Download President George Washington`s First Inaugural

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President George Washington's First
Inaugural Speech (1789)
Although not required by the Constitution, George Washington presented the first
Presidential inaugural address on April 30, 1789.
On April 16, 1789, two days after receiving official notification of his election, George
Washington left his home on the Potomac for New York. Accompanied by Charles
Thompson, his official escort, and Col. David Humphreys, his aide, he traveled through
Alexandria, Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, Princeton, New Brunswick,
and Bridgetown (now Rahway, NJ). At these and other places along his route, the
artillery roared a salute of honor and the citizens and officials presented him with marks
of affection and honor, so that his trip became a triumphal procession. On April 23, he
crossed the bay from Bridgetown to New York City in a magnificent barge built
especially for the occasion.
Lacking precedents to guide them in their preparations for the first Presidential
inaugural, Congress appointed a joint committee to consider the time, place, and
manner in which to administer to the President the oath of office required by the
Constitution. Certain difficulties in planning and arrangements arose from the fact that
Congress was meeting in New York’s former City Hall, rechristened Federal Hall, which
was in process of renovation under the direction of Pierre L’Enfant. On April 25,
Congress adopted the joint committee’s recommendation that the inaugural ceremonies
be held the following Thursday, April 30, and that the oath of office be administered to
the President in the Representatives’ Chamber. The final report of the committee
slightly revised this plan with its recommendation that the oath be administered in the
outer gallery adjoining the Senate Chamber, “to the end that the Oath of Office may be
administered to the President in the most public manner, and that the greatest number
of people of the United States, and without distinction, may witness the solemnity.”
On inauguration day, the city was crowded with townspeople and visitors. At half past
noon, Washington rode alone in the state coach from his quarters in Franklin Square to
Federal Hall on the corner of Wall and Nassau Streets. Troops of the city, members of
Congress appointed to escort the President, and heads of executive departments of the
government under the Confederation preceded the President’s coach, while to the rear
followed ministers of foreign countries and local citizenry.
At Federal Hall, Vice President John Adams, the Senate, and the House of
Representatives awaited the President’s arrival in the Senate Chamber. After being
received by Congress, Washington stepped from the chamber onto the balcony, where
he was followed by the Senators and Representatives. Before the assembled crowd of
spectators, Robert Livingston, Chancellor of the State of New York, administered the
oath of office prescribed by the Constitution: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” After repeating this
oath, Washington kissed the Bible held for him by the Chancellor, who called out, “Long
live George Washington, President of the United States,” and a salvo of 13 cannons
was discharged. Except for taking the oath, the law required no further inaugural
ceremonies. But, upon reentering the Senate Chamber, the President read the address
that is featured here. After this address, he and the members of Congress proceeded to
St. Paul’s Church for divine service. A brilliant fireworks display in the evening ended
the official program for this historic day.
Document Citation: President George Washington's First Inaugural Address, April 30,
1789; Records of the United States Senate, Record Group 46, National Archives.
(Information excerpted from Washington’s Inaugural Address of 1789. National Archives
and Records Administration: Washington, DC, 1986.)