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Group Wellness Program
are we meant to
Why take a supplement?
• There are at least thirteen vitamins and seventeen minerals and
trace elements which we need daily in order for our bodies to
function properly and to keep illness away.
• For example, we need zinc and vitamin A for our immune systems
to work, iron to make blood, calcium and magnesium to keep our
bones and muscles (including our hearts) healthy, vitamin C and
vitamin E to protect our hearts, and so on.
• If we do not get enough vitamins and minerals, we are inviting
illness in.
• The modern American diet is low in the vitamins and minerals we
need. That is why it is often said that people can be obese, yet
starving – they are starved of nutrients.
Why take a supplement?
• Even when we eat foods which should be high in vitamins and
minerals, often they are not, because modern farming methods
have reduced levels in our soil. An orange you buy in the
supermarket today, for example, can actually contain no vitamin C,
while magnesium levels in carrots have dropped by around 75
percent since 1940.
• Doing the Hot Spot Plan will help you get the nutrients you need.
However, if you have been depleted for many years or you cannot
always eat enough of the best-quality produce, then you may need
extra help.
• This is why millions of Americans take supplements.
Why take a supplement?
• But supplements have been described as ‘expensive urine‘,
meaning that we simply excrete them without absorbing any of the
• It seems unlikely that a handful of pills can provide the same
nutrients as a tree dripping with ripe fruit, a fresh head of
broccoli, or a salmon leaping from a river.
• Can supplements be of any use to us? Can they help us live the
BluePrint for Life?
Do supplements work?
Do supplements work?
• Studies of vitamin and mineral supplements are mixed.
• Many seem to show that supplements have no effect.
• One large study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association in 2007 suggested that taking antioxidant supplements
might actually increase mortality risk.
• Other studies suggest that supplements can be of help, or even
save lives. For example, the New England Journal of Medicine
reported in 1993 that the Nurse's Health Study, which looked at
over 87,000 women, showed that vitamin E when taken in the long
term is associated with lower risk of heart disease in middle-aged
Do supplements work?
• There are plenty of anecdotal reports from people who say that
supplements help them. People who have low thyroid function, for
example, report that taking vitamins and minerals gives them the
boost they need where diet may not be enough to get vitamins and
minerals in the large quantities required.
• It can be hard to measure the effect of taking supplements, since
subjects taking them will not be eating exactly the same diet as
each other. This is a problem with studies. Eating a poor diet and
taking a supplement is different from eating a good diet and
taking a supplement.
• Supplements also differ drastically in quality which may affect the
results of studies.
Synthetic vs. natural supplements
• Vitamins and minerals come from plants, rocks, soil, water, animals.
• In order to be produced in the huge quantities required by all the
millions of supplement-takers there are, vitamins are usually either
synthesized or cultured in a laboratory rather than being gathered
from natural sources.
Synthetic vs. natural supplements
• In most cases, there is no difference between a synthetic and a
natural vitamin. There are two exceptions to this.
– One is vitamin E, which exists as d-tocopherol in nature and l-tocopherol when
– The other is folate, which becomes folic acid when produced in the laboratory.
Both of these are more compatible with our body chemistry in their natural
form; the synthetic versions are inferior. Folic acid behaves slightly differently in
cells from folate, and there is some evidence to suggest that, unlike folate, it
may increase the risk of cancer when used in very high doses, although this is not
known for sure.
• Good-quality supplements are more likely to contain these in their
natural forms (i.e., as d-tocopherol and as folate).
Part of a package
Part of a package
• With most supplement brands, the vitamins and minerals exist on their own
instead of being part of an animal or plant or rock. This is not a natural way
for them to exist. In nature, vitamins and minerals come as part of a
• And when something is not natural, it is usually not suited to how our bodies
• It is now known that the body will absorb nutrients much better when they
come as part of the food or nutrients they are packaged with in nature.
• For example, when vitamin C is bound with bioflavonoids, as it is in a plant,
the bioavailability of the vitamin C is increased by 30 percent. This means
that if we eat vitamin C as part of an apple it will be much more potent
than if we take it alone as a supplement.
Part of a package
• Studies also show that the antioxidant and anti-cancer effects of individual
nutrients are at their most effective when other phytochemicals (plant
chemicals) are present.
• Another problem with taking vitamins and minerals in isolation is that their
antioxidant action can start to work against us. Antioxidants need to work
with a wide range of other antioxidants, otherwise they can become
damaging free radicals themselves. This may explain why some studies
suggest that high-dose antioxidant supplements may not be good for health.
• Minerals and trace elements (such as iron, calcium and zinc) used in
supplements are harvested from rocks. However, the minerals found in rocks
cannot be absorbed by the body. Supplements manufacturers partly get
around this by combining them with other substances. However, minerals are
best absorbed when we ingest them as part of plant or animal food.
Bad quality supplements
• Cheaper brands of supplements are likely to use artificial colors,
additives and fillers, as well as salts such as palmitate.
• These substances are not food and may cause allergic reactions or
undermine health if they are not properly metabolized in the body.
Food-based supplements
Food-based supplements
• Some supplement companies are starting to produce 'food-based'
supplements. These may provide calcium from sea algae, betacarotene from carrot concentrate, B vitamins from yeast, and so on.
The supplements will also contain some forms of actual food.
• These types of supplements should be more effective and beneficial
to us than non food-based supplements.
• If you want to use a vitamin and mineral supplement, look for a
food-based supplement, always read the label carefully, and if in
doubt call the manufacturer.
Supplements are supplementary
• Remember that supplements are there to supplement your diet, not
replace it. Try to eat the healthy BluePrint for Life way, and use
supplements as something extra.
• You may need supplements more at certain times; for example,
during cold spells when you are more prone to getting ill, during
pregnancy, or during times of stress.
• Be aware that some vitamins and minerals can actually cause harm if
they are taken incorrectly. For example, vitamin A is stored in the
liver and can build up to toxic levels, while calcium can cause
stiffening of the arteries.
• It is always a good idea to consult a reputable nutrition practitioner
about any supplements you feel you may need. Taking high doses in
the long term may not be best.
in one simple
Essentials ingredients
• Organic vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli sprouts, green
cabbage, kale, spinach, parsley, okra, red cabbage, beet juice
powder, sweet potato
• Organic fruits: Pomegranate, cranberry, mango, grape,
papaya, goji berry, blueberry, apricot, elderberry, noni
• Other plant foods and extracts: Chicory, cinnamon, ginseng, red
wine extract, curcumin, turmeric, parsley, ginger, ginseng, cacao,
reishi mycelia, green tea extract (95% polyphenols), chlorella,
• Grains and pseudo-grains/seeds: Oat bran, quinoa, millet,
amaranth, buckwheat, chia seed
Essentials ingredients
• Probiotics: 10 strains of live probiotics delivering 3 billion live cells
per serving. Strains present are: B.breve, B.infantitis, B.longum,
L.acidophilis, L.casei, L.platarium, L.rhamnous, L.salivarius, L.helveticus,
L.thermophilis. These have been shown to be the most beneficial
organisms in supporting optimal digestive and overall health.
• Active enzymes: including protease, amylase, lipase, lactase and
nattozymes TM, isolated from natto, a traditional Japanese
fermented soy food. These help break down proteins, starches, fats
and milk sugars. The enzymes in natto have been shown to help
break down plaque in arteries.
Essentials ingredients
• Fermented minerals: calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium,
manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, boron, potassium, vanadium
• Resveratrol: Organic grape, red wine extract, and trans-resveratrol.
Resveratrol is the substance in red grape skins thought to protect
against chronic disease and slow aging.
Other info about Essentials
• Taking Essentials: Essentials can be mixed with your morning smoothie,
with juice, milk, alternative milks (such as almond milk), or water. It
can be taken on an empty stomach, with meals, or as a snack when
you need some extra sustained energy, as it supports healthy blood
sugar levels.
• It is a gluten-free product, other than a very small amount of gluten
in the oat beta-glucans it contains.
• It is a whole food and safe to take with any medication.
• Many of the whole-food and herbal ingredients chosen for inclusion
in Essentials have been shown in multiple published studies to help
reverse the signs and symptoms of diabetes and heart disease. Still,
you are encouraged to seek the advice of your physician regarding
any chronic illness or condition.
Other info about Essentials
• Essentials is a powdered blend of organic vegetables, fruits,
superfoods and other nutrient-dense whole foods, many of which are
the same foods as those found in the Longevity Hot Spots.
• Essentials provides a wide range of concentrated nutrients as part of
nutrient-rich foods and super-foods.
• These work synergistically for maximum effect. The power of synergy
means that when nutrients work together they are more powerful
than when they exist alone. Foods contain thousands of
phytochemicals (plant chemicals) which are found in Akea Essentials.
This means that the vitamins and minerals should be well-absorbed
and more effective than when they are isolated in supplements.
Other info about Essentials
• To make them even more bioavailable in the body, they have been
fermented using beneficial flora which is also present in the powder.
• Essentials contains a wide range of the vitamins and minerals found
in food, some in levels comparable to the Daily Values found in
supplements. For example, two scoops provides 40% of the Daily
Value for zinc and 54% of the Daily Value for selenium.
• Essentials is designed to complement a healthy BluePrint for Life way
of eating.
What do vitamins + minerals do?
Vitamin C
boosts immunity
builds collagen
required for adrenal health
Food sources of vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits, prunes, raw red peppers, raw
cruciferous vegetables, raw cabbage
Vitamin A/beta carotene
protects the fatty parts of cells from free radical damage
protects the mucus membranes such as in the lungs and digestive tract
required for immunity
protects eye retina health
Caution: High doses can be toxic, since it is stored in the liver. A teratogen in high
levels, so dose should be limited to no more than 2,000iu in pregnant women.
Food sources of beta-carotene: red, yellow and orange fruit and vegetables such
as carrots, pumpkin, squash, red peppers; dark green leafy vegetables such as
spinach and watercress
Food sources of vitamin A: liver, tuna, cod liver oil
Vitamin E
protects fatty parts of cells from free radical damage
helps prevent blood from clotting
protects collagen from damage
prevents 'bad' LDL cholesterol from oxidizing
important for fertility and reproduction
Food sources of vitamin E: nuts and seeds and their oils, olive oil, avocados, wheat
germ oil
B Vitamins
metabolism of nutrients
production of immune cells
energy production in cells
red blood cell production
removal of homocysteine from blood (lowers heart disease risk)
neurotransmitter (brain chemical) function
thyroid function
Food sources of B vitamins: brewer's yeast, whole grains, peanuts, sunflower seeds,
legumes, avocados, sprouted seeds, vegetables, meat, fish
Food sources of vitamin B12: meat, fish, shellfish, and trace amounts in fermented
soy products and chlorella
Vitamin D
strengthens teeth and bones
boosts calcium absorption
required in immunity
plays a role in cell differentiation
possible anti-cancer role
Food sources of vitamin D: fish oils, fortified foods (e.g., breakfast cereals), egg
yolk, liver, dairy products. Sunlight on skin is the best way to get the active form
of vitamin D – we need around 20 minutes of sunlight daily.
Vitamin K
• reduces risk of internal hemorrhaging
• protects against bleeding problems after surgery
• helps to build strong healthy bones
Food sources of vitamin K: green leafy vegetables, pistachio nuts, molasses,
bone and teeth health
muscle contraction
immune system function
nerve function
involved in neurotransmitter and hormone function
Food sources of calcium: green vegetables, nuts, seeds, pulses & sprouted pulses
(seeds of various leguminous plants, for example chickpeas, lentils, and beans),
fish (especially with soft bones, e.g., canned sardines). Dairy produce contains
calcium, but this is hard to absorb since there is no magnesium present in dairy
and magnesium is required for the absorption of calcium.
protects mitochondria in cells from free radical damage
involved in energy production
involved in neurotransmitter and hormone function
lowers blood pressure
improves symptoms of PMS
works with calcium to keep bones healthy
required for correct muscle function (including the heart)
calms the system
Food sources of magnesium: whole grains, nuts, seeds, cocoa, green leafy
vegetables, sea vegetables
powerful antioxidant
thought to protect against cancer
boosts the function of energy-making mitochondria in heart cells
required for thyroid hormones
required for healthy reproduction (especially in males)
Food sources of selenium: brazil nuts, garlic, mushrooms, asparagus, sesame seeds,
sunflower seeds, whole grains, meat, seafood
required for tissue healing and repair
required for energy production
required for synthesis of DNA
required for reproductive health
promotes apoptosis ('cell suicide') in diseased cells
required for health of the thymus gland which oversees our immune
• antioxidant
• important for immunity
Food sources of zinc: shellfish, organ meats, meat, wheat germ, bran, whole
grains, seeds, mushrooms, okra, green leafy vegetables, peas
antioxidant enzyme
required for energy production
required for iron metabolism
required for health of connective tissue
Food sources of copper: dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains, nuts,
legumes, liver, duck, molasses, brewer's yeast, avocados, olives
antioxidant enzyme
required for energy production
required for protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism
required for connective tissue health
Food sources of manganese: vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, sprouted
seeds, spices, avocado, okra, blackberries, raspberries
• required for structure of hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the
• required for DNA synthesis
• required for neurotransmitters and hormones
Food sources of iron: red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, cocoa, molasses,
raisins, prunes
• needed for insulin's effect on cells and therefore blood glucose levels
– so getting enough chromium is important to help combat Metabolic
Syndrome and obesity
Food sources of chromium: nuts, seeds, whole grains, black pepper, molasses,
mushrooms, asparagus, prunes, brewer's yeast, artichokes, sage
Organic fruits and vegetables have been
shown to contain up to 40-60% more
micronutrients than non-organic. Try to teat
organic and nutrient-dense foods with
every meal. Be sure to continue enjoying
Akea Essentials twice daily.
more taste, less fuss