Download Business Intelligence & Exam 1 Review

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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INPUT: Acxiom Corporation collects 300
million individual demographic records.
OUTPUT: Who is going to default on a loan.
Q: How do you process this input to output?
INPUT: Disney crowd estimates for 4 parks
and 365 days of data.
OUTPUT: Best time to visit, best sequence of
parks to visit.
Q: How do you process this input to output?
BI Systems use information technology
(hardware, software, but even algorithms) to
find patterns, relationships, and trends.
Data  (MIS)  Information
Information  (DSS)  Good Decisions
Information  (BI systems)  Knowledge
Reporting Tools
◦ Examples:
Pivot Charts & Online Analytical Processing
Data Mining Algorithms
◦ Examples:
Apriori Algorithm for finding association rules
Knowledge Management Tools
◦ Examples:
IBM’s email knowledge bank
TPS – Transaction Processing Systems
PCS – Process Control Systems
MIS – Management Information Systems
DSS – Decision Support Systems
EIS – Executive Information Systems
ECS – Enterprise Collaboration Systems
 (TPS) 
 (PCS) 
Data & Routine Decisions
 (MIS) 
Info. & Routine Decisions
 (DSS) 
Complex Decisions
 (BI) 
 (EIS) 
Strategic Decisions
Data & Info
 (ECS) 
Data & Info.
Old problem: Too much data
◦ figured out some solutions
New problem: Too much information
◦ Moving from info. to knowledge is a bigger problem
◦ Where humans are still needed
Pivot Chart Lab & Logic
◦ We will learn how to make accurate predictions
(knowledge) given raw data about behavior
◦ Excel will be our tool
Market Basket Lab
◦ We will find the strongest product associations
(knowledge) given millions of possibilities (raw
◦ Access with be our tool
Large companies pay $millions for
sophisticate tools to do these things
Intro Lab
Excel Lab
◦ Getting to know the procedures
◦ Word is just a document maker
◦ Google Docs is more of an Information System
◦ First DSS example
◦ Data  Information
◦ Tables  Maps  Reports
◦ More than just an accounting calculator
◦ A tool for automation and information processing
◦ Searching (vlookup) and logic (if statements)
Reading is listed on the schedule
Review the lab