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The Life cycle of a Star
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Life cycle of a Star
• Stars are born out of nebulae
(a nebula is an inter-stellar
cloud of gas (mainly
hydrogen) and dust)
• Gravitational forces pull at
the gas and dust compressing
it into a slowly rotating
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Life cycle of a Star
• The globule spins faster as it
• The spin-speed causes the pressure
and temperature to increase .
• The globule spreads out into a disk that
becomes planets and a central core that
becomes a star.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Fusion stage
• When a temperature of about
27,000,000,000°F is reached, nuclear
fusion begins.
• This is the nuclear reaction in which
hydrogen atoms are fused together to
make helium atoms.
• A lot of energy is given out as this happens.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Stable stage
• The fusion reaction
produces radiation
that causes an
outward pressure
called radiation
pressure (blue
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Stable stage
• The force of
gravity that pulls
all mass
together causes
an inward
pressure (red
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Stable stage
• The star is in a
stable state when
the radiation
pressure pushing
outwards is equal
to the gravitational
pressure pushing
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The bigger the Star the smaller its lifespan
• The most massive stars have the shortest
• Stars that are 25 to 50 times that of the
Sun live for only a few million years.
• Stars like our Sun live for about 10 billion
years (our Sun is about half way through
its life cycle!)
• Stars less massive than the Sun have even
longer life spans.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Death of a Star
• Size also determines what happens in
death ……
• When stars run out of fuel, they
expand to become Red Giants (larger
ones into Super Red Giants!).
• This happens because the radiation
pressure is greater than the
gravitational pull
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Death of a Star
• Larger stars then explode into a
Supernova, smaller stars become a gas
• Large stars then shrink into black holes
• Medium stars shrink into neutron stars
• Small stars shrink into white dwarfs
and then cool into black dwarfs
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The size of the star determines the rest of it’s fate
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
• Stars gather together in galaxies.
• There are billions of stars in each
• There are millions of galaxies in the
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Galaxies are often seen as spirals with
bright centres – the density of star
material is greatest at the centre
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
The Sombrero Galaxy :
a galaxy viewed from the edge
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Galaxies are in constant motion
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Galaxy M100
• This comparison image of the core of galaxy
M100 shows the dramatic improvement in
the Hubble telescope's view of the universe.
• The new image (right) was taken with the
second generation Wide Field and Planetary
Camera (WFPC2), which was installed during
the STS-61 Hubble Servicing Mission.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Galaxy M100
• The picture beautifully demonstrates that
the corrective optics incorporated within
WFPC2 compensate fully for Hubble's nearsightedness.
• The new camera will allow Hubble to probe
the universe with unprecedented clarity and
• The picture clearly shows faint structure as
small as 30 light-years across in a galaxy
tens of millions of light-years away.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004
Galaxy M100
• M100 is a large spiral galaxy, similar to our
own Milky Way.
• It contains over 100 billion stars.
• M100 is so far away that we see it as it
looked over 50 million years ago.
• Discovered in 1781 in the constellation
Comae Berenices, it was one of the "nebular
objects" believed to be no more distant
than the stars. Only recently have we been
able to distinguish it as a distant galaxy.
The Earth and Beyond… GCSE Physics Notes LOJ
March 2004