Download Pulse brochure - Mairi Campbell

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One musician’s extraordinary tale….
“A consummate musician, Mairi Campbell
in her one-woman show Pulse reveals her
formidable acting and storytelling talents
as she explores the very essence of what it
is to be a musician in this very thoughtprovoking and moving journey.“
“When you play we’re on
your side. The music touches
us and makes us care how the
story ends.”
…of finding her way back home
“When you walked into the animation I could really feel the
emotional trauma.”
“The dots took me back to primal stuff: something really raw.”
“The thing about a pendulum
is that its time - the pulse - is
retained irrespective of what’s
happening around it………..or
where it is.”
“It’s the rhythm inside of us
which is often lost when we
grow up. It’s eternal: we’re not
going to lose it once we remember.”
“Connecting the elements and
the land and the way it
breathes and the nature of
Scotland…I went through a
huge range of emotions.”
Mairi is passionate about sharing her love of music and combines performing with teaching and writing.
● Scots Singer of the Year 2009 – MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards
● Tutor of the Year 2012 – MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards
● Female Musician of the Year – Liveireland 2010
● Composition of the year – Liveireland 2010
● Burnsong winner – 2010
● Neil Gow composition award - Overall winner 2011
● Her voice was heard worldwide when, in 2008, her version of Auld Lang
Syne (with David Francis) was used in the blockbuster movie ‘Sex and The City’.
We have all stood back and looked at what’s happening in Scotland with
surprise and excitement – there’s an energy, an awakening.
Well-known and loved as a heartfelt folk singer and versatile fiddler, Mairi’s journey to find
Scotland’s “Pulse” captures the struggle between long-established traditions and the need to create
flow and new forms for where we are now.
Mairi fearlessly drives into the unknown, a mistress of her instruments, viola and voice. The result
has both a sense of the eternal ‘now’ whilst being absolutely relevant to this moment, these times,
our culture and the meaning of music, rhythm and word within it.
Length: One hour (60 minutes)
Suitable for audiences aged 12+. Will appeal to those who like theatre, storytelling, live, traditional and/or electronic music, animation, and fusions of all the above!
Touring small-scale theatre venues Spring 2016 and Edinburgh Fringe 2016
min 6m x 4m playing area.
PA to in-house sound system. Video projector min 3000 lumens.
Basic LX rig (warm/cool and 3-4 specials).
Mairi Campbell – Performer/Composer
Kath Burlinson – Director
Dave Gray – Sound Design/Composer
Claire Lamond – Animation
Audicia Lynne Morley – Movement Direction
Tim Vincent-Smith – Pendulum
Julia Fayngruen – Photographer
Helen Wyllie – Design
Original Dot Drawings by Mairi Campbell
Mairi Campbell - Performer
Lesley Piper- Manager
Marianne Halavage - PR and Publicity
[email protected]
You Tube Channel:
In this brochure: All quotes, unless otherwise stated,
are from audience feedback at show, Edinburgh June
2015. Photos from show: SUSAN HAY