for example x-rays, ultrasound, or if it is in the
patient’s best interest)
 When you arrive to pick up you pet, you will be seated in the exam room. Dr. Treadwell
will go over test results and treatment plans. Then your technician will go over your
discharge instructions and medications, and answer any further questions. As more lab
results come in, Dr. Treadwell or your technician will call you to adjust treatment plans.
 We will fax a copy of your discharge instructions to your primary veterinarian and speak
with him or her as needed.
 We will then accept your payment and schedule a recheck if needed.
 Feel free to call, email, or visit our website for question or comments. 318-754-4753
[email protected]