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estled between the Santa
Monica mountain ranges and
the Pacific Ocean, Pepperdine
University’s Fine Arts Division allows
for students to further their performing and visual arts studies and careers
at one of the most beautiful campuses
in the world. The liberal arts university background gives students
that unique experience of becoming
a well-rounded scholar alongside
their musical, artistic, or theatrical
expertise. Students have the option
of complementing their studies at
one of Pepperdine’s six international
campuses through Pepperdine’s
renowned international programs.
Pepperdine Fine Arts graduates leave
empowered as global citizens ready
to become the stimulus for change in
multiple facets of the creative realm.
The Theatre Program at Pepperdine University focuses entirely
on undergraduate training. The
program consists of approximately
75 enrolled majors across five different emphases: Acting, Directing,
Technical Production & Design,
Theatre & Music, and Theatre &
Media Production. With the average
class size of 12 students, the program
curriculum allows for in-depth personal attention, focused training and
class discussions, and well-informed
faculty feedback, as well as a strong
camaraderie among students.
© 2013 by Carnegie Communications
Four major productions, a
fully staged opera, and a season of
student-directed projects are put on
each year, giving students an array of
opportunities to get hands-on experience beyond the classroom. Aside
from the main stage productions
and classroom experiences, studentled organizations like the Pepperdine
Independent Entertainment (PIE)
and the Pepperdine Improv Troupe
(PIT) provide additional creative outlets for students to further cultivate
talent and become a part of the community. These various opportunities
best prepare Pepperdine Theatre
students for the professional industry, while also giving them the most
enriched undergraduate experience
Pepperdine has two state-of-the-art
theatres, in addition to a lab theatre,
a recital hall, and practice rooms
for student performances, classes,
and rehearsals. You can explore the
technical aspects of these spaces at
Pepperdine Theatre faculty
members are committed to training,
encouraging, testing, and ultimately
challenging each and every student in
the program to achieve a higher level
of artistry. Pepperdine Theatre faculty
members thoroughly understand
the potential for live theatre to serve
as an agent of social change. Hence,
students leave Pepperdine aware of
their purpose as theatre artists, ready
to serve their communities through
meaningful, high-caliber performances and prepared to lead their peers
in creating art that has the power to
change lives, hearts, and minds.
For more information go to http://
The Music Program at Pepperdine
University seeks to provide its
students with a unique opportunity
in music performance, theory, and
conceptualization, near one of the
most prominent musical settings
in the United States—Los Angeles.
Music students at Pepperdine study
with distinguished faculty, top studio
professionals, and preeminent concert
artists, including members of the Los
Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, the
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the
Los Angeles Opera Orchestra, and
other leading professional musical
ensembles in the region. Annually,
professional-level opera and musical
theatre productions are staged, as
well as recitals, concerts, and master
classes, to provide students several
opportunities to engage in performances at the undergraduate level,
alongside their curriculum inside of
the classroom. Over the past decade,
Pepperdine University has continued to emerge as one of the nation’s
leading private universities and has
been recognized for its reputation
for an outstanding music program
that allows its students the chance to
pursue a liberal arts education within
a conservatory environment. Students
also have the unique opportunity to
further their educational experience
with the Heidelberg Summer Music
Program at Pepperdine’s Germany
campus. Through personal mentorships in all areas of performance,
music education, and music composition, Pepperdine celebrates an impressive record of successful graduates
who have gone on to pursue careers
in the music industry, performance,
or have matriculated at top-tier graduate programs around the world.
For more information go to http://
The Studio Art Program at Pepperdine University combines a community of dedicated faculty and excited
students with cutting-edge facilities.
The department is large enough to
spark creative dialogue and small
enough to allow the faculty to
provide personal attention to each
student. Students will graduate having developed the necessary skills
and knowledge to create, exhibit,
critique, and publicize their own
work, making their futures as artists,
graduate students, or any number of
other options possible. These skills
are learned through numerous exhibitions in diverse venues, including
the world-renowned Frederick R.
Weisman Museum of Art, located on
the Malibu campus of Pepperdine
New this year are a number of upgrades to the Studio Art Department
facilities, including a completely
new Mac lab to accommodate the
digital arts, a metal shop, and a new
wood shop. Both the drawing studio
and the printmaking studio have
been completely updated, as have the
senior studio spaces, given to every
art major in their fourth year.
The art curriculum prepares
students to be leaders in the everexpanding field of visual arts. The
department reflects the integration of
diverse media and modes of production in the art world and provides
students with opportunities to develop an art practice that is truly innovative and unique to their personal
vision. Courses focus on techniques,
creative development, and theoretical
understanding. A large array of class
options in the digital arts, graphic
design, painting, drawing, sculpture,
and photography are available.
For more information go to http://
Art History
The Art History Program at Pepperdine University prepares students to
be leaders in the global, connected,
and dynamically changing world
of the 21st century. Our students
examine art in its historical context;
assess art and the field of art history
critically and analytically; master
research, writing, and presentation
skills; and foster community engagement in art through outreach and
education. By examining works of art
from multiple perspectives, students
develop an appreciation for diverse
cultures and the vital role that art
plays in human expression across
time and space.
The Frederick R. Weisman Museum
of Art on campus offers exhibitions
of historic and contemporary art by
internationally recognized artists
and also offers students a chance to
gain firsthand experience in museum
Our students are encouraged to
spend a summer, semester, or year
exploring art abroad in one of our
renowned international programs.
With Pepperdine campuses in the
United Kingdom, Italy, Germany,
Switzerland, China, and Argentina,
and special programs in many other
countries, Pepperdine art history
students can take full advantage of
studying original works of art in
their cultural contexts.
For more information go to
arthistory. v
address Seaver Office of Admission,
24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu,
CA 90263-4392 phone 310-506-4392
e-mail [email protected]