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To be Asia Pacific’s best and most admired
holistic enrichment group.
To thrive as a leading holistic tribe with a heart to serve and a passion to make positive
impact in Singapore and the region. The journey is from success to significance.
As a united tribe, we have a continuous growing organizational structure that does
not stifle but instead encourage each individual to be innovative and enterprising.
That means we have the courage to take creative risks, embrace change and push
the envelope to profit others.
We believe in creating value for our customers, bringing benefits to our
associates and being the source of tremendous blessing at large.
Our leaders know where they are going and we follow and commit ourselves
to the vision. We let tribal customs thrive by mutually respecting and recognizing
one another’s contributions and talents.
The journey ahead is not without obstacles but in the midst of it all, we remember to
celebrate life and cheer everyone to finish strong in the race.
Since 1997, we have served more than a quarter of a million youths and adults in over
300 government schools and educational institutions. Many are customers who have
stayed with us for years and on that note, we are grateful and humbled.
Our tribal values which are spelt out in the 4Rs have effectively served as practical
guideposts for us to grow and thrive.
RESPONSIBILITY – We can be trusted to do what we have promised. We do what is
right with integrity and sincerity.
RELATIONSHIP – We care for the quality of life of each person. We inspire
compassion, optimism and fun wherever we are.
RESULTS – We encourage ownership and work practices that lead to a strong finish.
We plan wisely, monitor closely and overcome problems through creative solutions.
We want only excellent and remarkable outcomes.
REWARDS – We practise sound stewardship principles. We are a generous tribe and
we reward the best in the land. We are transparent and fair in our dealings and these
are what make this tribe attractive and authentic.
“Music is an inspiration to our heart and
nourishment to our soul”
He has also performed in Local Jazz Club e.g Harry’s
Bar and numerous dinner and dance.
Also fluent in pop and canto pop, Linus has performed
as a keyboardist with Chino Chino,501 , Safra Club,
Body Shock! , Culture Club and Live House! Linus
was also the keyboardist for Zhou Chuan Xiong (Xiao
Gang), Taiwan top recording artiste, in Singapore
Indoor Stadium Concert in 2004.
Linus Lee
As a renowned pianist and keyboardist in Singapore,
Linus has collaborated with some of Singapore
leading musical talents. At the age of 15, he won
the Grand Prix award for Yamaha Electone Festival
1990 and represented Singapore in South East Asia
Competition in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 1991, he won the
Grand Prix award again and represented Singapore
in SEA Competition in Taipei, Taiwan. Since 1994, he
has performed in international music and jazz festivals
around the world, including 1st Singapore Jazz festival.
Linus has been the band Leader of the Thomson Big
Band and the residential pianist in the Thomson Big
Band since 1994. He has performed in international jazz
festival in Canada, India, Thailand, Japan and Australia.
Linus was also involved numerous well known
musicals such as December Rain, Mr Beng!, I Have A
Date With Spring, They Are Playing My Song, Chang
and Eng which he toured in the Beijing, Bangkok
and Kuala Lumpur, The Forbidden City: Portrait of
an Empress and the recent musical “Full Monty”
in 2010. Linus is also a music arranger for Top 40,
Musical, Cantopop music. Linus has also worked with
numerous artiste such as Kit Chan, Dick Lee, Anita
Sarawak, Iskandar Ismail, Babes Conde, Goh Keng
Long and Ernie Watts (Legendary saxophonist from
Linus has also been in the education industry since
1999 with 4 years as a school educator and 9
years in enrichment companies for schools. He has
built himself with strong teaching pedagogy and
Eddy Hamid | Iskandar | Khai Kamat | Firmann | Rafaee | Suhairi | Nazree | Syahidah | Aisyah | Amin |
Petrina Chew | Anabel Chew | Darren D’cunha | Elmi Teo | Xie Meishi | Valerie Chong | Andry Sani
In this series, students learn various music playing skills as they try
their hands on a musical instrument and at the same time, experience
playing music as an individual and as a team. This series focuses on
self-disciplinary skills and group work
MI 001 Pop Keyboardist
MI 002 Pop Guitarist
In this course, students learn the basics
of playing the keyboard through family
chords, basic chord theory, keyboard
fingering and scales taught in a precise,
fun and simple way. This enables
students to grasp the essence of playing
popular music on the keyboard quickly.
In this course, students will learn the
basics of playing the guitar through
family chords, basic chord theory, fret
board fingering and guitar strumming!
This enables students to grasp the
essence of playing popular music on
the guitar quickly.
MI 004 Rhythmic Advantage
This unique course fuses sports with
music and promotes inter-disciplinary
learning. The music component
exposes students to the basics of
musical beats and rhythmic patterns
while the sports component teaches
students psychomotor coordination
and the importance of working together
in a team to produce a concerted effort.
Vocal &
VP 001 Pop Vocal Master
MI 005 Funky Boomwhackers
Students will learn to play on colourful,
produce different melodies when hit.
Boomwhackers are a great way to
understand how different rhythms and
melodies can be weaved together in
a coherent and exciting way. Students
will also learn the importance of
teamwork and cooperation since its
played in an ensemble.
MI 003 Rhythm & Beats /
Stomp It (NAC – AEP 2011/12)
Students will learn how to create a
variety of musical rhythmic patterns
using hand percussion instruments
such as congas, bongos, cowbells,
etc. in a group setting. They will also
be taught to experiment with novel
and creative ways to create beats and
rhythms using everyday items such as
pots and pans, bins, etc.
MI 006 Shapes Drummer
Students will learn to play on the different
shape drums that will produce different
pitches. They will learn to create a
variety of musical rhythmic patterns
to understand how different rhythms
and pitches can be weaved together
in a in a fun way. Students will also
learn the importance of teamwork and
cooperation through ensemble playing.
In this series, students get to experiment with the most fundamental
of all musical instruments: their voice. Through learning of vocal
techniques, students embark on a journey of self-discovery, while at
the same time experiencing the joy and challenges of working and
singing in a group. This series focuses on honing students’ sense of
rhythm, pitch and blending
Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of proper vocal
techniques in popular music. Breathing exercises, pitching and
rhythmic training among other techniques will be introduced. For
group singing, vocal harmonization will be taught so that different
voices can blend well together. Opportunities for showcases at
the end of the course will be provided.
VP 002 Vocal Percussionist / Beatboxer
More popularly known as beatboxing, vocal percussion allows
students to express their creativity through experimenting with
their vocal chords, lip formations to produce percussion sounds
such as the bass drum, snare, cymbal and even scratching on
the turn-table. This course develops students’ sense of rhythm
and originality in creating and combining such sounds. At the
end of the course students can either produce a solo act or
form a percussion ensemble with their group mates.
VP 003 Vocappella
VP 004 Creative Songwriter
A cappella is a form of music that does not use any musical
instruments except the human voice. In this course, students
will be exposed to a higher level of harmonization, pitching and
blending exercises. They will learn how to work together as
a group to deconstruct a piece of simple pop music, and reproduce it into a version which can be performed completely a
cappella. Basic vocal percussion will also be introduced to help
support the piece of music rhythmically.
Students will be exposed to the basics of popular songwriting
techniques, how to write catchy melodies, understand basic
chord progressions and grasp lyrical writing techniques. There
will be potential opportunities for song showcasing for selected
groups of students.
Music &
In this series, students learn to keep pace with technology by acquiring
computer skills to create their own piece of music. Students are also
exposed to the production side of music as opposed to the performing
side. This series focuses on looking at music from a more technical
MAT 001 Music Groove Maker
Students will learn to use computer-based software to create
and compose their own personal piece of music for different
purposes such as advertisements, short movie clips and radio
productions using music loops. They will also learn to modify
such loops to customize the sounds to their needs. In the
process they will acquire basic music knowledge such as song
structure, chord progressions and key changes.
MAT 002 Ethnic Groove Maker
Students take digital music on a higher level with this course, as
they learn the mechanisms behind the creation of fusion music.
This course shows how eastern and western music can be
combined using music loops and students get an opportunity to
create their own piece of fusion music.
MAT 003 Music Producer
The aim of this course is to enable students to understand the
whole process of producing music. Students will be taught a
package of multiple-skills such as songwriting, lyrics writing,
music arrangement, leading to an opportunity to record in a
professional music studio.
MAT 004 DJ Spin Master
MAT 005 Soundtrack Designer
Students will work with a professional disc jockey and learn
how to use DJ equipment to create remixes and build their
own signature groove. Presentation skills and honing of selfconfidence through presentation will also be explored.
In this course, students will understand the basics of sound
designing and digital recording. They will be taught to identify
different styles of sound effects and music suited for different
moods in a movie or animation. They will also learn about sound
converting, sound editing, sound processing, creating special
sound effects and sound designing.
Through knowledge of audio production, students learn to appreciate
music not just through the people who perform and deliver it, but also
the people who are supporting, promoting and enhancing the quality
of the music
APS 001 School Radio Presenter
Students will learn the basics of radio programming, radio
scripting and producing, how to use a mixing board and digital
software, presentation and hosting skills, hence acquiring
knowledge to produce their schools’ own radio programme.
APS 002 Recording Engineer
Students are introduced to the role of the recording engineer
and music producer in professional CD and album recording.
They will learn the basics of sound and sound engineering,
operation of mixing boards, equalization, compression and
effects and understand the process of recording a professional
CD. They will also have the opportunity to tour a professional
recording studio.
APS 003 Live Sound Engineer
Students will learn basics of sound and sound engineering
as well as acquire knowledge on how to set up a basic sound
system comprising of microphones, speakers, a mixer board,
cables etc. hence giving them skills to assist their schools’
events as soundmen. ‘Live’ sound mixing exercises and projects
will be given as practical exercises.
In this series, students get to learn different aspect of the arts, be it
drama or graphic design combined with music. Through this unique
fusion and cross–disciplinary learning, students will have increased
understanding of other areas of the arts and also have more than one
means to express their creativity
MFS 001 Jingle Producer (IT Music and Drama)
In this course, students will learn to produce an audio drama or
commercial using modern computer technology. They will be
introduced to the basic elements of mood music designing for
drama productions. The process will also be spent on helping
students to build a foundation for their involvement and growinginterest in drama , developing story boarding, character building,
scripting writing, oral and presentation skills.
MFS 003 Musical Visual Arts (Music & Art)
In this course, students learn to paint and appreciate music
at the same time. They will be taught to discern the mood and
rhythm of different pieces of music, and learn how to transcribe
the drive and feel of the music into painting. Hence, the art that
the students produce at the end of the course is the expression
of the twin processes of art and music.
MFS 002 Music Drama Producer
(Music & Drama)
In this course, students are exposed to producing a drama
production along with designing mood music and sound effects
to support the script. Hence, students will not only learn how to
act through voice emoting, but also learn how to create music to
suit the mood of the play.
MFS 004 Stomp It! Groove It! (Digital Music &
This course integrates the learning of software-driven loop
based music together with ‘live’ hand percussion instruments,
creating a thrilling mix!
“Drama is more than just performing on stage”
a Diploma in Drama from Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts,
Singapore (majoring in Directing with a focus in Acting for
Theatre) and an Advanced Diploma in Mass Communications,
Singapore/USA. He is a member of the Singapore Drama
Educators Association.
He has a Certificate in Practical Counselling by Fei Yue
Professional Counselling Centre, Singapore and a Specialist
Diploma in Counselling Psychology (High Distinction) at
Singapore Academy of Certified Counsellors, with Wisconsin
International University, USA. Danny was awarded Significant
Contributor in 2009 and Best Employee in 2010.
Danny Jow
Danny’s prolific career began with various local theatre
companies as an actor and a stage crew after his drama training.
Between 1994 and 1999, he joined Television Corporation of
Singapore, now known as Mediacorp, as a Production Assistant
and Floor Manager. Soon he was promoted as Assistant
Producer, Assistant Director, Director and, finally, as Head of
Casting for the English Drama department.
Danny was promoted in 2010 and is currently the Deputy Director
for Programme, overseeing and leading all entities in Mastereign
Group, to continue to plan, create and deliver quality, holistic and
purpose driven programmes to impart, impact and inspire the
After his 5-year stint in the station, Danny went to further his
studies in drama education in Australia. Upon graduation, he
returned to Singapore to develop its drama education. He joined a
drama company as its artistic director/head trainer. Later, he was
approached to run the acting school for the public under Dream
forest Media. As a professional acting coach, Danny has, to date,
trained more than 100 talents for the theatre and television.
During the Singapore Media Fiesta 2009, Mediacorp invited him
to be the acting coach and one of the 2 judges. He conducted an
open acting audition and helped selected the Top 10 acting talents
for the station’s upcoming English drama series for 2010.
As Actor, he has appeared in these plays: Sammy won’t go to
School, The Crucible, The Blood Wedding, Undercover and
Drunken Prawns, and these TV series: Growing Up, Triple Nine
and Making Love. In independent films, he was the lead role in
Cashless 2008 (also nominated Best Actor in 2009 Asian Festival
of First Films) and Lotus 2010. He played a principal role in Sabo
(2009, Singapore Short Film Festival) and in The Gang 2009.
He has also appeared i n TV commercials such as Readers
Digest (2008), Lao Fo Ye Hair Care (2009), Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease (2009), and Allswell Drinks (2010).
In Mastereign Centre of Performing Arts, Danny is the Programme
Director and Head Trainer for Drama. He creates training syllabi,
conducts and oversees development through drama programmes
and acting workshops for schools and the public. Through
this platform, he has trained, supervised and provided many
opportunities for aspiring drama practitioners to teach, act, direct
or write. As Director, he has directed theatre actors professionally
in school-touring assembly plays and students. For the latter,
he has successfully trained them to put up and perform in Plays
and Musicals and to win awards in national drama competitions.
Danny has also collaborated with MCYS, Singapore Police Force
and Health Promotion Board to devise and facilitate community
theatrical performances to entertain and educate the public.
Danny has a BA (distinction) in Drama and Education from
Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He holds
Janice Chan
Janice has received a Diploma in Theatre Studies from Nanyang
Academy of Fine Arts. She discovered her strong interest in drama
teaching since she first started conducting speech and drama
workshops in 2005. In 2007, she was employed under Emaar
International School, as its drama teacher. She planned and
taught the curriculum for IGCSE Drama Programme, drama club
and weekly drama sessions. She has written, trained and directed
students in numerous workshops, play and musical productions.
Her students have won 2 Distinction Awards for Trinity Guildhall
Speech and Drama Examinations and various awards in
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Drama.
Since 2006, Janice has been working with Mastereign Centre
of Performing Arts in curriculum drama teaching as an associate
In 2010, she was invited to join Mastereign Centre of Performing
Arts full time and was awarded the “Outstanding Star Residential
Trainer” in Mastereign Star Trainers Award 2010.
Her role as an APM exposes and constantly sharpened her skills
in teaching, directing or writing. She also assisted in supervising
and mentoring the younger trainers in class. Such valuable
experiences have surely strengthened her growth in leadership
and to hone her craft to be more skilful and a knowledgeable
drama trainer/educator.
Suzlaifan Sulaimi (Sirfan) | Muhd Mahadi B Jamaludin (Adi) | Sia Ee Mien | Renee Chua | Fiona Jeremiah Anne | Jacklyn Kuah |
Engie Ho | Fita Helmi | Eugene Lin | Rebecca Burch | Mohamad Abdillah Bin Zamzuri (Ab) | Sahirrah Safit | Kunjung Wida Hudawiah
Poetry Theatre Series
PPTS 002 Poetry- Move It! (Primary & Secondary)
PPTS 001 Poetry Comes Alive! (Lower Primary)
This poetry theatre workshop aims to encourage students to
imagine and create throughout the process while fostering
an appreciation and enthusiasm for poetry learning in a fun
way. Students will learn to read and dramatise poetry focusing
on face, voice, speech, sounds, actions and movements with
performance forms such as tableaux and physical theatre while
developing PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and Relationship,
Integrity, Discipline and Empathy. Learning concludes with a
combined showcase. A certificate of participation will be given to
each student.
Fusion Modules with a longer duration:
• Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
This is a poetry theatre workshop for students to learn and
appreciate poetry in a fun and creative way. They will learn and use
creative movement to express and physicalise part of the text while
dramatizing the rest of the poetry focusing on face, voice, speech
and performance forms. Students will gain a better understanding
of the written word as the provision of a physical and visual context
in drama can help them make sense of the language. A certificate
of participation will be given to each student.
Optional – incorporating Visual Arts with additional 4 hours
Raw materials will be provided for the students to create costume
masks to be worn for the performance. They will learn to colour
and to express their thoughts and emotions for their role through
visual arts.
Fusion Modules with a longer duration:
Enjoy and Write Poetry ( with Mastereign Academy)
Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
Readers Theatre Series
RTS 001 Puppets Come Alive!
(Upper Primary And Secondary)
This fun-filled drama combining with visual arts workshop is
largely inspired by the musical Avenue Q. Students will learn
to recreate a drama based on fairy tale. They will learn to
create and use sock-puppets and necessary hand props to
tell the story. The process will develop them to be confident
young reader-performers concentrating on just using voice,
speech, hands and face to perform-read their story in an
enjoyable and dramatic way. Workshop concludes with a
showcase using flood lights to create a theatre setting in
the classroom. Development of PRIDE – Perseverance,
Respect and Relationship, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy
–throughout workshop. A certificate of participation will be
given to each student.
Story Theatre Series
STS 001 Stories Come Alive!
(Upper Primary And Secondary)
Explore. Create. Present!
Students will put on their thinking caps as they explore in a world of
imagination to create their own original fairy tales where animals
and objects come alive! They will learn how to conceptualise a
story board and to pen their script using Story Theatre form which
the students are storytelling-actors taking turn to tell and act out
the drama in the story with symbolic props and costumes while
developing PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and Relationship,
Integrity, Discipline and Empathy. Storytelling skills learnt will
help improve their social interactions and enhance their oral
presentations. A certificate of participation will be given to each
Fusion Modules with a longer duration:
• Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
Page To Stage Series
PTSS 001 Performance Texts Alive!
(Upper Primary And Secondary)
This workshop will set the student’s imagination in motion to
explore, discuss, plan and devise an original short performance
text with various writing devices based on a given theme/
stimulus. They will then learn to dramatise the story with acting,
voice, speech, movement and performance forms and stage
it with symbolic props and costumes using recycled materials
to develop ownership of their role and the performance.
Finally, they will perform their devised works for their peers
with floodlights to create a theatre setting in the classroom. A
certificate of participation will be given to each student.
PTSS 002 Tales Alive! (Upper Primary)
Based on three popular tales “Jungle Book, Story of Redhill,
Lion King”
Students will work together to stage any of the popular tales
and make it their very own! Every class will dramatise a scene in
the story. Finally, all classes will present and perform the entire
story. They will learn to narrate and dramatise the tale using
“Story Theatre form” incorporating chorus and ensemble work
in their performance. Costume masks and/or hand props will
also be provided for students to bring the story to life on stage. A
certificate of participation will be given to each student.
PTSS 003 Plays Alive! (Secondary)
PTSS 004 Literature Alive! (Lower Secondary)
Based on popular tales “Animal farm, The coffin is too big for the
hole, To kill a mocking bird, Sing to the dawn”
Students will appreciate and enjoy exploring the world of
literature based on any of the popular tales. They will work in a
group to explore the story in-depth while developing positive
values, perspectives and attitudes. Each group will dramatise
an assigned scene using ‘story theatre’ form to tell and act out
the drama from page to stage. All the groups in the class will
perform the entire story in a combined showcase with floodlights
to experience a theatre setting in their classroom. Development
of PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and Relationship, Integrity,
Discipline and Empathy –throughout training. A certificate of
participation will be given to each student.
The workshop aims to provide a creative learning experience for
the students to explore and discover more about their literature
book or any of the local short stories through the process of
drama. Learning to dramatise will enhance their understanding
of the story, characters, themes and develop new perspectives.
Finally, they will rehearse and learn to stage the story in the
classroom with floodlights to experience performing in a theatre
setting. Development of PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and
Relationship, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy –throughout
training. A certificate of participation will be given to each student.
Fusion Modules with a longer duration
Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
Short stories by local Authors (with Mastereign Academy)
Youth Theatre Series
YTS 001 Drama For Life (Secondary)
Students will share, think and feel with stories created based on
experiences, observations and reflections. Through the power of
theatre, they will explore new behaviours and coping strategies
to deal with problems through the safe distance of fictionalized
characters and situations in the story. The process will be
experiential in nature to learn about values, perspectives and
attitudes while developing PRIDE - Perseverance, Respect and
Relationships, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy. Finally, they will
learn to share, dramatise and perform their devised works in a
forum theatre setting. A certificate of participation will be given to
each student.
Performance Theatre Series
PTS 001 Musical Theatre Alive (Primary & Secondary) PTS 002 Acting Alive! (NAC-AEP 2011/12)
Our musical theatre workshop not only prepares students to
sing, dance and act with confidence and competency but also
develops them to realize and appreciate that theatre is more
than just performing. They will plan and professionally stage their
school’s very own musical showcasing either original or adapted
story with original or rearranged songs while developing PRIDE –
Perseverance, Respect and Relationship, Integrity, Discipline and
Empathy. A certificate of participation will be given to each student.
Learning journey to theatre venues and performing arts schools
in Singapore.
• A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school.
• Technical support in sound for the production.
Fusion Modules with longer duration:
• Creative song writing (with Mastereign Music)
• Music lyricist (with Mastereign Music)
• Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
Our signature acting alive workshop is endorsed by NAC.
The workshop prepares students to act, stage and perform
in a short skit, small-scale Play or a professionally staged
large scale theatrical production for school’s major events
events/competitions…etc while learning and developing
their positive self-growth through theatre. Development of
PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and Relationship, Integrity,
Discipline and Empathy –throughout training. Workshop can
be customized for smaller scale performances in a classroom
setting. A certificate of participation will be given to each student.
• Learning journey to theatre venues and performing arts schools
in Singapore.
• A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school.
• Technical support in sound for the production.
Drama For Club
DDC 001 Drama Club Wow! (Primary & Secondary)
A one-year fusion drama workshop that can be customized with 3
components. Exposure – watching a Play. Experience- providing
students with holistic training in drama, acting, performing,
production and theatre to maximize their artistic potential
and performing abilities for competitions and performances.
Excursion – learning journey to theatre venues and performing
arts schools. Development of PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect
and Relationship, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy –throughout
training. A certificate of participation will be given to each student.
Learning journey to theatre venues and performing arts
schools in Singapore.
A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school
Technical support in sound for the major production
Fusion Modules:
• Dance (with Mastereign Dance)
• Singing (with Mastereign Music)
• Rhythm and Beats/Stomp IT (with Mastereign Music)
• 3-D modeling in making simple props and costumemasks(with Mastereign Visual Arts)
• Mask Making (with Mastereign Visual Arts)
• Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
• Make up (with Mastereign Professionals)
Fusion Drama Series
FDS 001 Theatre Alive! (Signature Programme)
This workshop will be customized to combine drama with other
art forms involving drama, dance, music, fashion design, make-up,
video production, 2D/3D Animation, multimedia and props making.
It will incorporate school’s other CCAs towards performing a high
energy fusion theatrical production showing off their talents and
acquired skills. Development of PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect
and Relationship, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy –throughout
training. A certificate of participation will be given to each student.
Learning journey
A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school
Technical support in sound for the major production
FDS 002 School Out! Drama In! (Upper
Primary And Secondary)
A 3 to 5-day holistic day camp to develop students in acting,
story writing, drama and theatre while learning about dance and
undergoing multi sports training and team building activities to
build leadership qualities, physical attributes, fitness, discipline
and coordination. Camp will conclude with group devised
performances with a campfire on the final day. Development
of PRIDE – Perseverance, Respect and Relationship, Integrity,
Discipline and Empathy –throughout training. A certificate of
participation will be given to each student.
Day 1 to 4 at 9am to 6pm, Day 5 at 9am to 8pm
Fusion Modules:
• Dance (with Mastereign Dance)
• Multi sports training and team Building (with Mastereign Multi
• Team building (with Mastereign Adventures)
• 3-D modeling in making simple props and costume-masks
(with Mastereign Visual Arts)
• Phonics (with Mastereign Academy)
Fusion Modules:
• Dance (with Mastereign Dance)
• Singing (with Mastereign Music)
• Rhythm and Beats (with Mastereign Music)
• Stomp IT (with Mastereign Dance)
• 3-D modeling in making simple props and costume-masks
(with Mastereign Visual Arts)
• Multimedia and video productions (with Mastereign Media Arts)
• Fashion design and hair/make up (with Mastereign
• 2D/3D Animation (with Mastereign Media Arts)
FDS 003 Speak Good English (With Masterign
Media Arts)
This workshop will combine drama and video production. Students
will plan and create short situational skits to promote speak good
English. They will learn about acting, voice, speech and filming!
Finally, they will package the skits in a short educational video for
the school to encourage their peers to speak clearly and properly.
FDS 004 Docu-Drama (With Mastereign Media Arts)
A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school
• A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school
FDS 005 Present Yourself Well! An
Educational Video (With Mastereign Media Arts,
FDS 006 Drama With Stop Motion (With
Mastereign Media Arts)
Students will learn to devise, dramatise and stage a group skit
and using stop motion to create the setting and symbolisms in
the story or learning the use of sand and grains and animate part
of the drama to tell the story.
Adventure, Achievers And Social Graces)
Students will learn to research, plan and create an educational
video for the school covering topics on how to dress well, wellness
and fitness, skin care, basic dining etiquette, communication...etc
using forms such as interview, re-enactment, narration…etc. They
will learn to dramatise, film and package their performances from
page to screen creating an educational video that speaks to the
viewers. They will enjoy producing docu-drama with a voice.
Students will learn to research, plan and create short stories
covering various topics concerning them and dramatise using
forms such as interview, re-enactment, narration…etc. They will
learn to dramatise, film and package their performances from
page to screen creating an educational video that speaks to the
viewers. They will enjoy producing docu-drama with a heart.
A DVD copy of the performance will be given to the school
FDS 007 Tell A Story with Pictures (With
Mastereign Media Arts)
Students will learn the basics in photography and develop
dramatisation skills. They will learn to conceptualise and capture
images focusing on people, situation and setting. They will then
create a short monologue or duo-logue based on pictures taken
and perform it symbolically and creatively for each other in the
classroom to conclude the workshop.
FDS 008 Drama with Images (With Mastereign
Visual Arts)
Students will learn to devise and dramatise a skit based on a
created image using Process Drama. They will learn to express
thoughts and emotions by creating the images through drawing,
arts installation or other visual art forms. This image then
becomes a concrete reference for ideas to be discussed and
explored in their skit.
“Dance Is the Hidden Language of the Soul”
choreography from the Sixties, Disco, Line Dance,
B-Boying, Latin and other forms of dance. He even tried
Ballet once.
At 21, He encountered popular Hip Hop Group, Hip
Hop Kids and did a 3-week show with them at Orchard
Forum. It was then did he discovered his close friend
and mentor George Tandy Jr. Soon, Melvin Maqrius
founded HipHopKickStart, a dance organization put
together with close friends to spread the love of dance.
Melvin Maqrius
A learning journey of different experiences is what
our Programme Manager, Mr Melvin Maqrius would
describe his Dance to be. Maqrius has been exposed
to music and dance at a young age of 8 years old. He
took classes from Yamaha Music School. However, his
teacher described him as not musically inclined. This
became Maqrius’ motivation in the coming years to prove
otherwise. Though playing music may not be his forte, the
love for music and movement was translated into a talent
in dance. He was self trained in dance, learning various
movements in popping when he was first introduced and
inspired by the all-time favourite MJ’s Smooth Criminal.
At the age of 17, he began to study the culture of Hip
Hop and understood what street dance was really all
about. Over the years, he exposed himself to dance
In 2005, Maqrius started dancing for small TV shows.
Maqrius also participated as a choreographer in bigger
events such as Chingay, Racial Harmony Day 2005 “A
Nation in Concert” 2006 at the Esplanade, “Get High”
concert 2007 and once represented Singapore to
take part in the International Nature Loving Association
2008. In that he was awarded the most creative dance
His teaching experience revolves around charitable
organizations - SADeaf, Student out reaches - Student
Advisory Centre, studios such as YMCA, Media
companies such as Media Corp and over a hundred
different schools including NTU/ADM. In 2010, Maqrius
also played judged to several dance competitions
including Woodgrove Idol, Punggol South Dance
Ultimate Competition and many others.
These recent years, Maqrius ventured overseas to
explore the cultures of dance. Now he is back with
Mastereign on a new project – To unite the dancers
from all the schools in Singapore and beyond.
Agnes Cheh | Angie Seow | Elena Yeo | Florence Quek | Justin Peng | Rachel Tan | Ridhwan |
Royston Fan | Stefanie Leong | Stephanie Ann | Terence Tan | Trevelyan Neo | Verena Lim
Dance Forms
MDE 001 Creative Jazz
MDE 002 Street Jazz
Jazz up the blues in soulful music with Creative Jazz from our
Mastereign Dance Programmes. In this programme, we will
introduce the basic movements of Jazz and its stylish attitude.
Learn a simple Jazz choreography and decorate it with some
creative sparks.
Combine Jazz accents with attitudes of the street in
Mastereign’s Street Jazz Programme. From a selection of
groovy street music, we will undertake a choreography using
Street Jazz dance techniques. Then, interpret the song with a
jazzy twist and certain flavors of the street. All these and more
with Mastereign’s Street Jazz.
MDE 003 B-Boy Basics
MDE 004 Creative Hip Hop
Break Dance is the iconic street dance movement. Also
known as B-Boying, this dance form is widely recognized for
its athletic competencies. Master the basic movements of
B-Boying with Mastereign Dance and start battling in your own
ciphers. Note that not all B-Boy moves are dangerous, top
rocking and floor works are absolutely safe to show off your
own B-Boy/B-Girl flavors.
Hip Hop is a form of street dance known for its creativity. Old
skool Hip Hop is known for its illusive creativity and Funky Town
slick moves as of Popping and Locking. It is an expression of
suppression and chaos as in Krump and Waacking. In addition
to the traditional presentation of dance, a segment on “Creative
Solutioning” will also be incorporated to give students the edge
of thinking out of the box to solve their day to day situations.
Mastereign Creative Hip Hop Dance Programme is sure to
surprise you with its bag of tricks and stylish works of dance.
MDE 005 K Pop on Stage
MDE 006 Shuffle dance
Move away from the old skool and enter the era of Korean Pop
music with Mastereign’s K Pop on Stage dance programme.
Take to the stage and practice the newest K Pop numbers that
are more expressive of the new age. So wait no more and start K
Pop grooving with Mastereign’s K Pop on Stage.
Are you the new kid on the block? Then you must have noticed
that Shuffle Dance is now the new funky movement popular even
among the youngest of talents. Shuffle your way to the fast beats
and thumping dance numbers now with Mastereign’s Shuffle
MDE 007 Jump Style
MDE 008 Ethnic Fusion
Ever since the movie “Jump In” by Disney, Jump Style has
become the jumping sensation of cheerful dancers all around
town. Combining the movements in skipping, a well deserved
sport amongst teens, Jump Style now represents a new
generation of hope, jumping in and out of life like never before,
especially with Mastereign Dance Programme, Jump Style.
As Singaporeans, we are immersed in a diversed influence
of ethnic cultures including their very own form of dance.
Ranging from Bollywood to Chinese Dance, Indian Dance
to Malay Dance and even Bangra dance, Mastereign Ethnic
Fusion Dance Programme is a most suitable dish to serve in
celebration of our Racial Harmony in Singapore.
MDE 009 Hip Hop Competitions
MDE 010 Making Choices. Narrating Dances
More and more dance competitions have risen to the occasion
to challenge the youths of Singapore. Competing against the
participants’ team spirit, technical competencies and musical
creativity, Hip Hop Competitions have grown to amazing numbers
in terms of events and participants. Mastereign Dance Hip Hop
Competitions Programme prepares these crews for their big
break to represent their school and maybe even their country.
Decision-making is a critical life skill which determines the paths
we take in our future. “Making Choices. Narrating Dances” is
a programme inspired by our very own educational short film
– FairyTales (, which brings us
the message that it is never too late to make the right choices.
Study the nature of making choices and interpreting that line of
decisions into narrative dance choreography.
Dance Fusions
MDF 001 Prop Works (Fused with Visual Arts)
A concoction of creative juices with the construction of
interesting everyday objects as seen in Singapore and
experience a narrative journey of musical rhythm and groovy
dance movements.
MDF 002 Dance Commercials (Fused with
Media Arts and Drama)
MNCs such as McDonalds, Coca Cola and other world
renowned brandings owe much of their popularity to their
commercials. This is a very effective way to connect the
peoples’ hearts to a product or concept. Mastereign’s
Dance Commercials programme educates our participants
of what is required to be in front and behind the camera.
Unique perspectives are needed to bring out that one hit TV
commercial, and that is what you will learn in Mastereign’s
Dance Commercials Programme.
MDF 004 Lyrical Hip Hop (Fused with Academy)
MDF 003 Dance Magazines (Fused with Academy
& Media Arts)
Mastereign Dance is planning for their first Magazine Launch
and we need tons of interesting Dance Articles to put up. In the
Programme “Dance Magazine”, our trainers will explore with you
through dance, the topics of the magazine and prepare you for
your very own Dance Article Interview.
MDF 005 Stop E-Motion Dance (Fused with
Media Arts)
Discover a whole new world of Dance movements with stopmotion effects garnered from the skillful hands of the Animator.
Stop E-Motion is a fusion programme weaving stop-motion
artistry with contemporary dance movements, portraying the
silhouettes of the dancers and the Singapore scenic on the same
wide screen. This is best performed and enjoyed in the theatre
Acquire interpretive skills to the lyrics of songs that you often
listen to on the radio. Learn new words and meanings to the
lyrics of popular hits. Undergo dance workshops, sharing fun
and interesting hip hop movements and develop your dancer’s
attitude. Lyrical Hip Hop bridges lyrics and dance to represent
the song in the same performance.
MDF 006 Dance Description (Fused with
Dance Movies, Musicals and Online videos are now
commonplace in this Groovy Nation we call home. Bring
yourself to the next level of appreciation by connecting with
the moods of the dancers based on observation and not just
“according” to the synopsis. Well, don’t stop there. Challenge
yourself a step further by writing your own interpretation/
description of what you have felt/observed from the dance item.
Articulate the dance like a Pro.
MDF 007 Dance Poetry (Fused with Academy)
MDF 008 Interpret Me! (Fused with Academy)
Awed by the beauty of poetry, mesmerized by the soothing
rhythm of the Poets? Dance Poetry is all about appreciating
the awesomeness of the Poet’s words and translating that into
graceful and at times majestic impressions of movement. Learn to
recite poems and transform those words into dance with Dance
Always have a problem expressing yourself? Interpret Me!
is a programme aimed at increasing your vocabulary in self
expression not just in variety but also in accuracy. Dance is
known as the bodily expression of the soul. So what’s a better
way to interpreting me on paper, than to perform it in a dance?
MDF 009 Video Me Now! (Fused with Academy &
Video Me Now! is an educational programme focused on Personal
video presentation skills. The programme consists of topics such
as self-introductory skills, attire presentation and dance skills
presentation. Online video documentation has become a worldwide phenomenon and has led to talent discovery such as Justin
Bieber. Create greater opportunities by representing yourself
internationally the right way with Mastereign’s Video Me Now!
MDF 010 Musical sound off (Fused with Music)
MDF 011 Dance Graffiti (Fused with Visual Arts)
MDF 012 Dance Tutorials (Fused with Film)
First learn the basics to graffiti art style on paper, then move on
to the dance techniques of the street. Work the skills of using the
spray can to create specific effects and finally fused that with the
movements of dance to create a simple yet engaging performing
art showcase. This is what Dance Graffiti is all about; fusing the
motion of dance to create a spray paint art piece with an attitude
style of Graffiti.
Ever since dance became a daily component in our daily lives,
talented performers have begun registering for dance classes
in schools and in studios. However, there are still some of us
who believe that we can learn it on our own, especially when
there are limitless dance videos online to reference from. Join
us now to see how a professional Dance Tutorial is produced
and challenge yourself to make one with Mastereign’s dance
programme, “Dance Tutorials”.
MDF 013 Process Performance (Fused with
Having problems remembering those complex natural processes
such as Photosynthesis, Respiration and Energy conversions.
Mastereign’s very own Process Performance is here to help
you remember all those “Hard to recall” steps in a simple dance
choreography. Stop the confusing and start the grooving.
MDF 014 People (Fused with Drama)
Beat-Boxing is the new boom box of the next generation.
Acapella groups are now stepping up their game to create
orchestra standard music with just their vocal cords.
Mastereign’s new dance programme “Musical Sound Off” is
a mixture of rhythmic dance steps, stepping and beat-boxing;
a golden trio combination that will blow your audience away
in a full theatre musical showcase. So start making your music
Venture out of school/work into the open and take a moment
to appreciate the essence of the people around us. Observe
little gestures used in our daily lives to represent culture, intent
and narration. Re-interpret that content on stage with creative
movement in dance and generate greater relevance to life in our
final showcase performance.
(Fused with Visual Arts)
MDF 015 Logo Represent!
MDF 016 Cultural Presentation: Hip Hop
/ Jazz (Fused with Academy)
Forge crews from the values you and your teammates believe in.
This programme teaches the skills and perspectives involved in
designing a meaningful logo representing the values of a crew.
Reinforce the crew’s identity with a crew dance, highlighting
the different members of the crew and their individual talents.
Represent your crew and talents with Mastereign.
Study the Cultural history of Hip Hop / Jazz with our Trainers.
Learn to do a PowerPoint cum dance presentation in a way
that is entertaining and educational at the same time. What’s a
better way of presenting dance than to demonstrate a short
choreography to express its essence and origin? Follow the
trails of time with Mastereign now!
MDF 017 Team Dance (Fused with Achievers)
MDF 018 Signs of Dance
Be part of the “Team Dance” life skills dance programme, develop
essential leadership skills and walk through the footsteps of what
it takes to build a friendly and strong dance crew. Singapore is
an urban jungle where leaders thrive. Learn the “know-how”s to
establishing a team spirit and lead your team to victory in everyday
Learn to translate the lyrics of songs into sign language
and infused them into your dance choreography. Work with
volunteers and members of the impaired hearing community.
Understand what it is like to be different and develop a greater
love for our people.
MF 019 Dance Mix Master (Fused with
The challenges of a Dance Choreographer are ever so great.
Now even the music has to be taken into consideration when
choreographing the dance. Sound effects play an important role
in nowadays dance constructions. Learn the Basics to mixing
cool sound effects seamlessly and the skills of intricate dance
movements with Mastereign’s very own Dance Mix Master and
become a Master today!
MF 020 Portfolio Me! (Fused with Academy &
Media Arts & Professionals)
The Portfolio has become a personal log book of the individual’s
achievements and an important life tool to securing your
first interview. Mastereign’s Portfolio Me! Dance Programme
offers the knowledge and media skills needed to sculpt the
perfect portfolio as a dance enthusiast. Present yourself in a
short choreographed dance of your own and accessorize that
portfolio in a way that your future employer will fade away no
memory of it.
MF 021 Kpop Expo-Culture (Fused with
MF 022 Hip Hop Fashion (Fused with Visual
Professionals & Film & Academy)
Arts & Professionals)
Exclusively tailored to showcase the influence of Korean style
in Singapore, Mastereign has whipped up a recipe you can’t
resist. Ingredients including, Korean Cuisine, language, cultural
practices and not to forget their world wide sensational K Pop
dance and music. K Pop Expo-Culture is a learning journey that
will venture into all you need to know about the kpop culture in
Fashionable styles of the street has an evolutionary chart
ranging from sportswear to Bling Blings; Baggy jeans to high cut
boots. Travel through time with Mastereign’s Hip Hop Fashion
and understand the changes the hip hop fashion line has
undergone. Finally, be challenged to design and fabricate your
very own hip hop outfit under the experienced mentorship of our
Our Partner Schools
North Zone
Admiralty Primary School
Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
Anchor Green Primary School
Anderson Primary School
Canberra Primary School
CHIJ (OLN) Primary School
CHIJ St Nicholas (Primary School)
Chongfu Primary School
Compassvale Primary School
Endeavour Primary School
Evergreen Primary School
Fernvale Primary School
Fuchun Primary School
Greendale Primary School
Greenwood Primary School
Horizon Primary School
Huamin Primary School
Innova Primary School
Jiemin Primary School
Maris Stella High (Primary School )
Marsiling Primary School
Mayflower Primary School
Mee Toh School
Montfort Junior School
Nan Chiau Primary School
Naval Base Primary School
North Spring Primary School
North View Primary School
North Vista Primary School
Northland Primary School
Peiying Primary School
Punggol Primary School
Qihua Primary School
Rivervale Primary School
Rosyth School
Sembawang Primary School
Seng Kang Primary School
Si Ling Primary School
Wellington Primary School
Woodgrove Primary School
Woodlands Primary School
Woodlands Ring Primary School
Xinmin Primary School
Xishan Primary School
Yio Chu Kang Primary School
Yishun Primary School
Admiralty Secondary School
Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School
Anderson Secondary School
Bowen Secondary School
Canberra Secondary School
CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent
CHIJ St Nicholas (Secondary School)
Christ Church Secondary School
Chung Cheng High Sch (Yishun)
Compassvale Secondary School
Deyi Secondary School
Evergreen Secondary School
Fuchun Secondary School
Greendale Secondary School
Hougang Secondary School
Maris Stella High (Secondary School)
Marsiling Secondary School
Montfort Secondary School
Nan Chiau High School
Naval Base Secondary School
North View Secondary School
North Vista Secondary School
Northbrooks Secondary School
Northland Secondary School
Orchid Park Secondary School
Pei Hwa Secondary School
Presbyterian High School
Punggol Secondary School
Riverside Secondary School
Sembawang Secondary School
Seng Kang Secondary School
Serangoon Secondary School
Si Ling Secondary School
Singapore Sports School
Woodgrove Secondary School
Woodlands Ring Secondary School
Woodlands Secondary School
Xinmin Secondary School
Yio Chu Kang Secondary School
Yishun Secondary School
Yishun Town Secondary School
Anderson Junior College
Serangoon Junior College
Yishun Junior College
South Zone
Ai Tong School
Ang Mo Kio Primary School
Anglo-Chinese Junior
Anglo-Chinese Primary School
Balestier Hill Primary School
Bendemeer Primary School
Blangah Rise Primary School
Catholic High School
Cedar Primary School
CHIJ (Kellock)
CHIJ (Toa Payoh) Primary School
CHIJ-Our Lady of Good Counsel
Da Qiao Primary School
Fairfield Methodist School (Primary School)
Farrer Park Primary School
First Toa Payoh Primary School
Gan Eng Seng Primary School
Guangyang Primary School
Holy Innocents’ Primary School
Hong Wen School
Jing Shan Primary Schooli
Kheng Cheng School
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School
Marymount Convent School
New Town Primary School
Pei Chun Public School
Pei Tong Primary School
Queenstown Primary School
Radin Mas Primary School
Raffles Girls’ Primary School
River Valley Primary School
St Andrew’s Junior School
St Gabriel’s Primary School
St Joseph’s Institution Junior
St Margaret’s Primary School
Teck Ghee Primary School
Townsville Primary School
Xinghua Primary School
Yangzheng Primary School
Zhangde Primary School
Zhonghua Primary School
ACS (Independent)
Ang Mo Kio Secondary School
Anglo-Chinese (Barker Road) Secondary School
Balestier Hill Secondary School
Bartley Secondary School
Beatty Secondary School
Bendemeer Secondary School
Bishan Park Secondary School
Bukit Merah Secondary School
Cedar Girls’ Secondary School
CHIJ Secondary School (Toa Payoh)
CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent
Chong Boon Secondary School
Clementi Woods Secondary School
Crescent Girls’ School
Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary School)
First Toa Payoh Secondary School
Gan Eng Seng School
Guangyang Secondary School
Henderson Secondary School
Holy Innocents’ High School
Kent Ridge Secondary School
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School
Mayflower Secondary School
Outram Secondary School
Peicai Secondary School
Peirce Secondary School
Queenstown Secondary School
Queensway Secondary School
Raffles Institution
Serangoon Garden Secondary School
Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
St Andrew’s Secondary School
St Gabriel’s Secondary School
St Joseph’s Institution
St Margaret’s Secondary School
Whitley Secondary School
Yuying Secondary School
Zhonghua Secondary School
National Junior College
Nanyang Junior College
East Zone
Bedok Green Primary School
Bedok West Primary School
Canossa Convent Primary School
Casuarina Primary School
Changkat Primary School
CHIJ Katong Primary School
Chongzheng Primary School
Coral Primary School
Damai Primary School
East Coast Primary School
East Spring Primary School
East View Primary School
Elias Park Primary School
Eunos Primary School
Fengshan Primary School
Geylang Methodist School (Primary)
Gongshang Primary School
Griffiths Primary School
Haig Girls’ School
Junyuan Primary School
Loyang Primary School
Maha Bodhi School
Meridian Primary School
Ngee Ann Primary School
Northlight School
Opera Estate Primary School
Park View Primary School
Pasir Ris Primary School
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls Secondary School
Poi Ching School
Qiaonan Primary School
St Anthony’s Canossian Primary School
St Hildas Primary School
St Stephen’s Primary School
Tampines North Primary School
Tampines Primary School
Tanjong Katong Primary School
Tao Nan School
Telok Kurau Primary School
Temasek Primary School
White Sands Primary School
Yu Neng Primary School
Yumin Primary School
Anglican High School
Bedok Green Secondary School
Bedok North Secondary School
Bedok South Secondary School
Bedok Town Secondary School
Bedok View Secondary School
Broadrick Secondary School
Chai Chee Secondary School
Changkat Changi Secondary School
CHIJ Katong Convent
Chung Cheng High School (Main)
Coral Secondary School
Damai Secondary School
Dunman High School
Dunman Secondary School
East Spring Secondary School
East View Secondary School
Geylang Methodist School (Secondary)
Greenview Secondary School
Hai Sing Catholic
Junyuan Secondary School
Loyang Secondary School
MacPherson Secondary School
Manjusri Secondary School
Ngee Ann Secondary School
Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School
Pasir Ris Secondary School
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls Primary School
Ping Yi Secondary School
Siglap Secondary School
Springfield Secondary School
St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School
St Hilda’s Secondary School
St Patrick’s School
Tampines Secondary School
Tanjong Katong Girls’
Tanjong Katong Secondary School
Telok Kurau Secondary School
Temasek Secondary School
Victoria School
Tampines Junior College
Temasek Junior College
Victoria Junior College
West Zone
Assumption Pathway School
Beacon Primary School
Boon Lay Garden Primary School
Bukit Panjang Primary School
Bukit Timah Primary School
Bukit View Primary School
CHIJ (Our Lady Queen of Peace)
Chua Chu Kang Primary School
Clementi Primary School
Concord Primary School
Corporation Primary School
Dazhong Primary School
De La Salle School
Fuhua Primary School
Greenridge Primary School
Henry Park Primary School
Hong Kah Primary School
Jurong Primary School
Jurong West Primary School
Juying Primary School
Keming Primary School
Kranji Primary School
Lakeside Primary School
Lianhua Primary School
Methodist Girls’ School (Primary School)
Nan Hua Primary School
Nanyang Primary School
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School
Pioneer Primary School
Princess Elizabeth Primary School
Qifa Primary School
Rulang Primary School
Shuqun Primary School
South View Primary School
St Anthony’s Primary School
Teck Whye Primary School
Unity Primary School
West Grove Primary School
West View Primary School
Xingnan Primary School
Yew Tee Primary School
Yuhua Primary School
Zhenghua Primary School
Assumption English School
Boon Lay Secondary School
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Bukit Panjang Government High School
Bukit View Secondary School
Chestnut Drive Secondary School
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
Clementi Town Secondary School
Dunearn Secondary School
Fajar Secondary School
Fuhua Secondary School
Greenridge Secondary School
Hillgrove Secondary School
Hong Kah Secondary School
Hua Yi Secondary School
Hwa Chong Institution
Jurong Secondary School
Jurong West Secondary School
Jurongville Secondary School
Juying Secondary School
Kranji Secondary School
Nan Hua High School
Nanyang Girls’ High School
New Town Secondary School
NUS High School of Math and Science
Pioneer Secondary School
Regent Secondary School
River Valley High School
Shuqun Secondary School
Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Tanglin Secondary School
Teck Whye Secondary School
Unity Secondary School
West Spring Secondary School
Westwood Secondary School
Yuan Ching Secondary School
Yuhua Secondary School
Yusof Ishak Secondary School
Zhenghua Secondary School
Anglo-Chinese Junior College
Jurong Junior College
Millennia Institute
Pioneer Junior College