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AMMG Fall 2014 Conference Purchase Options
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o A) Track 1: Inflammation and Aging - $199
o B) Track 2: Core Issues in Hormone Replacement - $199
o C) General Session - Friday Through Sunday - $249
o Entire Conference ~ Options A - C ~ Only $399
Includes all morning and lunch non-CME lectures.
o Age
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2013 Fall and 2014 Spring Conferences Plus the New 2014 Conference
Three Conferences for $798
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o Age Management Professional Library
$798 For The New Fall 2014 Conference Plus The Two Below
o Spring 2014 AMMG Conference - $349 Separately
o Obesity and Weight Loss for the Age Management Clinician
01. How to Treat Sarcopenia - George Shapiro, MD & Robert Ashton, MD
02. Managing the High BMI Patient - Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP
03. The Impact of Obesity on the Cardiovascular System Ernst R. von Schwarz, MD, PhD
04. The Secrets to Weight Loss Success - Kyrin Dunston, MD, FACOG
05. Lengthening Telomeres Safely with TA-65 - Harvey S. Bartnof, MD
06. Update on Metabolic Syndrome with Emphasis
on Gender Differences - Ellie W. Campbell, DO
07. Hormonal Effects Contributing to Weight and
Fat Loss Resistance - Rebecca R. Murray, APRN, MS, FNP, CDE
08. The Hidden Causes of Metabolic Syndrome and
Type 2 Diabetes - Thomas Alexander, MD
09. Polycystic Ovarian Disease and Obesity - Erika Schwartz, MD
o Introduction to Age Management Medicine
01. Nutrient Strategies for Age Management - Derrick DeSilva, Jr., MD
02. Clinical Use of Supplements - Derrick M. DeSilva, Jr., MD
03. The Science of Genetics and Genetic Testing - Florence Comite, MD
04. Fitness in the Age Management Practice - Shahab Mokhtare, MD
05. The Science of Telomere and Age Management - Earl H. Eye, MD
06. HRT in Women and Female Sexual Health - Anna Cabeca, DO
07. Introduction to HRT in Men - Joseph Bosiljevac, MD, PhD, FACS
08. The Science of Stem Cells and Age Management
Medicine - Christopher Centeno, MD
09. Assessing the Age Management Patient - C.B. Daniel, MD
o General Session
01. Medical Literature that Challenges your Current Treatment Regimes Neal Rouzier, MD
02. Testosterone Therapy in Men: Panacea, Scourge, or Simply
the Next Big Thing in Medicine? - Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS
03. The Truth About Statins - Derrick M. DeSilva, Jr, MD
04. Treatment Registry Results of Stem Cell Injections in Orthopedics:
Does Testosterone and Thyroid Matter? - Christopher Centeno, MD
05. The Use of Biological Markers and Laboratory-Based Testing in
Clinical Psychiatric Syndromes - David J. Scheiderer, MD, MBA
06. Physician Opportunities in Age Management - John E. Adams
07. Starving Cancer Cells to Death - George W. Yu, MD
08. Emerging Lifestyle Factors Predict Arterial Plaque Age and Arterial
Plaque Regression - Steven C. Masley, MD, FAAFP, CNS, CCD, AC
09. Late Breaking Clinical Trial Results of Adipose Derived Stem
Cells in Congestive Heart Failure: The ANGEL Trial - Kristin Comella
10. Protecting the Aging Brain: Functional Neurology for
Better Balance, Memory and Cognition - Ellie W. Campbell, DO
11. The Science of Secretagogues - Mark Gordon, MD
12. Insulin Resistance - Jeffry S. Life, MD, PhD
13. Why Men Fake It: A New Perspective on Men,
Sex and Relationships - Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS
14. HRT in Preventing Breast Cancer - Neal Rouzier, MD
15. Estrogen Dominance - Mark L. Gordon, MD
16. ROEHR BioG MicroTabs: Personalized Nutrition in the 21st Century Wolfgang Roehr; Julian Blumenfeld, MD; and Florence Comite, MD
17. Solving the Puzzle of Adrenal Fatigue: Hormones, Nutrients,
Toxins, Mind and Body Balance - Sangeeta Pati, MD, FACOG
18. Gynocomastia in Age Management Medicine - John Crisler, DO
19. Diabetes 3 (Alzheimer’s Disease): The Role of Insulin
Resistance and Alzheimer’s Disease - Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
20. Peptides: Do We Still Need Hormones? - Luis Martinez-Rivera, MD
21. The Secret Female Hormone: How Testosterone Replacement Can
Change the Life of Female Patients - Kathy C. Maupin, MD, FACOG
22. Multiple Endocrinopathy Syndrome: Concentration on Thyroid, Adrenal
and Gonadal Diagnosis and Treatment - David S. Klein, MD
23. Myostatin Inhibition in Sarcopenia - George C. Shapiro, MD, FACC;
Robert J. Hariri, MD, PhD; and Louis J. Aronne, MD, FACP
24. Bone Density Reconditioning with Osteogenic Loading John Jaquish, PhD
25. Clinical Case Presentations in Age Management Medicine - Derrick M.
DeSilva, Jr, MD; Florence Comite, MD; and Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
o Hormones in Clinical Practice Workshop
1) TA-65: Lengthening Telomeres to Lengthen Healthspan - Harvey Bartnof, MD
2) Functional Nutrition: A Hormone Healthy Meal Plan - Steven C. Masley, MD
3) Decreasing Cognitive Decline Risk with Hormones - Kenneth Janson, MD
4) Testosterone Replacement Therapy - John K. Crisler, DO
5) Stress and Toxins: The Two Inconvenient NeuroImmune-Hormonal Disruptors - Shanhong Lu, MD, PhD
6) Focus on the Brain: Are We Missing the Cure for
Alzheimer’s and Dementia? - Neal Rouzier, MD
7) Growth Hormone Secretagogue Technology - Mark L. Gordon, MD
8) Men’s Sexual Health: The Hormone Connection - Jeffry S. Life, MD, PhD
9) Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency - Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
10) Looking Younger Through Hormonal Balance - Edwin N. Lee, MD, FACE
o Practice Management Workshop
1) The Integrative Business Approach as a Strategy for a Successful
Age Management Practice - Derrick M. DeSilva, Jr., MD
2) Marketing Tools to Thrive in an Industry Transformed
by the Affordable Care Act - Raquel Baldelomar
3) How to Utilize Ancillary Wellness Staff to Create a Successful Integrative
Healthcare Practice - Linda Haggard, MPAS, PA-C and Eric Haggard, PT
4) Questions and Answers - Derrick M. DeSilva, Jr., MD
5) Designing Patient Experiences that Improve Patient Outcomes and
Differentiate You from the Competition - Gregory W. Petersburg, DO
6) The 2012 NECC Meningitis Outbreak Tragedy - Sarah Dodge-Palmer
7) Transitioning Aesthetics into an Age Management Practice - Gregory Allen
8) Essential Qualifications and Knowledge for the Age Management Physician:
The Advantages of Specialized Training and Certification - Jeffrey Leake
9) Insuring the Age Management Medicine Physician:
Beyond the Basics - John J. Rush, MD and John Palmer
10) Expert Panel Discussion on Practice Management - Derrick DeSilva, Jr., MD;
Linda M. Haggard, MPAS, PA-C; Raquel Baldelomar; Sarah Dodge; Jeff
Leake, MD; John Rush, MD; Gregory Petersburg, DO; and Greg Allen, MD
o The General Session
1) Controversies in HRT: A Complex Case Study Review - Neal Rouzier, MD
2) Lp-Pla2: The PLAC Test in Clinical Practice
and Patient Management - Cesar M. Pellarano, MD
3) The Implications and Impact of Poly-Pharmacy on Aging - Derrick DeSilva
4) Clinical Genomics for Age Management Medicine - L. Stephen Coles, MD
5) Physician Opportunities in Age Management Medicine - John E. Adams
6) Clinical Genetics and Epigenetics - Florence Comite, MD
7) The Telomere/Telemorase System in Autoimmune and Systemic
Immune-Mediated Diseases - Keith Fleischman, DO
8) How and Why to Use Telomere in your Clinical Practice - Elaine Chin, MD
9) The Nutrigenomic Solution - Christine Houghton, BSc, RNutr, PhD Candidate
10) Genetics and Telomere Case Presentations and Panel Discussion
11) Assessing the Gut in Clinical Practice: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
and the Value of Specialty Diagnostics - Jill Carnahan, MD
12) Assessing the Female Patient - Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG
13) The Silent Killer: Women and Heart Disease - George Shapiro, MD, FACC
14) Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women and the
Treatment and Prevention of Osteoporosis - Elizabeth Prusak, MD
15) Breast Cancer Risk Reduction: Genetic and Metabolic Markers and
Nutrigenomics - Rebecca R. Murray, APRN, MS, FNP, CDE
16) Bio G MicroTabs: Ingredients for Personalized Nutrition and Health Derrick M. DeSilva, MD; Wolfgang Roehr, CEO, ROEHR Pharmaceuticals
17) The Clinical Use of Testosterone in Women Leigh - Erin Connealy, MD
18) Mood and Memory in the Peri and Menopausal Woman - Hyla Cass, MD
19) Advances in Female Sexual and Menopausal Health - Jennifer Berman, MD
20) Thyroid Hormones in the Peri and Menopausal Woman - Alan Christianson
21) Overcoming Weight Loss Resistance - Kyrin Dunston, MD, FACOG
22) The Role of Blood Viscosity in Aging - Gregory D. Sloop, MD
23) Practical Evidence-Based Mind-Body Strategies - Pankaj Vij, MD, FACP
24) Traumatic Brain Injury Mimics Alzheimer’s - Robert G. Carroll, MD
25) Traumatic Brain Injury – Hormonal Dysfunction
Syndrome: “The Stealth Syndrome” - Mark L. Gordon, MD
o Fall 2013 AMMG Conference - $349 Separately