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An Innovative Natural Program for Lyme Disease
and Associated Conditions
By Jack Miller, CTN
The Four Pillars of Health
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
What happens when one or two pillars begin to crack?
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What if all 4 pillars break?
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Diet and Nutrition
How can you prevent your
patients from sabotaging their
recovery with poor diet choices?
We all know there is no diet that
suits everyone trying to recover
from Lyme disease!
People often focus on what they
can’t eat.
Or they go to extremes in limiting
macronutrients in an attempt to
starve certain infections.
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Why is it a mistake to limit certain
macronutrients long-term in an
attempt to starve infections?
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Parasites like
Histolytica thrive
on animal protein.
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Parasites like
Histolytica thrive
on animal protein.
on fats and oils.
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Parasites like
Histolytica thrive
on animal protein.
on fats and oils.
Candida Albicans
thrives on
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Parasites like
Histolytica thrive
on animal protein.
on fats and oils.
Candida Albicans
thrives on
So to starve all your bugs, all you have to do is
stop eating all protein, fats, and carbohydrates!
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Some General Dietary Guidelines
When Recovering from Lyme Disease
Avoid all processed food, junk foods,
fast foods, gluten, sugar, dairy
products, GMO foods, mercury-laden
fish and seafood, and of course, foods
that you are allergic to.
Do consume: partly raw, organic,
nutrient-dense whole foods such as
green leafy vegetables and other
veggies, fruits, berries, nuts and seeds,
whole non-gluten grains, beans, peas,
lentils, healthy oils, and high-quality
organic meats and eggs, if you choose
to eat animal protein.
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Joel Fuhrman – “Eat for Health”
This diet seems to be
well-tolerated by many
people with Lyme
disease. This is the diet I
recommended for the 5
case studies included in
this presentation.
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When it comes to diet, one of our goals as holistic
practitioners is to recognize dietary habits that can be
sabotaging the person's recovery.
It seems that one of the more
persistent problems with Lyme
patients is eating sugar addictively
as a coping method.
While some go straight for the good
stuff like sodas, candy, and ice
cream that are all loaded with
sucrose and high fructose corn
syrup..............others may state that
they NEVER eat sugar.
But on the other hand they do eat…
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
When all is said and
done, what's the
Why do people think that sugar is
somehow not sugar??
The ability to process sugar from
plants is a fairly recent change to the
human food supply. From a health
standpoint, does it really make
that much difference which
plant you process the
sugar from?
Eaten addictively, sugar always causes harm regardless of what
form it is in. The ability to eat it in moderation is very difficult.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Exercise is SOOOO important to regaining strength while
recovering from a chronic illness. Some tips that help a
chronically ill couch potato begin a graduated exercise program:
• Create multiple outlets to exercise, i.e.,
walking routes, or jogging/running once you
are strong enough, gym membership, street or
mountain bike, home exercise equipment,
swimming, etc.
• Start very slowly.
• Pick a time that is right for you such as
morning, midday, afternoon, or evening and try
to do a little bit almost every day or it will not
likely become a habit.
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• Find an exercise partner that is at
or around your level.
• Work with your skilled holistic
practitioner to find the right
supplements to adequately support
adrenal gland function with
homeopathics, glandulars, and
adaptogenic herbs, or low dose Rx
• Use mitochondrial support
supplements like reduced CoQ10,
magnesium, alpha Ketoglutaric
acid, L-carnitine, etc.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Sleep…Many chronic Lyme disease sufferers have either adrenal
exhaustion or an inverted metabolism. They are exhausted in the
morning, but their adrenal glands finally rally about midnight.
So when they should be sleeping they are finally feeling some energy.
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For natural sedation and deeper sleep:
Amantilla and Babuna
Pure Encapsulations
Pro Eze
Revitalizing Sleep Formula
Integrative Therapeutics
Apex Energetics
Sleep Formula
… and plenty of
Magnesium Malate
along with these at
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Positive Mental Outlook
• EZOV- Nutramedix remedy
• EVOX - Voice pattern reprogramming
Despite the power of these tools, when all
is said and done, if a person chooses to
allow habitual negative thoughts to
continue to dominate their thinking, these
interventions may very likely fail.
Positive psychology advocate Martin
Seligman’s book, "Authentic Happiness"
can be a nice additional tool to aid people
in changing some of these deeply
engrained negative thinking "ruts" in their
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Progression into CFS
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5 Case Studies
(with diagnosed Lyme disease or Lyme disease-like symptoms,
fatigue, joint paint, brain fog, muscle pain, lack of wellbeing, or
adult failure to thrive.)
Some natural strategies that were used:
• Complete one mucoid lining cleanse early
• Eat an unprocessed, mostly plant based
diet (Eat for Health).
• Begin rebuilding damaged gut flora.
• Repair the mucosal integrity of the gut.
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• Detoxify the liver with herbs, coffee enemas,
liver/gallbladder flushes.
• Drain the lymphatic system with skin
brushing, passive exerciser, and photo
magnetic lymph device.
• Comprehensive Electro-Dermal Screening to
determine each individual’s supplement
recommendations and antimicrobials.
• Customized mix of Adaptogenic herbs made
into an alcohol extract.
• Laser Energetic Detoxification.
• Ozone Sauna
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Holistic Methods to Assist with Healing the Gut
Mucoid Lining Cleanse
There is much confusion and
controversy about the mucoid lining.
Most medical doctors say it doesn't exist
and they have good evidence for saying
this, i.e., countless colonoscopies with
no lining present.
Many colon hydro-therapists say it is in
the colon. It is not in the colon - it is in
the small intestine.
A good cleanse that seems to bring
consistent results most of the time is the
Blessed Herbs cleanse.
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After the mucoid lining is gone - now what??
Support the growth of beneficial bacteria
with a natural diet that contains plenty of
the indigestible fibers that serve as fuel for
probiotic bacteria.
Consume fermented foods every day if
possible. Feed the critters good quality prebiotics like slippery elm and glucomannan.
Regenerate the gut lining with supplemental
J Sci Food Agric. 2012 Aug 30;92(11):2394-6. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5678. Epub 2012 Apr 11. Efficacy of cellulase and mannanase hydrolysates of
konjac glucomannan to promote the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Al-Ghazzewi FH, Tester RF. | 2000 May;48(5):1644-52. Fermentation of
plant cell wall derived polysaccharides and their corresponding oligosaccharides by intestinal bacteria. Van Laere KM, Hartemink R, Bosveld
M, Schols HA, Voragen AG. | 2008 Jun;2(2):149-53. Influence of prebiotics on the human immune system (GALT). Bodera P. | 2012
Feb;28(2):703-11. doi: 10.1007/s11274-011-0866-4. Epub 2011 Sep 14.Mitogenic response and probiotic characteristics of lactic acid
bacteria isolated from indigenously pickled vegetables and fermented vegetables. Kumar M, Ghosh M, Ganguli A
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Supplement with high dose probiotics after the cleanse.
Products used:
• HLC Synbiotic Intensive
• Mega Probiotic -ND
(DaVinci Labs)
• Bifido Biotics
(Allergy Research Group)
10.1371/journal.pone.0047212. Epub 2012 Oct 17. The effect of selected synbiotics on microbial composition and short-chain
fatty acid production in a model system of the human colon. van Zanten GC, Knudsen A, Röytiö H, Forssten S, Lawther M,
Blennow A, Lahtinen SJ, Jakobsen M, Svensson B, Jespersen L.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Liver Support and Detoxification
Use of Electro-Dermal Screening to select herbs such as
Milk Thistle bound to phospholipids, the Burmese herb
Andrographis, and the Ayurvedic herb Phyllanthus.
Support phase 1 liver detox,
along with phase 2 liver detox
with donor nutrients needed
for glutathione conjugation,
amino acid conjugation,
sulfation, acetylation,
methylation, and
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
To optimize results in attaining the above, use both
comprehensive formulas like:
ClearVite (Apex
Energetics) and
Detoxification Factors
(Tyler), along with
individual nutrients like
Taurine, TMG, Liposomal
Glutathione, and Calcium
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Liver Support and Detoxification
• Coffee enemas
• Simplified liver/gallbladder
• Use of bitter, cholagogue
herbs before meals
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For a fantastic cleanse combine some of the things
above: Start out with a liver gallbladder/flush to purge
the bile and stones.
Then perhaps a few days later
try taking a combination of the
above mentioned liver detox
nutrients, wait one hour and
take a TBS of olive or flax oil
with some gentian extract, wait
20 minutes and do coffee
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Lymphatic Drainage Techniques
• Good hydration
• Graduated exercise program
• Deep breathing
• Dry lymphatic skin brushing that
mimics MLD
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Lymphatic Drainage Techniques
• Passive exerciser or Chi
• Photo-magnetic lymphatic
drainage device such as
LBG, Lymph Star, or Photon
• Systemic enzymes, and
herbal and homeopathic
lymphatic drainers
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Electo-Dermal Screening
(to create individualized nutritional supplementation)
After you have supported gut health, liver detoxification,
lymphatic drainage.... what's then?
• Nutritional support
• Anti-inflammatory support
• Antioxidant support
• Dissolve Bio-film
• Give natural antimicrobial
support and…
• Bind and eliminate toxic metals
Do all the above simultaneously!
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To accomplish this a general weekly
schedule was followed.
Monday - Wednesday: an intense 3 day bio-film protocol is
followed - 5 doses per day of enzymes like Serrapeptase,
Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, pancreatic enzymes, Bromelain,
taken with water on an empty stomach (caution is needed if
GERD or ulcer is present).
Monday - Friday: Each person was given an antimicrobial
combinations of four Nutramedix antimicrobials - Samento,
Banderol, Cumanda, Quina, Houttunyia, Enula, Nora, Takuna.
Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 150653. Published online 2012 December 23. doi: 10.1155/2013/150653PMCID: Innovative Strategies to Overcome Biofilm
Resistance. Aleksandra Taraszkiewicz, Grzegorz Fila, Mariusz Grinholc, and Joanna Nakonieczna* | 2008 Nov;31(11):2012-7. Biological
and antibacterial activities of the natural herb Houttuynia cordata water extract against the intracellular bacterial pathogen salmonella within the RAW 264.7
macrophage. Kim GS, Kim DH, Lim JJ, Lee JJ, Han DY, Lee WM, Jung WC, Min WG, Won CG, Rhee MH, Lee HJ, Kim S.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
The Nutramedix bug killers were combined according to
compatibility of products and individual energetic testing.
Nutramedix antimicrobials were taken two at a time and
rotated every other week, 5 days on and 2 days off to allow
cyst form Borrelia Burgdorferi to convert to spirochetes.
Thursday and Sunday - Bind metals with products like DMSA,
R-lipoic acid, EDTA and Nutramedix Zeolite HP.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 July; 7(7): 2745–2788. Published online 2010 June 28. doi: 10.3390/ijerph7072745 Chelation in Metal
Intoxication. Swaran J.S. Flora* and Vidhu Pachauri
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Individualized Adaptogenic Herbal Formulas
• Rhodiola
• Ashwagandha
• Tulsi
• American Ginseng
These herbs are adaptogenic,
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,
immune modulating, and support
the body after prolonged, physical, emotional, or mental stress ....
Basically, everyone with Lyme disease!!
We create a customized formula of these herbs based on energetic
testing and put the dry herbs in a jar with printed instructions on
how to pour alcohol in and create the alcohol extract.
Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011; 8(5S): 208–213. Published online 2011 July 3. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.9PMCID: PMC3252722. An Overview on
Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda. Narendra Singh, Mohit Bhalla, Prashanti de Jager,* and Marilena Gilca | BMC Complement Altern Med.
2012; 12: 70. Published online 2012 May 29. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-70 Rhodiola rosea for physical and mental fatigue: a systematic review. Sana Ishaque,1
Larissa Shamseer,1,2 Cecilia Bukutu,3 and Sunita Vohra 2.
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After extracting for two weeks it looks like this:
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Laser Energetic Detoxification (L.E.D.)
What do you do with a body
that wants to hang onto its
heavy metals and chemicals??
Kick start the process by using
the LED protocol created by Lee
Cowden M.D.
The ZYTO device runs the entire
L.E.D. scan in a few minutes
whereas it took hours to do so
with muscle testing.
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Laser Energetic Detoxification (L.E.D.)
The scan energetically identifies heavy metals,
chemicals, and bio-toxins, as well as needed
homeopathic detox support remedies, homeopathic
sarcode support for areas of autoimmunity, areas of
toxic focus, and appropriate drainage and binding
Most people can complete the L.E.D. protocol with 2
sessions: sulfa drugs and chemical toxins, followed
by toxic metals. They then continue to take
supplements like DMSA, EDTA, Zeolite HP, and RLipoic acid 2 or 3 times weekly to continue the
process of eliminating the years (or decades) of
cumulative mercury and other heavy metals.
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Ozone Sauna – What Does it Do?
Ozone sauna is basically a delivery method for the
absorption of therapeutic amounts of ozone.
Enhanced mitochondrial function. Shifting toward
More oxidative metabolism instead of anaerobic.
Broad spectrum anti-protozoan, anti-fungal,
anti-bacterial, and anti-viral effect.
Increased production of endogenous anti-oxidants like catalase,
superoxide dismutase (S.O.D), and glutathione peroxidase. (Dr. F.
Shallenberger has shown reduction of free radical markers with ozone
therapy; markers go up at first then go down as the body ramps up
antioxidant enzymes).
Detoxification of heavy metals and chemical toxins via the skin.
Med Gas Res. 2011; 1: 29. Published online 2011 December 20. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-1-29. Mechanisms of Action Involved in
Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress? Masaru Sagai1 and Velio Bocc
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Even individuals who have been regular users of dry
saunas and/or infrared saunas sweat out spots like
these the first time they use an ozone sauna.
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The Evidence
I took 6 towels that had been used by clients in the ozone saunas.
From those 6 towels I cut out 6 small patches where the gray
spots were concentrated.
I cut out a 7th patch of white towel from the corner of one of
these towels to serve as a control sample.
I sent all the samples to Doctor's Data Laboratories to see if the
gray spotted samples were higher in toxic metals than the control
Were the spotted samples higher in toxic metals?
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Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #1
(49 Y/O Female Very Ill.)
Severe insomnia, muscle and joint pain, esp. in the neck
region, and debilitating fatigue, difficulty breathing,
digestive problems, gallbladder problems with
continuous, day and night nausea, that did not change
when gallbladder was removed.
Positive Igenex Western Blot for Borrellia Burdorferi after
5 years of Lyme testing came up negative.
On her first EDS scan, HALO group showed energetically
(contains the resonance of chlorine, fluoride, bromine),
along with Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone group. Contains resonance of formaldehyde, acetone, propylene glycol, polyvinylchloride, chloroform, teflon, and over 20 plastics.)
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #1
(49 Y/O Female Very Ill.)
She did a Laser Energetic Detox (L.E.D.) for the above
toxins and the day after the L.E.D. she passed significant
amounts of bright orange pigment in a bowel movement,
and her chronic severe nausea began to decrease and
disappeared after a few months.
Some supplements given were: GTF chromium to assist
with blood sugar issues, Burbur drainage, Serrapeptase
and bromelain, taken together with either Nutramedix
Lakato/Samento combination, or Banderol. The metal
binders Zeolite HP and DMSA were given, as well as an
adaptogenic combination of Tulsi, Ashwagandha, and
Rhodiola, and Revitalizing Sleep Formula.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #1
(49 Y/O Female Very Ill.)
Severe insomnia improved 50% so that she can now sleep with
meds. Muscle and joint pain improved 80%, Fatiguesignificantly improved but has ups and downs.
Client stated: “I’m a lot better now since I started this program,
not just physically, but mentally as well.”
Note: the EDS energetic analysis also showed silicone as a toxin
resonance when creating the L.E.D. protocol. Client has breast
implants and is making plans for removal.
Note: between her 2nd and 3rd appointment, this client worked with a
LLMD and took some antibiotics, ABX herbs, and Nutramedix
products beginning in May of 2012 before she began working with
NHS Arizona, and she reported some gains from this as well.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #2
(47 Y/O Male with Onset of Chronic Fatigue.)
Abdominal bloating, and burning pain in feet (not diagnosed
as neuropathy).
Still working as an EMT, but with difficulty.
Extensive use of antibiotics. Reported getting much worse
pain after taking the quinolone Cipro. Client appears to have
entrenched intestinal dysbiosis that is unresponsive to
antimicrobials and high dose probiotics and prebiotics.
(referred him to Steven Hines N.D.)
Borrelia Burgdorgferi showed energetically on the EDS
scan, along with multiple heavy metal and chemical toxins.
Gave Laser Energetic Detoxification (L.E.D.) for the toxins.
He also did multiple rounds of ozone sauna and left the white
towels covered with gray spots.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #2
(47 Y/O Male with Onset of Chronic Fatigue.)
Nutramedix Enula, Lakato, Houttunyia, and Cumanda were
rotated with additional anti-parasitic herbs, bio-film dissolving
enzymes, MSM, and D-Flame, along with an individualized
adaptogenic herb formula.
Fatigue has improved 45%, abdominal swelling has
improved 50%, burning in feet has improved 60%.
Client stated: "I've been dealing with this for 9 or 10 years. I
was almost ready to give up. The improvement I have made
has given me hope that I can be healthy again.“
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #3
(64 Y/O Female – Lyme Disease.)
Bitten by tick in 1998; tested positive for Lyme disease by
Viromed laboratories 2 years later. Given one month of
antibiotics with moderate improvement.
Came with reported extreme chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint
pain and weakness in leg, and some depression.
Borrelia Burgdorgferi showed on the EDS energetic analysis
as well, along with Sulfa drugs, pesticides, herbicides, and
fungicides, mercury, and arsenic resonance.
She was given L.E.D. for the Sulfa drugs and chemicals, and
had her mercury amalgam fillings removed by a biological
dentist that week, and finished out the week with an L.E.D. for
mercury and the other metals.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #3
(64 Y/O Female – Lyme Disease.)
Some supplements given were Pleo Sanuvis, Pleo Muc,
Parsley drainage, Detoxification Factors, and Nutramedix
Magnesium Malate.
Within a few weeks she reported a 50% improvement in
fatigue and brain fog, 75% improvement in joint pain and
leg weakness, and mild depression was gone (before
beginning any antimicrobials!)
Still awaiting further reports from her as she begins the
Nutramedix Samento, Cumanda, and bio-film protocol.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #4
(48 Y/O Female- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia.)
Raised on a ranch and bitten by many, many ticks over a
long period of time. This client never chose to be tested for
Lyme disease, but has generally sought out natural
medicine instead.
Also suffers from insomnia and poor concentration. Unable
to work for 6 years.
Borrelia Burgdorgferi showed on the EDS energetic
analysis, along with B-MALA, DDT group, perchlorate, and
of course, mercury.
She was given L.E.D.s for the toxins and did multiple
rounds of ozone sauna, sweating out many gray spots.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #4
(48 Y/O Female- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)
Supplements given were Parsley drainage, TG-100, Lugol10 drops on the skin, Spleen Terrain, magnesium taurate,
Rhodiola, liquid molybdenum, Lyme and co-infection
nosodes, and at bedtime Karuna Sleep Formula, and
Russian choice immune.
5 months into this program she reported an 80%
improvement in fatigue, 95% improvement in Fibromyalgia
pain, and a 75% improvement in concentration.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #4
(48 Y/O Female- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.)
Her sleep has improved 50% even though she chose to
discontinue the 2 sleep medications and 1 muscle relaxant
and now uses the herbs only.
Client recently returned to work at a bank. She stated, "I feel
extremely fortunate to have stumbled onto this. I have had so
many natural products recommended, but none of it helped
at all. People just don't know where to go to get better.”
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #5
(54 Y/O Female – Lyme Disease.)
Fatigue, equilibrium problems, tremors, and body aches.
Unable to enjoy recreation activities with her children and
young grandchildren.
Tested positive for Lyme disease working with her medical
As with all our clients, this woman was seeking a natural
program. She did several comprehensive EDS scans, and
multiple L.E.D.s for the toxins and several ozone saunas.
Some supplements given were TG-100, Lymphomyosot,
Fibroboost, Isocort, Pleo Lat, CoQHCF, Boswellia, Buffered
C, Taurox. Antimicrobials used were Banderol and Samento
with Nattokinase, Artemesinin, and black walnut.
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
Case Study #5
(54 Y/O Female – Lyme Disease.)
Fatigue improved 75% (thyroid medication was later added
by her M.D.) Equilibrium problems improved 85%, tremors resolved, body aches improved by 50%.
Client stated: "I would highly recommend this program for
someone suffering from Lyme disease or similar health
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
1) 10.1371/journal.pone.0047212. Epub 2012 Oct 17. The effect of selected synbiotics on
microbial composition and short-chain fatty acid production in a model system of the human
colon. van Zanten GC, Knudsen A, Röytiö H, Forssten S, Lawther M, Blennow A, Lahtinen SJ,
Jakobsen M, Svensson B, Jespersen L.
2) J Sci Food Agric. 2012 Aug 30;92(11):2394-6. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5678. Epub 2012 Apr 11. Efficacy
of cellulase and mannanase hydrolysates of konjac glucomannan to promote the growth of lactic
acid bacteria. Al-Ghazzewi FH, Tester RF.
3) Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 150653. Published online 2012 December 23. doi:
10.1155/2013/150653PMCID: Innovative Strategies to Overcome Biofilm Resistance. Aleksandra
Taraszkiewicz, Grzegorz Fila, Mariusz Grinholc, and Joanna Nakonieczna*
4) Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 July; 7(7): 2745–2788. Published online 2010 June 28. doi:
10.3390/ijerph7072745 Chelation in Metal Intoxication. Swaran J.S. Flora* and Vidhu Pachauri
5) Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011; 8(5S): 208–213. Published online 2011 July 3. doi:
10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.9PMCID: PMC3252722. An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana
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Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
In Conclusion!!
Many of the modalities shown here today in this presentation are well
known and widely used. They represent some old, and some new
therapeutic methods to restore homeostasis and heal from the
devastation of Lyme disease.
The ultimate goal for those who have used such therapeutic tools to
recover their health is to be able to discontinue them.
If thereafter they make healthy
lifestyle choices in the area of the
Four Pillars of Health - diet,
exercise, sleeping patterns,
and mental wellbeing, they
can attain……
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]
The Four Pillars of Health Rebuilt!!!
Natural Health Sciences of Arizona, LLC © 2013 | | (928) 565-5853 | [email protected]