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The purpose of the statistical survey is monitoring of trends in public electronic
communication services, especially transfer of speech and data.
The survey is implemented on the basis of the National Statistics Act (OJ RS, No. 45/95 and
9/01), the Annual Program of Statistical Surveys.
Concerning electronic communications services, observation units are active operators of
networks and providers of public electronic communications services (further on: operators)
registered in the Register of Operators at the Agency for Communication Networks and
Services of the Republic of Slovenia (further on: AKOS, former APEK).
The survey covers all units that perform the activities surveyed and – concerning electronic
communications services – are included in the official register of operators according to the
Electronic Communications Act. The coverage is full.
Data on electronic communications services are provided to SURS by AKOS, which collects
them by making use of the annual questionnaire devoted to the development of the
electronic communications market.
Electronic communication service is usually a paid service which is partly or entirely
provided by conveying and routing signals via telecommunications. It includes
telecommunication services and services of transfer using the networks for broadcasting. It
excludes services with which the program contents and control over it is implemented which
are transferred over electronic communication networks and with electronic communication
services. Electronic communication services do not include the information society services
which are not totally or mainly composed of transfer of signals by the electronic
communication networks.
Operator is a network operator or a service provider.
Network operator is a legal or natural person providing a public communication network or
related capacity or informing the competent regulative institution about the intention to be
active in providing a public communication network or related capacity.
Service provider is a legal or natural person performing a public electronic communication
service or informing the competent regulative institution about the intention to be active in
performing a public electronic communication service.
Fixed network operator is an operator of a public fixed communication network, offering
telecommunications connections in the national network.
Mobile network operator is an operator of a public mobile communication network, digital or
analogous. Transmission of signals by satellite is not included.
International operator is an operator of a public fixed communication network providing
international telecommunication services.
Cable and satellite service provider is a provider of cable and satellite services of
interactive electronic communication. Services for providing pure programs are not included.
Internet service provider is an operator providing Internet access services.
Main telephone line is a physical (termination) connection point allowing the subscriber to
have access to a public communication network. It includes all technologies of access such
as PSTN, ISDN, xDSL, VoIP, etc.
ISDN – Integrated Service Digital Network – is a digital network allowing direct services for
all kinds of telephone lines and simultaneous transmission of voice, picture and data.
VoIP connection (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a broadband connection which enables
the service of managed IP telephony. IP telephony or VoIP as a publicly available telephone
services at a fixed location is a managed voice service, which has an assigned phone
number from a public numbering space that enables portability and access to emergency
Leased lines (also known as private circuits) refer to electronic-communication capacity
allowing transparent non-commutative transmission connections among network termination
(connection) points.
Broadband enables rapid transmission of data over the Internet with speeds from 144 kbit/s
to several 10 or 100 Mbit/s, depending on the technology used. The most frequently used
technologies are xDSL, cable modem connection, optical fibre access, UMTS, etc. For
unlimited access users pay a monthly subscription, depending on the nominal speed of
transmitted data in a single package.
Dial-up (narrowband) user is an active user who has used in the last 90 days at least once
the dial-up (narrowband) service to access the Internet.
Mobile network user is every active end-user of a public mobile telephone network, having
the possibility to perform the services in a public mobile telephone network. It can be the
active end-user/subscriber who has at least once within the last 90 days paid the
subscription or has used any service in the public mobile telecommunication network. It can
also be the active end-user who has at least once within the last 90 days used any paid
service (call, data transmission, SMS, other) in the public mobile telecommunication network
by a prepaid SIM card or has filled the prepaid system with the valid value.
Number of employees is the average annual number of persons in employment by
electronic communication services activity (employed by legal persons, self-employed
persons and employed by self-employed persons) expressed in full-time equivalents. The
number of employees employed as part-time workers is calculated in full-time equivalents.
Total turnover (revenue) consists of earnings from electronic communication services
during the financial year under review. Revenues from non-telecommunications services
should be excluded. The value added tax should be excluded, as well.
Turnover from a public telephone fixed network or public telephone services on fixed
location includes earnings from connection fees charging for implementation of the new
connection points, subscription fees and earnings for calls in local, national and international
traffic, and other earnings originated in access to a public fixed network and public telephone
Turnover from public mobile telephone services includes earnings from connection fees
charging for implementation of the new connection points, subscription fees, earnings for
calls and earnings of data transmission such as payments for broadband access, text or nontext messages and use of WAP protocol. It also includes payments for transference and
cessation of services and eventual rent for equipment.
Revenues from interconnection services include earnings from services provided by one
telecommunications organisation to another for the purpose of the conveyance of messages
and information between the two systems and including any auxiliary services (in purpose of
interconnection services) not elsewhere specified.
Revenues from leased lines include provisions of leased lines.
Other turnover includes revenues from other telecommunication services (broadcasting
services, access to data networks, value-added services and other).
Investment includes total gross tangible investment for fixed assets in the observation year
(finished and unfinished constructions, purchases for buildings, switching equipment, land
and other) for electronic communication networks and electronic communication services,
irrespective of when the payment of the investment is realized. Included are also the
investments in modernizations, reconstructions and renovations and the value of fixed assets
purchased through financial leasing.
Traffic from fixed to fixed network is telephone traffic generated by end-users of operators
of fixed telephony. It is mediated by these operators into public networks on fixed locations in
the Republic of Slovenia, including traffic in operator’s own network. Traffic mediated to other
selected or preselected operators is counted as traffic of the selected or preselected
operator. It also includes the transfer of speech through the Internet Protocol – IP. Traffic is
expressed in the duration of calls.
Traffic from fixed to mobile networks is telephone traffic generated by end-users of
operators of fixed telephony. It is mediated by these operators to public telephone mobile
networks in the Republic of Slovenia. Traffic is expressed in the duration of calls.
Traffic within mobile networks is telephone traffic generated by end-users of operators of
mobile telephony and is realized within the operator’s public network exclusively. Traffic is
expressed in the duration of calls.
Traffic from mobile to other mobile networks is telephone traffic generated by end-users
of operators of mobile telephony. It is mediated by these operators to public telephone
mobile networks in the Republic of Slovenia. Traffic in operator’s own network is not
included. Traffic to a mobile network mediated to other selected or preselected operators is
counted as traffic of the selected or preselected operator. Traffic is expressed in the duration
of calls.
Traffic from mobile to fixed networks is telephone traffic generated by end-users of
operators of mobile telephony. It is mediated by these operators to public telephone fixed
networks in the Republic of Slovenia. Traffic to fixed network mediated to other selected or
preselected operators is counted as traffic of the selected or preselected operator. Traffic is
expressed in the duration of calls.
Traffic from international networks is international (fixed or mobile) incoming telephone
traffic, coming from abroad and ending in the operator’s network in the Republic of Slovenia.
Traffic is expressed in the duration of calls.
Traffic to international networks is telephone traffic generated by end-users of operators. It
is mediated by these operators from their own telephone networks to the networks abroad.
Traffic mediated to other selected or preselected operators is counted as traffic of the
selected or preselected operator. Traffic is expressed in the duration of calls.
SMS means the number of dispatched textual and numerical messages with the help of
mobile telephones or handheld computers.
Business user is a legal unit or entrepreneur using the public telephone services.
Private user (household) is a natural person using the public telephone services.
Entrepreneurs are not included.
 Rapid Reports: Information Society
 SI-STAT Data Portal
 Rapid Reports: Information Society
 Stat'O'Book
Regular planned revisions are a consequence of including a new/more complete/additional
data source. Provisional data become final after one year.
Methodological explanations about data revision at SURS are published on the website
Quality reports:
Theme: Development and technology
Sub-theme: Information Society
Theme: Trade and services
Sub-theme: Electronic Communication Services
Nataša Gostiša
28. 9. 2015