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BMI and Sag Aftra Music composer/actress/singer-singwritter
After the graduation with a master's degree at Music Academy
(F.M.U.) in Belgrade, Serbia,Natasha auditioned in Tel Aviv,
Israel and was granted a scholarship for Berklee college of music
in Boston Ma, major:Film scoring. Instrument:piano.
Background: She has an established a pop singer/songwritter career as
Natasa Kojic back home in Serbia, former Yugoslavia.With an original
song"Oko Plavo"she won the 4th place as the "Music Discovery of the
year"at the prestigious music festival for Eurovision 2004 and continued
releasing cd's, radio hits, and at the same time graduating at the Music
Academy , and preparing for her career transition to Film Composing in the
U.S. after receiving a scholarship for Berklee college of music in Boston, Ma.
After Berklee, she moved to Los Angeles, joined Sag Aftra,and continued
composing music : soundtracks,underscores, recording songs (I tunes,
Works in Logic Pro , Pro Tools :editing, sound mixing, conducting and
ACTING: Sag Aftra affiliated. After the first lead role in a short film named
"Cidny" in NY, Natasha continued trainings and scene studies at the various
workshops in NY (language of film at Berklee)then workshops and classes in
L.A. acting studios.