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History 201
Outlines for Exam 2
Confederation to Constitution
I. The Articles of Confederation
II. The Nationalists
III. The Constitutional Convention (1786)
A. Plans
B. Deliberation and Compromise
C. The Result
IV. Ratification
A. Anti-Federalists
B. Constitution Ratified
Mount Vernon
Annapolis Conference
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
James Madison
George Mason
Virginia Plan
William Patterson
New Jersey Plan
Ben Franklin
Roger Sherman
Connecticut Plan
John Adams
“His Rotundity”
Bill of Rights
Political Party Strife
I. Emergence of Political Parties
A. Hamilton’s Federalists
B. Jefferson’s Republicans
II. Federalist Policies and Party Formation
A. The Whiskey Rebellion
B. Foreign Policy
Gazette of the United States
National Gazette
Proclamation of Neutrality
Citizen Gênet
John Jay
Jay’s Treaty
Pinkney’s Treaty
James Monroe
John Adams
“XYZ” Affair
Federalists and Republicans
The First National Political Parties
Leader – Alexander Hamilton
Economic vision – Industry and Commerce
Foreign Policy – Support Great Britain.
See themselves as the saviors of the nation, creators of the Constitution, defenders of order
and prosperity.
View Republicans as atheists, anarchists, revolutionary dreamers bent on destroying the
Leader – Thomas Jefferson
Economic vision – Agrarian republic
Foreign Policy – Support France
See themselves as preservers of the Constitution as it was written. Want to preserve the
virtues of the American people by saving them from rampant industrialism, greed, tyranny.
See Federalists as would-be monarchs and tyrants who want to destroy liberty gained by
American Revolution.
Thomas Jefferson
and the Republicans
I. Who Was Thomas Jefferson?
II. Revolution of 1800?
III. Jefferson’s Administration and Policies
IV. The Louisiana Purchase
V. Jeffersonian Foreign Policy
VI. Mr. Madison’s War – 1812
VII. The Age of The Common Man
natural rights
midnight judges
John Pinkney
Santo Domingo
James Monroe
Robert Livingston
Samuel Chase
John Marshall
Continental Blockade
Embargo Act
Macon’s Bill no.2
David Erskine
War Hawks
White House
Battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent
The Jackson Administration
Revival of Party Strife
A. Election of 1824
B. John Quincy Adams
The Election of 1828
The Jackson Administration
A. Who Supported Jackson?
B. Programs & Policies
National Republicans
“Old Hickory”
John C. Calhoun
Martin Van Buren
Tariff of Abominations
South Carolina Convention
Thomas Hart Benton
Robert Hayne
Daniel Webster
Justice Story
ad hocracy
John Eaton
Peggy Eaton
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson and the “Monster”
I. The Second Bank of the United States
II. State Bank Abuses
III.The Panic of 1819
IV.Jackson & the “Monster”
V. The Bank & the Election of 1832
VI.The Veto Message
“The Monster”
William Jones
Langdon Cheeves
Henry Clay
American System
Nicholas Biddle
“Czar Nicholas”
Bank Veto Message
Roger Taney
“pet banks”
Martin Van Buren
The Panic of 1837
Antebellum Reform Movements & the Whigs
I. The Second Great Awakening
II. American Utopianism
III. Humanitarian Reforms
IV. Women’s Rights
V. American Whigs
A. Whigs and Reform
B. Whigs in Politics (1836-1840)
camp meetings
Lyman Beecher
Albert Finney
American Bible Society
Cult of Domesticity
Catherine Beecher
Robert Owen
New Harmony, Indiana
Albert Brisbane
Charles Fourier
Brook Farm
John Humphrey
Bible Communists
Oneida, New York
Thomas H. Gallaudet
Dorothea Dix
Worcester, Mass
Seneca Falls Convention
Margaret Fuller
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Horace Mann
Workingman’s Party
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abraham Lincoln
Daniel Webster
William Henry Harrison
Hugh White
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
Henry Clay
Texas Annexation, 1844