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Microsense :
Managed And Secure Wi-Fi Solution for Campuses
About Microsense •  Microsense is a pioneer and leader in wireless technologies catering to a wide range of wireless applica4ons for various industry segments. •  Microsense has several years of experience in Radio Architecture and Design having deployed in a large number of complex and diverse scenarios. We believe that good Radio Design enables to op4mize networks with superior performance. •  Microsense’s primary clientele includes premier educa4onal ins4tu4ons viz. IIIT Bangalore, IISER Kolkata, Amravathi University, Maharashtra, SRM Chennai to name a few. •  Microsense has also been involved in pres4gious projects such as Unwire Pune, Unwire Bangalore , Passenger Wi-­‐Fi Internet Access at Mumbai & Bangalore Interna4onal Airports as well as for supply installa4on and commissioning of LAN and Wi-­‐Fi at the Railway Board, Govt of India. About Microsense
•  Microsense enjoys a leadership posi4on in the hospitality segment where we service over 120 premium hotels across the country and overseas. We have also deployed over 500 wireless hotspots for service providers like MTNL, BSNL & Bhar4. •  Microsense also focuses on Secure Enterprise Wi-­‐Fi and campus wireless solu4ons, deployed for large campuses of Infosys, Vodafone, L&T etc. •  Microsense handles applica4on integra4on of new and emerging technology areas like VOIP products and solu4ons, IP Surveillance, IPTV, etc •  The Microsense’ key value proposi4on caters to the diverse needs of a campus such as yours, far exceeding any other available solu4on. Why Microsense? •  Microsense is a company focused on connec4vity and networking and has been in business for almost 28 years. •  Microsense is posi4oned well as an integrated networking company, with 250 network engineers, an in house soZware group, 6 offices in India, and opera4ons in twenty ci4es in India as well as 3 countries interna4onally. •  Microsense has the poten4al to address all aspects of solu4ons – Requirements, Design, Architecture, Applica4ons, Systems Integra4on, Service Provisioning, Triple Play and Managed Services. Why Microsense?
•  Microsense is a leader in the hospitality ver4cal and has very solid hospitality related IPR as well as an excellent reputa4on among top interna4onal hotel chains, such as Taj hotels, ITC welcomgroup, etc.with close to 50% market share. It also has installa4ons in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Belfast and Dubai. In most of these hotels Microsense has provided the network infrastructure and is also maintaining and managing the opera4ons and services of Wi-­‐Fi network mee4ng very high demands in service levels •  Microsense has executed turnkey contracts from BSNL [400] and MTNL [100] for Wi-­‐Fi hotspots. The projects included Microsense developed "roaming” billing and authen4ca4on system as well as an Element Management •  Microsense has also been involved in seeng up Network Opera4ng Centres (NOC) for BSNL as well as MTNL, contracts worth about Rs 5 crores. Why Microsense?
•  Microsense has also implemented a Wi Fi project at Rail Bhawan New Delhi for 3000 users, a Rs. 1.3 crore project. •  Microsense has set up secure Wi-­‐Fi and Visitor access systems for Enterprise customers such as Infosys, Vodafone, etc. •  Microsense has also been empanelled by BSNL for providing last mile wireless links for its enterprise customers. •  Microsense has Network Opera4ng Centres in almost all the regions where it has its offices.
•  It is important to have a powerful Network Management System to monitor and manage the network. The Microsense solu4ons has the advantage of having the largest installed base in India for such networks. Why Microsense?
•  The Network Opera4ons Centers Provide a variety of services. The Chennai server, for example provides Billing and Authen4ca4on Services, NMS services monitoring devices across our hotels as well as customer loca4ons, an IPass Roaming authen4ca4on (Netserver], Mail Servers and the like. The NOCs are for convenience co-­‐located at IDCs of VSNL. (The company augments and u4lizes over 500MB of Internet Leased Line Bandwidth across its managed service clientele.) •  24x7x365 days NOC support /toll free support and we ensure zero down4me •  Again, our vast experience in Wi-­‐Fi helps us in iden4fying and delivering the best Wi-­‐Fi solu4ons and our strength in this field keeps us ahead of our industry expecta4ons. We have many firsts and significant success stories in the field of Wi-­‐Fi. All of the above men7oned reasons make Microsense a compelling and preferred choice to provision a secure and managed wireless LAN solu7on for campuses Microsense Campus Wi-­‐Fi solu7on •  More and more educa4onal ins4tutes recognize the need to provide hassle free Wi-­‐Fi Internet access to their students, without compromising on security so that students can have access to informa4on any4me and anywhere while on the campus. •  Microsense key value proposi7on caters to the diverse needs of a campus , such as yours segrega7ng student users, faculty, visitors etc. far exceeding any other available solu7on . Furthermore Microsense is one of the premier companies with an impressive and vast clientele in the field of similar wireless deployments which provides a complete end to end solu7on , leveraging the following : a) Designing and deploying a custom built WLAN architecture b)Strong encryp7on mechanism for secure connec7on c) Extensibility with the current Infrastructure d) Future expandability for various services Microsense Campus Wi-­‐Fi solu7on •  The key components of our solu4on would include a) Powerful and reliable Access Points (APs) which can be: i) Controller based (For beler control, centralized management features , etc) ii) Non –Controller based ( Stand alone APs) b) Microsense Wi-­‐Fi Security and Cer7ficate Delivery Management System comprising of the following i) Cer4ficate Service ii) AAA Service (Authen4ca4on, Authoriza4on and Accoun4ng) iii) Portal Service Microsense Campus Wi-­‐Fi solu7on c) Microsense Campus Wi-­‐Fi OSS /BSS is a combina4on of hardware consis4ng of a Gateway Appliance and a soZware to deliver professional services to Wi-­‐Fi or wired users. With this the following is possible: i) Easily allocate bandwidth to users or groups of users. ii) Easily impose restric4ons on usage 4mes. iii) Provide comprehensive user management reports and maintain usage logs, which is a requirement to provide informa4on to Government agencies on demand iv) Ac4vate users, renew for usage or deac4vate on expiry of usage User Login Process •  The user will not be permiled to have access to Wi-­‐Fi unless and un4l they have the cer4ficate downloaded to their respec4ve laptops. •  Each and every user has to register their laptops to the administrator who will download the Cer4ficate aZer crea4ng the necessary creden4als. •  Once connected to the SSID, the user will be placed in a state which requires a login. When the user opens a web browser they will be presented with a cap4ve portal screen asking them to enter creden4als, such as the user name & password created at the 4me of registra4on to have access to the internet or enter an email address for guest users , or simply accept a set of service terms •  Once authen4cated, as a valid user, he/she will be able to access the internet. Certificate
Access to
Connect to SSID, Login Page Authentication Internet
Associate with AP
Microsense Differen7ators: Campus Wi-­‐Fi • 
Seamless Integra7on with exis7ng network if any Highly secure wireless system to support wireless data, voice and video applica7ons Two 7er security level via client cer7ficates User Name and Password to be entered, whenever a student Logs in Network Segrega7on between Students, Visitors, Admin Staffs, Teachers etc Restrict each and every user on speed or bytes transfer or 7me Provision for Guest Access Accounts In total compliance with DOT’s security regula7ons Access Log as per the cyber laws demand Conformance to Open Standards.