Download Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition Markus Becker January 28, 2004

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Bootstrapping Techniques for Text Mining
Active Learning for
Named Entity Recognition
Markus Becker
January 28, 2004
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Active Learning
• Supervised Learning
– Large amount of annotated data
– Expensive
– Time consuming
• Active Learning
– Selects most informative data points
– Maximal reduction of error rate with minimal amount of labelling
– Faster converging learning curves
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Learning Curves
Amount of labelled data
Faster convergence
→ higher accuracy for same amount of labelled data
→ less labelled data for same levels of accuracy
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
• Approaches to Active Learning
Statistically optimal solutions
Uncertainty sampling
Query by committee
Support vector machine based methods
• Level of Annotation
• Conclusion
• Outlook
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Statistically Optimal Solutions
Cohn et al (1996) construct queries such that variance is minimised.
Bias/Variance Decomposition (Geman et al, 1992)
error = noise + bias + variance
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Statistically Optimal Solutions
Cohn et al (1996) construct queries such that variance is minimised.
Bias/Variance Decomposition (Geman et al, 1992)
error = noise + bias + variance
Reducing variance minimises future error, given an unbiased learner.
• Computation of expected variance difficult
• Construction of examples infeasible in NLP
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Uncertainty Sampling (1)
• Lewis & Gale (1994)
• Document classification
• Usefulness ≈ uncertainty of single learner
– Label probabilities close to 0.5 (binary classification)
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Uncertainty Sampling (2)
• Scheffer et al (2001)
• Named entity recognition
• Usefulness ≈ small margin of HMM states
– Difference between best and second best state
• Problem: ignores rest of state distribution
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Uncertainty Sampling (3)
Hwa (2000), Entropy of output distribution
high entropy
low entropy
• Near uniform distribution (high entropy)
– low certainty
• Spiked distribution (low entropy)
– high certainty
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Query by Committee
• Seung et al (1992)
• Applications to
– Document classification
– Part-of-speech tagging
– Parse selection
• Usefulness ≈ disagreement of committee of learners
– Vote entropy: disagreement between winners
– KL-divergence: distance between class output distributions
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
• Muslea et al (2000)
• Applications to
– Wrapper induction
• Maximise
– Disagreement of committee of learners
– Certainty of individual learners
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Support Vector Machines
• Data points are vectors in an n-dimensional feature space
• Dividing hyperplane is subspace of dimensionality n − 1
– Labelling according to location wrt hyperplane
• Projection into higher-dimension spaces for linear separability
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
SVM-Based Active Learning
? + ++
• Schohn & Cohn (2000), Tong & Koller (2001)
• Usefulness ≈ proximity to hyperplane
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Problem: Unrepresentative Data Points
• Outliers may have high uncertainty
• Knowing label not advantageous for classifier
• Need to model distribution of data points
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Level of Annotation (1)
What kind of data points are queried?
• Document level
– Finn & Kushmerick (2003)
– Allows use of well-defined document metrics
• Word level
– Scheffer et al (2001)
– Need to combine labeled with unlabeled data
– Annotating single tokens may be frustrating
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Level of Annotation (2)
• Phrase level
– Annotation seems most natural
– Uncertainty-based approaches likely to suggest
subsequences which are not a phrase or named entity
– Co-testing would reduce this risk
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
• Promising for migrating to new domains and languages
• Application to NER comparatively new
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques
Need to determine
• Appropriate active learning paradigm
• Level of annotation
Markus Becker
Active Learning for NER
Bootstrapping Techniques