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HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
For Acupuncturists, Chiropractors & Naturopaths
Chapter 5
There are several different pharmacological dynamics which allow for homeopathy to occur at low-dose
ratios: those of 12x or below.
As we have pointed out, the Arndt-Schultz law indicates how poisons in certain compounds have a
paradoxical shift in activity as they are made more and more dilute. The effect of a poison at raw dose shows a
paradoxical shift in a more dilute dose.
As we have proved several times in the Quantum Biology, Bio-Quantum Matrix, and other publications,
homeopathy is not all like treating like. There are many cases where homeopathy treats by using a pharmacological
agent, and the homeopathic indications are very similar, if not identical, to the indications of the original herb.
With this in mind, just what is homeopathy, versus allopathy?
In looking at a new definition for homeopathy which encompasses the old definition, we can see that a
homeopath is truly trying to stimulate the organism of the human body to respond and heal itself (also see Chapter
1). This is what homeopathy is doing versus allopathy. In allopathy, outside intervention with a drug is meant to
sedate, stimulate, block, deceive, or do some type of unnatural process. Thus the organism becomes dependent on
the outside stimulus. If an MAO inhibitor is used to stop depression, the person's own development of monoamine
oxidase becomes deficient. If we use an anti-histamine to fight histamine release, then the person's own
development of histamine can be deficient.
Thus allopathy seeks to build dependence. The key for the allopath is the hope that the allopathic
medication will pick up some slack, and that the organism (the patient) will heal itself while the allopathic
medication is operating. In other words, he hopes that the patient can find his own biological solution while the
anti-histamine is working. But the anti-histamines and most synthetic medications do not cure; they only do outside
stimulation, relying on the forces of nature to cure the body in the interim.
In homeopathy we are using many different principles, and trying to encourage the body to heal itself,
rather than stimulating it to heal itself. This is the concept of the minimal dose on which Hahnemann reflected, in
trying to find the smallest amount of a homeopathic or pharmacological agent that could gently help to nudge the
patient back into the biological cybernetics of health. Using a "feather" to stimulate such a balance is the principle
of homeopathy.
In using the Ardnt-Schultz law for poisons such as Belladonna, Apis Mellifica, Hepar Sulph., etc; we can
see that this principle dedicates the proposition that what a poison does in raw dose is opposite to a homeopathic
form of the poison. Thus we can see in snake venoms and other biological poisons the abilities to mend and heal
different enzyme pathways.
In some other herbs which are not poisons we can also see a homeopathic principle in which we are using a
compound to accomplish a gentle nudge to the patient to return to health. In Chinese herbalism, if a patient's body
had too much heat, such as a fever condition, then the herbalist would use a refrigerant. If a patient had a problem
with constipation, then an herbal laxative would be used.
We see these different propositions as being akin to homeopathy in that we would try to use the least
possible amount of refrigerant or other product to accomplish the job of bringing the patient back to stability, just as
a homeopath might use Eyebright, or adrenal tissue to help in a weak adrenal case. This is also applied to the
concept of Chinese herbalism.
So now our new definition of homeopathy is one of gently stimulating the body to heal itself, rather than to
be dependent on outside pharmacological intervention. This broader definition of homeopathy will allow us to reevaluate the different herbals and natural compounds that used to be in the Natural Compendium, and bring them back into
medical repertory.
HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
So in using the different compounds of the herbal repertory, we can see that this is much akin to a homeopathic
philosophy. The dilution process is merely to seek a minimal dose of these items, so that we can accomplish the positive
effects and yet minimi ze the negative effects of the herbs. Thus homeopathy allows for many different factors.
1. Homeopathy can be nutritional supplementation. If we use a homeopathic compound, such as vitamin A or
vitamin B to supplement the body's deficiency syndrome, then homeopathy can be used in a nutritional sense. If we were
to take a concentrated source of B-12 and dilute it one part to six times to arrive at a 6x, we would see that this 6x is
approximately equal to the RDA of B-12. Thus some of the minute doses of vitamins that people use can be reflected in
the compounds of homeopathy. Such homeopathic compounds made for nutritional supplementation are in the
liquescence line made by New Vistas.
These different liquescences were developed for nutritional supplementation in using the minimal dose
philosophy, and also using the highest quality of vitamins known to man; that of vitamins made by nature, not the
synthetic vitamins made by man's technology. This line was basically a variation of Royal Lee's ideas of
protomorphology and nutrition, using natural compounds, such as snow pea for kidney development, wheat grass for B
vitamins, natural wheat germ for vitamin E, and the whole series of natural vitamin C factors for vitamin C. These
compounds have been blended into natural liquids for vitamin supplementation, and also to be a superior line to some of
the standard process formulas. The standard process formulas use different unnatural pills, as nature does not provide pill
trees and capsule bushes. Using these liquids we can increase the surface area over one million times. We can start the
digestive process in the mouth with the help of the brain and all the innervations that go into the nasal pharynx, so that the
nervous system can properly prepare for absorption and utilization. Thus we have been able to increase the effectiveness
and the mode of delivery of the standard process formulas while capturing an increase in the potency.
2. Homeopathy can be used to help stimulate the body. So if we use caffeine or Belladonna at low dose, we can
achieve some low-dose pharmacological action in the attempt to trigger the body to do its own healing. The vast
difference here between homeopathy and allopathy is that we do not try to incur dependence with homeopathy, but rather
we use the minimal dose, and gently shift the patient to being able to accomplish his own factors of health.
3. Homeopathy can be used in many classic ways to help reverse symptoms and stimulate the body to return to
the balance of its cybernetic systems. However, this chapter is dedicated to the idea of using herbs in high concentrations
and low potencies of 2x, 3x and 4x for pharmacological and homeopathic action.
Let us now return to our analysis of the Chinese herb philosophy.
Belladonna, as indicated, contains atropine, and the pharmacological effects of Belladonna are that it makes the
patient "red as a beet, dry as a bone, and mad as a hatter". This is the anti-cholinergic effect of the pharmacology of the
atropine in the Belladonna compound. Belladonna is a poison; if taken in large enough doses, it will cause death. If we
make the Belladonna solution more and more dilute, we will see, if we chart the pharmacological effects of Belladonna,
that at a certain point the Belladonna will cause a paradoxical shift, and it will reverse redness, dryness, and madness.
Thus if a patient were to come to us who was red as a beet, dry as a bone, and mad as a hatter, we might suggest a 6x, 9x,
or possibly higher potencies of Belladonna to reverse these processes.
The Arndt -Schultz law, as pointed out in the chapter on pharmacology, points out that a poison compound will
always show a reversal. A compound that is not a poison will follow Wilder's law of initial values. This tells us that as a
nonpoisonous compound is made more dilute, we might see an increase in the pharmacological activity of what the raw
dose of the formula does, and we might see an inverse, or no effect whatsoever. An example of this would include most of
the sarcodal tissues, including thyroid and adrenal. Here we see that the effect of these sarcodal tissues is stimulation or a
hormonal effect. If we use raw adrenaline, we will see that it has a stimulating effect on the body. If we use a more dilute
form of the adrenaline; 6x, 12x, etc., we will often see a similar increase in the same type of stimulation capacity. We
rarely see reversals in the sarcodal formulas.
Many herbs will also follow this potentiation cycle, such as Eyebright. Eyebright taken in raw dose makes the
eyes bright; hence its name. It was named Eyebright because herbalists found that it helped conditions of the eye. As we
make it more and more dilute in homeopathic terms, we will see that the homeopathic usage of Eyebright is almost exactly
the same as raw Eyebright. Homeopathic Eyebright, even in dilute quantities of 16x, 30x, and above will also help to
improve the eyes and vision. If it were all reversal, we would only use the Eyebright when a patient came in with too
good vision. But this is not the case; homeopathic Eyebright is used to improve vision at the same type of level that
original Eyebright is used. Many herbs have increased or equal health value in homeopathic form. It is wrong to merely
value compounds by their dosages, as in synthetic pharmacology. Many Chinese herbs can have excellent effects in lowpotency homeopathic form.
HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
As stated in the law of initial values, some things will cause reversal if they tend toward poisons, and some
things will be potentiating of their original effects. Also some items will have no effect at all as they are made more and
more dilute.
In the study of Chinese herbalism we now see a very profound description of an excellent natural pharmacology.
We now see that the Chinese have studied the medicinal effects of herbs for thousands of years, and that specific
directions were developed in how to pick these herbs, preserve them, and then prepare certain remedies. Often these
remedies were made in dilute quantities, sometimes as low as one part per trillion, which is equivalent to a 9x. So the
Chinese understood how certain items could be made more dilute and still achieve pharmacological effectiveness. To
assume that the only active ingredients are chemical in these Chinese herbs is to make the same mistake the synthetic
chemical companies make. Nature provides many energetic factors beyond mere chemistry. Subtle energetic effects,
mineral balance, electrical regulation abilities, and more are stable in dilution. Dilution also offers safety in compliance
with the minimal dose concept of medicine.
The Chinese did not have a system of succussion, nor did they have a system of homeopathic dilution, but their
pharmacology was much akin to some of these processes. Many herbs were diluted to find safer levels of activity. This
titration allows for strong herbs to be used more safely.
One of the problems of the herbal industry in America is the lack of preciseness in how an herb should be picked
and processed. In China an herb is picked at p recise times of the year using precise methods, so that the pharmacological
activity of the item is assured. In America, however, the herbal industry for the last fifty years has been much less precise.
Without a precise pharmacopeia unknowing American distributors of these herbs might pick them at nonpharmacologically active periods of their cycle. Without care for quality control, many companies pass on irregular or
impotent products without safety or efficacy. This has led to the demise of the herbal industry in America; whereas the
fine quality control processes of the herbs in China has led to the high success of China's sphere of medical influence. In
1962 the FDA abolished the Natural Compendium of herbs and natural remedies. We might look at several theories for its
demise, but indeed this lack of quality control is indeed a factor.
In developing an herbal protocol to mix with homeopathics, wise manufacturers including New Vistas have had
to develop severe, exacting quality control criteria for acceptance of the different herbals ordered from American or other
herbal suppliers. These types of quality control techniques include product surveys, product assays, and product
determination; in methods such as spectrophotometer, atomic absorption, chromatography, culture analysis, and other
forms of chemical procedures to determine pharmacological activity. Thus New Vistas has been able to develop the finest
quality control analysis protocol to assure the highest form of potency for the different herbs utilized.
HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
The Chinese literature is filled with herbal references and information about how these herbs can be used
medicinally to help patients in a variety of ways. It is New Vistas's idea that many of these herbs can also be put into
homeopathic dilution, and used in very similar processes. This is to insure safety first, while guaranteeing effectiveness.
We do not see this as contradictory to the homeopathic process in any way. In fact, Wilder's law of initial values will tell
us that many of these compounds, once understood, can be increased in energetic potency as we make them more and
more dilute, while preserving activity. To this end New Vistas has developed pilot study and statistical protocols to be
able to determine the absolute effectiveness and safety of the different compounds. Clinical trials are an important part of
the New Vistas quality control protocol.
So New Vistas started off with the idea that Chinese herbology and homeopathy were compatible in their format,
and could be blended. The first type of blending in this technology was through a system of oriental herb formulas
directed toward different organ systems, which were called Oriental Herbs (Organs). See the above list of these different
These were taken from the book "Treating Cancer with Chinese Herbs", by Hong-Yen Hsu. This book was
published by the Oriental Healing Arts Institute. In this book several cancer treatment modalities were indicated for a
variety of organ system types of cancer. These treatment modalities were developed by doctors in Shang Hi, China. They
used many different types of herbal therapies which New Vistas sought to blend into formulas for tre atment of similar
degenerative problems, prescribed by properly trained practitioners.
After two years of commerce with these products, the remarks of many doctors have confirmed that this is not
only a safe system of treatment, but also a very effective system as well. The herbs in those different formulas were all put
into a formula at low potencies of 2x, 3x, and sometimes 4x, equivalent to the dilution methods used by the doctors in
China, making these formulas equivalent types of modalities to those used in China.
The extreme success of these formulas has led New Vistas to develop other formulas following the Chinese
herbal system. These are developed with the Chinese herbal acupuncture modality of treatment. In developing these
herbal formulas, New Vistas tries to use herbal remedies from all over the world, including those from the Amazon rain
forest, where certain herbs have been studied and used by Amazon tribes for years for their specific pharmacological and
energetic activity. In making up these formulas, New Vistas has used herbal formulas from the Amazon, China, Korea,
America, South America, Europe, Russia, and many other places.
ANTHELMINTICS-Fructus Carpessi
Cortex Meliae, Fructus Quisqualis, Semen Cucurbitae, Semen Torreyae, Omphalia,
Purgative for worms and intestinal parasites.
Cortex Manoliae, Rhizoma Curcumae, Lignum Aquilariae Resin, Fructus
Galange, Vervain, Radix Bupleuri, Rhizoma Corydalis
Removes stagnant energy from liver.
Schizonepia, Lede Bouriella, Radix Notopterygii, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Rhizoma
Ligustici. Chuanxiong, Radix Bupleuri, Radix Peucedani, Radix Platycodi, Poria,
Menthae, Glycyrrhizae, Aurantii.
Protects extreme body from wind, cold and dampness.
Radix Aucklandiae, Pericardium, Citri Reticulatae Viride, Cortex Magnoliae,
Radix Linderae, Rhei, Semen Pharbitidis
Relieves gas and stagnation of food, dispels congestion of toxic energy from stomach and
HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
Ginseng, Radix Codonopsis Pilosular, Astraglus, Radix Hedysari, Licorice,
Malt, Atractylodis, Rhizoma Polygonati
Invigorate stomach, spleen, lung and heart. Used to reinforce middle burner.
Cornu Cervi, Pantotrichum Hippocampus, Erba Epimedi, Radix Ginseng, Cynomorii,
Invigorates kidney meridian, treats impotence, senility and old age.
Ginseng, Rehmanniae, Angecicae, Atractylodis, Cinnamoni, Paeonia, Burdock, Red
Clover, Spinach
Replenishes blood, restores vitality.
Cudonopsis, Atractylodis, Angelicae, Rehmanniae, Poria, Cyperi, Jujubae,
Liguistici, Glycyrrhizae
Regulates menstrual disturbances by restoring vitality and energy to blood.
Fructus Perillae, Astragali, Ephedra, Cinnamon, Semen Urmencae Amarum, Radix
Glycyrrhizar, Paeoniar, Jujubae
Treats wind and cold effects, chills and fever. Treats exterior symptom complex and
regulates energy for lungs.
(COUGH FORMULA)-Treatment:
Rhizoma Anemarrhena, Cortex Mori Radicis, Semen Trichosanthis, Fructus Gardenia,
Poria, Pericarpium Citri Rheticulae
Clears lungs of mucous, dispels heat in lungs.
Fructus Forsythiae, Mentha, Radix Platycodi, Lonicerae, Schizonepetae, Arcti
Treats fever, febrifugal. Expels toxic heat, wind and chills from exterior.
Aconiti, Angelicae Sinensis, Olibanum, Myrrh, Lumbricus, Clematidis, Sanquis Draconi
Dispells wind, cold and dampness to improve rheumatic pain. Activates blood flow in
collateral channels.
Calculus Bovis, Coptidis Moschus, Cinnabarris, Valarian, Jujubae, Radix
Glycyrrhizae, Semen Ziziphi Spin Osae, Fructus Tritici Levis.
Nourishes blood of liver. Expels heat from heart, to relieve fatigue and insomnia.
HOM EOPA THY for A cup u n ctu ris ts , Ch irop ractors & Natu rop ath s
Haematitum, Rhizoma Pinelliea, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Rauwolfia
Serpentina, Concha Margaritifera Usta
Alleviates heat in liver. Corrects deficiency in yin of liver and balances excess yang.
Semen Cannabis, Rhei, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Cortex Magnoliae Offici, Cassara,
Paprika, Rhubarb
Relieves constipation due to deficiency of spleen fluid. Dispells toxic energy from large
intestine and boosts liver chi.
America has often come under the gun because of an inability to supply good quality herbs. This is largely
due to the fact that American herbs can be picked at any time, in any place. In following the Chinese protocol, herbs
are picked at precise times and in precise ways, so that the pharmacological activity of the herb is preserved. To this
end New Vistas buys many of its herbs from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean markets. Still that is not enough;
each of these herbs must be challenged using quality control methods, to make sure that the pharmacological activity
of the herb is above the satisfactory level and at the highest level of potency in developing the natural
Next in developing quality control techniques beyond the chemistry and beyond the range of 12x, New
Vistas developed Kirlian photography methods of analysis, freezing studies of the crystalline structure of the liquid
crystal effect of water, trivector analysis to analyze the magnetic, dielectric, static and conductance fields of the
different homeopathics to understand the energetic nature of these compounds; and patient reactivity modes,
challenging them on skin resistance, voltage, and other directed activity. As well, New Vistas has researched a
photo-multiplier that can measure the photons coming off of these fields; and also found out how these different
compounds affect living tissue with their electromagnetic radiation through the mitogenic process. These and other
studies are discussed in The Natural Repertory of Dr. Nelson, as well as Quantum Biology and Bio-Quantum Matrix.
Thus the development of a quality control process was paramount in developing a way to create the most
precise, safe and effective remedies for doctors to use with their patients.
New Vistas also saw that this needed to have a global expression, and has developed manufacturing entities
in Ireland, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany and the former Soviet Union. New Vistas has developed a global
entity to easily supply doctors and practitioners throughout the world with product, guaranteeing safety and
effectiveness, reverence for nature, and education. Current seminar development is happening in all of these
countries; education for doctors in how to develop diagnostic protocol and healing therapeutic regimes for their
patients. If people in the common market order products, they can be shipped directly without involving
import/export duties, large shipping costs, or distribution hassles.
For the doctor who wants natural, homeopathic pharmaceuticals anywhere in the world, New Vistas is
ready to serve, with the highest level of quality and service, all directed through the company pledge for safety,
effectiveness, quality control, natural healing, reverence of nature, and education of both patient and doctor.
To this end New Vistas welcomes you, the developer of products, to a new standard and level of quality
control and service.