* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
…After the Performance Discussion Questions • • • • Who was your favorite character? Why? What was your favorite moment from the show? Why? In the play, Don Quixote was really Alonso Quijano, an elderly man who imagined himself as the real Don Quixote. Do you think Antonia, the Dark Knight, did the right thing by letting Alonso continue to believe that he really was Don Quixote? Explain the word chivalry to the class. Don Quixote expresses “wanting to live in a world of chivalry.” As a group, think of ways the class could portray chivalry to others. (For example: helping the elderly with simple tasks, being a good student and listening to others, being truthful, etc.) Write • • • Write a letter to AYPT and let us know what you liked best about The Adventures of Don Quixote. We would love to hear from you! Write a short news story about the Appalachian Young Peoples Theatre visit to your school. Be descriptive! Write a story where you imagine yourself to be your favorite character from your story. What will becoming that character help you to do? Will you be braver, funnier or stronger than you are now? Perform • • ! Perform your favorite scene from the play. Remember, girls can be knights too! Hold a knighting ceremony of your own in class. Write and then memorize a very short story about your great and noble deeds (Could be things you have done well or something made up) and then recite it to your classmates. Your teacher will then knight you for your bravery. 8! Cross Curricular Activities Art: • Draw a picture of your favorite scene from the play. Send your drawing to Appalachian Young People’s Theatre. We love your drawings! • Make your own knight’s shield with a personalized crest on the front. A crest is a visual creation of images, letters, numbers, drawings, shapes, and colors that identifies who you are, your place of origin, your family, and/or your interests. • Make your own Commedia dell Arte mask for an imaginary character. What does the design tell you about your made up character? Social Studies: • The story of Don Quixote takes place in Spain in the 16th century. Find music and art that suggests the feel of Spain at this time. Explore the history, cuisine, traditions, holidays, weather, and what an average day in Spain would be like for a student of similar age. Science: • The play features a moment where Don Quixote goes head to head with a windmill. You could use this opportunity to discuss how a windmill works. You could discuss how they were once used to grind grain into flour and are now used to produce electricity. Try to make your own windmill and explain how it works. Additional Resources Several great web sites have more information on Don Quixote: The Don Quixote Exhibit: Story explorations: Children’s encyclopedia entry: There are also three excellent films: • Man of La Mancha, 1972. Based on the award-winning Broadway production, directed by Arthur Hiller, written by Dale Wasserman • Don Quixote, 2000, Hallmark Entertainment, starring John Lithgow • Ballet version from the American Ballet Theatre. Don Quixote, 1984, starring Mikhail Baryshnikov and Cynthia Harvey ! 9! Don Quixote Word Search A A P E M P R K X N V H S Y G S D B O J W B A H I S J Y N B F Q S T E E D D R Y M R W I B P E A S A N T T Z J E B U T C G B H G R S U C J V R H Y S F A P F O T E G C A T D Z J E Y Q O D S N Y W R H N G M G D N B Y U J B O B O X I G A W Z O A O R M H R R A R T V N K C S J T U U G M V E Q W P A E Z A BRAVERY PEASANT CHIVALRY QUEST DESTINY SQUIRE HONOR STEED JOUST VIRTUE KNIGHT ! Y Q H E N P E R I U Q S L B P 10! J U F G K H B A A S C C I R T L E A U I E V A K N N Z J K Y P S A P F N K H B F N O U S E J T I L B Y K S J G W D J X V Don Quixote Crossword Puzzle Across 1. A journey in pursuit of an adventure. 3. The noble qualities of a knight, such as courage, honor, and readiness to help and protect the weak. 6. A knight traveling in search of adventures in which to exhibit military skill, bravery, and generosity. 8. Any person of the class of farmer or farm laborer. 10. The quality of not being afraid, being able to face danger. 11. A spirited riding horse. Down 2. A young man who served a medieval knight as an attendant. 4. General excellence, right action and thinking, goodness. 5. A combat with lances between knights. 7. High regard or great respect given, a keen sense of what is right and wrong. 9. An inevitable outcome that the future will bring. ! 11! Director’s Note First, let me say thank you for bringing Appalachian Young People's Theatre to your school! Without you, the audience, there would be no live performance. I hope you enjoy our show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The American Alliance for Theatre and Education's Theatre In Our Schools (TIOS) campaign is designed to help promote theatre for youth at all levels all across America. Public Relations, advertising and publicity are used in every aspect of life to promote ideas and to impact people. The Theatre In Our Schools campaign is meant to use all of these means to positively affect Theatre In Our Schools by making the various publics aware of the positive impact that theatre has in our schools. Visit AATE online at: or 10 Simple Ways to Incorporate Theatre into Your Classroom Integrating theatre into your classroom can be a great way to get your students more engaged in the curriculum and build teamwork and community in your classroom. If the idea seems a bit daunting, remember that theatre doesn’t have to mean putting on a play; here are some activities you can use to bring elements of theatre into your classroom and even into other subject areas! Click on the items below for more detailed explanations and to help determine which activities are most appropriate for your class. Don’t forget to make use of the many resources available to help you provide quality drama experiences to your students. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Encourage Creative Project Options. Play Classroom Charades. Read a relevant play. Give oral reports in character. Remember that drama isn’t just acting – use sound, lighting, or costumes in your classroom. 6) Assign letter or journal writing from the perspective of a character or historical figure. 7) Use non-verbal teamwork activities to form project groups or as part of a lesson. 8) Plan an Immersion Day when students can dress and act like they are immersed in a specified story, place, time or event. 9) Create a “tableau” or human sculpture of an important event or moment in literature or history. 10) Create and perform a Movie Preview about a topic or event. ! 13! ! Presents The Adventures of Don Quixote By Steven Fogell Appalachian State University Department of Theatre & Dance Spring 2014 Directed by Teresa Lee Costume Design by Emily Candelario Set and Props Design by Teresa Lee and the A.Y.P.T. cast Cast Alonso Quijano/Don Quixote………………..Ian Lawrence Aldonza/Dulcinea………………………Taylor Anne Wade Kendrick/Sancho……………………..Christian Underwood Innkeeper/Rocinante………………....……..Sloane Hickson Loretta……………….………………….…Courtney Adams Antonia/Knight of Mirrors……………….Carmen Lawrence Production Staff Stage Manager………..……………………Melody Marshall Tour Manager………………….…..…………Luke D. White Special thanks to Derek Gagnier, Elaine Hartley, Mike Helms, Alice Neff, & Matt Tyson ! 14!