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Production: Factoria d’Espectacles
Screenplay and Direction: Tricicle
Performing: Antonio del Valle,
Benjamí Conesa, Fedor de Pablos
Technicians: Paulino Méndez,
Claret Casañas, Roc Ibañez.
Passeig de Gràcia 20
08007 Barcelona
Tel +34 933 174 747
Fax +34 933 180 806
distribution: [email protected]
international sales: [email protected]
The chair is and has always been an
indispensable object in the odyssey of humans through
time. Ever since its discovery (one assumes in some
prehistoric era replete with natural phenomena and
now-extinct animals), the chair has accompanied
humans beings in the vast majority of their endeavors.
Tricicle have been making audiences laugh
without words for 25 years now. The trio
themselves class their humour, which others simply
and affectionately call "Tricicle-humour" due to
its unique quality, as theatre without text or textless
theatre. At the outset, the group performed on
the street, moving on to local neighbourhood
theatres and, at present, they usually play at
thousand-seater-plus venues. They mainly perform
nationally, but after several international tours
they are familiar with the national monuments
and cuisines of a good part of the globe. What
can we say then about their humour? It is based
on gags. The surprise factor is a fundamental
part of their performance. They are masters of
absurd humour. They are the heirs of comic
greats such as the Marx Brothers and Jacques
Tati. You can indeed say many things. But the
most important thing is that when the show
ends, their audiences leave the theatre with a
smile on their face and the sensation that for
almost two hours they have put their personal
problems to the back of their minds. The company's motto is "To hear the
Although Tricicle usually produce a new show
every four years or so, there are still a good
few cities that have still not been able to
programmer the company. Though famed for
their fast-fire delivery, the three-strong company
has still not mastered the art of ubiquity.
For this reason, in 1989 Tricicle created a
sister company to honor international
commitments. The award for best foreign show
in France, and the Estrella de Plata prize in Mar
de Plata, Argentina vouches for the quality of
In 1998, Tricicle recreated the sister company,
and the group's second formation has been
performing successfully ever since, with revivals
of past hit-shows such as SLASTIC, EXIT,
TRICICLE 20 and in 2006 SIT.
TRICICLE-2 is the visible proof that Tricicle's
humor is based on script and performance
quality as opposed to individual caricatures
that, in the case of many other comedians, are
just simply impossible to transfer.
This timelessness can currently be seen both
nationally and internationally in the form of this
sister clown companies that have already
presented the shows in China, Portugal, Peru,
Austria, Tunez, Switzerland, France, Italia,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany…
The chair is and has been a privileged witness to peace
treaties, mouth-watering feasts, congenial conversations,
sensational shows, tough trials, long waits and passionate
love affairs.
The chair has also been a co-star of Tricicle's on countless
occasions, present in gags and sketches from previous
shows such as Slastic, Exit or Entretrès (Three for all).
Today, we have chosen the chair as our focal point, the
main character, the central inspiration for our new
SIT tells the story - the history, of the chair, its different
uses and the everyday situations in which it finds itself,
from its invention to present day. It is a story told by a
series of fictitious characters known as the Chairwoods.
The Chairwoods belong to the saga of the very first
hominids to use the chair, not just to sit down and rest
upon, but also in the context of many other interactions
such as the fact, for example, of being seated to watch
a theatre performance. At the same time, the Company's
intention was to create a show in which the chair's
aesthetic nature and its functionality turn it into a partand-parcel character of the performance.
Tricicle have created a show in which humor is explored
through scenic and aesthetic interaction within the
framework of their unique theatrical approach to
everyday situations - a formula with which the audience
can readily identify themselves time and time again.
The chair is and has always been an
indispensable object in the odyssey of humans through
time. Ever since its discovery (one assumes in some
prehistoric era replete with natural phenomena and
now-extinct animals), the chair has accompanied
humans beings in the vast majority of their endeavors.
Tricicle have been making audiences laugh
without words for 25 years now. The trio
themselves class their humour, which others simply
and affectionately call "Tricicle-humour" due to
its unique quality, as theatre without text or textless
theatre. At the outset, the group performed on
the street, moving on to local neighbourhood
theatres and, at present, they usually play at
thousand-seater-plus venues. They mainly perform
nationally, but after several international tours
they are familiar with the national monuments
and cuisines of a good part of the globe. What
can we say then about their humour? It is based
on gags. The surprise factor is a fundamental
part of their performance. They are masters of
absurd humour. They are the heirs of comic
greats such as the Marx Brothers and Jacques
Tati. You can indeed say many things. But the
most important thing is that when the show
ends, their audiences leave the theatre with a
smile on their face and the sensation that for
almost two hours they have put their personal
problems to the back of their minds. The company's motto is "To hear the
Although Tricicle usually produce a new show
every four years or so, there are still a good
few cities that have still not been able to
programmer the company. Though famed for
their fast-fire delivery, the three-strong company
has still not mastered the art of ubiquity.
For this reason, in 1989 Tricicle created a
sister company to honor international
commitments. The award for best foreign show
in France, and the Estrella de Plata prize in Mar
de Plata, Argentina vouches for the quality of
In 1998, Tricicle recreated the sister company,
and the group's second formation has been
performing successfully ever since, with revivals
of past hit-shows such as SLASTIC, EXIT,
TRICICLE 20 and in 2006 SIT.
TRICICLE-2 is the visible proof that Tricicle's
humor is based on script and performance
quality as opposed to individual caricatures
that, in the case of many other comedians, are
just simply impossible to transfer.
This timelessness can currently be seen both
nationally and internationally in the form of this
sister clown companies that have already
presented the shows in China, Portugal, Peru,
Austria, Tunez, Switzerland, France, Italia,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany…
The chair is and has been a privileged witness to peace
treaties, mouth-watering feasts, congenial conversations,
sensational shows, tough trials, long waits and passionate
love affairs.
The chair has also been a co-star of Tricicle's on countless
occasions, present in gags and sketches from previous
shows such as Slastic, Exit or Entretrès (Three for all).
Today, we have chosen the chair as our focal point, the
main character, the central inspiration for our new
SIT tells the story - the history, of the chair, its different
uses and the everyday situations in which it finds itself,
from its invention to present day. It is a story told by a
series of fictitious characters known as the Chairwoods.
The Chairwoods belong to the saga of the very first
hominids to use the chair, not just to sit down and rest
upon, but also in the context of many other interactions
such as the fact, for example, of being seated to watch
a theatre performance. At the same time, the Company's
intention was to create a show in which the chair's
aesthetic nature and its functionality turn it into a partand-parcel character of the performance.
Tricicle have created a show in which humor is explored
through scenic and aesthetic interaction within the
framework of their unique theatrical approach to
everyday situations - a formula with which the audience
can readily identify themselves time and time again.
Production: Factoria d’Espectacles
Screenplay and Direction: Tricicle
Performing: Antonio del Valle,
Benjamí Conesa, Fedor de Pablos
Technicians: Paulino Méndez,
Claret Casañas, Roc Ibañez.
Passeig de Gràcia 20
08007 Barcelona
Tel +34 933 174 747
Fax +34 933 180 806
distribution: [email protected]
international sales: [email protected]