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Chapter 7
Nutritional Assessment
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Perform anthropometric
Describe the most common
pathophysiologies for abnormal
Describe laboratory analyses needed
and their clinical significance to the
nutritional assessment.
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Dietary Guidelines
Recommended dietary allowances
Food guide pyramid
Six food groups
Fats, oils, and sweets: use sparingly
Milk, yogurt and cheese: 2–3 servings/day
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs: 2–3 servings/day
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Dietary Guidelines
Vegetables: 3–5 servings per day
Fruits: 2–4 servings per day
Breads, cereal, rice, pasta: 6–11
servings per day
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Guidelines
for Young and MiddleAged Adults
Growth and caloric needs stabilize
Eating habits may be influenced by
activity levels, life stressors
Nutritional risks for development of
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Guidelines
for Young and MiddleAged Adults
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Assessment
of Young and MiddleAged Adults
Caloric intake?
Adherence to specific diet?
Satisfaction with current weight?
Physical activity?
Consumption of snacks?
Typical meal patterns?
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Guidelines
for the Older Adult
Decreased caloric requirements
Adhere to food guide pyramid,
except consume decreased portion
Encourage to eat in a sitting position
Encourage adequate fluid intake and
high fiber diet
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Guidelines
for the Older Adult
Nutritional risk factors
Difficulty chewing or swallowing
Decreased appetite
Decreased ability to feed self
Decreased taste and smell
Decreased esophageal emptying time
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional Assessment
of Older Adults
Presence of physical limitations that
affect eating?
Difficulty chewing or swallowing?
Presence of dental problems?
Difficulty obtaining or preparing
Do you eat alone?
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Cultural Differences in
Cultural beliefs related to the
consumption of food
Religious beliefs related to the
consumption of food
Food restrictions
Periods of fasting
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Components of
a Nutritional
Nutritional history
Physical assessment
Anthropometric measurements
Laboratory data
Diagnostic data
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional History
General diet information
Changes in past 12 months
Ability to obtain and prepare foods
Food preferences
Adherence to particular diet
Consumption of fast foods
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Nutritional History
Food intake history
24-hour recall
Food diary
Calorie count
Evaluation of adequacy of diet
Food guide pyramid
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Physical Assessment
Head to toe
Assess for subjective and
objective signs and symptoms of
poor nutritional status
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Signs and Symptoms of
Poor Nutritional Status
Subjective data
Weight changes
Changes in appetite
Changes in bowel habits
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Signs and Symptoms of
Poor Nutritional Status
Objective data
Weight changes
Dry, rough, scaly skin
Dry, cracked lips
Swollen, bleeding gums
Decreased muscle tone
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Ideal body weight, percent IBW
Percent weight change
Triceps skinfold
Mid-arm circumference
Waist/hip ratio
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Laboratory Data
Hematocrit and hemoglobin
Cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Transferrin, TIBC, iron
Total lymphocyte count
Albumin and prealbumin
Creatinine and nitrogen
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning
Diagnostic Data
Radiographic studies
Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning