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Observit Video Hosting Services
Hosted Video
Observit Video Hosting Services
Central Video Management
Cost-efficient and troublefree
Access to value adding
Global network of Video
Service Providers
Wide range of products for
hosted video
Easily convert your analog
system to IP
Many Sites
Many Cameras
Many Users
AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS) is a proven hosted solution where
Observit together with Axis provide a one stop shop for the enterprise.
Axis surveillance solutions have been installed in critical environments around the world.
With long experience and proven track record in network video technology, you can rest
assured that Axis will enable you to achieve your retail surveillance ambitions.
New technology – new
Whether you run a single shop or a whole chain of
malls, gasstation, unmanned site, city surveillance
network video makes a noticeable improvement in
your bottom line. The introduction of network video
has revolutionized the way of work with loss
prevention, store optimization, fraud detection,
security and customer service. Overall, network
video provides a whole new set of tools to reach
operational excellence.
Several advantages
Implementation of network video in many
environments has proven successful in many ways.
Revenue increase: Network video helps to
improve staff planning, remote management, alarm
call-outs. It is also a highly efficient loss prevention
Fast ROI: Reduced loss, less time spent on
investigating suspect incidents, decrease in liability
claims, enhanced marketing and optimized staffing
all result in a compelling ROI.
Seamless integration: Network video
solutions from Axis run on standard Ethernet
networks and are compatible with your existing
infrastructure. They easily integrate with enterprise
systems, providing efficient ways to investigate
suspect incidents and analyze business
Future proof: Axis network video solutions
are based on open standards, giving you maximum
flexibility when choosing surrounding equipment.
The solutions are fully scalable and allow you to
take advantage of the latest technologies and
Observit Video Hosting Services
Hosted video provides trouble-free and reliable management of Axis IP cameras.
A VMS on the web, monitoring, remote storage and easy remote access including third party
services such as virtual guard tour and remote verification of false alarms.
In addition to video surveillance, hosted video provides possibility to improve business
operations with third party video analytics for as Point of Sales integration, counting,
heatmap, detection, queue counter and many more.
Cost-efficient and trouble free
A hosted solution limits your investment to
an Axis camera or encoder and an Internet
connection, instead of having to maintain the
recording and monitoring station locally. The
service provider will manage system
maintenance as well as storage of recorded
data. The solution is ideal for low camera
counts per site in single or multiple locations
such as convenience stores, gas stations,
retail stores, and small offices.
Much more than surveillance
Hosted video provides new possibilities to
protect and develop your business. Our
network of service providers offer
surveillance services such as remote storage
of recorded data, remote guard tour and
guard-force services. They can also provide
business management services such as
monitoring of drive-through-promotions,
daily deliveries and cash protection.
A service with global reach
Axis' wide range of network cameras and
encoders compatible with hosted video and
a global network of service providers, each
with an unique service offering make it
easy to find a solution to meet your
Convert your analog system
Axis video encoders allow you to leverage
the existing analog investment. Axis video
encoders will turn the system into an
hosted IP solution, that provides the
benefits of network video, and allows you
to move to a future-proof and easily
scalable solution.
Increased system performance
with Edge Storage
To further enhance system
functionality, the solution can be
completed with edge storage in the
camera and/or Network Attached
Storage (NAS) for redundant storage of
high frame rate, high resolution video
in HDTV or megapixel resolution.
Zero config installation - zero
client application
With AVHS, security installers do not have
to perform on-site network configuration or
client software installation at end user
sites. After Axis network cameras are
installed and connected to the existing
network, all configuration takes place
Observit Video Hosting Services
AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS) is a proven solution where
Observit together with Axis’ wide range of network cameras
make it possible for a service provider to expand their current
business by adding hosted video services over the Internet.
“Become a Video Service Provider
is easy.
Observit will tailor the system to
fit you’re business idea. Adapt
and brand the service quick and
easy at a low cost.
Our partners have a low/no risk
and don’t need any big financial
investments or have long
training/learning periods to start
up the business.
Add hosting to your business.
Observit manages the
technology, you can focus on
your business“
Lars Flodén
Customized portal
Based on your specific requirements Observit
guides you in the process of setting up your own
Internet based service offering such as video
enabled security services and business
management services.
Low cost and easy setup
You are not required to make any investments in
appliances and IT infrastructure. Your financial
investments are low and you will quickly have a
solution on market that is tested and proven. The
solution can either develop your current recurring
revenue business or complement your current
sales models and offerings.
Flexible and scalable
The system is designed to host and manage
hundreds or even thousands of users. It scales with
minimal effort and is particularly cost-effective
when offering monitoring to dispersed installations
with a few cameras at each site.
Complete range of products
Axis wide range of network cameras and encoders
compatible make it easy to find a solution to meet
your service requirements. To further enhance
system functionality, the solution can be completed
with a Network Attached Storage (NAS). The
solution is easily integrated in existing applications
such as alarm panel solutions or other monitoring
Easy Installation
Installation requires no detailed knowledge of the
customer’s network. The unique One-Click Camera
Connection feature makes it easy to add cameras
to the system regardless of the Internet service
provider, routers and firewall settings, thus saving
valuable installation time.
Observit Video Hosting Services
Video Analytics
ACAP Store
Acap Store, a central marketplace and
distribution platform for intelligent and
smart video analytics applications for
Axis cameras and Observit Hosting
AXIS Camera Application Platform , ACAP , is an open
platform that enables application developers to develop
and sell the Axis - compatible applications. The platform
supports video analysis software that provides the
products with intelligent functions such as recognition,
counting, detection, tracking and more.
Observit Acap Store will do video analysis software
available quick and easy. Combined with hosting as a
brilliant business model the Acap Store will have a great
positive impact on camera usage and bring leverage
camera usage to the customer's business system.
With Acap Store Observit partners can support their
customers in a new way by selling, distributing ACAP
applications directly to their customers' cameras, over the
net, hassle free.
Partners may, from the central management tools , install
and deploy 3rd party applications to cameras, over the net
with just a simple click. Complete process is performed
centrally over the web, quickly and easily.
The possibility to easily deploy apps centrally by Acap
Store will change, increase and leverage the use of
cameras. Axis high-tech cameras have many suppliers and
developers making video analytics.
Many video analytics are related to surveillance but a fast
growing market is for marketing and merchandise, not just
traditional monitoring.
The powerful Axis cameras are very good at computing
and well suited for doing all kind of analytics directly in
the camera. A lot of Acap applications are for counting,
recognition, detection like:
People counter
Heat mapping
Intrusion detection
License plate recognition
Gender recognition
Face recognition
Advanced Motion Detection
Traffic flow
Observit Video Hosting Services
Reduce CO2 emission
Lower cost
Sustainable solution
Remote video management –
reduce CO 2 and lower cost
Remote management and access is one
of the advantages of installing and
operating hosted video. You don’t need
to physically handle the camera to
investigate an incident. Instead, you
can see and analyze the material from a
distance using a computer/device, and
then take appropriate action.
Alarm operator significantly reduces the
number of emergency call-outs.
One study shows that as much as 97
percent (!) of all call-outs are false
alarms. Every call-out adds considerable
costs in terms of transportation time,
gas and vehicle maintenance, and
generates unnecessary CO2 emissions.
Remote access also facilitates the
maintenance of the Video surveillance
Camera maintenance, upgrades,
diagnostics, troubleshooting and
retrieving image material.
A reduction in both CO2 emissions and
costs quickly becomes evident as a
result of less driving time, less fuel,
lower vehicle costs and less time spent
on performing camera maintenance.
Example (Axis sustainability report 2013)
A municipality uses cameras for surveillance of
schools, libraries and other municipal
buildings. The system includes surveillance of
10 locations in total with 12 cameras in each
Energy saving :
Over 5 years, there are large differences in the
total power consumption, including the
cameras’ power consumption and possible
external lighting, depending on the type of
 381,410 kwh for analog cameras
 68,330 kwh for IR cameras
 34,160 kwh for cameras with Lightfinder
Measured in the quantity of carbon dioxide
emissions, the energy savings in an installation
with cameras featuring Lightfinder technology
will result in 91 percent less emissions and an
installation with IR cameras will result in 50
percent less emissions, compared to an
equivalent installation featuring analog
Cost Saving
Remote control saves one hour driving time in
connection with service visits to 10
installations with 12 cameras each.
Over 5 years, remote control will deliver
savings of about SEK 2 million (calculated in
terms of fuel costs and hourly rates for
A camera with remote access reduces
the number of maintenance visits by
about 50 percent.
Saving SEK 2 000 000
Reduce CO2 emissions 91%
Observit Video Hosting Services
Hosted Video make video management and surveillance easy and
hassle free. Adding business value with video analytics have never
Alarm Center operator
The extra eye, video camera, can be used in several ways like alarm verifying with video and
video motion alarm virtual guard tour. Have total control and accessibility of all cameras in
multiple end user sites with single log in. Fast access to live video. Quick overview of recent
events with selected videos from a pre-set timeframe.
Expanded service offering with unique 3rd party apps as virtual guard tour, virtual fence, face- and
license plate recognition. Address new markets like retail, garage, buses, parking lots and
unattended gas stations. Improve the profitability and at the same time provide even better service
for customers. Alarm verification, easy and fast handling of crime reports etc. making AVHS the
ideal hosted video solution for the professional market.
IP-video installer
Installation requires no detailed knowledge of the customer´s network. The unique One-Click
camera connection from Axis makes it easy to add cameras to the system regardless of the
Internet service provider, routers and firewall, thus saving valuable installation time.
System Administrator
The admin of the service will, and have the possibility to, manage thousands of cameras in just
one click and all remotely. As a real VSaaS the AVHS system is developed for the internet age
with focus on a lot of cameras on many sites. Availability and monitoring made easy.
Customer (end user)
Safety cameras for the staff make it greater place to work. IP based video cameras integrateable with alarm centers making it possible to communicate and add services to have a secure
Observit Video Hosting Services
Axis Video Hosting provider
Alarm centers
Offices, buildings and schools
City surveillance
Unmanned sites
Transportation & vehicles