Download Observe animations of processes that occur along plate boundaries

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Plate Tectonics Web quest
Name: __________________________________
Period: __________ Date: _____________
Observe animations of processes that occur along plate boundaries
What occurs at each of the three main types of plate boundaries: transform, convergent, and divergent
boundaries. You should write a short piece in which you compare and contrast the three types of boundaries.
Observe an animation showing growth of a continent
What does it take for a continent to grow? Make a prediction before you begin and compare your results.
Each of the next three animations depicts one of the distinct ways that volcanoes form. The three together
provide a nice body of evidence for plate tectonics and reinforce the theory's explanations about where and
why geological events occur.
Observe an animation of volcanism at a subduction zone
What type of boundary is this? How do you know? Why does the oceanic plate subduct under the continental
plate and not the other way around.
Observe an animation of volcanism along a rift zone
In terms of volume, more volcanic rock is produced in the oceans than on land. This animation reveals what
occurs at divergent plate boundaries, most of which are on the seafloor. What kind of information does this
give you about the age of rock in comparison to a rift zone?
Observe an animation of volcanic islands forming over a hot spot
The movie control buttons really come in handy here. How does this animation provide evidence of plate
tectonics? How do scientists determine the age of islands? The island chain illustrates the continuous nature
of plate movement throughout Earth's history.