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Look cLoseLy at who we are
if you save
one life,
you save
the world.
a close look
at our
THE sanofi-aventis Group
sanofi-aventis around the world
•A leader in prescription medicines,
vaccines, consumer healthcare products,
generic medicines and animal health
•105,000 employees in 110 countries
•Strong presence in both established and
emerging* markets
•Over 18,900 research staff at more than
25 R&D centres on three continents
•2009 net sales of 29.3 billion euros
•2009 R&D investment of 4.6 billion euros
A diversified global healthcare leader,
focused on patients’ needs
Sanofi-aventis is the world’s fourth largest pharmaceutical company,
and holds the leading position in Europe and several emerging markets.
With nearly 100,000 employees in more than 100 countries, the company
offers a broad range of medicines in a number of key therapeutic areas:
diabetes, oncology, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, central nervous
system disorders and internal medicine.
The Group’s vaccines division, sanofi-pasteur, is the world leader in
human vaccine production and sales, offering the broadest range of
products protecting against 20 infectious diseases.
The company is also the world’s fifth largest supplier of consumer
healthcare products and a major supplier of generic medicines and
animal health products.
Global net sales in 2009 amounted to 29.3 billion euros.
* Emerging markets include Brazil, Russia, India, China and Mexico
Three strategies
to meet our goals
Our Group has launched an ambitious transformation program to achieve
the diversification and sustainable growth that will enable us to meet the
needs of patients around the world in the years to come. We’re focusing
on three strategies to bring about this transformation.
3. Adapting our structures to future challenges
1. Boosting innovation in R&D
We have created two integrated global business divisions in Diabetes
and Oncology. This allows us to concentrate our forces and improve our
responsiveness in areas where there is an urgent healthcare need and
where, owing to our experience and expertise, we have much to offer.
At the global level, we’re streamlining our product pipeline to focus
on projects with the greatest potential for success. We’re also forming
partnerships and signing collaborative research agreements with
specialized external organizations. By joining forces with the best, we’re
confident we can accelerate the development of novel compounds and
vaccines to ensure patients benefit faster from leading-edge medical
Meeting the needs of patients and healthcare systems around the world
requires us to be more flexible and responsive than ever before. We’re
tackling this challenge in a couple of ways.
To enhance our ability to meet healthcare needs that vary from region
to region, our Group is decentralizing many of its structures and shifting
decision-making power to local teams closest to our customers.
2. Seizing external growth opportunities
Our Group is acquiring businesses and forming new partnerships
with companies in Europe, the Americas and Asia, in fields that offer
opportunities for sustainable growth. This strategy is reinforcing our
number one position in vaccines and positioning us among the world
leaders in consumer healthcare, generic medicines and animal health.
THE sanofi-aventis Group
in canada
Sanofi-aventis Canada –
For nearly one hundred years, sanofi-aventis and its predecessor
companies have pioneered innovative products and techniques to
improve the health and lives of Canadians.
Bringing value, health and hope to Canadians
through innovative healthcare solutions
Our Group has two major areas of activity in Canada. We operate in
pharmaceuticals under the name of sanofi-aventis Canada, based in
Laval, Quebec, and in vaccines under the name of sanofi-pasteur Limited,
based in Toronto, Ontario. Together we employ more than 2,000 people
across the country.
Backed by decades of service to Canadian healthcare professionals and
patients, we’ve found that genuine inspiration comes from looking at
healthcare challenges from our customers’ perspective.
Diversification strategy in Canada
Our global diversification strategy is changing the face of our operations
in Canada, as the Group acquires international companies with a
presence in this country. Examples include the animal health company
Merial, which became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group in 2009,
and the consumer healthcare company Chattem, which was acquired in
We have reorganized our field-based teams to meet the needs that differ
from region to region, and to respond effectively to new structures and
roles within our healthcare systems: health authorities, primary care
networks, prescribing pharmacists and nurse practitioners, to name a few.
We are partnering with these customers to ensure they derive the best
possible value from our diverse product portfolio. Our joint initiatives
include programs to promote the appropriate use of medicines and
complementary services to improve standards of care and help people
better manage their health.
Our manufacturing plant in Laval maintains the highest level of safety,
quality and customer satisfaction. This nimble and efficient operation
produces a wide range of tablets, liquids, capsules, ointments and
creams. Export volumes in particular are on the rise, as we secure a
steady stream of international manufacturing mandates from our parent
company. More than half the medications produced in Laval are destined
for other countries, mainly the U.S. and Australia.
Pharmaceuticals at a glance
•Corporate office and industrial site in
Laval, Quebec, founded in 1968 by Octo
•Draws on the strengths of numerous
legacy organizations in Canada, starting
with Rhône-Poulenc in the 1920s and
continuing with innovative companies
such as Nordic, Marion Merrell Dow,
Hoechst Marion Roussel, SanofiSynthelabo and Aventis
•Employs 900 people across the country,
including 540 at the Laval site
•Offers products in diabetes, oncology,
cardiovascular disease, thrombosis,
internal medicine and dermatology
(under the brand name Dermik)
take a close look at our world
Sanofi-Pasteur – Vaccines
A public healthcare pioneer
Founded in 1914 as Connaught Laboratories, our sanofi-pasteur site has
a long and illustrious history as a pioneer in public health.
Scientists working at this site developed techniques for the world’s first
large-scale insulin production and, over the decades, vaccines and serums
against diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus and meningitis. They developed
techniques for large-scale production of polio vaccine, helping bring an
end to the epidemics in North America in the 1950s.
More recent milestones include the research and development of a fivecomponent pertussis vaccine used to protect children and adults around
the world from whooping cough.
take a close look at our world
Our Toronto site continues to evolve. In 2010 we will open a $100 million R&D
facility to support its role as a global sanofi-pasteur centre of excellence in
biopharmaceutical development.
A powerful presence for protection around
the world
Internationally, sanofi-pasteur holds a leading position in most
countries. In the U.S., which accounts for 40% of the global vaccine
market, sanofi-pasteur is one of the top two vaccine companies. In Canada,
sanofi-pasteur is the
country’s largest vaccine
manufacturer, protecVaccines at a glance
ting Canadians against
•Corporate office, R&D and industrial site
infectious diseases with
in Toronto, Ontario
an extensive product
•Canada’s largest producer of vaccines
portfolio for close to a
•Manufactures more than 50 million doses
century. In Europe, our
vaccines are commercia•Distributes vaccines to more than
lized in 19 countries by
90 countries around the world
sanofi-pasteur. In emer•Employs 1,100 people in Canada, nearly
ging countries, which
all at the Toronto site
account for 80% of the
world population, sanofi-pasteur has established a leading position, notably in Latin America
and increasingly in Asia, where we have been expanding our presence.
We are also very active in donor’s markets such as UNICEF and
Pan-American Health Organization.
take a close look at our world
Top investor in innovative
biopharmaceutical R&D
In 2009 the sanofi-aventis Group* was one of the top R&D spenders in
Canada’s innovative biopharmaceutical industry, with joint investments
of C$211.5 million.
take a close look at our world
Our Canadian pharmaceuticals business has acquired particular
expertise in the area of clinical studies, which evaluate the safety and
efficacy of medications. We currently operate the second largest clinical
research unit of the entire sanofi-aventis Group. The Canadian healthcare
professionals and researchers taking part in our international clinical
trials are helping to define therapies and healthcare practices that can
have an impact around the world.
In 2009 our vaccines site in Toronto was named a global centre of excellence
for biopharmaceutical development for the global sanofi-pasteur
organization. It will specialize in analytical and biopharmaceutical R&D.
* sanofi-aventis (pharmaceuticals) and sanofi-pasteur (vaccines).
Social responsibility
at sanofi-aventis
Social responsibility is a priority for us and takes many forms. Our
most unique initiative, which truly sets sanofi-aventis apart within the
industry, is our Group’s Access to Medicines division. This business
group produces high-quality medicines and vaccines for underprivileged
populations based on a “no profit, no loss” pricing policy. Production
facilities are located in the developing regions they serve, providing
economic stimulus and employment.
Access to Medicines programs focus on malaria, tuberculosis, tropical
diseases, epilepsy, mental health and vaccines, and include education
and information programs.
take a close look at our world
In Canada, we support:
United Way/Centraide. Employees raised more than $310,000 in 2009.
Health Partners International of Canada. Works through partnerships to
increase access to medicine and improve health in the developing world.
March of Dimes. Aims to enhance the independence and community
participation of children and adults with physical disabilities through a
wide range of programs and services.
Sanofi-aventis Biotech Challenge. Annual Canada-wide competition,
founded in 1994 by sanofi-pasteur, that encourages students to pursue
careers in biotechnology.
Advanced Coronary Treatment (ACT) Foundation. Promotes training of
high school students in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and heart health.
PROCURE. Supports and conducts activities aimed at preventing and
curing prostate cancer.
take a close look at our world
The Heart and Stroke Foundation. Provides information about the heart,
stroke, atrial fibrillation and healthy living.
The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada. Supports patients and
advocates for population-based screening and timely access to effective
The Canadian Diabetes Association and Diabetes Québec. Support
people affected by diabetes by providing information, diabetes research,
education, service and advocacy.
Sound environmental
Concern for the environment runs high at both our major Canadian sites,
where employees have put in place many exemplary practices.
take a close look at our world
In Laval, we recycle 86% of our residual materials and have earned the
highest level of certification from the Quebec government’s “ICI on
recycle” program. Used office supplies are donated to local schools; our
cafeteria sends food waste for composting and uses no disposable dishes
or cutlery.
To reduce the carbon footprint at our Toronto site, we opened a
cogeneration plant in 2007 and apply “Green Building” concepts in new
and renovated facilities. Storm water is used for landscape irrigation. We
have switched to reusable or recyclable packaging for vaccines, and
donate to charity the money we receive from the resale of used
polyethylene suits, which are recuperated by other industries.
sanofi-aventis products
sanofi-aventis products
our therapeutic
to fundamental
health issues
Sanofi-aventis is a leader in developing medicines for treatments
for Canadians in several therapeutic areas: cardiovascular disease,
thrombosis, oncology, metabolic disorders, the central nervous
system and internal medicine.
Cardiovascular products
take a close look at our world
MI, Stroke or Established Peripheral Arterial Disease
PLAVIX® (clopidogrel) is indicated for the secondary prevention of
atherothrombotic events (myocardial infarction, stroke and vascular
death) in patients with atherosclerosis documented by stroke, MI,
or established peripheral arterial disease.
Acute Coronary Syndrome
PLAVIX®, in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is indicated
for the early and long-term secondary prevention of atherothrombotic
events (myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, cardiovascular
death and/or refractory ischemia) in patients with acute coronary
syndromes - without ST-segment elevation (i.e., unstable angina
or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction). These benefits of PLAVIX®
have been shown only when these patients were concomitantly
treated with ASA in addition to other standard therapies.
sanofi-aventis products
For patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction,
PLAVIX® has been shown to reduce the rate of an endpoint of allcause mortality and the rate of a combined endpoint of death,
reinfarction, or stroke.
• The prophylaxis of thromboembolic disorders (deep vein
thrombosis) in patients undergoing:
LOVENOX® (enoxaparin) is indicated for:
- high risk abdominal, gynecological, or urological surgeries
AVAPRO® (irbesartan) is indicated for the treatment of essential
- colorectal surgery
AVALIDE® (irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide) is indicated for the
treatment of essential hypertension in patients for whom
combination therapy is appropriate. AVALIDE® is also indicated as
initial therapy in patients with severe essential hypertension
(sitting DBP ≥110 mm Hg) for whom the benefit of a prompt blood
pressure reduction exceeds the risk of initiating combination
therapy in these patients. AVALIDE® is not indicated as initial
therapy in patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension.
- orthopaedic surgery of the hip or knee. In addition, LOVENOX®
is indicated in hospital or after hospital discharge for long-term
prevention of venous thromboembolic diseases following hip
replacement surgery
AVAPRO® is also indicated for the treatment of hypertensive
patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and renal disease to reduce
the rate of progression of nephropathy as measured by the
reduction of microalbuminuria, and the occurrence of doubling of
serum creatinine. AVAPRO® may be used alone or concomitantly
with thiazide diuretics. The safety and efficacy of concurrent use
with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors has not been
sanofi-aventis products
These benefits were also seen in patients who were managed
medically and those who were managed with percutaneous
coronary intervention (with or without stent) or CABG (coronary
artery bypass graft).
• The prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in medical
patients who are at moderate risk of DVT and who are bedridden
due to moderate to severe acute cardiac insufficiency (NYHA
Class III or IV heart failure), acute respiratory failure revealing
or complicating chronic respiratory insufficiency not requiring
ventilatory support and acute respiratory infections (excluding
septic shock), who require short-term prophylaxis of deep vein
• The treatment of deep vein thrombosis, with or without
pulmonary embolism
• The treatment of unstable angina or non-Q-wave myocardial
infarction, concurrently with ASA
• Treatment of acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
(STEMI), including patients to be managed medically or with
subsequent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
MULTAQ® (dronedarone) is indicated for the treatment of patients
with a history of, or current, atrial fibrillation to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular hospitalization due to atrial fibrillation.
sanofi-aventis products
Altace® (ramipril)
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor
Altace® HCT (ramipril, hydrochlorothiazide)
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor—Diuretic
Nitrolingual® Pumpspray* (nitroglycerin)
* Trademark of G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. Commercialized in Canada by
Renedil® (felodipine)
sanofi-aventis products
Other cardiovascular products
APIDRA® [insulin glulisine (rDNA origin)] is a recombinant human
insulin analogue indicated for the treatment of adult patients with
Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus where treatment with insulin is
APIDRA® has a more rapid onset of action and a shorter duration
of action than regular human insulin. APIDRA® should normally
be used in regimens that include a longer-acting insulin or basal
insulin analogue to maintain adequate glucose control. APIDRA®
can be used with oral hypoglycemic agents.
Rythmodan®/Rythmodan® LA (disopyramide)
Sectral® (acebutolol hydrochloride)
Zaroxolyn® (metolazone)
Other diabetes products
Diabeta® (glyburide)
Oral Hypoglycemic
Glucophage®* (metformin hydrochloride)
Lasix®/Lasix® Oral Solution (furosemide)
* Trademark of Merck Santé s.a.s. Commercialized in Canada by sanofi-aventis.
Lasix® Special (furosemide)
Amaryl® (glimepiride)
Oral Hypoglycemic Agent (Sulfonylurea)
Diabetes products
Oral Antihyperglycemic Agent
ClikStar® and SoloStar®
State-of-the-art reusable injection pens available for basal insulin
LANTUS® (grey pen) and for rapid acting APIDRA® (blue pen).
LANTUS® [insulin glargine injection (rDNA origin)] is a novel
recombinant human insulin analog indicated for once-daily
subcutaneous administration in the treatment of patients over
17 years of age with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus who require
basal (long-acting) insulin for the control of hyperglycemia.
LANTUS® is also indicated in the treatment of pediatric patients
with Type 1 diabetes mellitus who require basal (long-acting)
insulin for the control of hyperglycemia.
sanofi-aventis products
ACTONEL (risedronate sodium hemi-pentahydrate) is indicated
• The treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in
postmenopausal women
• The treatment of osteoporosis in men, to improve bone mineral
• The treatment and prevention of glucocorticoid-induced
osteoporosis in men and women
• Paget’s disease of bone
Other bone and joint products
Actonel®* (risedronate sodium)/Actonel® Plus Calcium (risedronate
sodium, calcium carbonate)
* Trademark of P&G Pharmaceuticals Inc. Commercialized in Canada by sanofi-aventis
and P&G Pharmaceuticals.
Bone Metabolism – Mineral Regulator
Calcimar (calcitonin-salmon)
Calcium Regulator
Arava® (leflunomide)
Antirheumatic Agent
Myochrysine (sodium aurothiomalate)
Antirheumatic Agent
sanofi-aventis products
NOC/c TAXOTERE® (docetaxel for injection) in combination with
doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide is indicated for the adjuvant
treatment of patients with operable node-positive breast cancer.
The effectiveness of TAXOTERE® in combination with doxorubicin
and cyclophosphamide is based on improved disease-free survival
and overall survival in comparison to the combination of fluorouracil,
doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide at a median follow up of
55 months. However, long-term data are not yet available.TAXOTERE®
is indicated for the treatment of patients with locally advanced
or metastatic breast cancer. TAXOTERE®, in combination with
doxorubicin as first-line therapy, should be reserved for patients
with potentially life-threatening disease (such as visceral or lung
metastatic disease). TAXOTERE® in combination with Xeloda®
(capecitabine) is indicated for the treatment of patients with
advanced or metastatic breast cancer after failure of prior
anthracycline containing chemotherapy.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer:
TAXOTERE® is indicated for the treatment of patients with locally
advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in monotherapy
or in combination with platinum derivatives.
Ovarian Cancer:
TAXOTERE® is indicated for the treatment of metastatic carcinoma
of the ovary after failure of first-line or subsequent chemotherapy.
Prostate Cancer:
TAXOTERE® in combination with prednisone or prednisolone is
indicated for the treatment of patients with androgen-independent
(hormone-refractory) metastatic prostate cancer.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck:
TAXOTERE® is indicated as monotherapy in the treatment of patients
with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the
head and neck after failure of a previous chemotherapy regimen.
sanofi-aventis products
ELOXATIN® (oxaliplatin for injection) in combination with infusional
5-fluorouracil/leucovorin (5-FU/LV) is indicated for:
djuvant treatment of patients with stage III (Dukes’ C) colon
cancer after complete resection of primary tumor. The indication
is based on a demonstrated improvement in disease-free survival.
Survival data at 6 years show a numerical improvement in overall
• Treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Demerol® (meperidine hydrocholoride)
Talwin® (pentazocine hydrochloride)
Narcotic Analgesic
Dermatop® Ointment/Dermatop® Emollient Cream (prednicarbate)
Topical Corticosteroid
Drisdol® (ergocalciferol)
Antirachitic Agent
BenzaClin™ (clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide)
Acne Vulgaris Therapy INDICATIONS
Benzamycin® (erythromycin, benzoyl peroxide)
Acne Therapy
ELIGARD® (leuprolide acetate) is indicated for the palliative
treatment of advanced prostate cancer (stage D2).
Loprox® Cream/Loprox® Lotion (ciclopirox olamine)
Topical Antifungal
ELIGARD® should be administered by a healthcare professional.
Noritate® (metronidazole)
Antirosacea Agent
Other Oncology Products
Anandron® (nilutamide)
Nonsteroidal Antiandrogen
Anzemet® (dolasetron mesylate)
Suprefact® (buserelin acetate)/Suprefact® Depot 2 months/Suprefact®
Depot 3 months (buserelin acetate implant)
Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Analog
Tamofen®* (tamoxifen citrate)
* Trademark of Schering Oy. Commercialized in Canada by sanofi-aventis.
Fasturtec® (rasburicase)
Uricolytic Agent
Pain relief products
sanofi-aventis products
TAXOTERE® should be administered under the supervision of a
physician experienced in the use of antineoplastic agents.
Penlac® (ciclopirox)
Topical Antifungal
pHisoHex®* (hexachlorophene)
* Trademark of The Mentholatum Company of Canada, Ltd. Commercialized in Canada
by sanofi-aventis.
Antibacterial—Skin Cleanser
Sulfacet®-R (sulfacetamide sodium, sulfur)
Acne Therapy
Topicort®/Topicort® Mild/Topicort® Gel/Topicort® Ointment
Topical Corticosteroid
Vitamin A Acid
Acne Therapy
Sculptra™ (poly-L-lactic acid)
sanofi-aventis products
Allegra® 12 hour/Allegra® 24 hour (fexofenadine hydrochloride)
Histamine H1-Receptor Antagonist
Allegra®–D (fexofenadine hydrochloride, pseudoephedrine
Histamine H1-Receptor Antagonist—Sympathomimetic Amine
Eltor 120 (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)
Nasal Decongestant
Nalcrom® (sodium cromoglycate)
Nasacort® AQ (triamcinolone acetonide)
Sofracort® (framycetin sulphate, gramicedin, dexamethasone)
Suprax®* (cefixime)
* Trademark of Astellas Pharma Inc. Commercialized in Canada by sanofi-aventis.
Plaquenil® (hydroxychloroquine sulfate)
Primaquine® (primaquine phosphate)
Novahistex DH (hydrocodone bitartrate, phenylephrine hydrochloride)
Imovane® (zopiclone)
Novahistine® DH (hydrocodone bitartrate, phenylephrine
Mersyndol® with Codeine
(acetaminophen, codeine phosphate, doxylamine succinate)
Acetaminophen—codeine phosphate—doxylamine
Tussionex® Suspension and Tablets (hydrocodone resin complex,
phenyltoloxamine resin complex)
Nozinan® (methotrimeprazine)
Infectious Diseases
Claforan® (cefotaxime sodium)
β-lactam Antibiotic
Flagyl (metronidazole)
Flagystatin (metronidazole, nystatin)
Ketek® (telithromycin)
Rifadin® (rifampin)
Rifater® (rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide)
Antituberculous Antibiotic
sanofi-aventis products
Piportil L4® (pipotiazine palmitate)
Clomid® (clomiphene citrate)
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
Cyclomen® (danazol)
Ovulatory Agent
Gastrolyte® (electrolytes and dextrose oral powder)
sanofi-aventis products
Kayexalate (sodium polystyrene sulfonate)
Cation-Exchange Resin
Resonium® Calcium (calcium polystyrene sulfonate)
Ion-Exchange Resin
Trental® (pentoxifylline)
Vasoactive Agent
we are the world’s
largest company
devoted entirely to
human vaccines
sanofi-pasteur VACCINES
Sanofi-pasteur has a broad range of vaccines,
protecting against 20 infectious diseases.
Rilutek® (riluzole)
Xatral® (alfuzosin hydrochloride)
Symptomatic Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)—
Adjunctive Therapy in Acute Urinary Retention (AUR)
Meningococcal Disease
(Meningococcal [Groups A, C, Y and
W-135] Polysaccharide Diptheria
Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine)
Pediapred® (prednisolone sodium phosphate)
Cholera, Travellers' Diarrhea
(Oral, inactivated travellers’
diarrhea and cholera vaccine)
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping PEDIACEL®
Cough, Poliomyelitis and
(Component Pertussis Vaccine
Haemophilus influenzae type b and Diphtheria and Tetanus
Toxoids Adsorbed Combined with
Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine
and Haemophilus b Conjugate
Diphtheria, Haemophilus
influenzae type b, Pertussis,
Poliomyelitis, Tetanus
(Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine
reconstituted with component
pertussis vaccine and diphtheria
and tetanus toxoids adsorbed
combined with inactivated
poliomyelitis vaccine)
sanofi-pasteur VACCINES
Diphtheria, Pertussis,
Poliomyelitis, Tetanus
Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
(Component pertussis vaccine
and diphtheria and tetanus
toxoids adsorbed combined with
inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine)
Diphtheria, Tetanus
(Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
adsorbed and inactivated
poliomyelitis vaccine - for 7 years
and older)
Td Adsorbed
Haemophilus influenzae type b Act-HIB®
(Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine,
tetanus protein - conjugate)
Hepatitis A
(Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine
Meningococcal Disease
(Meningococcal polysaccharide
vaccine, serogroups A,C,Y and
W-135 combined)
Pneumococcal Infections
Pneumo 23®
(23-valent pneumococcal
polysaccharide vaccine)
(Inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine)
BCG Vaccine
Typhoid Fever
Typhim Vi®
(Salmonella typhi Vi capsular
polysaccharide vaccine)
Typhoid Fever
(Combined Purified Vi
Polysaccharide Typhoid and
Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine)
(Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine)
Hepatitis A
Japanese Encephalitis
Td Polio Adsorbed
(Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
adsorbed - for 7 years and older)
Hepatitis A
(Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
adsorbed combined with
component pertussis vaccine)
Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis,
Yellow Fever
Avaxim® - Pediatric
(Yellow Fever vaccine)
(Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine)
(Product may be ordered by
designated Yellow Fever centers
sanofi-pasteur VACCINES
(Combined Purified Vi
Polysaccharide Typhoid and
Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine)
(Inactivated influenza vaccine
trivalent, types A and B - split
sanofi-pasteur VACCINES
Emergency Products
Imovax® Rabies Vaccine
(Rabies vaccine inactivated (DCO))
IMOGAM® Rabies Pasteurized
(Rabies immune globulin,
pasteurized (human))
Diagnostic Tests
Tuberculin Skin Test
(Tuberculin Purified Protein
Derivative - Mantoux)
OncoloGy Products
Bladder Cancer
take a close look at our world
(Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG),
substrain Connaught)
Please refer to product monographs for important information
regarding contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse
reactions, dosing and patient selection.
A customer-focused
Improving healthcare relies as much on
service as it does on science
The best possible medical care requires not just a constant evolution of
knowledge, but making that knowledge accessible to all concerned. Our
goal of improving the health of all Canadians is built on an interdisciplinary
approach with our customers… patient, physician, pharmacist, nurse.
The objectives of each are intricately linked to the accomplishments of
the others. Improving health outcomes is dependent on enhancing the
knowledge and efficiency of stakeholders, be they patient or healthcare
At sanofi-aventis, this involves not only creating programs and services
originating from within our company, but by fostering, nurturing and
realizing ideas that may originate from you and your colleagues.
Collaboration and integration for optimal
Canada’s Primary Care Networks (PCN) are beneficiaries
Look closely at who we are
of a two-pronged approach to advancing their knowledge-base. The
first is focused on solidifying the patient-physician relationship with
adherence programs designed to:
• Ensure fulfillment of first prescriptions
• Increase patient compliance and persistence
• Increase patient empowerment and motivation
The second approach is to improve PCN efficiency with training and
CE programs designed to improve organization, technology and costeffectiveness.
Patient adherence is as important to physicians working outside
PCNs as those working within, and sanofi-aventis is committed to
providing all physicians access to programs available to PCNs.
As an integral member of the healthcare nexus, nurses are essential in
ensuring and improving quality throughout the continuum of patient
care. As well as compliance and adherence programs designed for
nurses and their patients, sanofi-aventis provides training, education
and workshops to meet their needs and to enhance nurse/patient
2150 St. Elzéar Blvd. West, Laval, Québec H7L 4A8
General inquiries: 514-331-9220, 1-800-363-6364 • Customer service: 1-800-265-7927 • Media inquiries: 1-877-904-2667
Collaboration and integration for optimal
Canada’s Primary Care Networks (PCN) are beneficiaries
Look closely at who we are
of a two-pronged approach to advancing their knowledge-base. The
first is focused on solidifying the patient-physician relationship with
adherence programs designed to:
• Ensure fulfillment of first prescriptions
• Increase patient compliance and persistence
• Increase patient empowerment and motivation
The second approach is to improve PCN efficiency with training and
CE programs designed to improve organization, technology and costeffectiveness.
Patient adherence is as important to physicians working outside
PCNs as those working within, and sanofi-aventis is committed to
providing all physicians access to programs available to PCNs.
As an integral member of the healthcare nexus, nurses are essential in
ensuring and improving quality throughout the continuum of patient
care. As well as compliance and adherence programs designed for
nurses and their patients, sanofi-aventis provides training, education
and workshops to meet their needs and to enhance nurse/patient
2150 St. Elzéar Blvd. West, Laval, Québec H7L 4A8
General inquiries: 514-331-9220, 1-800-363-6364 • Customer service: 1-800-265-7927 • Media inquiries: 1-877-904-2667