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Document related concepts
 Nutrient—substance used by the body for growth,
maintenance, and repair
 Nutrition-the study of the effects of substances in
food on the body and health
 Malnutrition- not enough of the right nutrients
 Starvation-not enough food
 Calorie- the amount of energy needed to raise one
gram of water 1 degree Celsius
 Use bomb calorimeter
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 Hunger- unpleasant feeling from lack of food
 Satiety- the stomach being full to the point of
 Takes 20 minutes to reach brain
 Appetite- the desire of food and the pleasure
eating provides
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 Major nutrients
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids
 Proteins
 Water
 Minor nutrients
 Vitamins
 Minerals
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Five Basic Food Groups and
Some of Their Major Nutrients
Table 14.2 (1 of 2)
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Five Basic Food Groups and
Some of Their Major Nutrients
Table 14.2 (2 of 2)
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USDA Food Guide Pyramid
Figure 14.17
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Energy sources
 Carbohydrates (CHO’s) -4 calories
 Proteins- 4 calories
 Fats- 9 calories
 Alcohol- 7 calories
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Carbohydrates
 What types of foods are carbohydrates?
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Carbohydrates
 Most are derived from plants
 Exceptions: lactose from milk and small
amounts of glycogens from meats
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 4 types
 Monosaccharide
 Glucose (sugar in blood) & fructose
 Disaccharide
 Two sugars hooked together
 Table sugar and lactose
 Complex CHO’s or polysaccharides
 3 or more
 Glycogen and starch
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 Cellulose- Dietary Fiber or Roughage
 Body can’t break these down and digest
 Reduces the rate of colorectal cancer
 Insoluble
 Does not dissolve in water
 Wheat, bran, whole grains,
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 Soluble
 Dissolves in water and forms gel
that picks up substances and
carries it out of the body
 Oats, beans, barley
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Lactose Intolerant
 Lack the enzyme lactase to digest lactose
 Symptoms: bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea
 Lactaid is OTC product to help break it down
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Diabetes Mellitus
 Little or no insulin produced by islet cells on
 Insulin is what allows glucose into the cell so
it can get energy
 Two types of Diabetes
 Insulin-dependent or Juvenile Onset
 Non-Insulin Dependent or Adult Onset
 Most common
 Sometimes controlled by diet
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Diabetes Mellitus
 Hyperglycemia
 High glucose level
 Hypoglycemia
 Low blood sugar
 Brain is starving and can lead to coma
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Dietary Treatment of Diabetes
 Achieve and maintain desirable body weight
 Eat a balanced diet
 No sugars
 Eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day
 Eat at regular times
 Regular pattern of exercise to regulate glucose
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Complications of Diabetes
 Slow healing of cuts and bruises
 Kidney problems
 Blindness
 Neuropathy
 More risk of heart disease
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Lipids
 Saturated fats from animal products
 Unsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, and
vegetable oils
 Cholesterol from egg yolk, meats, and milk
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Functions of Fat
 Source of stored energy
 Protects our organs
 Body insulation
 Part of all cell membranes (phospholipids)
 Needed to make hormones
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How The Body Uses Fats
 Needed to digest fat soluble vitamins- A,D,E,K
 Provides essential nutrients
 Provides flavor for food
 Provides satiety
 Spares protein from use for energy
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Structures of Fats
 Triglyceride- glycerol with 3 fatty acids
 Diglyceride- glycerol with 2 fatty acids
 Monoglycerol- one fatty acid
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Saturated Vs. Unsaturated Fats
 Solid at room
 Liquid at room
 Stores well
 Becomes rancid easily
 Fat on meat
 Vegetable oil
 Butter
 Palm and coconut oil
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Types of Fats
 Saturated Fats have all of the hydrogen bonds full
and are not good for you
 Polyunsaturated fats won’t help or hurt you
 Monounsaturated fats will help you
 Artificial Fats- Olestra
 Can cause some digestive tract discomfort
and should be used sparingly
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 Should be under 200 mg
 LDL’s – low density lipoproteins and put you at
greater risk for arteriosclerosis, blood clots, heart
attacks, and strokes
 HDL’s- high density lipoproteins and are good for
 To lower LDL’s
 Be female
 Stop smoking and limit caffeine
 Exercise
 Increase Omega 3 intake and eat more oatmeal
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 When the body starts using protein for energy
due to lack of fat
 Common in athletes that try and lose too
much weight
 Characterized by fruit oder to breath
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Proteins
 Complete proteins—contain all essential
amino acids
 Most are from animal products
 Legumes and beans also have proteins, but
are incomplete
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 Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
 9 essential amino acids that must come from diet
because the body can’t make them
 Nonessential amino acids- body can make
 Complete proteins- have all essential amino acids
 Meat, cheese, eggs
 Incomplete proteins- do not have all essential
amino acids
 Beans, corn, peanut butter
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 Complimentary Proteins Combine 2 or more incomplete proteins to
make a complete protein
 Bread and peanut butter
 Recommended protein intake is .8 grams per
pound of body weight
 Kwashiokor- enough calories, but not enough
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Problems Associated With Lack of Protein
 Can’t make digestive enzymes
 Can’t make anibodies
 Some hormones not produced in large enough
amounts, like insulin
 Nerve impulses not sent, apathy
 Hair color loss
 Wounds won’t heal
 Muscle tissue breaks down
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 Why?
 Ethics about killing animals
 Religious beliefs
 Concern about drugs in meat
 Concern about cholesterol and saturated fat
 Expense of meat
 Some don’t like the taste
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Types of Vegetarians
 Vegan- eat only plant foods
 Have the most nutritional concerns
 Lacto vegans- will eat dairy products
 Lacto-ovo-vegans- include dairy and eggs
 Lacto-ovo-pesco-vegans- include dairy, eggs, and
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Nutritional Concerns of Vegetarian Diets
 B 12
 Only found in animal products
 Must take supplements
 Iron
 Best source is red meat
 Calcium
 May need supplements or fortified foods like
butter and orange juice
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Health Advantages of Vegetarian Diets
 Lower body weight
 Lower blood cholesterol
 Lower rates of breast and colon cancer
 Better digestive health due to higher fiber diet
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Vitamins
 Most vitamins are used as coenzymes
 Found in all major food groups
 Needed in small quantities
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 Fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) can be stored
 Water soluble vitamins like vitamin C can’t be
stored and must continually be supplied
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 Folacin or Folic Acid
 Found in dark green leafy vegetables
 Deficiency causes aplastic anemia
 Also important in pregnant women to prevent
spina bifida
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 Vitamin C
 Deficiency is called scurvy
 Stop making collagen
 Weakened blood vessels
 Loss of hair
 Internal bleeding
 In large doses it may prevent colds
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 Vitamin D
 Increases Calcium absorption
 Deficiency is called rickets
 Bones are soft and legs are bowed
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 Have an RDA- recommended dietary allowance
 To preserve vitamin and mineral content
 Store in cool dark place
 eat peelings whenever possible
 Cook in small amounts of water and steam if
 Heat destroys many vitamins and minerals
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 Enrichment- replace vitamins that were originally in
the food, but may have been loss during processing
 Fortification- add vitamins and minerals that weren’t
originally in the product
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Dietary Sources of Major Nutrients
 Minerals
 Play many roles in the body
 Most mineral-rich foods are vegetables,
legumes, milk, and some meats
 Many are required for nerve conduction and
contraction of muscle fibers
 Major minerals- need in amounts greater than
100 mg a day
 Minor minerals- needed only in small amounts
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 Calcium
 Needed for bone strength, blood clotting,
muscle contraction, and nerve impulse
 Deficiency causes osteoporosis
 Found in dairy products and some vegetables
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 Iron
 Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in
 Deficiency is called anemia
 Toxicity- can lead to death if overdose
 Found mainly in red meat
 If taken with vitamin C it will be absorbed
better by the body
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 Iodine
 Helps regulate metabolism and determine rate
of thyroid
 Deficiency can lead to a goiter
 Cretinism- named for the island of Crete
 Goiter Belt- geographic area where soil is low
in iodine
 We now iodize salt to prevent deficiency
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 Flouride
 Reduces tooth decay
 Toxicity- rust colored stains on teeth
 Sources: fluoridated water, toothpaste, and
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 Body is 70-75% water
 Functions of Water
 Place for chemical reactions
 Maintain acid/base balance
 Nutrient and waste transport
 Regulation of temperature
 Lubrication and shock absorbancy
 Hard water contains high levels of calcium,
magnesium, and iron
 Soft water- minerals replaced with salt
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Nutrition and the Cancer Patient
 Many cancer patients lose weight
 Loss of appetite
 High energy demands of tumor
 Nutrition and maintaining weight is very important
 Those who have not lost weight live twice as
 Chemotherapy is more effective if weight can
be maintained
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Diet and Prevention of Cancer
 Reduce fat to 30% or less to reduce risk of breast
and colon cancer
 Increase fiber
 Increase vitamin A and C
 Reduce processed meats
 Salt-cured, pickled and smoked meats
 Reduce alcohol
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 Chemical reactions necessary to maintain life
 Catabolism—substances are broken down to
simpler substances; energy is released
 Anabolism—larger molecules are built from
smaller ones
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Carbohydrate Metabolism
 Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source to
produce cellular energy (ATP)
 Glucose (blood sugar) is the major breakdown
product and fuel to make ATP
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Cellular Respiration
 Oxygen-using events take place within the cell to
create ATP from ADP
 Carbon leaves cells as carbon dioxide (CO2)
 Hydrogen atoms are combined with oxygen to
form water
 Energy produced by these reactions adds a
phosphorus to ADP to produce ATP
 ATP can be broken down to release energy for
cellular use
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Carbohydrate Metabolism
Figure 14.18
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Metabolic Pathways Involved in
Cellular Respiration
 Glycolysis—energizes a glucose molecule so it
can be split into two pyruvic acid molecules and
yield ATP
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Chemical energy
Electron transport
chain and oxidative
Via oxidative
Figure 14.19
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Figure 14.19, step 1
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Chemical energy
Figure 14.19, step 2
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Chemical energy
Electron transport
chain and oxidative
Via oxidative
Figure 14.19, step 3
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Metabolic Pathways Involved in
Cellular Respiration
 Krebs cycle
 Produces virtually all the carbon dioxide and
water resulting from cell respiration
 Yields a small amount of ATP
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Chemical energy
Electron transport
chain and oxidative
Via oxidative
Figure 14.19
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Metabolic Pathways Involved in
Cellular Respiration
 Electron transport chain
 Hydrogen atoms removed during glycolysis
and the Krebs cycle are delivered to protein
 Hydrogen is split into hydrogen ions and
electrons in the mitochondria
 Electrons give off energy in a series of steps
to enable the production of ATP
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Cellular Respiration
Chemical energy (high-energy electrons)
of cell
Chemical energy
Electron transport
chain and oxidative
Via oxidative
Figure 14.19
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Metabolic Pathways Involved in
Cellular Respiration
Figure 14.20a
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Metabolism of Carbohydrates
 Hyperglycemia—excessively high levels of
glucose in the blood
 Excess glucose is stored in body cells as
 If blood glucose levels are still too high, excesses
are converted to fat
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Metabolism of Carbohydrates
Figure 14.21a
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Metabolism of Carbohydrates
 Hypoglycemia—low levels of glucose in the blood
 Liver breaks down stored glycogen and releases
glucose into the blood
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Fat Metabolism
 Handled mostly by the liver
 Uses some fats to make ATP
 Synthesizes lipoproteins, thromboplastin, and
 Releases breakdown products to the blood
 Body cells remove fat and cholesterol to build
membranes and steroid hormones
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Use of Fats for ATP Synthesis
 Fats must first be broken down to acetic acid
 Within mitochondria, acetic acid is completely
oxidized to produce water, carbon dioxide, and
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ATP Formation
Figure 14.21d
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Fat Metabolism
 Acidosis (ketoacidosis) results from incomplete
fat oxidation in which acetoacetic acid and
acetone accumulate in the blood
 Breath has a fruity odor
 Common with
 “No carbohydrate” diets
 Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
 Starvation
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Fat Metabolism
Figure 14.21b
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Protein Metabolism
 Proteins are conserved by body cells because
they are used for most cellular structures
 Ingested proteins are broken down to amino acids
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Protein Metabolism
 Cells remove amino acids to build proteins
 Synthesized proteins are actively transported
across cell membranes
 Amino acids are used to make ATP only when
proteins are overabundant or there is a shortage
of other sources
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Production of ATP from Protein
 Amine groups are removed from proteins as
 The rest of the protein molecule enters the Krebs
cycle in mitochondria
 The liver converts harmful ammonia to urea which
can be eliminated in urine
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Protein Metabolism
Figure 14.21c
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Role of the Liver in Metabolism
 Several roles in digestion
 Manufactures bile
 Detoxifies drugs and alcohol
 Degrades hormones
 Produces cholesterol, blood proteins (albumin
and clotting proteins)
 Plays a central role in metabolism
 Can regenerate if part of it is damaged or removed
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Metabolic Functions of the Liver
 Glycogenesis—“glycogen formation”
 Glucose molecules are converted to glycogen
 Glycogen molecules are stored in the liver
 Glycogenolysis—“glucose splitting”
 Glucose is released from the liver after
conversion from glycogen
 Gluconeogenesis—“formation of new sugar”
 Glucose is produced from fats and proteins
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Metabolic Functions of the Liver
Figure 14.22
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Metabolic Functions of the Liver
 Fats and fatty acids are picked up by the liver
 Some are oxidized to provide energy for liver
 The rest are broken down into simpler
compounds and released into the blood
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Cholesterol Metabolism
 Cholesterol is not used to make ATP
 Functions of cholesterol
 Serves as a structural basis of steroid
hormones and vitamin D
 Is a major building block of plasma
 Most cholesterol is produced in the liver (85%)
and is not from diet (15%)
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Cholesterol Transport
 Cholesterol and fatty acids cannot freely circulate
in the bloodstream
 They are transported by lipoproteins (lipid-protein
 Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) transport to
body cells
 Rated “bad lipoproteins” since they can
lead to artherosclerosis
 High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) transport
from body cells to the liver
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Body Energy Balance
 Energy intake = total energy output
 (heat + work + energy storage)
 Energy intake is liberated during food
 Energy output
 Heat is usually about 60%
 Storage energy is in the form of fat or
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Regulation of Food Intake
 Body weight is usually relatively stable
 Energy intake and output remain about equal
 Mechanisms that may regulate food intake
 Levels of nutrients in the blood
 Hormones
 Body temperature
 Psychological factors
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Metabolic Rate and Body Heat Production
 Basic metabolic rate (BMR)—amount of heat
produced by the body per unit of time at rest
 Average BMR is about 60 to 72 kcal/hour
 Kilocalorie (kcal) is the unit of measure for the
energy value of foods and the amount of energy
used by the body
 3,500 calories equals one pound
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Metabolic Rate and Body Heat Production
 Factors that influence BMR
 Surface area—a small body usually has a
higher BMR
 Gender—males tend to have higher BMRs
 Age—children and adolescents have higher
 The amount of thyroxine produced is the most
important control factor
 More thyroxine means a higher metabolic
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Factors Determining BMR
Table 14.3
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Total Metabolic Rate (TMR)
 Total amount of kilocalories the body must
consume to fuel ongoing activities
 TMR increases with an increase in body activity
 TMR must equal calories consumed to maintain
homeostasis and maintain a constant weight
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Body Temperature Regulation
 Most energy is released as foods are oxidized
 Most energy escapes as heat
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Body Temperature Regulation
 The body has a narrow range of homeostatic
 Must remain between 35.6°C to 37.8°C
(96°F to 100°F)
 The body’s thermostat is in the hypothalamus
 Initiates heat-loss or heat-promoting
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Body Temperature Regulation
 Heat-promoting mechanisms
 Vasoconstriction of blood vessels
 Blood is rerouted to deeper, more vital
body organs
 Shivering—contraction of muscles produces
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Body Temperature Regulation
 Heat-loss mechanisms
 Heat loss from the skin via radiation and
 Skin blood vessels and capillaries are
flushed with warm blood
 Evaporation of perspiration cools the skin
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Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
Sweat glands activated:
Secrete perspiration, which
is vaporized by body heat,
helping to cool the body
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Body temperature decreases:
Blood temperature
declines and hypothalamus heat-loss
center “shuts off”
Blood warmer
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Body temperature increases:
Blood temperature
rises and hypothalamus heat-promoting
center “shuts off”
Skin blood vessels constrict:
Blood is diverted from skin
capillaries and withdrawn to
deeper tissues; minimizes
overall heat loss
from skin surface
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
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Figure 14.23
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 1
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Blood warmer
than hypothalamic
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 2
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Blood warmer
than hypothalamic
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 3
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Sweat glands activated:
Secrete perspiration, which
is vaporized by body heat,
helping to cool the body
Blood warmer
than hypothalamic
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 4
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Sweat glands activated:
Secrete perspiration, which
is vaporized by body heat,
helping to cool the body
Body temperature decreases:
Blood temperature
declines and hypothalamus heat-loss
center “shuts off”
Blood warmer
than hypothalamic
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 5
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Sweat glands activated:
Secrete perspiration, which
is vaporized by body heat,
helping to cool the body
Body temperature decreases:
Blood temperature
declines and hypothalamus heat-loss
center “shuts off”
Blood warmer
than hypothalamic
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Figure 14.23, step 6
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Figure 14.23, step 7
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Figure 14.23, step 8
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
Figure 14.23, step 9
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Skin blood vessels constrict:
Blood is diverted from skin
capillaries and withdrawn to
deeper tissues; minimizes
overall heat loss
from skin surface
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
Figure 14.23, step 10
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Body temperature increases:
Blood temperature
rises and hypothalamus heat-promoting
center “shuts off”
Skin blood vessels constrict:
Blood is diverted from skin
capillaries and withdrawn to
deeper tissues; minimizes
overall heat loss
from skin surface
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
Figure 14.23, step 11
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Body temperature increases:
Blood temperature
rises and hypothalamus heat-promoting
center “shuts off”
Skin blood vessels constrict:
Blood is diverted from skin
capillaries and withdrawn to
deeper tissues; minimizes
overall heat loss
from skin surface
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
Figure 14.23, step 12
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Mechanisms of Body Temperature Regulation
Skin blood vessels
dilate: Capillaries
become flushed with
warm blood; heat
radiates from
skin surface
Sweat glands activated:
Secrete perspiration, which
is vaporized by body heat,
helping to cool the body
heat-loss center
in hypothalamus
Body temperature decreases:
Blood temperature
declines and hypothalamus heat-loss
center “shuts off”
Blood warmer
set point
Increased body
(e.g., when
exercising or the
climate is hot)
Homeostasis = normal body
temperature (35.6°C–37.8°C)
Decreased body
(e.g., due to cold
Blood cooler than
hypothalamic set point
Body temperature increases:
Blood temperature
rises and hypothalamus heat-promoting
center “shuts off”
Skin blood vessels constrict:
Blood is diverted from skin
capillaries and withdrawn to
deeper tissues; minimizes
overall heat loss
from skin surface
Activates heatpromoting center
in hypothalamus
Skeletal muscles
activated when more
heat must be generated;
shivering begins
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 14.23, step 13
Body Temperature Regulation
 Fever—controlled hyperthermia
 Results from infection, cancer, allergic
reactions, CNS injuries
 If the body thermostat is set too high, body
proteins may be denatured and permanent
brain damage may occur
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Developmental Aspects of the Digestive System
 The alimentary canal is a continuous tube by the
fifth week of development
 Digestive glands bud from the mucosa of the
alimentary tube
 The developing fetus receives all nutrients
through the placenta
 In newborns, feeding must be frequent, peristalsis
is inefficient, and vomiting is common
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Developmental Aspects of the Digestive System
 Newborn reflexes
 Rooting reflex helps the infant find the nipple
 Sucking reflex helps the infant hold on to the
nipple and swallow
 Teething begins around age six months
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Developmental Aspects of the Digestive System
 Problems of the digestive system
 Gastroenteritis—inflammation of the
gastrointestinal tract
 Appendicitis—inflammation of the appendix
 Metabolism decreases with old age
 Middle-age digestive problems
 Ulcers
 Gallbladder problems
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Developmental Aspects of the Digestive System
 Activity of the digestive tract in old age
 Fewer digestive juices
 Peristalsis slows
 Diverticulosis and cancer are more common
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings