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 Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him, said
that Allah had not brought down any illness
without a cure for it.
 Currently, the scientists found many
remedies available in the nature.
 Thus, Prophet Muhammad had founded what
the science had recently confirmed, that the
nature is the main source of cure.
---instead of
Mc Donalds
 DO
 WE
 IN
1. Carrots: Jasper of the lens of the eye. Research has shown that
the carrots are actually very useful.
2. Tomato: Its four chambers, heart red and its four chambers:
the ventricles and Atria. All recent research confirms that tomato
is useful for heart and blood food.
3. Grapes: Similar to the exterior of the heart. And each grape
looks like a blood cell ...!! Research has shown that grape is
beneficial for the heart and the blood also.
4. Nuts: Very similar to a brain (brain) and left perinea. Even
Convolution within it. Actually research confirms that eating
walnuts contribute to the growth of many neurons that help in
the performance of their tasks.
5. Beans: They are of the kidney shape and help in the function.
6. Onions: Similar to the body's cells, and research shows that
onions help to eliminate body wastes.
 Arthritis
patients may take daily (morning
and night) one cup of hot water with two
tablespoons of honey and one small
teaspoon of cinnamon powder. When taken
regularly even chronic arthritis can be
You will be needing 40 pcs of guyabano leaves
1 liter clean water
1. Boil the 1 liter water in a sauce pan.
2. As soon as it boils, add the leaves and turn the
heat to low.
3. Simmer it for 20 minutes. The color will turn
to golden brown or just like the color of regular
4. let it cool before drinking.
The tea is only good for 7-8 hours
and may be refrigerated.
*It should only be taken for 30 days. More than
that, it will destroy the normal flora.
*After 30 days, have yourself checked by your
doctor to examine if the disease is still there. If
the symptoms is still there, taper the dose to
maintenance dose.
* If the symptoms disappear before the 30 day
treatment, continue taking the tea to make sure
that no single sick cell is present.
It will help you lose belly fat
Consuming green tea and participating in three hours of
moderate physical activity per week resulted in an acceleration
of body fat around the abdomen as compared to exercise alone.
Your gums and teeth will benefit
Green tea helps to interfere with the body’s inflammatory
response to periodontal bacteria, warding off further disease.
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects
the gums and bone supporting the teeth; it’s been associated
with the progression of other diseases such as cardiovascular
disease and diabetes.
It may reduce your risk of cancer
Green tea is well-known for its abilities to reduce the risk of
many types of cancer, including breast cancer, oral cancer,
ovarian cancer, prostate cancer and a wide range of others.
 Did
You know About 40 per cent of cancers
are diet related, according to the American
Institute for Cancer Research. Eat at least
five portions of fruit and vegetables every
day to reduce your risk of cancer of the lung,
digestive tract, bowel, bladder and breast.
1. Ovarian cancer treatment
2. Colon cancer prevention
3. Morning sickness relief
4. Motion sickness remedy
5. Reduces pain and inflammation
6. Heartburn relief
7. Prevention of diabetic
8. Migraine relief
9. Menstrual cramp relief
10. Cold and flu prevention
 Although
it seems too good to be true, dark
chocolate can actually be good for you!
When consumed in moderation, this delicious
treat has some powerful health benefits.
Following arethree of the major reasons to
1. It can help prevent heart disease: Like
tea, dark chocolate contains
flavonoids, which are compounds
that act as antioxidants. Flavonoids
protect cells from harmful molecules.
It can improve your mood: Dark chocolate
stimulates the production of endorphins,
chemicals in the brain that bring on feelings of
pleasure. It also contains the chemical
serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant.
3. It can protect your skin: German researchers
found that the flavonoids in dark chocolate
absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood
flow to the skin, and improve skin’s hydration
and complexion.
For all of its health benefits, though, dark
chocolate does contain a lot of calories. So,
experts recommend sticking to no more than
three ounces of the sweet stuff per day.
Appropriate measures to improve circulation and purification of
blood reduces the incidence of acne, pimples, anaemia and so
Follow these simple home remedies to purify blood:
1.Drink grape juice, devoid of sugar as it improves the
hemoglobin content.
2.Honey improves the hemoglobin content thereby improving
circulation. It is rich in iron, manganese and copper.
3.Drink plenty of water and reduce the intake of fried, fatty
4.Garlic is a great blood cleanser. 3 pods of garlic once a day for
a month can be consumed. Garlic purifies the blood and thereby
clears the skin of boils, pimples and skin spots.
5.Raw fruits and vegetables intake should be
6.Some simple natural foods are great cleansing
agents for the body. Parsley, for one, acts as a
diuretic to flush out the bladder and kidneys as
well as a blood cleanser.
Wheat grass juice is a natural detox agent that
decreases fat in the blood, lowers cholesterol
levels, and provides oodles of essential vitamins
that are needed by the body daily. Include it as
part of your diet.
Vitamins A,B,C,E and K can be found in this
super juice. Additionally, iron, manganese,
potassium, and other nutrients are provided
Coming down with a cold? Instead of
reaching for a bowl of chicken soup, try a
cup of turmeric milk, a time-tested
Ayurvedic treatment and Indian folk remedy
for colds, coughs, runny nose from allergies,
throat irritation, and even asthma.
 Citrus
fruits are a rich source of vitamin C,
which aids in keeping your heart in good
condition. Stick to whole fruits instead of
juice as they slow sugar absorption.
There in are fruits and
palm trees with sheaths.
And grain with husk and
fray, and flowers.
Then which of the favours
of your Allah will ye deny?
[Quran 55:13]
- 2 cups kiwi
- 2 cups mango
- 2 cups strawberry
 1.
Start your day with fresh juice - vegetable
or fruit juice in the morning can make you
glow. Avoid caffeine as first thing in the
morning. Grab a fruit instead.
2. Take small meals and munch on healthy
snacks. Nuts, carrots, and fruits can go with
you to perk up metabolism.
1/2 pineapple
- 1 lime
- 1/2 inch ginger
- Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey
1)Fights Breast Cancer
Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys
breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It
may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.
2) Lung Cancer Prevention
Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit
the development of lung cancer.
3) Slows Prostate Cancer
It slowed the growth of prostate cancer in mice.
4) Keeps PSA Levels Stable
In a study of 50 men who had undergone treatment for
prostate cancer, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day
kept PSA levels stable, reducing the need for further
5) Protects the Neonatal Brain
Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice
may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.
6) Prevention of Osteoarthritis
Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent
cartilage deterioration.
7) Protects the Arteries
It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may
reverse previous plaque buildup.
8) Alzheimer's Disease Prevention It may prevent and slow
Alzheimer's disease. In one study, mice bred to develop
Alzheimer's disease were given pomegranate juice. They
accumulated significantly less amyloid plaque than control mice
and they performed mental tasks better.
9)Lowers Cholesterol
It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL
(good cholesterol).
10) Lowers Blood Pressure
One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of
pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic
blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.
11) Dental Protection
Research suggests that drinking pomegranate
juice may be a natural way to prevent dental
½ cucumber1 green apple½ bitter gourd2 ribs of celery½ green capsicum (bell pepper)
 Ingredients:
- 1 cucumber
- 5 stalks celery
- 5 carrots
- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 lemon
Buy Organic!
Juice the above
ingredients, and
add coconut water last!
This juice is so nutritious only due to the
presence of two vegetables and one fruit which
is full of several lifesaving antioxidants, apple is
full of Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K
along with nutrients like Folate, Zinc,
Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium,
Sodium and Iron. While carrots are known to
have vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and K
along with Niacin and Pantothenic Acid
supported by minerals like calcium, magnesium,
potassium and Selenium. Maximum advantage
can be gained from carrots in their juice form
rather than the vegetable eaten directly.
Beetroot is a vegetable which is known to help
the heart in prevention of any cardiovascular
diseases which are full of nutrients like Vitamin
A, C, B-complex, iron, copper, magnesium and
potassium along with several anti-aging agents.
Combination of these three is enough to provide
the body with all the necessary nutrients to keep
the body going throughout the day apart from
which they also are known to provide long
lasting benefits to the body health. Some of the
advantages which can be gained from this juice
This drink few years ago was suggested to those
who have been suffering from lung cancer for
which it is necessary to drink this for 3 months
continuously after which it has been found that
they have completely healed from this life taking
disease. This drink is not just limited to lung
cancer but also is known to treat all types of
cancer by restricting the growth of cells which
can lead to cancer. This juice is known to be
perfect choice for development of various
organ’s health like kidney, liver and pancreas
saving them from various problems which also
helps in strengthening of heart and
It is already known that this miracle drink consists of
beetroot which is known to look after the health of
heart along with presence of carrot which is known to
help in promotion of heart health with compounds
like alpha and beta carotenes and lutein. When all
the goodness from these both vegetables is mixed
with apple aids in keeping the cholesterol levels
down and having a control on the blood pressure also
acting like a shield in front of heart from diseases.
There are many who state that this miracle drink will
also help in keeping the skin without any spots,
pimples and also extending the time during which the
skin keeps on ageing. Younger and fresh skin that is
dream of many can be easily acquired by one glass of
this miracle drink daily.
 This
juice is also said to improve the entire
digestive system in the body that protects
stomach health saving it from ulcers,
controlling the bowel movements and
relieving chronic constipation. This is the
best drink which will help in providing brain
with all the necessary nutrients which in turn
increases the memory and helps in proper
functioning of brain. This works great even
for the eyes and is suggestible exclusively for
those who are forced to work on computer
for several hours which might result in drying
up of eyes, irritation and tiredness.
This juice also works great in enhancing the immunity
system at the same time safeguarding the body from
different types of allergies, this works even in curing any
sort of throat infections.
This miracle drink is also known to detoxify the liver and
blood purification thereby helping in increment of red
blood cells production.
Women suffering with too much pain during menstrual
cycle can also go with this drink since it is known to
relieve from any such pains and cramps apart from this it
is said to relieve pain from any sort of activities which
might also include physical activities.
This is also said to work wonders for those who are looking
to lose some weight at the same time giving necessary
energy without putting on additional calories.
In order to get maximum benefit from this
miracle drink it is suggested to take it on empty
stomach that too early in the morning and one
hour after its consumption people can go ahead
with their regular breakfast. But this does not
have to be restricted only once but can even be
take twice every day in the evening before 5 pm
which may change from one person to another.
This drink can be taken for one month
continuously or even 3 months for this drink to
work effectively making it part of diet to get
benefit for longer duration.
Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce
cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and
eliminate bad breath.
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce
internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and
moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts,
nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat,
counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight
oxidization .
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C
+ Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen
body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron.
Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious
and prevent constipation
The best fruit to eat is avocados. This beautiful
green fruit is packed with carotenoids and
antioxidants and they are extremely rich in Fatty
Acids. Avocados also provide your body with 18
essential amino acids. These amino acids form
the complete protein for your body. If you're
looking for a great protein replacement to your
diet, this is it. Avocados are the most wonderful
and nutritious fruit. Eat them many times every
week. Let's face it, our body needs fat, our brain
needs fat. Would you rather give your brain trans
fats from processed foods? I hope not. Don't be
afraid of healthy fats. Avocados give your brain
and body the right source of fat that it needs.
Mangosteen fruit has a number of substances,
the most prominent being xanthones, a group of
compounds that have antioxidant and other
potent physiological properties.
 Xanthones are the major active ingredients in
mangosteen. Xanthones are mostly in the rind
and seed, and less in the mangosteen fruit.
 Xanthones have properties such as: anti-tumor
(shrinks tumors), anti-leukemia, antifungal
(critical for all cancer patients), antibacterial
(to protect DNA), antioxidants
1. Anti-fatigue (energy booster)
2. Powerful anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation)
3. Analgesic (prevents pain)
4. Anti-ulcer (stomach,
mouth and bowel ulcers)
5. Anti-depressant (low to moderate)
6. Anxyolytic (anti-anxiety effect)
7. Anti-Alzheimerian (helps prevent dementia)
8. Anti-tumor and cancer prevention (multiple categories
cited)... shown to be capable of killing cancer cells
9. Immunomodulator (multiple categories cited) - helps the
immune system
10. Anti-aging
11. Anti-oxidant
12. Anti-viral
13. Anti-biotic (modulates bacterial infections)
14. Anti-fungal (prevents fungal infections)
15. Anti-seborrheaic (prevents skin disorders)
16. Anti-lipidemic (blood fat lowering, LDL)
17. Anti-atherosclerotic (prevents hardening
of arteries)
18. Cardioprotective (protects the heart)
19. Hypotensive (blood pressure lowering)
20. Hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic effect, helps lower blood
21. Anti-obesity (helps with weight loss)
22. Anti-arthritic (prevention of arthritis)
23. Anti-osteoporosis (helps prevent the loss of bone
24. Anti-periodontic (prevents gum disease)
25. Anti-allergenic (prevents allergic reaction)
 26. Anti-calculitic (prevents kidney stones)
 27. Anti-pyretic (fever lowering)
 28. Anti-Parkinson
 29. Anti-diarrheal
 30. Anti-neuralgic (reduces nerve pain)
 31. Anti-vertigo (prevents dizziness)
 32. Anti-glaucomic (prevents glaucoma)
 33. Anti-cataract (prevents cataracts)
 34. Pansystemic - has a synergistic
effect on the whole body
 The
Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola
tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer
10,000 times stronger than Chemo.
Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin
C, which helps to fight free radicals in our body.
It is also high in potassium and magnesium that
protects our heart from cardiac disease.
 Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps
your skin and hair healthy.
This fruit is also known to be
 great for eyes, and cures indigestion problems.
It's important to include this fruit
in your diet, as the copper content
helps to cure constipation, and
helps to treat diarrhea and
 Anti
Cancer : It is a natural cancer
treatment, the lychee fruit prevents the
growth of cancer cells in the body and a
research has also shown that the lychee fruit
may provide an impressive anti-cancer
Potassium And Copper:
 Lychee also contains a very good amount of
like potassium
and copper.
 They
contain large amount of anti-oxidants
which are responsible for skin and brain
care. The fiber content present in them
helps in producing vitamins and minerals in
the body which keeps us from aging.
1.Full of Antioxidant: Reduce inflammation
that causes diabetes, asthma, colon cancer &
many more
2.Phytonutrients: bioactive compound, able
to trigger healthy reactions within our body.
3.Citrulline converts into Arginine: helps us
to maintain a healthy immune system (heart
healthy food)
& eventually its provides relief from the
encroaching heat.
Use grape leaves to boost your intake of roughage. The
leaves provide a rich source of fiber, 1.5 grams per cup.
This means that, despite containing very few calories,
grape leaves will help fill you up. Grape leaves' fiber
content adds bulk to your food to help physically fill your
stomach, and also helps slow digestion so that you get a
gradual release of sugar into your bloodstream, instead of
a blood sugar spike and crash that leaves you ravenous. A
1-cup serving of leaves provides about 7 percent of your
fiber intake if you follow a 1,500-calorie diet, according to
the Harvard School of Public Health, or 5 percent if you're
on a 2,000-calorie diet.
It also has Vitamin A (helps your cells develop)and K (helps
control blood clotting), Calcium, and Iron.
Stuff your grape leaves with healthy ingredients
to make nutrient-dense meals. Try stuffing grape
leaves with chicken and chopped vegetables,
then bake until tender for a meal rich in protein,
fiber, vitamins and minerals. For a vegetarian
option, substitute tofu or tempeh for meat as a
source of protein, and add mushrooms for a
meaty texture. Steam leftover grape leaves for
use in pureed soup -- a blend of broccoli, onions,
kale, grape leaves and other green veggies
makes for a flavorful and nutrient-packed meal.
 Mango
contains a sufficient quantity of
fiber, which causes slow absorption of sugar
into the blood stream; helps reducing
appetite, maintain blood sugar
levels resulting in controlling body weight.
When the fiber passes through intestines it
also eliminates a number of harmful fats of
the body.
Mango is also valuable to combat acidity and
poor digestion.
Bananas help overcome depression due high levels of tryptophan,
which is converted into serotonin — the happy-mood brain
Eating two bananas before a strenuous workout can pack an
energy punch and sustain your blood sugar.
Bananas help protect you against muscle cramps during workouts
and night time leg cramps.
Bananas regulate blood sugar and relieve stress, which improves
your mood and reduces PMS symptoms.
Bananas are high in vitamin B-6 which helps reduce swelling,
protect against type 2 diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the
nervous system, and assist in the production of white blood cells.
Bananas are full of iron, which helps strengthen your blood and
relieve anemia.
 According
to a recent survey undertaken by
MIND amongst people suffering from
depression, many felt much better after
eating a banana. This is because bananas
contain tryptophan, a type of protein that
the body converts into serotonin, known to
make you relax, improve your mood and
generally make you feel happier.
 Banana
Banana is a fruit with many essential
nutrients for the body.
 Who says banana peels are a waste? Next
time when you are about to throw those
banana peels rub them on your teeth for two
minutes. After 15 minutes, brush your teeth
with your regular toothpaste. Repeat this
process twice or thrice a week. After some
time you will notice a visible difference.
 How
can banana peel help to whiten teeth?
Banana peel contains some essential mineral
like potassium, manganese and magnesium
that penetrates into the teeth and helps to
whiten them.
 The
inside part of the banana peel decays
into black color as you rub due to whatever
soot gets on your face, rub your face for
approximately 10 minutes, if the banana peel
gets entirely black, replace it with another
After rubbing your face, do not wash it, it
will lose the effect of what you just did. The
compound of the peel will help you remove
the infection from the skin, wash your face
just before you are going to bed.
 You
need to be consistent, do this every day,
you’ll see improvements after the first day,
but it takes a little time to fully work, with
this amazing natural remedy the infection is
weakened and cannot grow anymore.
 Strawberries
The sweet tasting bright colored strawberries
can brighten up your smile as well. All you
have to do is take one to two strawberries,
mash them up and apply them to your teeth
for 2 to 3 minutes. After this procedure you
can simply rinse off with water or you can
brush your teeth. Strawberries help in two
ways. Firstly, they are a rich source of
natural enzyme known as malic acid. The
fiber found in strawberries act as a natural
cleanser and helps remove bacteria,
specifically from the mouth and teeth.
Crunchy Carrots
Feel happy when the next time you hear the
crunching sounds of the carrots in your mouth. Why?
Because raw carrots are very beneficial in scrapping
off plaque from your teeth and are also known as
natural cleaner.
They also kill the bacteria by maintaining the acidalkaline balance of the mouth. So every time you
crunch on that carrot you are getting whiter teeth
along with healthy gums.
Apple and celery are also equally important as teeth
whiteners. This is what Dr. Michael Apa, a specialized
cosmetic dentist has to say, “These foods are high in
Vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis
and kills odor-causing bacteria”.
Lemon Peel and Juice
Another fruit that works as an effective teeth
whitener is lemon. The high acid level contained in
the peel of the lemon work as a powerful whitener or
bleaching agent. Dr. Roth says, “Just as they
naturally ‘bleach’ your hair, lemons will lighten and
brighten your teeth,”
You can either rub the lemon peel or apply its juice
to the teeth. Take lemon juice and mix with equal
quantity of water e.g. if you are taking one teaspoon
of lemon juice then mix it with 1 teaspoon of water.
Do not use lemon for more than twice a week. The
lemon being too acidic can cause tooth decay and
destroy the enamel by degrading its calcium, if used
very frequently.
Baking Soda
All the dental experts agree to the fact that one
of the safest and strongest teeth whitener is
baking soda. It is an excellent acid neutralizer
and helps to remove stains while protecting the
enamel. Mix a little salt with baking soda i.e. a
pinch of both, apply it to your teeth with a help
of a soft tooth brush. Leave it for two to three
minutes and then rinse off with water. You will
get white sparkling teeth in an instant(Personal
 There are many whitening tooth pastes available
in the market containing baking soda, but if your
tooth paste does not contain it you can sprinkle
it on your tooth paste before brushing.
Toothpaste – It is one of the effective removers of blackheads
and whiteheads, for which a thin layer of this has to be applied
on the infected areas after which it has to be left on for face for
about 25 minutes. Though initially there might be slightly burning
sensation later it will get normal which when removed will
almost disappear the top of blackheads and whiteheads for which
it will be necessary to wash the face thoroughly. This procedure
will be helpful to those who follow it for every two weeks.
Tomato –
Antiseptic properties of tomato have the ability to dry up the
whiteheads and blackheads for which the tomato has to be
mashed after peeling and applied on blackheads and whiteheads
it is even best to leave it on while sleeping which has to be
washed in morning with warm water.
Lemon –
Wash the face with warm water before applying
this mixture of lemon juice with pinch of salt
after which it has to be applied on blackheads
and whiteheads. This mixture has to be left on
face for about 20 minutes after which it has to
be once again cleaned with warm water.
 Lime –
Mixing equal quantities of lime juice and
cinnamon powder also can be applied for
blackheads which have to be left on for entire
night and washed in the morning.
Cornstarch –
Mix Vinegar and cornstarch in 1:3 ratio to make it a paste which has to be
applied on problem area for about 15 to 30 minutes later washing it with
warm water.
Yogurt Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with three tablespoons of yogurt along
with teaspoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice which has to
be applied on face to sit on for about five to seven minutes later washing
off with cold water.
Almond or Oatmeal –
Paste has to be made from oatmeal or almond powder with sufficient
rose water and applied on problem areas with fingertips on entire face
for about 15 minutes and washed off with cold water.
Rice –
Soak rice for 5 hours in milk after which it has to be
made paste in blender which has to be used as scrub
on affected areas of body.
Coriander leaves –
Mix coriander leaves and turmeric with water to
makes paste which has to be used as mask to remove
Honey –
Honey is best choice to remove blackheads for which
it only has to be spread across those areas which
have lot of blackheads.
Potatoes –
Grated potatoes have to be rub on area with
blackheads and left on for 15 minutes after
which it has to be washed off.
Baking Soda –
Mixing equal parts of baking soda and water will
make a paste which has to be rubbed onto the
face or other body parts which are prone to
blackheads and has to be left on for about 15
minutes after which it has to be washed on with
warm water.
Health benefits of Beetroots, Beetroots for
healthy heart, Beetroot juice helps to lower high
blood pressure.
Beetroots are rich in Vitamin B, it helps for skin
health and hair growth. Including 1 glass
Beetroot juice in our diet controls the high
blood pressure and also improves the memory
1. No Fat : Beetroots doesn't contains fat as it
helps us to reduce the desire of eating sweet. It
will be beneficial for those who are dieting.
2. Boosts the Energy : Beetroots contains Carbohydrates and it helps to
give instant energy.
3. Folic Acid : Folic Acid is essential for women as it helps to develop the
fertility system. Instead of taking pills, Including Beetroot in your diet is
the natural way of gaining folic acid in our body.
4. Nutrition : Many Parents feel that we are lackin in providing nutritious
food to the children, So Beetroots are the best nutritious foods as it
contains Vitamin A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Minerals, Potassium, Iron
helps to provide the required energy and supplements to our body.
5. For Healthy Heart : Are you suffering from High blood pressure? then
take 1 glass of beetroot juice daily. It Contains Nitrates, when it mixed
with blood it produces nitric oxide which helps to reduce the blood
pressure so can we yield good healthy condition heart.
6. Beetroot Juice : Taking Beetroot juice daily gives lot of benefits to us.
It just contains not only Nitartes, there are the rich sources of Vitamins,
Minerals, Amino acids. It also have the characteristic of fighting against
Try these simple remedies and loose your extra weight.
- Honey is the best method to lose weight. Drink at least 10
grams of honey with lukewarm water. This is one of the best
home remedies for obesity.
- Another proven home remedies for obesity is eating cabbage.
- Eat raw tomatoes early in the morning for a period of three
months and see how it helps you to lose weight.
- Eat at least a 10-12 curry leaves for a period of four months.
- Drink three tsp of lemon juice in water; add some black pepper
and honey. Do this for at least a period of four months.
Drink tea made up of dandelion root. Drink this tea
at least three times a day. This is one of the best
home remedies for obesity. Similarly drinking green
tea is also one of the best home remedies that helps
you to get rid of the excessive fat and helps you to
lose weight.
- Boil some pieces of ginger and add some slices of
lemon into it. Drink it when it is lukewarm. This
controls the habit of overeating and prevents obesity.
- Mint is also one of the best home remedies of
obesity. Eat a paste made up of mint with meals.
- Drinking carrot juice on a regular basis also helps in
treating obesity.
1. Apply peeled and grated raw potato to your eyes at least three times
per week. Leave the potatoes on your eyes overnight if possible.
2. Soak cotton balls in cucumber juice or slice a fresh cucumber and
apply them to your eyes. Leave them on for 15 minutes for a relaxing
treatment that helps reduce dark eye circles.
3. Massage almond oil into the skin surrounding your eyes at bedtime. Try
this for two weeks to see results.
4. Practice pranayama, which is a controlled breathing exercise. Try this
everyday for at least five minutes to reduce stress. Visit the Yoga Site
website for information on how to practice pranayama.
5. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help reduce dark eye
6. Eat a healthful diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables.
7. Get plenty of restful sleep.
 All
you need are some seeds, a large, clean
jar and some netted fabric secured with a
band. Soak seeds that have been thoroughly
rinsed for the first 24 hours in clean cool
water, draining and refreshing the water
several times. Store in the dark. Then rinse
twice a day with fresh clean water and set in
sunlight. Your sprouts will be ready to eat in
a week.
The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine
for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes,
inflammation, IBS, and other health
When I say aloe vera is the most impressive
medicinal herb invented by nature, (Garlic
would be a close second.) There is nothing
on this planet that offers the amazing variety
of healing benefits granted by aloe vera.
• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs "sludge blood" and reverses "sticky blood".
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative stress.
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee
and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial
sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive
• Ends constipation.
Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in
• Prevents and treats candida infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature's own "sports drink" for
electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.
Truly, there is nothing else that compares to the
medicinal potential of aloe vera. And yet most people
only know about the topical applications of aloe vera
gel. They think it's only good for sunburns. In reality,
aloe vera is useful for both external and internal use.
Age spots, pimple marks, pigmentation marks,
burn or injury marks can be treated using aloe
vera gelMethodJust make a paste of aloe vera extract and rose
water and apply it on face for 20 minutes. Rinse
off using cold water.
This pack acts as a fairness pack also. The paste
must be massaged for 2-3 mins onto the face
before rinsing it off to cleanse the pores of
the face.
 It
is best to try and avoid fruits that are the
most sugar-promoting. The fruits with the
highest amount of fructose are grapes,
bananas, apples, mangos, pears, cherries
and kiwis. Any type of dried fruit also
skyrockets your blood-sugar levels with
copious amounts of fructose. If you're going
to eat fruit, do not eat it by itself; in other
words, eat a small amount with a fat or
protein, like a little cheese. This may be
against food-combining rules but eating fruit
this way will keep your blood sugar lower.