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Dr. Abbasi Hair Clinic
Surgical Treatments
Scalp flaps: Transferring a hair – bearing part of scalps to the bald area.
Reducing the extension of the bald area by surgical methods.
Planting artificial hair in the skin of the bald area.
Transplanting hair follicles and restoring a natural
look in the bald or thin area.
The 1st three methods are only used in special cases
because of the unpleasant look they bring , allergies of the
artificial material and graft rejection.
The 4th method which is the one mostly used throughout
the world is done in different methods:
A. Punch method
B. Micro and mini graft and it is latest version
follicular unit graft
In the punch method bunches of extracted hair follicles are
transplanted in the recipient are. Because of it is doll – like,
brush – like appearance, patients are not pleased with the
result and in fact it brings extra stress and anxiety.
But the micro- mini grafts give a normal appearance to the
bald area.
First, a hair – bearing part of the skin is incised and taken
from the back or side of the head (the area which lacks
androgenic hormone receptor). Then it is divided into
follicular unit graft with sharp instruments. The grafts are
then transplanted in the bald area or between the existing
hair follicles in the thin area. The growth of these follicles
gives a normal and natural look which pleases the patients.
Unlike the punch method where holes are made in the
recipient area, only sharp thin openings are made.
Who Is Candidate for Hair Transplantation?
1. Men with androgenetic alopecia or thin hair.
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Women with thin hair.
Patients who have become bald following diseases, burns or surgery of scalp.
Patients who have thin or no eyebrows, eyelashes congenitally.
Patients whose beard or moustache has local or linear alopecia following trauma
or surgeries. (cleft lip)
6. People who have thin eyebrows following tattooing.
7. Patients who have undergone flap surgery or punch before and are not pleased
with the result.
Non Surgical Treatments
There are now more topical and oral medications
than ever. Determining the right medication or
combination of medicines for you depends on
your age,sex and cause of hairloss degree of hair
loss and budget.
Only two hair restoration medications have been
approved by FDA: Topical medication Minoxidil
and orally administered Finasteride.
Neither guarantees to stop hair loss or the
regrowth of new hair, for hair loss can be due to
many causes that may or may not be treatable by
these two.
Finastride is only available by prescription from a
physician.Minoxidil is available as an over-the
counter topical medication.Both of these drugs are
most effective when recommended and prescribed
by a hair specialist physician who has made the
It selectively inhibits the activity of 5-alpha reductase type 2, an enzyme essential to
the activity of certain androgenic hormones. Testosterone is the most potent of the
androgenic hormones. Whithin the cells sensitive to testosterone ( prostate,skin and
hair follicles ),it is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5 alpha reductase.It has
been investigated that men with normal or high levels of 5-alpha reductase are more
likely to develop male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and benign enlargement of the prostate
gland. Finasteride,which inhibits the activity of this enzyme was first developed to treat
benign prostatic enlargement. Then it was studied in treating MPHL and was proved to
be effective.
Mob 1: 00965 6 5050425 - Mob 2: 00965 6 6184412
Finasteride: in women
Many women experience a form of androgenetic alopecia known as female-pattern hair
The only medical therapy available for women is topical minoxidil (Rogaine® ).
Finasteride can have under-masculinizing effects on a male fetus; therefore, finasteride
should not be taken by a woman who is pregnant or who may become pregnant during
the course of treatment. A woman who is experiencing hair loss should consult a
physician hair restoration specialist for examination, diagnosis and recommendation for
treatment based on diagnosis.
What About Minoxidil (Rogaine® )?
Minoxidil (Rogaine® ), a treatment applied topically to the scalp in 2% or 5% solution.
Minoxidil is available over-the-counter but is best used under the supervision of a
Minoxidil (Rogaine® ) tends to be more effective in women than in men. The reason for
this is not well understood. Only the 2% solution of Rogaine® is approved by the FDA
for marketing to women, but there is substantial evidence from hair counts and
photographic before-and-after evaluation that the 5% solution has additional benefit for
women just as it has for men
Minoxidil is a drug that was developed for one medical use (to lower blood pressure),
but turned out to have another unexpected but valuable application (to stimulate
growth of hair in people with MPHL). The effect of minoxidil on hair growth was not
predictable on the basis of its vasodilating action (relaxing blood vessels to lower blood
pressure). Neither is minoxidil known to have any effects on androgens, the male
hormones associated with androgenetic alopecia.
The topical solution has been shown over a period of 15 years of clinical trials and
patient care to be a safe and effective treatment for hair loss due to MPHL. It is
effective in about 30% of persons who receive the treatment. For reasons not yet
understood, women have a higher response rate than men to topical minoxidil.
Topical minoxidil is generally more effective in improving hair growth in central areas of
the scalp than in frontal areas. Minoxidil has been shown to be effective in increasing
the amount of time that hairs stay in the anagen (growth) phase versus telogen
(resting) phase. It has been shown effective in initiating growth of vellus (soft, fine) as
well as terminal (long, coarser) hairs.
When topical minoxidil is first applied, shedding of telogen-phase hairs may be
increased for a short time. This loss of telogen-phase hairs is temporary, and the lost
telogen hairs will be replaced by new hair over the next weeks and months of minoxidil
Once started, topical minoxidil treatment for androgenetic alopecia is a lifetime
commitment if the treatment proves effective. If regular application of topical minoxidil
Mob 1: 00965 6 5050425 - Mob 2: 00965 6 6184412
is halted, all hair grown in response to the therapy will be rapidly lost over the next 3 to
6 months.
Minoxidil can complement and supplement other hair restoration treatments. For
example, in a planned approach to hair restoration agreed to by a patient and physician
hair restoration specialist, minoxidil may be used to complement hair transplantation or
other surgical methods such as scalp reduction [Roenigk HH, Jr. Scalp reduction. In:
Roenigk & Roenigk’s Dermatologic Surgery, 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
1996:1213-1226]. Minoxidil may be applied to stimulate hair growth inside and/or
outside areas of surgical hair restoration, contributing to improved "fullness" of scalp
Side effects of topical minoxidil are few and generally minor (transient skin irritation or
itching). The vasodilating (blood-pressure lowering) effect of oral minoxidil does not
occur with the topical formulation. There is a small risk for facial hair growth associated
with use of minoxidil—a finding that may be a side effect of the drug or may be due to
accidental application of the topical solution to the face.
Nonsurgical Hair Additions and Replacements
Some people want "a little extra" to enhance medical or surgical hair restoration. Other
people are temporarily or permanently unable to grow hair and are therefore not
candidates for transplantation. And some may want to avoid any type of surgical
procedure or may be attracted to the promise of unlimited density and fullness.
Before Surgery
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After Surgery
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Mob 1: 00965 6 5050425 - Mob 2: 00965 6 6184412
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Mob 1: 00965 6 5050425 - Mob 2: 00965 6 6184412
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Before Surgery
After Surgery
Mob 1: 00965 6 5050425 - Mob 2: 00965 6 6184412