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"Tinnitus" Chat Transcript
Guest Speaker: Dr. Michael Seidman
November 12, 2008
Good Evening, The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) is proud to
present live moderated chats, featuring the nation's leading experts in hearing loss
and hearing loss issues. This is your opportunity to ask a question and learn more
about hearing loss from leaders from a variety of disciplines associated with
hearing loss.
This is a moderated chat and you may submit your questions in the box below and
click on “ASK”. We will be answering questions live as well as questions that
were previously submitted.
The doctor is running a little late but he is on his way. Will be here shortly.
Tonight HLAA welcomes, Dr. Seidman, Director-Division of
Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery for Henry Ford Health System (Michigan), Director of
Otolaryngology Research Laboratory, Co-Director of the Tinnitus Center, Chair of
the Center for Integrative Medicine for Henry Ford Health System, Director of
Product Development (nutritional science/projects) for ViSalus Sciences, and past
President of the Michigan Otolaryngology Society. Dr. Seidman is also an HLAA
Medical Advisor.
Welcome Dr. Seidman
We probably have more questions than we will have time for so let’s get started
with the first question.
Dr. Seidman
Good to be here.
Regarding Genes for hearing loss; could you please tell me where to go to find out
scientific information as to whether or not specific genes for hearing loss have
been isolated and identified? Ann, South Carolina
Dr. Seidman
If you Google your question you will find significant amounts of information. If
we are speaking about things like Connexin 26 gene mutations that are responsible
for at least 50% of non-syndromic deafness, there is a plethora of material written
about this. Several of my colleagues are also working on novel strategies using
Gene therapy to grow hair cells, much progress has occurred. Would recommend
the work of Yehoash Rapheal, PhD.
Does tinnitus get worse (as it seems to get louder) during changes in barometric
Dr. Seidman
There are certainly some patients of mine who note that changes of seasons and
pressure or weather changes can adversely affect their tinnitus. You are not alone!
I am deaf with a cochlear implant. Why is it that if I make a gurgling sound, my
hearing improves? JoAnn, Maryland
Dr. Seidman
Tough question to answer, but perhaps you are swallowing or moving your jaw in
some way that opens the Eustachian tube and changes your perception of hearing.
Just over a year and a half ago, I was on a float in a St. Patrick's Day parade and
apparently I was too close to a speaker. An hour into the parade, my hearing in my
left ear completely went out. After many doctor's visits and attempts to regain my
hearing, it has now been concluded that I suffered a sensorinueral hearing loss and
this type of loss is permanent. To make matters worse, I developed severe tinnitus
as a result of the hearing loss. While I have become more adjusted to the constant
ringing and to living my life with one good ear, that doesn't mean that it does not
bother me every day. In my opinion, the worst part of it all is knowing that I am
only 27 years old and there is a good chance that I will live this way forever. My
question to you is: In your opinions, do you believe that within my lifetime, I have
a chance of being part of medical breakthroughs in hearing restoration, and/or
silencing tinnitus. I do understand that you are doctors and do not want to provide
false hope. But I would like to know your honest opinions. If you feel like you can
answer this question, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
Daniel, Louisiana
Dr. Seidman
I do believe there should always be hope. Our lab and others around the country
are working hard on these problems. It is like trying to find a “cure” for pain.
There are likely different sources for that pain/tinnitus. Thus, while there are
currently no “cures” for tinnitus there are many things that can be done to help.
This is a commercial site (you DO NOT HAVE
TO BUY anything), and on this site are a HUGE list of EDUCATIONAL
RESOURCES (a task bar), there are BMI calculators, scientific updates, Word
docs (that talk EXACTLY about your problem-sudden sensorinueral hearing loss)
and PowerPoint documents that you might find interesting. I have also written a
book called “Save Your Hearing Now” published by Warner Books. While on
Good Morning America ~ 2 years ago and while presenting to Congress re
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) re our men and women coming home with hearing
related issues etc, we have spoken about our science and our patented formula that
MAY (no guarantees) be of some help for age, noise and medication induced
hearing loss. Our studies were done primarily on ANIMALS so we do NOT know
for sure that this will translate to humans. However, I do have ~ 500 patients that
have tried some of our novel strategies and have noted some help (not all respond
positively). Hope this helps.
Hi, doc. Question: Do you or any of your patients have any experience with
Lipoflavonoid? What are your thoughts is it worth taking?
Dr. Seidman
I have patients who have tried lipoflavonoids with success and others not so lucky.
Worth a try for sure, be sure to do for 3-4 months before determining full effect.
I have about 50% (somewhat variable) hearing loss in my left ear and tinnitus
(constant light whistling sound). Diagnosis from audiologist is: NEURO VIRAL
LABYRINTHITIS. Any info on this would be appreciated. I take 20mg a day
water pill. Diagnosed in 2000 with CLL (stable) CKD III - (stable) Liver problem
(stable) Constant problem with gout due to my body not getting rid of uric acid as
well high bilirubin. ONLY thing that helps with this is Prednisone. James, New
Dr. Seidman
There are many, many things one can do for tinnitus. What helps person A will
not necessarily help person B. I typically recommend a) dietary modification, i.e.
no salt, caffeine, alcohol, simple sugars, (i.e. sweets, candies etc), aspartame,
NutraSweet, MSG, food colorings etc (sometimes this helps, sometimes not), then
I recommend Arches tinnitus relief formula (combination pack). I suggest 3-4
months to see if this will help (I am a minor share holder in this company –less
than 5%, so this is a conflict of interest for me, but I do find this helpful for some
of my patients). From there I talk to my patients about TRT, neuromonics, other
sound therapies. If this interferes with sleep or affects activities of daily living
then I move on to centrally acting meds i.e. Xanax, Baclofen and Klonopin-in
combination, Neurontin, Memantine, Campral etc. I have also developed a brain
surgical procedure where I implant electrodes to the brain after mapping tinnitus
with fMRI and MEG (Magnetoencephalographic studies). Then I place an
implantable pulse generator into your chest to drive electrical current to the brain
(this is for patients who are 10/10 on my tinnitus scale). I have done 5 such
procedures. We essentially “cured” the first patient, had one pt with NO benefit
and the other three were 35, 50 and 80% better. Thus still in its infancy. Another
option is repetitive Transcanial Magnetic Stimulation which is helping ~ 40% of
patients, University of Arkansas has an ongoing study. Other options include
acupuncture, St John’s neuromuscular therapy, mind body therapies, i.e. hypnosis
etc etc. If you go to (you DO NOT HAVE TO
BUY anything), and on this site are a HUGE list of EDUCATIONAL
RESOURCES (a task bar), there are BMI calculators, scientific updates, Word
docs (that talk EXACTLY about your problem) Hope this helps, Michael
I had very bad dizzy spells that came with nausea, and it lasted for 2 years. What
was that all about? I’m so thankful I don’t have it anymore. Mary Ellen, New
Dr. Seidman
There are many causes of balance disorders. You can have any number of about a
million issues with your EYES that can cause issues, a million problems with your
brain –down to your feet that can cause balance issues, about 5-6 problems with
your inner ears that can cause balance issues and about a million metabolic issues
that can affect balance. If you go to (you DO
NOT HAVE TO BUY anything), and on this site are a HUGE list of
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (a task bar), there are BMI calculators, scientific
updates, Word docs (that talk EXACTLY about your problem)
Dr. Can tinnitus be measured? If so can any audiologist or ENT do this test on
me? What is the name of the test? My tinnitus is so severe that I barely sleep at
night. I also have recruitment. I tried maskers but I cannot hear them so that not a
question. What should I do? Danielle, New York.
Dr. Seidman
Yes it can be measured; we can do pitch and tone matching, done by an
audiologist. Same answer as above (for tinnitus).
I have tinnitus in my left ear for about two years. I now have hearing loss in that
ear. I thought the tinnitus caused the hearing loss, but my doctor says that the
tinnitus probably started because of the hearing loss. How does this work. Which
came first? Judy, California
Dr. Seidman
We are not entirely sure, but generally speaking we believe that tinnitus occurs
because of the hearing loss. It is essentially like a “Phantom Phenomenon” (but
very real). There are episodes where people have lost their entire arm (for
example) and say that their THUMB hurts, how could this be possible. The
answer is because there is still a place in the brain that correlates to the thumb.
The same logic applies to the ear. If there is hearing loss there are poorly
functioning or dead hair cells. Normally the hair cells send INHIBITORY info to
the brain. If the hair cells die then this inhibitory process is lost and the brain
interprets this as a sound. If you go to (you DO
NOT HAVE TO BUY anything), and on this site are a HUGE list of
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (a task bar), there are BMI calculators, scientific
updates, Word docs (that talk EXACTLY about your problem-tinnitus)
If you reduce your salt intake, would that help to alleviate your tinnitus
symptoms? Laura, Massachusetts
Dr. Seidman
There are people who are indeed salt sensitive and notice improvement when they
restrict their intake of sodium. Same can be said about other potential trigger
foods, i.e. caffeine, alcohol, sweets, MSG, aspartame, etc etc. Some people
eliminate these foods and find no benefit.
As prescribed after ear surgery I am taking one aspirin a day 81mg. Is this having
any affect on my hearing (profound in both ears)? Joe, New York
Dr. Seidman
Probably not helping nor hurting. It is allowing your platelets to be less sticky and
therefore reduce the likelihood of clots.
Twice recently I had a sudden drop of hearing lasting from 5 to 24 hrs. But also
can't really delineate if ALL my hearing has come back. I do have allergies that I
take Allegra for and feel allergies are well controlled. Rarely get colds. It is
confusing for me to figure out if the drop is me or my hearing aids. I have a severe
loss anyway, so during this time, I can't function. Aside from bringing aids to
audio. Each time, how can I tell if it's me? And if it is, should I be on something to
unblock my ears besides my allergy Rx? I take nasal Rhinocort & Astelin with the
Allegra. I dislike taking Rx! Laura, New Hampshire
Dr. Seidman
If there is truly a fluctuating hearing loss, you should get in to see your
Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon and audiologist to objectify your loss. It
is possible that this is middle ear dependent and related to Eustachian tube
dysfunction. It is also possible that this relates to a meniere’s like phenomenon
and this should be documented. You do not have to go in every time, just once
really to diagnose the fluctuation loss.
My 6 year old son has a bilateral sensorinueral hearing loss. He wears hearing
aids. Just recently, he is complaining about a low whistle when his hearing aid is
off and he is not hearing as well in the one ear. We ruled out wax build up and ear
infection and we are testing him on Wednesday for hearing. Could this be
tinnitus? Dina, New Jersey
Dr. Seidman
Any sound perceived to be coming from the head or the ears WITHOUT an
external sound source is by definition tinnitus, so perhaps. Hopefully his hearing is
stable. I will be thinking positive thoughts for your son.
donna_nicol asks Is there any relationship between smoking and tinnitus? Donna,
Dr. Seidman
Tobacco products have nicotine, nicotine is a POTENT vasoconstrictor (narrows)
blood vessels. This has a NEGATIVE effect on the body including the ears. There
are certainly smokers who do not have tinnitus, but we do believe between the
nicotine, and the other additives, there are better things to do than smoke!
I just had surgery to remove my CI Implant. The last 6 months I've been very sick
with MRSA - from an open stitch behind my ear after surgery. Has anyone heard
of such thing? My doctor said I was one in a billion? Is that something? or what?
I'm still clueless if I can have another one implanted. Roseann, California
Dr. Seidman
The real question is why did they remove it. There must be a reason they removed
it MRSA is a real problem (you did not need me to tell you that). I am sorry you
got this, but there are certainly meds to treat this.
I was just diagnosed w/Meniere's Disease. I have the vertigo under control. The
tinnitus I am experiencing is loud and consistent on a daily basis. I already wear
two hearing aids. What can I do to mask the sound of the tinnitus? Arlynn,
Dr. Seidman
Meniere's is a fairly common problem, and tinnitus is certainly part of the quadrad
of symptoms. If we can help with the hearing loss, sometimes we can help with
the tinnitus, but no doubt it is a problem. I would refer you to the answers above
as to how to mitigate the tinnitus
Every once in a while , when I am in bed not quite asleep yet, I get this beep beep
sound in my left ear where I wear a CI... what might cause it? Cynthia, Virginia
Dr. Seidman
I wonder if somehow you are getting some bizarre interference. Not to be silly but
there are no trucks backing up near you (ok a poor try for humor after a long day).
Seriously, there just may be something going on with the implant, a warning etc.
What does diet have to do with hearing loss...Are there any foods that can cause
hearing loss? Jimmie, New York
Dr. Seidman
I am not aware of any specific foods that directly cause hearing loss, however if
you have menieres for example, salty foods, alcohol etc CAN cause hearing loss
Are there devices I can wear to mask the sounds I hear. Or, Can my hearing aids
be adjusted to accomplish that? Gordon, New York
Dr. Seidman
There are many devices that can mask your tinnitus. They can be maskers alone or
in combo with hearing aids, we also recommend tinnitus retraining therapy and
Neuromonics as great forms of sound therapy that help many people
I recently had a second Cochlear Implant, in my right ear. I'm experiencing severe
tinnitus that comes and goes, plus pain in my eardrum and jaw that seems to
increase the longer I wear the processor on that side. Is this common? Any
solutions? Diane, California
Dr. Seidman
Congrats on the 2nd implant. Sorry about the problems. I am cautiously optimistic
that it should get better, but please be sure to discuss with your doc. who did your
What is your opinion of the Premier Micronutrient product "Hearing Health"
endorsed by The EAR Foundation? It seems to be heavily advertised. Kathleen,
Dr. Seidman
Do you sell this stuff! They have taken my patent (biggest form of flattery),
modified a few things, put in some vitamins and they sell the product. I do not
have anything against it, other than that they are using my research!
What are the two products for which Dr. Seidman has a patent to help age related
hearing loss? Do you need a prescription? Everett, Florida
Dr. Seidman
No script necessary. When people ask what I recommend it is a LAUNDRY LIST.
I take everything and it is ~ 14 pills each day. I do not take for my hearing per se I
take for what I believe is good health, the same website above will get you there and I recommend: 1. Antiage/energy formula (2 pills per day) 2. Antioxidant formula (3 pills/d), 3. MVI
formula (3 pills per day) and the 4 Essential oils formula (4 pills per day). Cannot
make any guarantees, wish I could
What can you tell me about the use of steroids in improving hearing in some
hearing impaired individuals? Tressa, California
Dr. Seidman
Steroids may have some affect for folks with sudden hearing loss or people who
have fluctuating hearing loss from an autoimmune process.
Yes absolutely, I see this relatively often (2 people per month), usually
SOMEWHAT treatable with steroids, and other meds might have an effect
Does one's age have an affect on an amount of tinnitus, resulting from hearing
loss? Thomas, Ohio
Dr. Seidman
I have 100 year old patients without tinnitus and 4 year olds with tinnitus.
GENERALLY speaking as we get older we get more hearing loss. This does NOT
guarantee more tinnitus
How do you go about either considering or dismissing TMJ issues as a factor in a
particular patient's tinnitus? Tom, Florida
Dr. Seidman
Several studies have clearly shown an assoc between TMJ and tinnitus. One nice
study treated 1000 patients with tinnitus and TMJ and 1/2 improved. I have
MANY patients who can adjust their tinnitus (turn it up or down, or alter the
sound), by thrusting their jaw, moving their eyes, pushing on their head etc.
Would you please send a suggestion of two or three pamphlets or booklets on
tinnitus? William, Virginia
Dr. Seidman
Thanks for the opportunity to PLUG our book Save Your Hearing Now, I had the
opportunity to discuss the book with congress and Good Morning Am, so that is
one source. The American Tinnitus Assoc is a great resource as is your HLAA;
lastly our website has 1600 hours of educational resources you can look at.
I have constant air leak sound in both ears. I have two hearing aids but they don't
seem to help. Why do I have this and what can I do to stop it? George, Michigan
Dr. Seidman
Sounds as if you have poorly fitting aids. I would advise seeing your audiologist
and having them ck and perhaps do a "re-fit"
I have read that there is research going on to try to re-grow hair cells. What do you
know about that? If you could re-grow hair cells, would that have an effect on
Dr. Seidman
Absolutely, this has been going on for at least 15-20 yrs. One of my favorite
scientists in this arena is Yehoash Rapheal in Ann Arbor, brilliant man. There are
also many other very smart folks working on this. I do believe one day it will have
a positive effect on both hearing loss and potentially tinnitus
Can acupuncture be useful for treating hearing loss? Is there any research being
done in this matter?
Dr. Seidman
Acupuncture can be effective for a number of things. It has been studied for
tinnitus (helps ~ 40%), hearing loss, that is a diff story. I am an Assoc Editor for
the Am Journal of Chinese Med and I have yet to see it used purely for hearing
I had a cochlear implant in June. My tinnitus has increased tenfold. Will it stay, or
will it decrease?
Dr. Seidman
So sorry to hear this. Usually tinnitus decreases in up to 80% of patients. Perhaps
a re-map may help, I will think positively and so should you!
Does motion have an effect on tinnitus?
Dr. Seidman
Hmmm, motion and tinnitus, I can tell you that patients will note that when in car
their tinnitus might get better or worse (seen it go both ways). Motion
that is interesting and believe it or not, I have not truly seen motion per se affect
Have you heard whether bio-identical hormones help alleviate tinnitus?
Dr. Seidman
ahh bioident H and tinnitus, interesting question. I gave a huge talk on biodent
hormones (ck our website again in ed resources). Long story short, if you are
going through menopause and tinnitus has spiked, SOMETIMES as bioident H
help the other symptoms, they might help the tinnitus
Is tinnitus somewhat related to otoacustic emissions?
Dr. Seidman
Fascinating question. There are several studies that have shown Patients with
NORMAL hearing that have tinnitus might have spontaneous otoacoustic
emissions as their root cause of tinnitus. Thus, in these patients (rare breed). I will
offer HIGH dose Aspirin i.e. 325 mg two pills 3-4 times a day! (the amount that is
often used for arthritis), it is also an amount that can CAUSE tinnitus, ahh the
perfect paradox.
Dr. Seidman
Thank you so much for logging on tonight. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to
"hang out" with you! Have a terrific evening and a happy and healthy holiday
season. Best regards, Michael
Thank you Dr. Seidman for joining us today. A transcript of this chat as well as
previous chats, tomorrow at
Please join us December 11 at 7:00 pm ET and meet Expert Psychologist - Dr.
Sam Trychin discussing Surviving the Holidays with Hearing Loss.
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