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Magnetic Field Upper Limits for Jet Formation in X-ray binaries & AGNs M. Kaufman Bernadó1,* & M. Massi1 1Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany *Humboldt Research Fellow May 2008 - Ljubljana INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes 5. Implications 6. Summary INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 1. Introduction 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes 5. Implicactions 6. Summary X-ray Binary Binary X-ray System System Accretion Disk: X-ray emission Microquasar Microquasars are defined as the XRB systems where either high-resolution radio interferometric techniques have shown the presence of collimated jets or a flat/inverted radio spectrum has been observed (indirect Compact Object: evidence of an expanding continuous jet). ACCRETOR Companion Star: Neutron Star or Black Hole MASS DONORobject, NS or BH, is still The nature of the compact Low- ormicroquasars. High-Mass uncertain for several Magnetic Field Upper Limits for Jet Formation Necessary initial condition: a low magnetic field at the NS surface or at the last stable orbit of the accretion disk of a BH. Aim: to quantify this important parameter and therefore give an upper limit for the magnetic field strength for which an ejection could happen in a NS or BH XRB system, as well as to predict the corresponding behaviour for Active Galactic Nuclei using standard scaling. When will an accreting NS become a microquasar and when, on the other hand, an X-ray pulsar? When will a BH XRB system be able to evolve into a microquasar phase? INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries condition 4. Black Basic Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 5. Implications 6. Summary Initial Condition for Jet Formation: twisted B PB < Pp M increase Cycle A Magnetic Lines are compressed PB AMPLIFIED The formation of a jet is based on PB vs Pp START a competition process between >P the magnetic fieldPpressure, PB, and the plasma pressure, Pp. B p Because of the increasing compression of the magnetic field lines, the Summarised in a flowchart. magnetic will grow and may become larger than that the gas The strengthpressure of the large-scale poloidal field must be low enough the pressure on the surface of theshow accretion disk, whereofthe density is lower. Numerical that the launch a jet involves a P dominates Psimulations (Blandford 1976). p B weak large-scale poloidal magnetic field anchored in Then, the magnetic field i.e. dynamically dominant, Only rapidly under that condition, < P“active”, differentially disk is rotating disksbecomes orPBcompact objects (Meier et rotating al. 2001). p, the P Ppbend , and the themagnetic plasma has to lines followinthe twisted magnetic field lines, able field a magnetic spiral (Meier et al. B > to creating 2001). two spinning-plasma flows. PB > Pp START NO B YES Twisted? no JET is formed two spinning plasma flows a JET is formed QUIESCENT The generation of jets and their presence in XRBs is coupled to the M evolution of a cycle that can be observed in the X-ray states of this BH: LOW/HARD Neutron Star: -----------kind of systems. X-ray Pulsar NS: IS / HB increase M increase Cycle B new compression of the magnetic lines We therefore complement the jet formation flowchart showing the parallelism between the presence of a jet and the different X-ray reconnection states. stored magnetic energy released untwisted B BH: HIGH/SOFT ------------NS: BS / FB BH: VERY HIGH ----------NS: NB The strong magnetic field cannot be twisted and is dynamically dominant: the plasma is forced to move along the magnetic field lines and converges onto the magnetic poles of the neutron star. There, it releases its energy, creating two X-ray emitting caps (Psaltis 2004). Alfvén Radius Magnetic Field Upper Limit PB < Pp JET FORMATION The distance at which the magnetic and plasma pressure balance each other. The Basic Condition RA / RLSO = 1 BH Last Stable Orbit RA / R* = 1 NS Surface Radius INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binary and Supermassive Black Holes 5. Implications 6. Summary Using observed values of B and M for NS XRBs, Classical X-ray Pulsars ms X-ray Pulsars Atoll-sources Z-sources Millisecond Classical (ms) X-ray Pulsars: Pulsars: Atoll and ZX-ray - Sources: ---rapidly called spinning “slow” accretion-powered period 1s or more. LMXBs divided in these two typespulsars, depending on ~their timing - -few HMXB detected (fiveproperties / all LMXB) LMXB and spectral - Z-type have larger mass accretion rates than Atoll-type The intersection between the function, RA/R*, and the basic condition plane, RA/R*=1, indicates the combination of the magnetic field and the mass accretion rate values for which plasma pressure and magnetic field pressure balance each other at the surface of the star. This ensures that the initial condition for jet formation, PB < Pp is fulfilled over the whole accretion disk. Upper Limit for B Z sources 108.2 G Atoll Sources 107.7 G 107.5G ms X-ray Pulsars The association of a classical X-ray pulsar (B ~ 1012 G) with jets is excluded even if they accrete at the Eddington critical rate. Theses theoretical values are in complete agreement with the up to now existing observational data: Millisecond X-ray pulsar could switch to a microquasar phase during We thataccretion Atoll-sources potential sources for generating maximum Thesee magnetic field rate. strengthare hasindeed been determined in a Z-source, with Classical X-ray pulsar: in agreement with the systematic search of jets and in fact they have not only been detected in radio (Fender & 8 G, For their average B~10 the basic condition would only be fulfilled In fact, in the millisecond source SAX J1808.4-3658, which shows hints for jets, Scorpius X-1, from magnetoacoustic oscillations in kHz QPO radio emission in this kind of sources with so far negative result Hendry 2000; Rupen et al. 2005) but more recently evidence of jets in 7-8 a(Fender radio jet, during bright states, peak values of for a mass accretion rate , , whereas the maximum reaching values of 10 G (Titarchuk et al. 2001). Instead, if et al. 1997; Fender & Hendry 2000; Migliari & Fender 2006). these sources has been etofal.magnitude 2006 andlower, Russell et al. were measured and the upper limit(Migliari of theorder magnetic field strength was found observed accretion rate isfound nearly one 2007). to be a few times 107 G .(Gilfanov et al. 1998). INDEX 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition & 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes Supermassive Black Holes 1. Introduction 5. Implications 6. Summary Schwarzschild Stellar Mass BH Kerr Stellar Mass BH Upper Limit for B with Eddington mass accretion rate with BHSchw BHKerr Stellar-Mass BHSchw 1.35 x 108 G Stellar-Mass BHKerr 5 x 108 G Straightforward dependency of the magnetic field strength with the mass of the BH allowing us to establish its upper limit for the jet formation in the case of supermassive BHs as well: Schwarzschild and Kerr Supermassive BHs Upper Limit for B with Eddington mass accretion rate Supermassive BHSchw 105.4 G Supermassive BHKerr 105.9 G SBHSchw SBHKerr Note: in the specific case of a supermassive Schwarzschild BH of 108 we get B < 104.3 G. For a BH of the same mass Blandford & Payne (1982) established B < 104 G at 10rg. Scaling our value, which is relative to RLSO=6rg, to 10rg, we get B < 104 G in complete agreement with the results of Blandford & Payne (1982). INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 5. Implications 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes 5. Implications 6. Summary The analysis of the basic condition for jet formation has two interesting possible implications: Nature of the compact object in XRB systems ms X-ray pulsars spin distribution The nature of the compact object in XRB systems & the magnetic field decay Measurements of surface magnetic field strengths by cyclotron resonance effects were carried out in a dozen of X-ray classical pulsars show that B is tightly concentrated over: (1 - 4) x 1012 G (Makishima et al. 1999) To achieve the basic conditions for forming a jet the field must decay to B=107-8 G The nature of the compact object in XRB systems & the magnetic field decay Analysis of pulsars data have indicated that B decays 4 orders of magnitude by Ohmic dissipation in a timescale longer than 109 yr (Konar & Bhattacharya 2001). Therefore this kind of magnetic field decay process excludes the possibility of a NS-HMXB evolving into a microquasar phase since this decay is longer than the lifetime of the high-mass companion star, 107 yr for . In this case then, the only possible accretor would be a Black Hole. The nature of the compact object in XRB systems & the magnetic field decay Faster decays of the magnetic field can occur with the high-accretion-induced crust screening process. (Zhang 1998) Circinus X-1 is an XRB with a type I X-ray bursts NS. It has a confirmed jet, so it is a microquasar. It is so young that its orbit has not yet had time to become circular circularization time ~ 105 yr. (Ransom et al. 2005) It has already reached B to fulfill the basic condition for jet formation. In fact, Romani (1995) has deduced a characteristic timescale for the initial field decay by screeing in the range of 104 yr < t < 106 yr. The nature of the compact object in XRB systems & the magnetic field decay A decay in the B due only to Ohmic dissipation implies the presence of a BH as the compact object in a microquasar-HMXB because of the long timescales of this process. Only in the case of high-accretion-induced crust screening process the timescales can be as short as t ~ 105 yr and the issue of the nature of the compact object remains open. ms X-ray pulsars spin distribution One of the major open issues concerning millisecond X-ray pulsars is the absence of sub-millisecond X-ray pulsars. The spin distribution sharply cuts off well before the strict upper limit on the NSs spin rate that is given by the centrifugal breakup limit (0.3 ms depending on the NS equation of state). The physics setting that limit is unclear. (Chakrabarty 2005) Due to the possibility of jets in millisecond X-ray pulsars, then the jet might be the suitable agent of angular momentum sink, as in the bipolar outflows from young stellar objects. The transport rate of angular momentum by the jet can be two thirds or more of the estimated rate transported through the relevant portion of the disk. (Woitas et al. 2005) INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Jet formation cycle A and B – Basic condition 6. Summary 3. Neutron Star X-ray Binaries 4. Black Hole X-ray Binaries and Supermassive Black Holes 5. Implications 6. Summary The association of a classical X-ray pulsar - B ~ 1012 G - with jets is excluded. Z sources 108.2 G 107.7 G Atoll Sources ms X-ray Pulsars Stellar-Mass BHSchw Stellar-Mass BHKerr 107.5G, and max. 1.35 x 108 G 5 x 108 G Implications Compact Supermassive BHSchw 105.4 G Supermassive BHKerr 105.9 G object nature vs. B decay ms X-ray pulsars spin distribution vs. presence of jets