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If you have any questions or concerns in your initial post-procedure period, please call us at 541-618-1461.
Pre-treatment restrictions
• Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds and tanning creams for 3-4 weeks before and 3-4 weeks after treatment.
If sun exposure is not avoidable, a reduced fluence may be used and treatment sessions increased.
• Discontinue Accutane 9 months prior to laser treatment.
• Discontinue Retin-A, Retinol, AHA or Active Obagi products 1 week prior to treatment. Inform your provider
of all medications including over-the-counter medications.
What to expect
• During the treatment, your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses.
• We will apply a gel to the skin prior to treatment; this is to protect the outer epidermis.
• You may briefly feel a warm sensation as the light is absorbed in the targeted areas.
• Your treatment may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the
type of the treatment performed.
• This is a noninvasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases you will be able to return to
work, apply makeup and resume most of your activities right away.
• Consent forms and/or photographs will be added to your office record.
Post-treatment instructions
• DO NOT take Retin-A for 1 week following treatment.
• DO NOT take Accutane for 6 months following treatment.
•_You may experience some mild redness and swelling in the treated area for up to several days following
• You may feel tighter skin or the sensation of a mild sunburn following treatment. Cold packs, aloe vera or other
cooling preparation may be used to ease temporary discomfort. The area should be kept lubricated with a lotion
or cream.
• _You will be sensitive to ultra-violet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure, tanning beds, tanning
creams and sunless tanning creams for 3-4 weeks before and 3-4 weeks after treatment, until completely
healed. Fully cover your skin or use a good sunscreen whenever you go outdoors. A broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB)
sun block with an SPF of at least 30 must be applied prior to any sun exposure. Sun exposure may cause certain
complications such as blistering and/or hyperpigmentation.
Post-treatment instructions continued
•_In rare cases blistering may occur. Contact your provider immediately if blistering occurs. Blistered areas
should be treated with care, keeping the area moist with an antibiotic ointment until the area has healed. Your
provider will prescribe the appropriate treatment if you experience blistering.
•_Discoloration may occur. This is usually temporary but in rare cases can be permanent.
• You may need multiple treatments at 2-4 week intervals for optimal results.
When to call your provider
• Blistering
• Fever greater than 101.5
• Pus-like drainage
• Increasing redness and pain
• If you have any questions or concerns
Post-treatment compliance agreement
Patient Signature
Witness Signature
Grants Pass
SkinTyte Treatment Instructions05/20/14
The treatment instructions outlined here have been explained to me fully and in great detail and all of my
questions have been answered. I agree to wear sunblock as described in these instructions. I understand
the importance of following these instructions and know that failure to do so may increase the probability of
complications. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of these instructions prior to my
treatment and agree to comply with them as directed.