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LASIK Report
9725 Datapoint Drive Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78229
1. Understanding LASIK
3. At Your LASIK eye surgery
LASIK eye Surgery
The cornea works like a camera, focusing light to create
an image on the retina. The eyes turn light into images
by bending or refracting them. When the shape of the
cornea and the eye are not perfect, the image on the
retina is blurred or distorted. These imperfections
of the cornea are called refractive errors. Myopia,
hyperopia and astigmatism are the three primary
types of refractive errors. Persons with myopia, or
nearsightedness, have more difficulty seeing distant
objects as clearly as near objects. Persons with
hyperopia, or farsightedness, have more difficulty
seeing near objects as clearly as distant objects.
Astigmatism is a distortion of the image on the retina
caused by irregularities in the cornea or lens of the eye.
It is not unusual to have combinations of myopia and
astigmatism or hyperopia and astigmatism. Glasses or
contact lenses are worn to compensate for the eye’s
imperfections. Now there are more options than just
corrective eye wear. Refractive surgery procedures
have been developed and are aimed at improving
the focusing power of the eye. LASIK (Laser In-Situ
Keratomileusis) is one type of refractive surgery that
uses precise and controlled removal of corneal tissue
to reshape the cornea, changing its focusing power.
2. The Benefits of LASIK
eye surgery
There are many benefits to LASIK, some of which
include fast visual recovery, limited if any discomfort,
and a lowered risk of glare and halos. Most patients
are very happy with the results. It’s no wonder that
LASIK laser vision correction has quickly emerged
as one of the true medical breakthroughs of modern
history. LASIK, the most accepted form of laser vision
correction, is the fastest-growing type of refractive
surgery. It is very versatile and can treat both
nearsightedness and farsightedness with or without
astigmatism. Over 98% of people who have LASIK
achieve somewhere between 20/20 and 20/40 vision
without glasses or contact lenses.
If you have not already done so at a screening
evaluation, a complete medical and eye history will be
taken. This is typically referred to as the pre-operative
LASIK evaluation. This will include a review of your
health and medical conditions, medications you are
taking, allergies as well as a discussion of your ocular
health and status including your vision correction
history. It will be necessary for you to communicate any
medical or eye conditions or diseases that have been
diagnosed or treated among your family members.
A technician will begin taking a number of
measurements. These will include your visual acuity
with and without your current method of vision
correction, whether that is glasses or contacts. A digital
map of your corneal shape--called corneal topography-will be taken. A measurement of your pupils will be
performed as detailed later. In order to get final
measurements, your prescription will be measured
both in its natural state and after having drops placed
in your eyes. A test will be performed to see which
eye is your dominant eye, and most important, the
thickness of your cornea will be measured to make
sure you are indeed ready for LASIK. Additional testing
including your intraocular pressure will be conducted
and observations will be made of the health of your
cornea, lens and tear film using an instrument called
a slit lamp. This is a microscope through which living
tissue can be carefully examined. After the drops have
had their full effect, the doctor will examine the health
of your retina and optic nerves in order to give your
eyes a “clean bill of health” for LASIK.
4. What to Expect During
Your LASIK Surgery?
When you arrive at Parkhurst NuVision on your day
of surgery, you should expect to have the staff begin to
both prepare you for your treatment, and to make you
comfortable. First, if you have not already done so, you
will need to sign a statement of informed consent which
says that you have had the opportunity to ask questions,
that they have been answered, that the risks, benefits
and possible complications of your treatment have been
reviewed and discussed with you, that you have considered
alternatives such as glasses and contact lenses and that
after considering all of this information you have made the
decision to proceed. Before signing the informed consent,
make sure to ask any final questions and have the answers
that you need. Next, a staff member will begin putting
a series of eye drops in your eyes. Some of these are to
numb your eyes so that you are comfortable, some are
antibiotics to prevent any risk of infection, and depending
on your treatment, some may be to dilate your pupil. After
a few minutes, you will be accompanied into the laser
suite. Don’t be alarmed if it seems like there are a number
of people doing things in the laser suite. They are all just
doing their jobs of getting things ready for your surgery.
You will be asked to sit and recline on a comfortable bedlike chair or platform, and some additional numbing drops
will be placed in your eyes. The surgeon or staff will clean
the area around your eye by using a small sterile pad and
some liquid to gently scrub your eyelids and adjacent
You will be awake and able to communicate for this very
brief procedure. It lasts about 7-8 minutes. A highly
advanced Laser Called the IntraLase, is used to create
a very thin flap of corneal tissue. Once this protective
layer is created, the surgeon positions the laser beam
over the eye, directing light pulses to achieve the desired
correction. The flap is carefully placed back in its original
position. Because of the way the eye is formed, no stitches
will be necessary. You will be given eye drops to help the
eye to heal and to alleviate dryness. Healing time is minimal
and after approximately 2-3 hours of rest, the results will
be apparent. For some patients recovery may take longer.
5. Dr. Parkhurst LASIK Results
In an analysis of 941 consecutive eyes undergoing
intra-LASIK for myopia with or without astigmatism
using Intralase and Wavefront Optimized LASIK with
the Wavelight Allegretto Laser at Fort Hood Texas by
Dr. Greg Parkhurst, the 20/20 rate was 97.0%.
The average amount of myopia treated was -3.82
diopters with a standard deviation of 2.13 diopters.
The average amount of astigmatism treated was
1.11 diopters with a standard deviation of +/- 1.00
1. The population studied was a young, otherwise
healthy military population who had undergone
extensive preoperative screening tests, and were
deemed good candidates for LASIK having a
preoperative best corrected visual acuity of 20/20 or
2. 913/941 (97.0%) of all eyes treated in this
treatment parameter (myopia with astigmatism) are
reported above. The remaining 3.0% of eyes treated
did not have an available postoperative appointment
for analysis and reporting.
3. The reported data is for myopia with astigmatism
only. By comparison, during the same time frame, 114
eyes underwent a similar procedure (Intra-LASIK)
for Hyperopia with astigmatism. Of those eyes, 100
(87.7%) had an available postop appointment for
analysis, and those eyes achieved a 20/20 rate of 79.0%.
Surgivision Datalink Alcon Edition Procedure Comparison Report 12.16.13
6. LASIK Survey AMO™ Survey
The following are facts obtained from a recent
survey commissioned by Abbott Medical Optics Inc.
(AMO) and conducted by Harris Interactive® on the
experiences of U.S. adults ages 21 and older, who have
had a LASIK procedure within the past 5 years.
LASIK Improves One’s Life
•94% of patients agree that LASIK has improved their
•40% of patients have noticed an improvement in
their social lives.
•40% of patients cite the convenience of not having to
worry about caring for their eyewear as one of their
top three motivating factors in their decision.
•35% of patients believe that LASIK has improved
their work life.
•Four out of five patients (80%) feel much happier
since having the procedure.
Participation in Sports
•More than 50 percent of LASIK patients say their
ability to participate in sports and exercise was a top
factor in motivating their decision to have LASIK.
•74% of LASIK patients agree that they feel better
able to participate in sports or fitness activities.
•Among those who are active in sports, 84 % say they
are better able to participate in sports post-surgery.
•Almost half of patients who are active in sports (47%)
find that they now have the freedom to play any sport
they would like.
Cost as a Motivating Factor
•68% of patients say eliminating the expenses
associated with eyewear were among their top three
factors that motivated them to have LASIK.
7. Methodology
Patients have Confidence in the Procedure
•73% of patients felt knowledgeable or very
knowledgeable about LASIK before having the
•71% of patients thought about having LASIK for a
year or more before having it performed – typically
having it within two years of first considering it.
•Patients were most likely to consider the eye care
professional’s amount of experience with LASIK
when they were choosing a LASIK ophthalmologist
(76% of patients considered this).
•96% of patients agree that LASIK is a safe procedure.
•97% of patients believe that LASIK is an effective
•86% of the patients had someone recommend the
procedure to them.
•93% say that they would recommend LASIK to others.
Harris Interactive® conducted the online survey on
behalf of AMO USA, Inc. Adults aged 21+ who have
had a LASIK procedure within the past 5 years. The
data were weighted to be representative of the total
U.S. adult population age 25+ on the basis of age
within gender, education, household income, race/
ethnicity, region, and propensity to be online. LASIK
surgery is generally recommended for adults over
age 25. In order to avoid losing the perspectives of
respondents who are 21-24 and have had LASIK, they
were weighted within the group of 25- to 29-yearolds. In theory, with probability samples of this size,
one can say with 95 percent certainty that the overall
results have a sampling error of plus or minus 7
percentage points of what they would be if the entire
U.S. adult population aged 25 and over who have had
a LASIK procedure within the past 5 years had been
polled with complete accuracy. This online sample is
not a probability sample.
LASIK and Safety
•79% of patients feel safer with corrected vision.
•63% say they feel more confident when they drive.
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