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The unique combination
of active ingredients in
MASQUELIER’s® Anthogenol®
help support:
Vascular health
and ageing well
Every organ, muscle and tissue in our body
is fed and powered by nutrients from our blood.
Our veins, arteries and capillaries (blood vessels)
ensure that these vital nutrients are delivered
where they are needed. It is incredible to think
then that our blood vessels are responsible
for the continuing health of everything from
our sight, our heart, even our largest organ
... our skin!
There is no singular answer to the problems of ageing. But there
are some very solid things we can start doing now and build into
our lifestyles that can help ensure we age healthily, keep our
mobility, our senses and keep in touch with modern life.
Numerous scientific studies, research and common sense tell
us to not just eat well, but to keep the system that delivers the
nutrients we eat to all the cells and organs in our body healthy,
so that they can stay well. This is one of the major keys to
healthy ageing.
MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol®'s unique 3-way action provides
1) powerful antioxidant protection, 2) potent collagen support
and 3) blood vessel health – nutritional support. By protecting
and supporting our body's natural systems, we can enhance
our health and vitality now whilst preparing for our future.
healthy circulation
blood vessel flexibility, elasticity and strength
antioxidant protection against free radicals
healthy blood vessels circulate and distribute
nutrients and oxygen and remove waste and
CO2 from the bloodstream
• collagen health
• healthy skin
Professor Masquelier dedicated a lifetime
of research to his OPCs and the beneficial
effects they have on vascular health.
Professor Masquelier – ground-breaking
scientist in the field of nutrition and health
– is the inventor of two breakthrough
ingredients; MASQUELIER’s® Original
OPCs and MASQUELIER’s® French Pine
Bark Extract. Anthogenol® is the unique
blend of these original ingredients, offering you the optimum
combination of these scientifically proven ingredients.
Quality Assurance
An important part of MASQUELIER’s® Anthogenol®
production is a process called Complex Phytonutrient
Authentication (CPA). This process not only confirms it’s
unique, unmatched composition, but ensures each batch
of MASQUELIER’s® ingredients is consistent with Professor
Masquelier’s discoveries, research, original ingredients
and their proven, product specific health benefits.
MASQUELIER’s® Anthogenol® is a product of:
I.N.C. Agency B.V. De Zodde 16, 1231 MB Loosdrecht, The Netherlands.
P +31 (0)35 6565655
MASQUELIER's® and Anthogenol® are registered trademarks
of International Nutrition Company B.V., The Netherlands.
Look forward
to aging well!
MASQUELIER’s® Anthogenol®
helps support your vascular system
and blood circulation and protects blood
vessels against free radical damage
so you can look forward to aging well.
Blood vessels ... the pathways of life
As we age, so do our blood vessels which can often weaken and lose flexibility.
It only makes sense that by looking after our veins now and keeping them strong
and flexible that we are in fact looking after our whole body so we can continue
to live life to the full as we age.
How can we support and maintain the pathways of life
– our vascular system?
Specifically formulated to support the vascular system,
MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® combines two key ingredients
– MASQUELIER’s® Original OPCs and MASQUELIER’s® French
Pine Bark Extract. Their unique 3-way action provides powerful
antioxidant protection for collagen support and blood vessel health.
ONE Powerful antioxidant protection.
The powerful antioxidants found in MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol®
help neutralize excess free radicals throughout the body. Known
as some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants they provide a
unique and natural source of protection.
by maintaining collagen quality our vascular system is
well supported.
THREE Blood vessel health – nutritional support.
MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® helps blood vessels stay strong
and supple so that oxygen and nutrients keep flowing to organs
that need them for healthy functioning like the heart, eyes and
our largest organ ... our skin. A healthy vascular system also
helps ensure waste material and CO2 flow harmlessly out
of our bloodstream and bodies.
MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® is the authentic, original blood vessel
and circulatory support product combining Professor Masquelier's
two breakthrough ingredients in their precise original form.
A healthy vascular system
• MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® helps support the overall condition of blood vessels, keeping them supple and
flexible to promote healthy circulation.
Heart, organs and body health
• Healthy veins assist circulation and nutrient delivery
throughout the body, providing support for the heart,
eyes and all vital organs.
• Powerful antioxidant protection to help protect the body from free radical damage.
• Relief for heavy and tired legs.
A youthful appearance
• Strong circulation means well nourished skin,
which helps protect skin and cells from the inside.
• Good vein health assists in maintaining youthful
appearing and even skin tone.
Energy and vitality
• Healthy veins aid in optimum cellular nutrition
– helping provide vitality and spark and assist
in body recovery from exercise.
supports blood vessel walls
TWO Potent collagen support.
Collagen plays a pivotal role in MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol®'s
unique 3-way action. Collagen is a group of extra cellular proteins
that form strong, insoluble fibers that serve as connective tissue
throughout the body to keep our bodies supple and firm.
Collagen quality normally diminishes over time and through
free radical damage. The powerful antioxidant protection
of MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® helps protect the body from
free radical damage, which helps maintain collagen quality.
As our blood vessels are made of and held together by collagen,
Some of the benefits of facing your future with
MASQUELIER's® Anthogenol® as a regular part
of your lifestyle are:
helps maintain flow
for efficient oxygen
assists healthy
effective nutrient
helps keep
pathways flexible
helps maintain
vein elasticity