Download lasik frequently asked questions

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Q: How do I know if I’m a good candidate for LASIK?
A: Ideal candidates for refractive surgery are those who want to reduce their dependence on glasses
and contact lenses. They are over the age of 18, have had no significant change in prescription for 2
years, and have very healthy eyes. A comprehensive eye exam and special measurements must be
done to verify ocular health and determine candidacy. A free refractive screening at Relf EyeCare
Specialists is a good place to start!
Q: What if I am not a LASIK candidate – are there other refractive options for me?
A: Yes. Those who are poor candidates for LASIK might be better served by an alternative laser
procedure such as PRK, or a non-laser refractive procedure such as clear lens exchange. Other
individuals may want to wait until more advanced refractive technology becomes available in the
future. Our eyecare specialists will guide you through this complex decision making process.
Q: Where do I go for my surgery?
A: The refractive surgeons at Relf EyeCare Specialists operate at Lakewalk Surgery Center on
London Road in Duluth. Preoperative assessment and postoperative visits are conducted at our
clinic on Air Base Road in Hermantown.
Q: How long does the procedure take?
A: LASIK takes 10 to 15 minutes per eye. You will be at the surgical center for 1 1/2 to 2 hours and
should plan to rest during the afternoon following your procedure.
Q: Does LASIK hurt?
A: The surface of the eye is numbed with eye drops. Most patients say they have little discomfort
both during or after LASIK. A sensation of pressure is common during part of the procedure.
During the first few hours after the procedure a “gritty” or burning sensation and some tearing is
common. Most irritating sensations are gone on the day after surgery.
Q: What if I move or blink during the procedure?
A: A mild sedative given prior to surgery helps you to relax both during and after your procedure.
The surgeon and laser technicians talk to you throughout your procedure, letting you know what to
expect. A lid speculum is used to hold your eyelids open and prevents blinking during the procedure.
A fixation target keeps your eye aligned and the laser tracks your eye movements and repositions
itself to ensure accuracy. It will slow or stop if your eye is not properly aligned.
Q: When can I return to work after LASIK?
A: Most patients return to work within 2 days; some even go back the day after surgery.
Q: How soon can I drive after LASIK?
A: You should not drive home on the day of your procedure. You may drive the following day if you
feel your eyes are comfortable and you see well.
Q: Will I have both eyes treated at the same time?
A: Usually both eyes are treated on the same day. Feelings of imbalance are common if one eye
is treated and the other is not. If you prefer to have your eyes treated on different days, you may
discuss this option with your surgeon.
Q: Why do I have to go without contacts before my examination?
A: All contact lenses alter the shape of the corneal surface. It takes a while for the cornea’s natural
shape to return once contact lens wear is discontinued. It is imperative that we accurately measure
the cornea’s natural shape in order to properly treat your refractive error. Failure to do so can result
in an unexpected and undesireable refractive outcomes.
Soft contacts should not be worn for 2 weeks before your comprehensive evaluation. Toric lenses
and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses should not be worn for 3 weeks before your comprehensive
evaluation. You may wear contact lenses prior to your free refractive screening, but avoid them on
the day of your screening.
Q: Will I need glasses or contacts after my surgery?
A: Almost everyone has improved uncorrected (without glasses) vision following LASIK surgery.
There is no guarantee, however, of perfect vision. Most see well enough to pass a driver’s test
without glasses. A high percentage have 20/20 vision or better. Many patients’ eyes change as they
get older, thus making glasses an eventual necessity for certain tasks. Some patients opt for surgical
enhancement of this refractive error down the road.
Q: How about reading glasses?
A: It is very important that you realize that LASIK does not eliminate the need for reading glasses
after the age of 40. This applies to everyone, even you. If you are currently over the age of 40, and
enjoying good near vision without the use of glasses, you will sacrifice this ability when you undergo
standard LASIK surgery. If you are in or near this age group, we will discuss this further with you
during your evaluation. You may want to consider options such as monovision to deal with this
Q: What is the success rate of LASIK?
A: We cannot guarantee that any surgical patient will be completely free of glasses or contact
lenses. During a recent large scale national study conducted by the FDA, patients undergoing
custom LASIK surgery for moderate amounts of nearsightedness enjoyed the following results:
100% of participants could see well enough to legally drive a car (20/40 or better) without glasses
or contact lenses. 98% of participants achieved uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better; 70%
were 20/16 or better. Our results are consistent with these numbers.
Q: What side effects can I expect following LASIK surgery?
A: All patients experience dry eye symptoms during the first 3 months following their procedure;
the frequent use of artificial tears is necessary during this time of healing. On rare occasions,
permanent severe dry eye symptoms may result from LASIK surgery.
Glare or halos around lights may interfere with your ability to drive at night or see well in dim light.
Your surgeon will discuss your particular risk for these side effects during your evaluation.
We try to educate our patients about all possible side effects prior to surgery, but not all problems
can be anticipated. If unexpected side effects do occur, we manage them to the best of our ability
and work with you to obtain the best possible visual outcome.
Q: What can go wrong with LASIK?
A: LASIK is a remarkably safe procedure. But as with any surgical procedure, there may be
complications. Vision-threatening complications are very rare; they include infection and flaprelated complications. Keratoconus, a degenerative corneal disease which occurs rarely in the
general population (1/2000), may occur more frequently after LASIK. If vision loss is severe,
corneal transplantation might be necessary.
We try to educate our patients about all possible surgical complications, but not all problems can be
anticipated or prevented. If complications do occur, we manage them to the best of our ability and
work with you to obtain the best possible outcome.
Q: What is the cost of LASIK?
A: The cost varies depending on whether custom or conventional LASIK is chosen and whether
microkeratome or laser flaps are done. Our refractive team will thoroughly discuss these options
with you and the cost of your procedure will be provided in advance. Low interest financing
programs are available through Relf EyeCare Specialists.
Q: Does insurance cover LASIK?
A: Most insurance plans do not cover LASIK. Check with the human resources department at your
workplace, as options may be available for you to use pre-tax savings plans for your LASIK surgery.