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The Sun, Stars and Solar
Objects Beyond the Earth’s
What is the sun?
Sun Safety
When studying the sun safety is very
Write one sun safety rule:
The Sun From the Earth
The Sun and Solar Flare
Sun Facts
Makes life on our planet possible by
giving us great amounts of light and heat.
Contains about 98% of the mass of the
entire Solar System.
Is just a medium sized star (yellow
dwarf). It is about 1.4 million kilometers
in diameter.
Sun Facts
Is the center of our Solar System. All the
planets and other objects orbit around it.
Is very gaseous, and made up mostly of
Contains dark spots that are known as
How is the sun different than
other stars?
Star Facts
Are formed initially from gas and dust.
They are made mainly of hydrogen gas.
Are very hot and give off huge amounts of
energy in the form of heat and light.
Our Sun is a medium sized star.
More Star Facts
Are very far away from Earth. The closest
Star is about 23.5 trillion miles away.
A group of stars that form a star picture is
called a constellation.
The sky has about 88 constellations.
Constellation Scorpius
Swan Constellation
How is the solar system
different than the sun?
The Solar System
Another Look at the Solar System
Solar System
The Solar System
Contains the eight planets and other smaller objects
such as minor planets, comets, meteoroids and
cosmic dust.
The first four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars) are relatively small and resemble the Earth
in composition (rocky).
The next four planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune) are much larger planets and are very
gaseous in nature. Pluto is now called a minor or
dwarf planet that is far from the sun.
The Solar System Continued
All the objects in our Solar System orbit
the Sun. It is so big that everything in our
Solar System could fit in it many times.
Many scientists believe that our Solar
System is over 4.6 billion years old.
 Energy
 Solar energy
 Orbit
 Solar system
 constellation
Sailing Out to Space
I dream of sailing out to space,
Upon a yacht of stars.
With port holes all along the sides,
I'd gaze amazed at Mars.
With stars in front and stars behind,
And planets far and near,
I'd sail my yacht around the rings,
Of Saturn with a cheer.
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