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Dr. Sal Biofeedback
Bio-feedback & Energetic Medicine: Albert Einstein himself provided us with the
basic theory of Quantum Physics & knowledge by which we can measure the
body’s energetic frequencies. The recognition that all matter is energy forms the
foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered a dynamic
energetic system.
Not long ago, Dr. Oz speaking on the Oprah Winfrey show ( 2-23-07 ) said “ Energy
Medicine is a very large part of the future of health care. “
Bio-Feedback is a non-invasive, FDA registered class II Medical device, used for
diagnostic & healing purposes. Bio-feedback, based on the principle of Quantum
physics, is designed for stress detection & reduction. It utilizes the latest
technological advances in allopathic and eastern medical science through a
sophisticated medical software program which helps to identify energetic
imbalances and weakness in the body.
Everything on this planet including human beings is nothing more than billions
upon billions of ever changing atomic kaleidoscopes. The frequency & force of
those atoms translates as vibrational energy which should flow freely & naturally
within the body on a cellular level.
When & if this energy flow gets blocked or impaired, is when the body starts to
feel diseased. The concept of energy is unmistakably linked to the body on a
cellular level, then in tissues and organ systems. It is a grand network.
This phenomenon is not merely a theoretical concept but it is clinically proven
through the theory of Quantum Physics.
The EPFX-SCIO bio-feedback has numerous test panels & actual therapy panels
including bio resonance through cellular electromagnetic analysis &
communication to the subconscious mind.
Through this process (approach), the practitioner can help the patient as a
“Whole” person, which means addressing their needs holistically, physically,
mentally, emotionally & spiritually. As a result, we can help our clients to
decrease their stress levels by correcting the issues which have been detected
during the session and providing recommendations for their wellness. Based on
the recommended number of sessions, the body has the mechanism to take
charge in regulating its function and balance itself.
The living matrix of energy which is within & around the body carries an extensive
amount of information that can be accessed and communicated with using
frequencies to balance the emotional, spiritual, and mental blockages including
neurotransmitters, spirituality and 15,000 other imbalances ultimately preparing
& re-educating the body for proper communication on a cellular level and giving it
the means to heal itself.
After measuring the body’s frequencies, the system performs therapies to
balance or neutralize the destructive wave patterns that it detects.
By balancing energetic frequencies & reducing stress, the human body can benefit
immensely while boosting the immune system and preventing many degenerative
Through the use of EPFX-SCIO Bio-feedback device, the body field accessed
through harnesses (bands for head, wrist, ankles) provides a connection with the
subconscious mind to correct the malfunctioning of cells, tissues, organs, and all
thoughts and emotions. This is one of the safest ways, without any harmful side
effects, to bring balance & harmony to body. In some cases, it may amplify the
frequency at which the body is resonating, and in others reverse it to either
enhance or counteract the body’s own resonance. All this will rebalance the body
to bring relief of ailments and conditions.
Therapeutic usages of EPFX-SCIO System
Food sensitivities, Nutritional Deficiencies, Spinal & cranial sacral, Dental / TMJ.
Thyroid & Adrenal Function. Environmental toxin factor, Homotoxicology .
Xenobiotics . Latrogenic toxicity . Heavy metal toxicity .Hormone balance . Risk of
Neuro Emotional Complex . balancing neuro-transmitter. ADD/ADHD . Addiction .
Alergies . Behavioral issues . candida &yeast issues . Chronic Fatigue . Digestion &
Metabolic dysfunction. Fibromyalgia . Fungal infection . Trama damage including
physical , psychological , emotional. All type of pathogens – bacteria , fungi ,
viruses , parasites , Meridian therapy including balancing Aura & Chakra . Anti
aging & skin rejuvenation . Emotional release . Learning, Disabilities and many
other issues.
Disclaimer : For the diagnosis & treatment of any disease , please consult your